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Early Medal Of Honor Preview Says It’s “Slick And Smooth”

If there's one franchise in desperate need of rejuvenation, it's EA's Medal of Honor series. But everything we've heard really is pointing towards a return to quality, as the new iteration this year will be set in modern-day Afghanistan, with one entire team dedicated to the single-player campaign and another team dedicated to the multiplayer element.

But it gets better. According to CVG citing a recent preview in GameMasters magazine, this new installment is "slick and smooth" and the Elite Ops levels akin to those found in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 will be enhanced by the edition of "huge-scale Sledgehammer campaigns." The latter is apparently more similar to EA's Battlefield franchise, which may set Medal of Honor apart from the reigning Call of Duty . Executive producer for the ambitious new MoH, Greg Goodrich, says you might "surprised by how some of the enemies respond to you, both in terms of tactics and the weapons they use." Co-developed by EALA and DICE (who of course is responsible for Battlefield: Bad Company ), Medal of Honor is a major project and one that is getting a lot of internal attention. The key may be a definite separation from CoD, although that may not be necessary, considering Treyarch's plan to produce a new Call of Duty set in Vietnam (or so the rumor goes). Furthermore, Infinity Ward has already said they're not going to do a third Modern Warfare . But even so, MW2 will reign supreme online for a while and to get people to buy another military shooter, you'll have to be something special.

And that's exactly what EA expects MoH to be: something pretty darn special. We have confidence in the designers, certainly, but we'll have to see some in-game footage before we make any predictions.

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15 years ago

The true to life aspect of the singleplayer game has me excited.

I am not expecting anything on the multiplayer side of things.

15 years ago

Anybody know what engine is being used?

15 years ago

6.2L V8

15 years ago

haha, good, I couldn't get on board with a V6

15 years ago

And you say MW does nothing new. It's given every other dev a freakin' heart attack! They're all desperately trying to emulate the success of MW all the while pretending to be "set apart from" it.

Gimme a freakin break. Just release your MW clone and be done. Stop trying to pretend your FPS is the new king.

15 years ago

Got to agree with you there, MW2 gave FPS makers a stroke.

15 years ago

MW2 still isnt original. Its done nothing new! Oh and it uses auto-aim! 😉

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 1/12/2010 11:46:41 AM

15 years ago

So does KZ2

15 years ago

I thought a patch killed the autoaim in KZ2?

15 years ago


You should know by now i have no qualms with MW2 in fact I love it. That was a joke more or less. Those are the arguments people present most when claiming MW2 is a bad game thats why i used them.


I believe you are right. Although I havnt played KZ2 since the last Map Pack was released. But Auto-Aim doesnt bother me and i hardly realise its there. So wether or not KZ2 had that patch before or after the last time i played it, i wouldnt know the difference to be honest.

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 1/12/2010 2:27:16 PM

15 years ago

@ bigrailer19 – I should have caught that joke… I must be getting old.

As for auto-aim, neither game has it per say. It's more of an auto snap to target when you zoom. If the target is moving there's nothing "auto aim" about it. KZ2 was patched because people could abuse the auto-snap targeting with the shotgun to make the bullseye follow your opponent like an auto-aim.

Both games are great and I'm sure MoH will be great too. For those who like this type of thing of course.

15 years ago

MW2 uses auto-aim?

lol not on pc

15 years ago

I just remember it snapping to the targets in KZ2, then not doing it after a patch. I was playing MW2 over the weekend and didn't notice if it snaps to them or not. Anyone else notice how much faster you are in the PS3 version of MW2 versus the 360?

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 1/12/2010 3:59:59 PM

15 years ago

MW2's SP campaign has auto-aim…..the online MP doesn't.

15 years ago

Well all i will say is im no Call of Duty fanboy like i used to be and for me to buy another shooter i want a superb campaign. Ive seen what modern warfare can do and i know games can expand on that. Altho moh has had more of a dramatic experience in their campaigns and i feel more attached to the characters like in rising sun. Im not saying call of dutys bad at it cause i was pretty pissed at shepard haha.

15 years ago

My favorite part about MW2 is spec ops, I only wish that they would have allowed you to play with random people online like pretty much every other fps game, instead of forcing you to invite a friend.

15 years ago

Hope its good as it sounds…

15 years ago

Im more excited about MoH than any COD, and the reason being is Medal of Honor Front Line is what got me into FPS. Ive been playing MoH long before COD and they are always great! Even Airborne in my opinion was excellent.

The fact they are using seperate teams is both good and bad! Naughty Dog did an excellent job with the MP in UC2 making it feel like you were still playing the SP which is awesome for a game like UC2. On the other hand it lets both teams focus on one aspect and completely polished on both ends (hopefully).

Should be a good game!

15 years ago

Frontline was the sh#t .Totally agree with yah,Modern Warfare was the first call of duty game I played.havent really gotten the chance to play the previous ones.hope this new MoH will bring the franchise back to life.

15 years ago

Looks like MW is going to resurrect the MOH series. Too bad EA couldn't figure out how to fix their own franchise. Now they're gonna look like wannabes.

15 years ago

I love frontline, best MOH game. Can't wait for this series to come back.

15 years ago

Since I'm a single player only, I'm kind of glad to hear that 2 different teams are giving it their all for both SP & MP modes.

If done right, then both groups of gamers can have the very best of both worlds, instead of watering down the game in one mode, just so they can pump up the other mode. And then hopefully, each of the SP/MP modes will be longer than just a few hours in length for any one mode too.

15 years ago

Would be nice, but I do believe it'll still be affected by the DVD gimp effect.

fuk u
fuk u
15 years ago

this game is going to be sik ive been waiting for a new MoH for sometime….

15 years ago

Lets just pray this one can be awesome!!! I don't care that much for the others, but this one looks pretty sick!.

15 years ago

I forgot about MoH Frontline, that came really was great at the time. Then the franchise kinda fell off apparently. I personally can't have too many options for good shooters so hopefully this turns out…good.

15 years ago

Aw heck if it wasn't for MOH:FL I wouldn't have thought about COD in the first place, MOH was the first time I played a FPS and that was on ps2

15 years ago

I never played through Fronline (I never owned a PS2) but the first MoH was one of my favorite games on PS1. I was pretty disappointed with Airborne, so I hope this will rejuvenate it. What interests me in this is it's supposed to be based on real events. The whole stopping the Russians thing in MW2 doesn't make too much sense to me since we're 20 years out of the Cold War.

15 years ago

hmmm i can think of 10 series in need for a reboot.
1 mortak kombat.
2 need for speed.
3 crash bandicoot.
4 SYPHON FILTER. come on sony WTF? this was THE BEST! title available on PS1, and is the best title on PSP.
it was sonys halo killer so they skip the ps2 and ps3 and release only 2 titles on the PSP.
WTF? if syphon filter for thw PS3 is not announced at E3 this year im going on a murderous rampage!
5 pandemonium.
6 oddworld.
7 toomb raider.
8 GTA.
9 prince of persia.
10 twisted metal.
give me a few moments and ill come up with a extra 20.
i really could not care less about MoH, we have had, and have more than enough war games im seriously sick of it.
be it WW1, WW2, the cold war, Vietnam, modern combat.
i seriously could not care less.
the only shooter games i want are cop games like stranglehold or max payne or team based co-op games like army of two.

15 years ago

I have to disagree with you about need for speed! Need for Speed shift was excellent. I do think though they should bring the free roam back to soem extent i always had fun with that! Just runnin from the cops to see how many i could get to chase me was the best!

15 years ago

yea, when you think about it NFS shift was a reboot of the series.
i loved NFSS finally a decent sim to tide me over till GT5 was out.
not to easy, not to hard just right.
though, what i was referring to is NFS needs to go back to its roots, what made it famous.
the cop chases.
thats why hot pursuit is and allways will be the best NFS series out there.
why EA have not released a new one is beyond me, all the fans are begging for it, there sales were down hence them bringing their best criterion to the party.
i guarantee need for speed hot pursuit 3 would sell better than whatever criterion is making now.
i love burnout paradise so i want criterion on that OR BLACK 2!!!!!!! but it looks like thats never going to happen so i say let criterion do another burnout game and let the others do NFS HP3