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Beyond Good & Evil 2, I Am Alive: “Always In Production”

Sometimes, a company executive is forthcoming enough where multiple headlines can be taken from one interview.

We just told you about Ubisoft's focus on their new Ghost Recon installment, info courtesy of a GameKult interview with Ubisoft France CEO Geoffroy Sardin. But there's another juicy tidbit buried in that translated text and it should temporarily satisfy fans of Beyond Good & Evil . Way back in 2008, we saw a teaser trailer that confirmed the existence of BG&E2, a long-awaited sequel to one of the PS2's most acclaimed titles. But a year later, we hear the project is on indefinite hold and ever since then, we've heard nothing from Ubisoft. But in that interview, Sardin was asked about both I Am Alive and Beyond Good & Evil 2 and he replied that "both are always in production." If that's the case, shouldn't we see new details and/or media for these games some time soon…? I Am Alive is another project that popped up quite some time ago, than disappeared off the radar. We're awfully interested in learning more but at this point, it's a frustrating "wait-and-see" situation.

Beyond Good & Evil certainly deserves a sequel, as do other PS2 classics that have withstood the test of time. Personally, I kinda want a remake of The Mark of Kri

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15 years ago

I Am Alive seems to have good potential. I can see a game like that being a lot of fun. Ordinary people doing extraordinary things. I always enjoy stuff like that.

15 years ago

Thanks Ubisoft, thanks! Why are you the only dev/publisher who really does what the people wants to buy?

Would you kindly share your knowledge with Square Enix, please?

15 years ago

um am i wrong in thinking that if most of ubisofts games are still in production or being delayed what are they going tho release this year? .
(Wii games dont count).

15 years ago

They bleached Jade (in the trailer)….retarded

Anyway, loved the first one

15 years ago

I really want to see a ps3 version of The Suffering, now there's a game that needs a sequel. Who do I send a request to for that game?
Never played 'Beyond Good and Evil' so can't really comment on the original sequel.

SirLoin of Beef
SirLoin of Beef
15 years ago

I agree. That would be awesome. I loved playing that game when it came out.

15 years ago

@frostface The Suffering would be badas$ on Ps3.

15 years ago

thats the only game i did not have the guts to finish, it just scared the crap out of me.
it seriously fu**s with your head!
i think they did a sequel on the ps2 though cant remember what it was called.

14 years ago

The Suffering 2: The Ties That Bind… I think.

SirLoin of Beef
SirLoin of Beef
15 years ago

This is good news. I played the original when it was released on the Xbox and thought it was an awesome game. I always thought it should have a sequel.

15 years ago

I loved to first 'Beyond Good & Evil', and I'm really happy that a sequel is back on track. It was one of the most underrated titles of last generation.

15 years ago

I've been waiting for I Am Alive for what seems like forever. I hope we see more at E3 2010.

15 years ago

I have the 1st BG&E in my collection, & I'd be really glad to see a second one made(plus seeing "I'm alive" done too)

But I think CEO Geoffroy Sardin's interpretation of "both are always in production" means "holding pattern"

I'm hoping I'm wrong, though!!!!

15 years ago

i have the first beyond good and evil on my ps2 shelf, unopened…lol i bought it and never got around to playing it. i'll definetly have to give it a go before the sequel comes out.
and i think the suffering had a sequel already. although i can't think of the name of it. i think it was the ties that bind or something. maybe im wrong.

15 years ago

Unfortunately in the Gaming world 'Wait-and-see' can go from months to years.

15 years ago

Yes, Duke Nukem and now, GT5! 🙂


"i am home"

15 years ago

I have never heard of this game, "Beyond Good and Evil"… will do some background research on this title… is it an FPS?


"i am home"

15 years ago

Action/Adventure (platform) hybrid.

It's like the Jak series

14 years ago

…only good. ;P

15 years ago

I never finished BG&E but I was just recently thinking about I am Alive, hope it turns out to be awesome possum. I want info at E3 too.

15 years ago

Hey Qubex,

Here ya go man….

Beyond Good & Evil is action-adventure game, that combines elements of a stealth-based game too.

BTW, it came out around 93, & was supposed to be a trilogy. And it was designed by the guy who did the Raymond series

PSX's original review of the 1st one

PSX also has 12 Screenshots of the 1st one here

Here's Beyond Good & Evil's official website

Heres also a lot of info here at Wikipedia too…

15 years ago

OOPS, a typo in my info above…
I meant to say that it came out in 2003, and not 1993

15 years ago

yup always in production just like GT5, alan wake, splinter cell conviction, duke nukem forever, LA Noire, max payne 3, dead to rights redemption, 8 days, the getaway 3, DRIVER, starcraft 2, desus ex 3 and so on.
now i know why they called i am alive exactly that.
because people are constantly going to be asking if its been canned or if its actually coming out.
i miss the good old days where games were announced, given a date and released on that date.
now its announce a game, give it a date than delay that date 15 million times.
its starting to get REALLY FRUSTRATING!

14 years ago


Mark of the Kri and Rise of the Kasai were classics.

Is the team, BottleRocket, even around anymore? Didn't they close once Namco yanked the new Splatterhouse from them? I don't know why Sony didn't buy that talented developer up.

14 years ago

Rise Of The Kasai just needed some way to control your partner (co-op, Ace Combat 5/Battlefront-style commands, swap between characters) because the partner AI was painful.