We know the PlayStation 3 had its best holiday season ever – 3.8 million units sold worldwide, a 76% year-over-year increase – but Sony has more to add, saying December was one very big month in more ways then one.
According to the latest batch of statistics sent from Sony, December 2009 was the "single highest selling month for PS3 hardware and software since it launch in the US;" a total of a 90% leap in hardware sales and a 60% rise in software sales. Not surprisingly, the biggest titles of the month were Uncharted 2: Among Thieves , God of War Collection and LittleBigPlanet Game of the Year Edition. Of that aforementioned 3.8 million number, 1.7 million were sold in North America, and the PlayStation Network also enjoyed its single highest revenue month as well. Perhaps fittingly, the most activity on the Network was found on Christmas Day. Currently, there are now over 670 games available on the PSN and according to recent estimates, there are about 38 million registered Network accounts, which is a pretty damn impressive number for just over three years. Lastly, the top downloads of December were revealed; Final Fantasy VIII topped the list with PixelJunk Shooter , Final Fantasy VII , Resident Evil 3: Nemesis and Resident Evil 2 rounding out the top 5. Yes, December was a momentous, landmark month for the PS3 and they remind us to look forward into 2010, when they expect to gain even more ground on the competition.
Exclusive software really is starting to make its mark this generation, and in looking at the first quarter of 2010, one would have to think that Sony's machine once again has the advantage.
I'm guessing because it had the GoW3 E3 demo. Or maybe because GoW is just plain awesome.
It'll be a wise move on Sony's part to spread out their blockbuster exclusives over a period of 6 months or so.
Firstly, it stifles the competition. Other companies would not want to release their games along with those blockbusters. But if these gigantic releases keep coming every 45 days or so, they'll totally squash the competition.
Secondly, by the time their current blockbuster list comes to an end, the juggernaut will start rolling for the likes of Killzone 3 and Uncharted 3, and gamers who have not yet come in to the light will have even more itching to do so.
Me and my ps3 fat CECHH01 are so happy together. Sure I had to open her up once and replace the blu ray assembly when she was one month out of warranty but it was fun and we got to know eachother.
My xbox 360? Had to open that beast up and fix the tinker toy heatsinks every other day.
That thing died on me more times than the Highlander. It is currently dusty, closet candy.
Now that developers are (finally) giving the ps3 the love it deserves, it just feels right.
There can be only one
Good to see and hear. I agree with World we will be a SONY nation again 🙂
can someone please send these fingure to SCEE in the hope that the PAl regions like myself in the Uk might actually get to be able to buy RE2 and FF8 off the PSN store instead of winnie the poo and friends ps1 disney classic.
This is the kind of news I like to hear. The better console is finally getting some love. I know Microsoft is relieved to be closer than ever to putting the xbox 360 to rest for good.
So… with these results, I was the only person who didn't receive anything PS3 related on Christmas 😀
Oh well, that's what happens when you get old and poorer.
Happy New Year, Sony. Make us proud in 2010.
Do you think that Sony will get the hint by looking at that top 5 PSN downloads list? You know… the hint that say four out of five of those titles are Playstation Classics? Bring on more PSOne games, Sony! =D
hello …
PS3 rules ….
i've been buying a lot of games too on PSN (flow + addon (nice) / flower (must try it, but know will love it) / Crash commando (hehe!) / .detuned (0O^) / linger in shadows (hummm…) / etc .., disc based just added inFamous & GOW Collection to my small heu .. collection 😉
I must now find time to play & finish my older games (AC1/Batman1/etc..)
yes, SONY owned the end of 2k9 … Now 2K10 will be the year of the PS3 😉 ….
OMG, i need to rob a bank … ha!
How long will it take for you to take that scythe of your current personality up to M$' headquarters, cuz' I don't want any crappy fagbox to Playstation ports to come out anymore.
I'm really wishing those 360 people get those dam wheels spinning up in their domes, so they can make the right choice and get a PS3 for gods sake.
P.S: Can't wait for the GoW trilogy edition pandora's box thing, now hoping they'll do the same thing when Kingdom Hearts III comes out.
Maybe I'll cut a swath through some xboxes on my way to headquarters, leaving every sad little boy with a PS3 slim to cheer him up as I continue on my journey 🙂
What a long strange trip it's been.
I've had my PS3 for a few years now. It's been an amazing ride, watching the PS3 and PSN grow into what they are now.
I've been incredibly happy with my PS3. It's nice to see the system finally get the credit it rightfully deserves.
Mohawk grenade!
Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 1/14/2010 11:13:16 AM
Everytime I see numbers like this, I can't help but wonder how the system would have sold if the price point of the PS3 was much lower from the beginning.
Last edited by maxpontiac on 1/14/2010 10:56:22 AM
Man when I first bought my PS3 back in 2008, I never really paidd attention to the Xbox 360. Then I started looking for games to buy, and then I saw that the Xbox had alot of highly rated exclusives, so I thought I made a bad decision, even though I could play games like Bioshock, Fallout 3, Dead Space, and GTA IV on PS3. But then I started researching their exclusives and it seems like most of them were these colorful shooters with these Star Trek stories (lol), except for Gears. So I wasn't really mad, but then Sony started pumping out exclusives like nobody's business, on top of that, they already sold me on MGS4. But PS3 exclusives have some much variety and none of them fit into the same class. Infamous, MGS4, Demon Souls, Uncharted 1 and 2, Killzone 2 and now soon to be GOW III, GT5, Heavy Rain, and Last Guardian. Each experience has been different and I can say PS3 has given me an experience that I would of truly missed if I bought and Xbox. Demons Souls has to be the best game I have ever played.
Last edited by FM23 on 1/14/2010 4:01:46 PM