We know the PlayStation 3 had its best holiday season ever – 3.8 million units sold worldwide, a 76% year-over-year increase – but Sony has more to add, saying December was one very big month in more ways then one.
According to the latest batch of statistics sent from Sony, December 2009 was the "single highest selling month for PS3 hardware and software since it launch in the US;" a total of a 90% leap in hardware sales and a 60% rise in software sales. Not surprisingly, the biggest titles of the month were Uncharted 2: Among Thieves , God of War Collection and LittleBigPlanet Game of the Year Edition. Of that aforementioned 3.8 million number, 1.7 million were sold in North America, and the PlayStation Network also enjoyed its single highest revenue month as well. Perhaps fittingly, the most activity on the Network was found on Christmas Day. Currently, there are now over 670 games available on the PSN and according to recent estimates, there are about 38 million registered Network accounts, which is a pretty damn impressive number for just over three years. Lastly, the top downloads of December were revealed; Final Fantasy VIII topped the list with PixelJunk Shooter , Final Fantasy VII , Resident Evil 3: Nemesis and Resident Evil 2 rounding out the top 5. Yes, December was a momentous, landmark month for the PS3 and they remind us to look forward into 2010, when they expect to gain even more ground on the competition.
Exclusive software really is starting to make its mark this generation, and in looking at the first quarter of 2010, one would have to think that Sony's machine once again has the advantage.
Nice! And it's only going to get better. ;o
Instead of relying on one exclusive to be a system seller, why not release multiple to please everyone, now that is a very good idea.
The PS3 not only does everything, it has EVERYTHING, ranging from shooters to fighting and then platforming.
You name it you got it.
Last edited by Naztycuts on 1/14/2010 8:11:11 AM
Definetely starting to look better for us, & worse for the competition. Ubisoft delayed Splinter Cell Conviction for the fourth time until at least April. Get's me thinking….
It's obvious Splinter Cell can't compete with FF, FF is simply too big to pass on.
Even from all the bad news we heard bout it, FF will still sell like "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows".
Splinter cant compete with FF! Smart move by the opposition. I just wonder if GT5 will make it out in March. As much as I want it to come out sooner SONY may have been listening when some of us asked to spread the exclusive love throughout the year. Dont let em breathe.
FF(XIII) isn't a PS3 exclusive, y'know.
…no duh? We're not talking about hardware here, talking about software when it comes to FF and Splinter Cell. If FF was exclusive obviously Splinter Cell wouldn't care since it's only on 360
Good to hear that finally the better system is getting its recognition, and the better software, exclusives, network offerings and on and on and on. We will make the USA a Playstation nation once again people.
USA a Playstation nation?
Are you saying that you're betraying your own company Microsoft by supporting the Japanese?
It's death penalty for you!!
Oh wait, you are death itself because you have the scythe.
I agree with you 100%.
BTW, love the new avatar.
@Snaaaake. Ive debated this in my mind so many times. Love our USA and love to support in any way I can. But as a consumer I just cannot afford to have that Red Ring around my neck anymore!
Ill take the Scythe!
Last edited by FatherSun on 1/13/2010 10:31:04 PM
haha, thanks my friends, yup I got the scythe and I'm takin' it to MS's throat.
"We've got your back" in this fight!!!
Sony for the knockout, in round 4……
er……I mean, year-4
@ World
are you having an identity crisis? I swear that is like the fourth avatar you've had this week.
I have an identity crisis every day, but well I changed it to Chev Chelios a couple weeks back, caught some flak, changed it to squall, wasn't edgy enough for me, but I'm hyped for Dante's Inferno so I changed it to that.
If you want to count my personalities you don't have enough fingers brother 🙂
So it's more than seven?
I'm a Joker, I'm a Smoker, I'm a midnight Toker.
Sweet. The ps3 is finally getting the attention is so righly deserves. I had no idea that so many people were waiting for the price drop. Congrats SONY.
Speaking of avatars, Jed, yours is pretty awesome! 🙂
Yeah I gotta agree – that is one flippin' sweet avatar. I love Conan.
Just noticing that your new Conan avatar looks like he's some a long lost brother of the Joker's. LOL
That's cool!
Last edited by BikerSaint on 1/14/2010 12:33:47 PM
Conan ftw
Im so eager to know the current ps3 sales numbers. Im guessing 32-33 million including last year?
I agree with you Snaaaake, but I was thinking more along the lines of using more time to do a well-done port & decrease the time between the 360 release & the PS3's release.
Wow did I really just do that? *serious face*. Sorry guys…
Do what now?
It's the ps2 all over again, good job Sony
Never had a doubt in my mind. Even at the steep launch price it held its own regardless of the headstart of the competition. And all this with almost nil on advertising up until the release of the SLIM. (I still call it the STEALTH model. It just sounds more sophisticated to me).
PlayStation is getting its MOJO back. Excellent Exclusives. Neverending Network. Historical Home. I can see SONY consolidating all its assets and dominating once again. I have a feeling its going to be a great year.
Lastly, let us not forget all the PS2 owners who have not upgraded as of yet and the few who have strayed only to realized that they miss the DARKSIDE will only add to those numbers.
Last edited by FatherSun on 1/13/2010 10:22:55 PM
it's only cuz microsoft went back in time and stole sony's mojo. But the good guys always win.
@ World
I thought I double posted, because after I posted the second comment I forgot I was responding to Snaaake, & then I posted a sorry, which was pretty much for no reason.
lol, no more drugs for you 🙂
If that was just December, I can't imagine what GT5 and GOWIII will do
Last edited by Scarecrow on 1/13/2010 10:40:18 PM
"just december"? i thought december was a huge month for anyone, not just gamers.
The cheap and easy 360 got off to a quick start and climaxed prematurely, leaving ones with a unfulfilled, empty and dirty feeling inside.
The superior PS3 took its time, teasing us with its superior equipment. It kept pounding away slowly at the market, until no one could stand it any longer. The PS3 has revealed itself as a master of ecstasy!
Damn…..I need a smoke now.
Lol Hezzron!!!
"i am home"
And here I thought that I was the only one having sex with my PS3.
HA, I was ready for ya this time!!!!!
(I already coffee-proofed my monitor) LOL
Last edited by BikerSaint on 1/13/2010 11:37:08 PM
Jed you must have a slimpenis
Hez, hopefully you left money on the nightstand after that.
It varies from day to day.
Yea for SONY!!!!!! It about time people started paying attention to the machine that isn't trying to rape their wallets and ruin the gaming world (not totally true but I thought it sounded nice).
Anyway I am glad that Sony had a good holiday season and I think it will only continue through Q1 with all of the amazing games coming out: MAG, White Knight Chronicles, Heavy Rain and God Of War III (that's just the BIG exclusives). The stellar multipats should also boost sales: Dante's Inferno, Army of Two and of course Final Fantasy XIII (even despite the recent news articles). Sony is looking at a huge six month span where they could just dominated they headlines (Oct-Mar). At the rate they are selling I could see them hitting that 13 million for the fiscal year that they predicted back at E3 and if not there should at least be YOY gain, which would be around 11 million and that not to shabby.
my dad was one of those new ps3 owners in december. i had to go there and set it up for them. downloaded some stuff and helped them understand what to do. its good to see ps3 is doing well.
All that's left is GT5.
Oh no, there will be much more fantasticness to come.
I had a PS3 before it was the cool thing to do.
love the conan.
History shall three-peat itself…..
PS1 = #1
PS2 = #1
PS3 = #1
see what happens when you lower a products price to a reasonable level?
and they dont really have any well known IP sequels out besides R&C.
imagine what will happen when GOW3 comes out and what will happen if GT 5 comes out 😉
God of War Collection was one of the biggest of the month? Ok. Wow. That is some amazing news. Long live good gaming.