It's time for companies and analysts to view the year that was 2009, and the good news for Sony continues to flow.
Yesterday, we heard that December 2009 was the single biggest month in the PlayStation 3's history in the US and now, Sony has delivered more stats and EEDAR analyst Jesse Divnich has also weighed in with his thoughts on 2009. But first, let's go over the highlights, courtesy of SCEA:
For a final, year-ending statement, SCEA Senior Director of Corporate Communications, Patrick Seybold, had this to say:
"It’s no surprise we’ve seen PS3 units sold every month nearly double since October. We knew 2009 would be a turning point for the platform due to the new price and a content line up that is fueling unprecedented consumer and industry interest with games like UNCHARTED 2: Among Thieves. The consumer response has simply been overwhelming and we anticipate the high demand for PS3 to continue into the coming months as we work closely with retail to meet the demand. The best part of PS3’s story today is that 2010 will offer entirely new gaming experiences to consumers as we launch MAG, God of War III, 3D gaming, and the new motion controller this year. It’s never been a better time to be a PS3 owner."
Now, on to Divnich's analysis. We find that industry software sales were down a total of 10% in a year-over-year comparison, but that doesn't mean that all categories saw a decline. EEDAR's review contains some interesting notes, such as the increasing popularity of Mature-rated games. As some of you know, breaking even was the new "increase" in 2009, and sales for M-rated titles remained flat last year, which outperformed all other ESRB categories. Furthermore, Divnich adds that over the past five years, "mature games have had one of the most stable economies and reinforces a theory that whether a recession or economic boom, the core of our industry has and will continue to remain healthy." In PSXE's eyes, this result can also be attributed to the ever-rising average age of a gamer, which supposedly sits at around 35 years old at this time.
Another part of the analysis noted the sharp decline of music-based games. Worldwide sales for titles in this genre plunged 40% last year, which shows that not all types of games were hit with the same decline. The most profitable games in a tough year? The shooters, with the likes of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 , Borderlands , Halo 3: ODST , Resident Evil 5 , Killzone 2 , and Left 4 Dead 2 leading the pack. And lastly, we leave you with one final EEDAR observation:
"All too often the economy is blamed for the recent industry contraction. In reality, decreased sales in 2009 had more to do with a lack of innovation than economic recession. The growth of our industry now rests more on innovation than it ever has before, especially since non-traditional and casual markets consist of a larger share than in previous years. No longer can developers update a few maps, design some new weapons, add a few new characters, then throw a roman numeral at the end of the box and call it a “sequel”. That may work for core targeted games (Action, Shooters, and RPGs), but this strategy is not ideal for non-traditional and casual gamers."
EEDAR believes Nintendo "understands the mindset of its consumers the best," primarily because they "rarely release sequels within the same generation and, if they do, they are years apart." However, we will add that with the majority of the gaming population holding the title of "casual gamers," it's no surprise that the Wii continues to remain strong. And that's that. Was it the year of the PS3, as hyped at the start of last year? You decide…certainly seems to be.
"MAG, God Of War 3, 3D gaming, motion controller."
Yet the thing I look forward to the most isn't even on that list: Heavy Rain.
Of course not. It's not expected to sell a gazillion copies.
How about GT5? This should sell millions, yet not mentioned!!!
maybe they know something we dont 😉
How many copies will MAG sell? No one on this website are even close to buying it.
I think Heavy Rain is going to be one of those titles that sells like hotcakes but never gets the publicity it deserves.
They didn't mention The Last Guardian either. ;o
Godsman – I plan on getting mag, unlike quite a few people, I haven't joined the "shooters suck bandwagon", but I also plan on getting Heavy Rain, because it does look pretty awesome.
yep definitely year of the playstation…… got my PS3 before the christmas season and all i can say is that i have serious lack of sleep….. congrats sony… keep pushing ahead!!!!!
Lol, so now Resident Evil is considered a shooter?
Well, it does have guns 😐
Or an action game.
It certainly isn't survival horror anymore..
Well you survive horrifically that is…
RE5 was a real disappointment, and if you want quality horror you should get Dead Space instead.
I didn't like RE5, but one horror game that made me turn my PS3 off after the 2nd level was FEAR. That game is the scariest game I've ever played.
has anyone played the sirens series ?
I'm just pissed Wii music won't be coming to the PS3. I was looking forward to a port.
Was that sarcasm?
i'm guessing that totally was sarcasm…… TOTALLY!!!!!!
I knew the PS3 was doing good, but I didn't expect them to do so well in this economy. Who wants champagne?
"Worldwide sales for titles in this genre (music-based) plunged 40% last year"
That is some of the best news I've heard in years.
The sun has set on Guitar Hero, DJ hero and Rockband? At least? Really?
They killed the music genre. There was some point where they were still making new peripherals, but eventually they got too lazy, wrapped up with new DLC songs and change the color of the guitar. It's bound to fail.
Sounds fantastical, wonder how things went for the xbox 360 in comparison. 09 was and every year forward will be the year of the PS3.
What is this Wii you speak of?
Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 1/14/2010 10:25:24 PM
I picked this up on Joystiq.
-Wii: 3.81M2.11M (+202%)
-DS: 3.31M2.05M (+95%)
-PS3: 1.36M650K (+92%)
-360: 1.31M490K (+60%)
-PSP: 655K361K (+123%)
-PS2: 333K130K (+64%)
thanks for the tip Conan.
Is it my eyes or did the PS2 show a higher % increase month on month than the 360?
Sadly, most in North America are still hooked to gun-based games (Call of Dooty, Halo, etc.)
Instead of picking up real innovative games like Demon's Souls and Infamous
Anyway, was a great year
The best games come out on ps3. That's all one needs to know.
Heavy Rain, I'm staring at you!
Wonder what Nintendo and Microsoft fans are staring at…?
I dont know, Splinter Cell was delayed again, and Alan Wake still doesnt have a release date.
I'm sure the Wii fans have another Mario or Zelda in the works. I'm not sure where they are in their rotation of re-makes.
Last edited by Jed on 1/14/2010 11:00:11 PM
Metroid Prime Collection of course. Can't come up with anything else worth mentioning, really.
I heard that Sony has a DVR coming for the PS3 and I also heard that the next couple of firmware will enable Netflix streaming without the disc. Also i heard that the PSN is getting a upgrade….PS3 is on the move to the top
We did you hear all this djrilla? I better change my hearing aid soon!
"i am home"
Last edited by Qubex on 1/14/2010 10:45:22 PM
Japan is getting an adapter similar to PlayTV in Europe. No word yet for the USA. It'll probably never happen since Corporate America has such a strangle hold over power in DC.
My bad regarding spelling… my post should have read!
Where did you hear all this djrilla? I better change my hearing aid soon!
"i am home"
Regarding the stability of the 'core' audience of gamers. As gamers age they get more disposable income. Pity the poor movie studios, those disposable dollars are heading to game companies.
games > movies (unless it's with a babe)
Though, games + a babe is better than movies + a babe…
So games win 😀
Games > movies
Movie + babe > game alone
Game + babe > Movie + babe
Playing with babe > everything else…
Had to be said…
Last edited by TheHighlander on 1/15/2010 1:02:12 AM
That last observation made by EEDAR is an absolute joke.
Devs can't "update a few maps, design some new weapons, add a few new characters" for sequels for "non-traditional and casual gamers."
No kidding! Casual games don't feature those things in the first place. You can't add maps to friggin WiiFit! Bunch of analysts blinded by the casual market…
LMAO I agree. I mean even if they said the same for traditional gamers, isn't SSF4 doing basically exactly what was stated? New characters, stages and maps? LOL!
life + babe > game+ babe or movie + babe
What about Life+Babe + Movie+Babe + Game+Babe?
You kids and your new math…
Back in my day, our cars didn't have floors so we could move it with our feet, we read books via candlelight and our math was 1 + 1 = 2. None of you kids' new-fangled contraptions and "education".
But in Kojima's book, game = life.
life + babe + babe + babe + movie + babe + babe
and this years only going to be better.
well thats if they overcome their tradition of announcing games than giving them a date a year or so later than delaying them 15 million times between then.
and hopefully they can learn to be less secretive about their games.
i mean GOW 3 is due out in less than 2 months and we have seen 2 trailers for it.
i have seen more info on RAGE, deadspace 2, MAFIA 2, just cause 2 than most of sonys IPs and all of those are not due out till Q4 2010 at the earliest.
how more information can be available about a title not due out till december this year, IF its released this year, than a title thats due out in 2 months is beyond me.
My bad….the DVR thing is for Europe and Japan…but the netflix thing i saw on here:
scroll to the bottom of the page
and the PSN thing i was talking about was the paid service but not confirmed… rumored
did anyone see the new screenshot for God Of War 3
Last edited by djrilla11241980 on 1/15/2010 2:45:55 AM
They said it couldn't be done… Microsoft called them crazy… But who's at the top now? Sony!
Sony Shoots… Sony Scores!