Given the immense success of the series, it was inevitable that a third installment would already be in development.
According to CVG , we have learned that the new entry will be a direct sequel to ACII. In other words, Ezio will return as the main character and the game will be designed by the same team that handled last year's gem (which has just topped 6 million sold, by the way). Essentially, ACIII will be a "follow-up" to ACII and it just might arrive a lot sooner than you expect; they say the expected release date is before March 2011. Said Ubisoft CEO Yves Guillemot:
"We have a new Assassin's Creed that we expect will be a very high quality product that as well as an offline component will have a multiplayer component. It is the same studios because it's not only one studio creating the game, but an association of studios and they are working together to make it happen."
Of course, we're quick to notice the addition of a multiplayer component and those who have enjoyed Assassin's Creed for the stellar single-player experience might be concerned. But considering the enhanced storyline in ACII, we have to believe that the developers won't skimp on the single-player in the slightest. And we're glad to have Ezio back; that dude is a bad-ass.
One game that I don't see multiplayer working right but well see. Seems every game is adding MP now a days, even those that prove they are great single player experiences.
There is a very strong chance that when they include the multiplayer, it will be AMAZING. NOTE: Assassin's Creed in multiplayer, just think for a second, imagine the different games you could play with this game. It has so much potential for a great multiplayer experience. Stuff like: Assassinate the target – whoever kills the target first wins the round, Deathmatch of course and killing other players silently is just Awesome! Picking up and delivering the package – just catch the opponent before he reaches the line.
I am glad they putting in the multiplayer because I just think that this will turn really good. I think Ubisoft is heading in a great direction for this, just think of all the possibilities for having multiplayer in Assassin's Creed.
I agree, but I think mp will be working better with inFamous, where moving around is just so much more fluid, and easier. Getting Ezio to move where you wanted him, too, was like driving a truck, and was especially frustrating during missions.
Last edited by Shams on 1/15/2010 11:20:02 AM
I like that idea of Deathmatch especially if the other person doesn't show up on your radar and vice versa. Though it may drag out if it's a large city (Venice) but still, it'd be a fun experience.
I think that with all the other characters that they introduced in the second game that co-op is also a possibility. I mean considering this is a true sequel and all whether he is in the animus or not there are characters that are with him. But if it isn't I think the modes mentioned would be a lot of fun too. But what I think would be best is split-screen or online co-op.
lol, Driving a truck, THANK YOU
the only multi i can imagine is tho little mini games. like who wins the race or who assassinates this certain first, stuff like that
@flamefury42 I was thinking the EXACT same thing about the MP. A small, crowded town. 10 players trying to assassinate each other for 15 minutes. Somehow input ways to buy "info" from NPCs to figure out another players location. This could be amazing if done right.
I hope that MP won't ruin the story mode because AC has a very solid story mode, and I would hate to see it downgraded just for MP.
How long is 2? 40 hours or so?
Wouldn't be surprised if the multiplayer short changed the single player.
DVD9 you know..
Last edited by Jawknee on 1/15/2010 11:51:05 AM
So will this see Ezio into his 70's?
Assassin's Creed: Vice City
Friend gave me his copy. Have to say I don't hate it. Much has improved over the 1st one. But for the love of god fix the screen tearing!
I don't know how devs can release games with that much tearing. I would be too picky and anal about my work to release something that tears as much as AC2 does. If it's your 1st project, fine you get a pass. But 4 years has gone by since this gen has started and devs still release games with tearing. Do what ever you want with the 3rd installment just Fix the tearing!
Why is this still a problem?
Last edited by Jawknee on 1/15/2010 11:48:53 AM
I dont know why they havent fixed it yet. It gets really annoying when you are looking for feathers with eagle vision.
I know why…The Xbox360! =D
Hard to do all that stuff, for such a big game, on only a single DVD
Screen tearing has NOTHING to do with the size of the storage medium. ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.
Nor, for that matter, do most aspects of game design / performance.
Which is why MOST complaints about the "DVD gimp effect" are total BS.
Meh. I thought we'd get to see the "real" character (forgot his name, but the one going back into his ancestors memories) turn into an assassin and we'd play it in present time. Isn't the 3rd installment supposed to be the end of AC?
desmond miles
But theres still so many unanswered questions about Ezio. Like what he did after Minerva. Cant wait!!!!!!! -Baby hitler
kill baby Hitler!
You can't, not without a time machine
all ubisoft games have screen tearing:
farcry 2
prince of persia
call of jarez
you learn to live with it if you like ubisoft games lol
Last edited by dragonx_HD on 1/15/2010 12:28:48 PM
Yea, this is the first game I've enjoyed by Ubisoft. If it's not fixed in the next one I will not buy.
It's cheap and lazy if you ask me. It doesn't have to have tearing, they obviously choose not to address it or aren't talented enough to know how. Either way it's unacceptable. When games that look as good as MGS4, KZ2 and Uncharted 2 perform well without tearing, it relfects poorly on other devs who don't address it. Not worth my $60.
you didnt enjoy any of the prince of persia games? hmm!?!?
You only mentioned PS3 exclusives there, Jawknee. 😛 Still, new games always have their price dropped so wait and buy it later on instead of complaining. 😉
This isn't the first Ubi game that I've enjoyed, but its certainly the first PS3 Ubi game I've enjoyed haha.
I played every Splinter Cell game and I'll still be getting the new one on PC.
Thats cool that they are making it a direct sequel. The story really was good, and I dont think they will drop the ball on this one, even though they're doing multiplayer.
I'm glad Ezio is coming back, the duds is a PIMP.
Good. Lets hope they don't go overboard as the ending to 2 hinted at.
Let's hope they do.
What do you mean? 2012? That made the story 10x more interesting
I bet you 3 shillings that this next installment will not be labeled 'Assassin's Creed III'. Pretty sure ACIII will include maybe a shinobi in feudal Japan. Or a female in WWII? HMMM.
Ok, maybe not, but either way for ACIII we all know Desmond will be playing a much bigger role. Of course it makes sense to have a direct sequel to Ezio's story; they need to make up for him being neglected at the end of ACII.
just beat ac2 last night
first game that has ever made me question my existence as a human being
what else would you be?
You take games to seriously my friend.
Jawknee, I'm very disappointed in that response. Gaming is a professional medium of art, and to say one can take it 'too seriously' is an insult. If a film can make you question morals, humanity, meaning of life etc. then a game should be perfectly capable of the same.
Try telling that to all the 'cool' people.
I agree with you but over in NZ, gaming isn't that serious yet.
@ World,
He would probably be some type of primate. Gaming is hard to do without opposable thumbs.
ok well i didnt really question anything
but it was a trip
Well people keep saying it's better than the first one, so maybe a bargain bin pickup will be in order when the massive games slow down this year. Normally I'm against MP, but it could work for this game. Have a bunch of assassins competing to kill the target first, but no cheap stuff on the radar, you have to find out what he looks like or something.
Thank You so much Ben for clarifying for me that it's a direct follow-up to ACII, as I was really concerned when Ubisoft capitalized on the multiplayer that would be featured in this one, when they announced it.
I hope ACIII is to ACII what Uncharted 2 was to Uncharted 1; an amazing single-player campaign, with a multiplayer to boot, as in this case, AC, just like UC, is getting multiplayer for the first time.
I am at peace now :), Thanks So Much!!!
Mmm, I tend to think this is a way to create a sequel on the cheap and resuse all the Italian landscapes.
Why recreate Japan or wartime Europe if you can reuse Florence.
May not be a bad thing though because the game was gorgeous!
It looks to me that this game isn't the official ACIII, just a spin-off they're creating to end Ezio's story, leaving more room for Desmond in the real ACIII. That certainly isn't a bad thing, since Ezio was bad-ass, and I would love to continue playing as him.
Last edited by Lairfan on 1/15/2010 7:39:50 PM
I'm wondering why it will be out so quick…
I don't have AC2 yet, so I'm not sure, but could it be that they're going to use those 2 missing chapter's that they already cut out of AC2???
BOOM…they instantly have a majority of the new game already finished.
im not to sure about ac2 2… we'll just have to wait and see.
I have to say though that I take back my comment a little bit with the multiplayer but it would be awesome if they got that down. I would be more concerned on the single player experience first, THEN the multiplayer.
It also depends on how much space is left (blurays have plenty of space)for those standard dvds for the xbox 360 because it will be difficult fitting everything on those discs.
Like Victor321 said, Ubisoft should take the same approach to what Naughty Dog did. Design the single player campaign, then worry about the multiplayer. Ubisoft has a great potential for the Playstation 3 if they can just find a common ground for both consoles.