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Amazon: GT5 Launches In Europe On September 30?

Okay, now that we know Gran Turismo 5 has been delayed in Japan, we have to keep trying to dig up evidence that points to the actual release date…for any region.

European site PS3Gen says they've received an e-mail from Aamzon (presumably the European branch), which provides a ship day of October 1, 2010. Previously, we had learned that GameStop's US launch date was November 2, so perhaps a fall release is coming into view, here. You can check if you wish but we already have; the North American branch is apparently behind the times and still lists GT5 with a March 31 release date. As for Sony or Polyphony, we only have word from SCEE, which confirmed the Japanese delay yesterday; we've heard nothing concrete since that time. There is the possibility that given the huge PlayStation 3 exclusives slated for the first quarter, Sony may have been looking forward to the holiday season with glum faces. Perhaps they needed something to fill a void there, so they decided it should be GT5. Remember when series creator Kazunori Yamauchi said it's almost entirely up to Sony, that they could finish GT5 whenever they wanted…?

That may have been jumping the gun a bit on his part, but it also might not be far from the truth. The PS3 enjoyed its single biggest holiday season ever last year and it was due in large part to Uncharted 2: Among Thieves . Maybe Sony just wants to insure that another big exclusive title is in place for the PS3, come the 2010 holidays. Just a theory.

Related Game(s): Gran Turismo 5

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15 years ago

Seems like Amazon and other online retailers have long stated release dates that turned out to be false. I'll start to believe a specific release date when it comes directly from Sony, especially for GT5.

15 years ago


15 years ago

Keep thumbing me down for saying "Gran Turismo Forever" 🙂
At this rate, they might come in a bundle.

Solid Fantasy
Solid Fantasy
15 years ago

@ Imephisto:
I hoping for the GT5 / DK Forever / FFversesXIII
triple combo pack.

15 years ago

@Solid Fantasy:

Where can I pre-order that, pal? 🙂

Banky A
Banky A
15 years ago

Which one is DK Forever?

Solid Fantasy
Solid Fantasy
15 years ago

Whoops. D"N"Forever. (Duke Nukem Forever)

15 years ago

I agree, I am not overly worried about the release date of this game; reason being is I will be waiting a few months after it is released anyway to purchase at a descent price.


"i am home"

Mr Bitey
Mr Bitey
15 years ago

I think the delay was most likely a strategic move. GT5 should have it's own month.

It doesn't make sense for Sony to have MAG, Heavy Rain, White Knight, GoW3, The Show, and GT5 all competing against each other. Plus all of the huge 3rd party releases.

September sounds like a reasonable time frame.

15 years ago

That's a very good point. But alas, it won't stop people from being unhappy about it.

15 years ago

I like optimism. Please continue, perhaps you can shake my pessimism.

15 years ago

But I don't want any of those games. I want GT5.

Delay one of the others instead Sony.

Sir Shak
Sir Shak
15 years ago

This means close to nothing without an official statement .

Last edited by Sir Shak on 1/14/2010 10:56:07 AM

15 years ago


Hard for me to continue caring. GT5 will be amazing, and I'd love to play it sooner, rather than later… but… the way it's going, I;ve pretty much resigned myself to the attitude "I'll play it when I play it."


Banky A
Banky A
15 years ago

Isn't that our attitude to any game?
Especially if you plaaaay it on day 1.

Haah 😉

15 years ago

I just meant my anticipation has been strangled to death.

I've been waiting three full years for White Knight Chronicles, and now that the game is ONE MONTH away, I have to make a conscious effort to be excited. GT5 is in the same boat.

Still, Day 1 purchases for me. 🙂


15 years ago

Well, since we know it's delayed, an autumn release seems more plausible than a summer release.

I still don't care though. This is precisely what several people said would happen a few months ago. Delayed again. Last spring we were all speculating that it might release in the autumn 2009. Then the news of the PS3 slim and PSP Go came along and we learned that the PSP version would launch with the Go. Cue the speculation of an October 2009 release of GT5. Well, that came and went without announcement so everyone figured on a holiday release.

After a while so many cynical thoughts form about this. GameStop's November 2010 date looks quite possible now, if Europe gets the game in September, then why not November here in the US?

Whatever. I'll believe I when I see it. I'm sick and tired of the whole saga, it's almost as bad as the continuing FFXII crapolla. PSP owners waited 4-5 years for GT on the PSP, and we got an inferior product. It'll be darned near 4 years when GT5 hits the PS3, why am I scared now?

15 years ago

You have nothing to worry about when it comes to GT5. Why? Listen to what I have say. We have, since GT4 came out 5 years ago, been treated to many several games that have the name Gran Turismo.

Gran Turismo HD – Nothing more then GT4 on the PS3. Something to get the fans imagination going about what GT5 could be.

Gran Turismo 5 Prologue – Like all previous Prologue's, something to for the GT fans to enjoy. Allows transferable garage to GT5.

Gran Turismo PSP – Some dislike it, but all in all, it was GT5P on the PSP. Sure GT mode was missing, but the game features 800 cars and 35 tracks. Once again, everything you do here, is transferable to GT5.

Gran Turismo Time Trial – Graphics were not up to GT5P's standard, but we were treated to an impressively realistic physics engine, and for those good enough, a chance of a lifetime.

Each one has offered nothing more then a hint of the goodness that is to come, yet still maintaining secrecy of what GT5 is. With GT5P and GT PSP, I honestly believe that they were nothing more then a game for the fans, and BETA of sorts. People gave feedback a plenty on forums such as GTPlanet, and it seems that PD has listened.

– PD has opened a secondary studio for the near secret online funtionality of the title.
– They have listened to US customer demand of damage modeling.
– PD has secured the license's of WRC, SuperGT, NASCAR, and now IRL. KY has stated that many more manufacturer deals are in place and for the future.
– The oft-rumored track editor is mentioned in the the Motor Trend interview, and in the Time Trial demo, you can see an X and Y axis grid around the Indy track. To a CAD operator as myself, I see a grid in place for pre defined blocks.
– For the first time ever, a car can be visually customised.
– 1000 cars. Modeled inside and out. Enough said.

If there are features that you, or anyone else has has not seen, please look at it as a game of poker. When Gran Turismo made it's debut in 97, they were a genre first. Fast forwarding to 2010, it would be foolish for KY and PD to show their hand, especially when GT5's competition has nothing more then 2 pair.

I just picked up OPM with GT5 on the cover, and I am even more convinced on the genre defining experience that is heading our way in 2010. If you have yet to, and are a fan of all things GT, I urge you do so. I hate to be cliche, but good things come to those that wait.

Last edited by maxpontiac on 1/14/2010 7:52:09 PM

15 years ago

Yes, I know all that and have played all of them. However I am also aware that the game was said to be ready for release any time, in October (or was it September?) of 2009. I'm aware that we have been awaiting definitive information about a release for two years, and have experienced delays several times. Now this.

I'm sure it will be all very nice when (if) it arrives. But for now, I am disappointed and annoyed that Polyphony/Sony can't get their act together sufficiently to launch the game.

15 years ago

It's still annoying that a game that might've come out in 2009 now will barely make it out before 2011.

15 years ago

It's more than annoying my friend!

15 years ago

Kazunori Yamauchi rented Death Race last week, and after watching the movie he thought "Well, know that we have damage models in GT, I might as well add this!" and there you go, another GT5 delay. The REAL real Driving Simulator, coming 2011.

15 years ago

A Fall release makes no sense to me. They are delaying it, supposedly to avoid the crowded spring season this year, and pushing into the crowded fall season? Thats not going to help at all. Release it in the middle of June. Nothing major ever happens in the summer and many people like something to do to stay out of the heat. Dont delay it just to push it into another busy month.

15 years ago

what else is coming out in the fall?

15 years ago

Idk, but theres bound to be many games cramming in for the holidays.

15 years ago

I have no problem with Sony delaying a title because of a busy release season. The next few months are going to be insane with all the AAA titles releasing. I just have a problem when retailers speculate and give specific dates on when such titles might be released.

15 years ago

the only release dates that are relevant are the ones officially released by Sony. Until then this is just another case of a retailer throwing out a random date.

15 years ago

I just canceled my pre-order. I wanted a game, not a soap opera. If it comes out next Christmas, fine; I'll ask Santa for it. But I don't see any reason to believe it will be released then, it'll probably just be delayed again. And again. By the time it comes out other games will have advanced to the point where GT5 will look like a last gen title in comparison.

15 years ago

I almost have to agree with you! I still think it will look like a dream but, your probably right!

Banky A
Banky A
15 years ago

Okay then…

15 years ago

Its gonna be one hell of a game.

Last edited by IronFace2 on 1/14/2010 12:02:47 PM

15 years ago

As of now I'm going to make believe that this game never existed.If some day I see it on the store shelf I'll gladly pick it up but I will not continue to follow this Vaporware in the making.

15 years ago

Im pretty much over it! Same goes for FF13.

The only games I can count on now are Heavy Rain, GOW3, and possibly MAG. Wont be getting Bioshock 2 for awhile since im in the middle of the first one, with DMC 4 to finish still and The Fallout 3 expansions still.

15 years ago

Really wanted this Summer to be GT-based…

Oh well, it's still not an OFFICIAL release date, so I can still hope.

If it's true though, it means we'll get more content*

15 years ago

This is driving me crazy but i still hope for a summer release too.

Last edited by jlch777 on 1/14/2010 1:32:19 PM

15 years ago

I'm telling you guys GT5 does not exist, it's a myth

15 years ago

Let's see… GT5 is supposed to come out on November 2nd. My birthday is November 2nd. Can anyone guess what I will be asking for?

The only thing I am worried about is the possibility that I might start getting arthritis before the game is actually released.
Oh well, I guess I can watch my son play it.

15 years ago

Well if it DOES come out this fall, then just look on the bright side….

Soon you can dust off that brand new steering wheel you threw into the closet last fall, and start getting yourselves all hyped up for racing those brand-spanking new-fangled 1958, 1959 & 1960's Ford Edsel's that everyone's talking about.

BTW, I also hear that in the future, GT5 intends to include DLC for Chevy's upcoming new 2-seater sports roadster, called the Corvair.
And I've also been told that Corvair's standard model will be packed with a million and one safety features.


15 years ago

You are a bad, bad person. Edsel indeed! Ha!


Banky A
Banky A
15 years ago


Banky A
Banky A
15 years ago

Was just keepin' it real and short. I love GT too much to worry.

15 years ago

At this point I'm starting to doubt that I still have the skill set to play this game as competitively as I once was able. I have enjoyed this series for so many years – however since I haven't logged any time with the franchise for literally years – I wonder if it will all come back to me or if I'll fall on my face. Especially if the 'time trial' is any indication – I have yet to complete a lap that didn't make me look and feel all kinds of ineptitude for my defunct driving skill in the GT universe. Now DiRT (1&2) are all kinds of fun – yet they are night and day when compared to how competitive I get in regards to GT.

15 years ago

This makes sense. Why would Sony want to completely front load the year with pretty much all of their big titles? Save GT5 to be a holiday season knockout punch and keep the steady stream of AAA titles coming throughout the year. Good move (and I'm happy they're not CRAMMING it into March when I'm already going to be swamped with FF XIII and GOW III.)

15 years ago

o please enough with these "supposed release dates"
my heads spinning a mile a minute!

14 years ago

The director of "The Exorcist" was just here looking for you.