By now, Gran Turismo creator Kazunori Yamauchi has proven that he's a bona fide perfectionist. And when it comes to delivering the best racing experience available, he's not about to be satisfied with "just okay."
During a recent VentureBeat interview , Yamauchi spoke a bit about the enviable history of the franchise, along with the advancements we'll see in the upcoming fifth installment. When asked about the design process and how much of the PS3's processing power Polyphony used for GT5, Yamauchi said they utilized about 80% of the overall power. "The PS3 hardware has a very high peak performance," he said. "the better you manipulate it, the better it performs." But when it comes to launching the final product, Yamauchi says he's always frustrated at the result; thinking he could've done better:
"Every time, it’s the same for me. I am usually pretty frustrated when a version comes out. Right after the release, I think we should have done this or should have done that. A game release is not a very happy time for me. When a new title comes out, I look to the next one to fix it."
Oh, so that's why the game has been delayed! We've found you out, Yamauchi. You just can't go through that frustrating experience again, can you? Well, it has to happen eventually; why not treat it like a persistent Band-Aid…you know, just one quick motion to get it over with. Dragging it out won't help and it certainly won't help the fans. But at least you've fessed up. We appreciate that.
Related Game(s): Gran Turismo 5
all I can really say is that I hope this game is great, & I don't see why it won't be, given all the time it's took to release.
and the fact that every year auto makers have a whole new line of cars. I can see them being done with the game only to delay it so they can add the latest models in
Agree, GT5 is way behind the time so they gotta add more cars.
Though what kind of concept will GT5 provide this time?
If that is the case, then GT 5 will NEVER release since there are new cars coming out every year and Yamauchi supposedly wants to "perfect the game"…note to Yamauchi: there is NO SUCH THING as perfection. No matter how hard Polyphony Digital tries, they will never develop a perfect game. I think they are just using that as an excuse. I am seriously starting to doubt whether GT 5 will live up to expectations.
In the 5+ years it has taken PD to develop GT 5, Turn 10 has already developed two AAA racers for the Xbox 360 in Forza 2 and 3. I think there has to be a lot more problems going on within Polyphony Digital other than just trying to "perfect the game."
With the way they are delaying the game and taking so long to release the game, people won't even be as excited for the game anymore when and if it does actually release.
Gt5 is guaranteed to sell more than both of those games combined.
Forza is probably a 3-4 million seller. People who bought the first probably bought the second and third game. Microsoft is selling to the same gamers. Gran Turismo 5 is guranteed a 8-10 million seller. Even though it took twice as long to develop, but it's market is the whole world.
Yeah but the difference is Forza sucks.
i lol'd when he said AAA and Forza 3 in the same sentence..
Keep saying "there is no such thing as perfection" and you'll end up with very mediocre products.
EducAsian, you sound like an xbox fan thats infiltrated in ps site.
So you're saying forza is better?
Well I've got news flash for ya: STFU!
Triple A or not at least the fans of Forza can go pick up Forza 3 "RIGHT NOW".Although the GT fans will be able to get their GT5 on…………………………….
Oh come on, he makes a valid point. In the time we've waited for GT5, how many other racing games have been released? I remember when Forza3 was released, the guys behind it made all sorts of comments about how it was the definitive next generation racing title.
We jumped all over them about it saying GT5 would be leagues better. The tragedy is, they were right because GT5 is not here. So right now they have every claim to be the 'definitive' racer of the generation simply because GT5 hasn't yet joined the party.
It's all very well for all of us to be pro GT5, but let's be realistic about this, until the game arrives, GT5 is a name only. So for the moment Forza3 and other racing games are vying for that 'title' of best racer. GT5 will most likely be the definitive racer – when/if it arrives. But until it does, GT5 is simply a name, nothing else.
Judging by how many copies of Gran Tursimo on a console sells each time a new game arrives, your statement is way off.
I do not understand the GT5 effect on certain people. Just because the game is not out, alot of people take it way to personal and get their feelings hurt over the matter.
Don't joke about that man. Forza 3 is AAA, and a lot of people think so.
can't wait for this to drop….i've played every one in the series and i'm really looking forward to this one…… can't even count the amount of times i've played that time trial i got off the PSN..,
Thanks, Yamauchi for your honestly. I guess it's like having to give away your dog's litter of 15 pups….you know you have to let them go, but your heart keeps telling you to really keep them all.
Hmmmm, ya know what, Kazunori???
I'll bet you just took another look at your newborn baby #5 recently & decided to bottle-feed her with some added nutritional content.
So, speaking as one parent to another….
Kazunori, just hold your newborn #5 so she's is positioned over your shoulder, pat her back cover until she lets out a real good burping , and then……"let us all get on now with signing 5's new adoption papers".
Last edited by BikerSaint on 1/14/2010 10:13:28 PM
Square needs to learn from this guy.
HAHA just like Kojima!
ps3's power is something else…
Bloody perfectionism!
I think Yamauchi's perfectionism causes him alot of stress in his day-to-day life. Hard to imagine living like that. But I agree with most commenters here, just release the game already.
He has to decide between the frustration of himself or the frustration of millions of loyal fans waiting for a god damned date announcement.
80% of the Playstation 3's power… that is encouraging to the least. We know it has a peak throughput of over 2 terra flops.
That is some power under the hood; and we already know developers like Naughty Dog (sit boo boo, sit!) have still got a ways to go with peaking the hardware out… but what is important to me is the playability and realism of GT5. The crash model dynamics are also important to make it an "exciting/thrilling" experience…
I hope these delays and frustrations mean, a better game in the end…
Otherwise I will be sorely disappointed…
The biggest disappointment I have at the moment with the game engine itself is the "real-time" shadow sampling; it still looks poor on those real-time pit-based "cut scenes" the game employs between tracks/races etc… The shadowing looks awful where they fall. Many games seem to suffer this and I want to know why. For some reason these engines just can't seem to render real-time shadows properly.
Also, notice how crappy the drivers and pit mechanics move. Feels very odd, I don't think there is any motion capture applied to those models. Could just be key framed…
Saying this, the best I have seen thus far has been the shadow casting in MAG. I don't see pixelation or distortion within that environment. Anyone else notice that?
"i am home"
Last edited by Qubex on 1/14/2010 10:42:26 PM
Don't throw that 1.8TFLOP number around, it's a marketing number. Most of the large numbers surrounding console performance are.
With the best will in the world and being very optimistic you could say that the PS3 has a maximum theoretical GFLOP performance of about 640 GFLOPs/second. However, that's assuming perfect optimization of a task perfectly suited to the architecture.
In reality we're unlikely to see much more than about half that figure even if someone does an exceptionally good job optimizing their application.
But, GPU performance isn't generally measured in terms of GFLOPs because that performance is not easily applied outside of graphics operations. Nor do GPU GFLOPs really count to overall system performance.
But let's get real, these are still very large performance numbers.
Last edited by TheHighlander on 1/15/2010 3:06:21 PM
They need to give the poor guy a break, and a 2 week cruise from Tokyo to San Diego and then back again. In the meantime launch the bloody game so it's done and he doesn't have all this angst…
Honestly, are we being held at bay thanks to this individual's personal angst over perfection?
I REALLY hope not.
I still think he should be giving us information of more importance like….I dunno a damn release date.He does seems like a great guy but enough is enough.
Well if what Yamauchi says is true, then he is one very happy guy.
Perfectionism is one of the signs of insanity. Maybe Sony is going to need a crowbar to pry this game from his mad hands.
Hey at least he's thinking about us. Which is more than I can say aboot other companies. I know I'd do the same.
Yeah, I think you're on to something there….
Maybe he's got one hell of a OCD going on???
If so, he needs to step away & stop watching the game.
I'll buy the blindfold!
I suffer from CDO…..Itâs just like OCD, except all the letters are in alphabetical order, as they should be.
Nah he's just down wit opp
Most gamers I know of are suffering from COD at the moment 😛
I just had to know when the game is going to be out so I hopped into my Delorian, popped in some fresh garbage and set the date for 2011. Unfortunately, I entered 2101 instead of 2011.
Anyway, just wanted to let you guys know the PS14 is an awesome piece of hardware but they are still waiting on GT5. Kazunori's grandson says he is waiting for the perfect time to drop this beautiful game on the waiting public.
Also, Call of Duty 32 is set in World War II. Can you believe that. I just knew they would be done with WWII games by then.
Last edited by rogers71 on 1/15/2010 12:31:04 AM
I respect what he is saying!
But you cant stress it man, just give me the game already! 😉
why not just release the freaking game than fix whatever you want through patches and free DLC?
i mean seriously it would not be that bad if there was lots of racing sims out there but theres not.
NFSS and GT5P are the only places i can go to so i can get my speed fix.
except taking the car down to a local track, ive always wanted to do that.
LOL I see what you did there!
im pretty sure the game will be great ..although to tell it apart from the other top racers you will need a force feedback steering wheel with flappy paddle gear changer to get the full enjoyment from this game !!
flap pads?
o god no please stick to the good old manual and clutch.
even if i had the money i would never buy a lambo or ferrari because you have to have the stupid floppy paddle gearbox.
i dont know anyone who actually likes those things.
why have people become so lazy these days?
putting in the clutch and changing gears is so hard is it?
@Anonymous Cowherd
Not sure if you've heard it, but those flappy paddle thingies are all the rage in F1 racing. Seems like they make it easier and quicker to do the gear changes.
I double dare you to call an F1 driver lazy to their face.
Last edited by TheHighlander on 1/15/2010 10:23:37 AM
Gearboxes are becoming electrical nowadays. Just like trannies that don't have a torque converter (engaged using solenoids powered by sensors that can work more quickly and diversely than any torque converte). These "Flappy" paddle shifted cars may or may not still rely on a clutch pedal (first generation) for initial launch, then are controlled by electrical shift forks with some of the most intense syncs you can imagine. Basically, you ultimately get consistancy of a automatic with the power transfer of a gear driven trans (less drivetrain power loss) and shift speeds in the thousands of a second.
If that makes you a lazy person, you're quite frankly missing the point.
well ive never used one, but its a pet hate of many people i know.
watch topgear everyone there keeps saying they would buy the aston martin in a heartbeat if it was not for that stupid floppy paddle gearbox.
and as i said IF i had the money i still would not buy a ferrari because you have to use those stupid paddles.
they have that in F1 because the gear changes are so fast no human, nor robot could engage the clutch put the car into gear find the right revs and release the clutch.
in the time that the flappy paddle gearbox does all that, its so fast thats why they use it.
its fine for racing cars, but not for driving cars, i want the good old manual gearbox thats half the fun of driving.
thats the only reason im not upgrading my car, a friend of mine has a 100 times better car than me and is getting a new one and asked if i wanted his and i rejected only because its a auto instead of a manual.
thats how much i enjoy changing gears, i would miss it far to much.
That's what we all thought about the GT-PSP. After 5 years in the making, gamers across the globe were generally disappointed when they finally got their hands on it. While it is still a solid product, we have just come to expect so much more from this series. It is probably the best racing game on PSP, but not worthy of the Gran Tourismo crown. It might have been a super hit had the title been 'Need for Speed Pro Street PSP' 😉
For this reason, I'm glad they are taking their time with GT5. Take all you want, Polyphony, but give us the greatestestest driving sim of our lives 🙂
Aw, poor guy…only gets about 6 years to work on his damned game. Must be rough.
KY is a perfectionist. I can completely respect the man for being that way.
To take it further, he even admits it (again). How many developers would do that?
Not many, that's for sure. Then you have a studio like Turn 10, who does nothing but attack the series when he gets the chance, all the while Forza 3 looks like it won't even outsell Forza 2, let alone Gran Turismo 5 Prologue.
Ok so he is a perfectionist and he is never happy with reeasing a game. If he forgot something or thought about adding something afterwards why doesnt he just create an update patch through the PSN? seriously this is getting nuts with delays, release the thing and patch it. I'm sure its awesome now.
I don't think it's necessarily him causing the cloggage. There seemed to be quite a negative stir where ever I looked about the latest demo. Many people complained of it's lousy physics. Maybe, just maybe, the game was more geared in that direction than the prologue characteristics?
A lot of people have their opinions on this entire ordeal. I quite frankly think the best one is to walk away from it until those who are in charge of making it happen finally let us have it. Or announce when we will.
Lastly, Forza is a good game and much of what we get to hear from the PS3 side is fanboy-ism. Better then GT5? I don't know! I never played the damn game. Is it better than the NFS series? Absolutely! Don't bash the game based on what some douche says, comparing it to a game that isn't even out! That's just wrong.
The XBOX is no different than the PS3. People own it and want good titles. Just because you and I bought a PS3 instead doesn't mean you should wish them the worst of luck. That's just lame and childish.
Yeah man. You should tell that to GeneralMLD on YouTube.
Why not just jeep it cool and wait, guys? It'll be epic.