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Sony’s 2009 Results, Complete With Statistical Analysis

It's time for companies and analysts to view the year that was 2009, and the good news for Sony continues to flow.

Yesterday, we heard that December 2009 was the single biggest month in the PlayStation 3's history in the US and now, Sony has delivered more stats and EEDAR analyst Jesse Divnich has also weighed in with his thoughts on 2009. But first, let's go over the highlights, courtesy of SCEA:

For a final, year-ending statement, SCEA Senior Director of Corporate Communications, Patrick Seybold, had this to say:

"It’s no surprise we’ve seen PS3 units sold every month nearly double since October. We knew 2009 would be a turning point for the platform due to the new price and a content line up that is fueling unprecedented consumer and industry interest with games like UNCHARTED 2: Among Thieves. The consumer response has simply been overwhelming and we anticipate the high demand for PS3 to continue into the coming months as we work closely with retail to meet the demand. The best part of PS3’s story today is that 2010 will offer entirely new gaming experiences to consumers as we launch MAG, God of War III, 3D gaming, and the new motion controller this year. It’s never been a better time to be a PS3 owner."

Now, on to Divnich's analysis. We find that industry software sales were down a total of 10% in a year-over-year comparison, but that doesn't mean that all categories saw a decline. EEDAR's review contains some interesting notes, such as the increasing popularity of Mature-rated games. As some of you know, breaking even was the new "increase" in 2009, and sales for M-rated titles remained flat last year, which outperformed all other ESRB categories. Furthermore, Divnich adds that over the past five years, "mature games have had one of the most stable economies and reinforces a theory that whether a recession or economic boom, the core of our industry has and will continue to remain healthy." In PSXE's eyes, this result can also be attributed to the ever-rising average age of a gamer, which supposedly sits at around 35 years old at this time.

Another part of the analysis noted the sharp decline of music-based games. Worldwide sales for titles in this genre plunged 40% last year, which shows that not all types of games were hit with the same decline. The most profitable games in a tough year? The shooters, with the likes of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 , Borderlands , Halo 3: ODST , Resident Evil 5 , Killzone 2 , and Left 4 Dead 2 leading the pack. And lastly, we leave you with one final EEDAR observation:

"All too often the economy is blamed for the recent industry contraction. In reality, decreased sales in 2009 had more to do with a lack of innovation than economic recession. The growth of our industry now rests more on innovation than it ever has before, especially since non-traditional and casual markets consist of a larger share than in previous years. No longer can developers update a few maps, design some new weapons, add a few new characters, then throw a roman numeral at the end of the box and call it a “sequel”. That may work for core targeted games (Action, Shooters, and RPGs), but this strategy is not ideal for non-traditional and casual gamers."

EEDAR believes Nintendo "understands the mindset of its consumers the best," primarily because they "rarely release sequels within the same generation and, if they do, they are years apart." However, we will add that with the majority of the gaming population holding the title of "casual gamers," it's no surprise that the Wii continues to remain strong. And that's that. Was it the year of the PS3, as hyped at the start of last year? You decide…certainly seems to be.

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15 years ago

there a long way from the top, they still have the wii to take over.
and i can never see that happening.

15 years ago

________, usually you say things I don't agree with, but people giving you thumbs down for stating the obvious? As mighty as the PS3 is, the Wii is just way too far ahead.

Gamer Girl Gemo
Gamer Girl Gemo
15 years ago


I will admit, the Wii is at the top… But of what EXACTLY the top of? Are we talking "Family gaming system" top of the list, or "Kick ass gaming system" top of the list…?
When you put things like this, PS3 and Wii can equally dominate in their own categories. Oh look, everyone wins! Now, for the 360… Let's give the list it dominates at the name of… "Exclusives-Gone-Multiplatform-Failure gaming systems" (Cough) FFXIII (Cough)

Gamer Girl Gemo
Gamer Girl Gemo
15 years ago

^ (In continuance to my last post) ^
I'm not looking for any flames, just stating opinion on that last part!

15 years ago

Hey guys just writting to praise all of you in this site your comments are the best. i've been reading for some time now so i finally decide to join the fun.I've actually convinced about 6 or 7 people to buy a PS3 youd be amazed at what people dont know a Ps3 can do.Those new does everything commercials helped but i think sony can do much better.This is just the begining, you ain't seen nothing yet.

15 years ago

Right on brotha!

15 years ago

Sometimes I venture and check other sites (rarely, only when linked to Street Fighter sites or the like lol), and it's amazing how no site is like this one. Here people actually act like civilized/mature people, even if they disagree.

Anyway, ps doesn't back down from anyone. It will win the marathon like it always does. The other consoles are STUCK, I can't really see Microsoft's console doing anything much beyond Gears of War

15 years ago

Same here, I've decided to join in on the fun and am gonna start commenting more. Great site really, keep up the good work. ^^

15 years ago

Oh my name is also my PSN ID and i have had my PS3 since day one. i have the 60 gig with updated hard drive.

15 years ago

You've had a PS3 since launch day? I thought the 60gig didn't come out until some time after the 40gig, so what you're saying doesn't make any sense.

15 years ago

nope the 60 gig was the launch model…. well in europe anyway cos i bought mine on launch day and it was 60 gig which may i add is still going strong!

15 years ago

The 60 gig and 20 gig were launch models.

15 years ago

agreed upon that last year was another year for the PS3. 8 titles on the top 20 on metacritic got on there last year. I think Heavy Rain might sell more than MAG, it'll definetely get more publicity (via Game Of The Year nominations, news channels) than MAG. Less than 2 weeks 'till the release of MAG, & what advertisement have I seen? None yet. Hopefully that'll change.

15 years ago

I don't know if we are being entirely fair to Microsoft here. I mean since when should releasing an inferior quality product mean you lose in sales to a competitor. Let's try not to be so biased. Plus if wii didn't have the Wii where would wii play Wii music.

15 years ago

I hate the wii with a passion, I hate the success it's having, I can't believe people still buy the piece of crap toy and I don't care what anybody says or who disagree I still hate it and I will never in a million years touch a wii

anyway good to see Sony back on top where they belong, I said it a long time ago it was only a matter of time I never once doubted them

15 years ago

Don't begrudge the Wii.

Many of those Wii (and PS2) owners will grow up in the next couple of years looking for something a little more sophisticated, and the PS3 is right there waiting for them.

15 years ago

PS4 will be out by then, Highlander. Let's hope they're smart and start saving money for it now already.

And really, Wii has it's good points. Playing Metroid with the wiimote feels awesome and I can only imagine how good the next Zelda will be. Then there are the party games you can pop in when you've got people over. Ah well…I sold the Wii to get myself a PS3 some time back and I definitely prefer the latter. 😉

15 years ago

Well, I'm buying a Wii,
(but I'm getting it used(plus 6 games) off of a co-worker for a $100(I wanted it a very-few exclusives).

Also picked up a couple of GameBoy Colors(an Aqua & Purple), hand-helds(plus 2 games & 2 carrying cases) last week for only $12. I also needed them to add into my gaming collections too.

15 years ago

Ok, I have to comment on this one. I myself, own a Wii, 360, AND PS3 (got them in that order too *money was tight*) After being able to modify my Wii and 360, and having access to just about evey game on both of those systems.

(In my opinion) The PS3 is the clear winner….I play that everyday while I leave my wife to play to 360 and let my Wii collect dust.

The PS3 is my ultimate dream system. I can do just about everything (except xchat and in-game music)The games are truely something amazing….I keep Killzone, Uncharted 2, Resistance (still), and Batman in my system in a nice rotation.

I absolutely adore my PS3, and its even better when you utilize the PSP with it…grab a PSeye and you have a mobile security system. Where ya at M$?

Oh yeah, I love how Ben not only writes excellent editorials, but he respoonds to comments. I respect that. You gentlemen/ladies have very intelligent conversations (with many funny comments as well) Keep it going!

15 years ago

Welcome to the funny farm(it's not quite Arkham Asylum yet, but we're trying) LOL

15 years ago

Actually, there are a few PS3 games that let you listen to your music while playing. I know Tekken 6, War Hawk, and Motor Storm: Pacific Riff let you do this.

15 years ago

IF the PS3 had come out at 299 in the beginning, the Nintendo Wii would not be where it is at today. I know Sony couldnt, but oh well.

End of Line.

15 years ago

But Sony couldn't afford to do that anyway. the technology was so new, Sony had no choice but to charge $599 for it, and they still had a $250 loss off each one. Now, however, they have fixed that since it doesn't cost as much to make. 🙂

15 years ago

60 gig PS3 for tha win, got mine after the first price cut in europe, one of the last ones available, and I must say that I am really very glad I spent 90% of my money on it. Anyways, I'm with Roach on the fact that PSXE is one great community.
Playstation will dominate 2010, cyaz all on my next comment, goodnight to everyone, even though it's not near night for some of you.
Peace *double taps chest with fist*

15 years ago

@ Jed, Cheers 4 the info but i think the percentages on the ps3 and 360 dont quite tally up. And in Europe, the 60gig ps3 was the launch unit