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Qriocity: Sony’s New PSN Service For Multiple Products

When we learned Sony had filed a trademark under the name "Qriocity," we were interested to know what it might be.

Well, according to PlayStation LifeStyle , this is Sony's attempt at delivering PSN ID services to other Network-enabled products. This would include their Bravia HDTVs, VAIO PCs, and Blu-Ray players – watch the video through the link – and Qriocity will also test your Internet connections and gives you a "bandwidth optimized" version of the movie you intend to stream. That's just one of the features this service will likely boast and if hints from this year's Consumer Electronics Show are accurate, Sony will roll this out some time next month. Lastly, you will log in to Qriocity by using your PSN ID; each platform with which you utilize Qriocity will let you create multiple PSN accounts for different levels of access. The only question that will undoubtedly be important to all those looking to save a little cash this year, is whether or not this will be a subscription service or a pay-per-movie type deal. Sony has often said they intend to continue to stretch the boundaries of the Network and last year, they said we can expect this expansion to hit other Sony products in "Spring 2010." This seems to fit.

By the end of this year, you'll likely be seeing the PSN just about everywhere. And yes, playing online will remain free, despite the addition of premium services.

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15 years ago

this seems cool, but unfortunately I don't own any other sony products except a PS3. I may have an old walkman around here somewhere.

15 years ago

As I said before earlier on the first thread about this, I see what you did Sony….

Nice play on words there!

Qriocity = Curiosity

15 years ago


15 years ago

unless it's a city for cryonically preserved bodies, Qrio-city.

15 years ago

Or "queer-ocity." It's a bit of a stretch, but still.

That was a bad call on the name.

15 years ago

Catchy yet strange. But I can see someones Qriocity sparked as they watch their TV and see the PSN just calling out to them. Just hope the Qriocity doesnt kill the cat.

15 years ago

That's worse than Xross Media Bar

fuk u
fuk u
15 years ago

there is going to be a catch….

15 years ago

we cant go thinkin like that we need to be optomistic and believe in sony since they have already provided us with many great gadgets and systems thus far

15 years ago

So basically Qriocity (curiosity as noted by BikerSaint) services will be paid and/or subscription based. But regular PSN services associated with the PS3 and online play remain free. Just as the level heads said.

I hope that the more easily panicked folks take note of this for future reference, since the panic about paid services was clearly unmerited.

fluffer nutter
fluffer nutter
15 years ago

You would think they would take note but there are still going to be those yelling at the sky, throwing up their hands in an uproar.

15 years ago

the day we dont have a group of people in an uproar will be the day im elected president of the world muahaha which will probably never happen lmao 🙂

15 years ago

Actually, I think Microsoft might be throwing their hands up in horror. Sony is pushing out a fully integrated solution that covers their BluRay players, HDTVs, PCs, and game consoles. Sony is heavily involved in the 3D entertainment push, and has 3D in the PS3, BluRays and HDTVs.

No one else – NO ONE – in the consumer electronics industry has the reach that Sony has nor has anyone brought services like these to the market. This really ought to be a "Wow!" moment.

15 years ago

But…But MS is still coming out with like, ya know, Natal and Milo and stuff. *sucks lower lip*

15 years ago

i actually think that rave about natal will fade and very quickly how much fun can any1 have talkin to a tv ( well a program really BUT lets be serious) it sounds pretty lonely to me and besides like ive mentioned to others ms has a problem on their hands wen it comes to voice recognition since there are so many accents in this world as well as slang

15 years ago

Regarding Natal.

Regardless of the technical difficulties in speech recognition, natural language interpretation, coping slang and accents, not to mention gesture recognition and coping with all sorts of lighting conditions and physical limitations of customers….I still question one major element of Natal.

Why did they pick a young boy to be the avatar representation of the system itself? Apart from the creepy factor there is the obvious point that most male gamers between the ages of 12 and 200, would have picked a system avatar who is entirely more female and between 18-25 years old.

I'm just not sure what the point of Natal is. Am I supposed to befriend this thing? Is it an agony Aunt? Is it a companion for only children? What the hell is it?

15 years ago

it seems like we are all going to be stuck asking ourselves these questions….it might just be ms tryin to show off what they can do but that wont get them far lmao

15 years ago

Please do not sleep on Natal. They are taking the PSEye technology to the furthest reaches of the galaxy. If M$ is to be believed that is. But seriously, I dont think it will save the word but it will make an impact and it will only be enhanced in the future. Combine that with M$s marketing prowess and the mainstream will eat it up. SONYs motion controller is perfect for our Gaming needs but once again it will be for us gaming elite. SONY tell 'em we can already do these things. Been there done that.

15 years ago

yea the only thing i can say about natal is looking a little bit…o idk stupid. Ha i mean i wouldnt feel so stupid using a controller to imitate using a sword or something but just kinda wacking at mid air and all would be kind of embarrasing to do infront of friends unless your a younger kid.Geuss just really have to wait and see how it turns out. Sorry my post dosent make too much sense ha all im saying is it looks pretty corney to me

15 years ago

I don't get it. It does what? "PSN ID services?" You mean streaming? Something the PS3 already does? Why pay for that?

fluffer nutter
fluffer nutter
15 years ago

Wait it out. We don't have all of the details just yet.

15 years ago

My understanding is that it gives you PSN access without needing a system. So you can access PSN right on your TV or laptop without streaming from a PS3.

15 years ago

so then its pretty much a direct movie downloading service? if i have a Sony TV, its not like I'm going to download Fat Princess on it without an actual PS3. Not much else to do on the PSN that doesn't involve games, unless they add some PC-only games for it, which would be interesting.

Last edited by Superman915 on 1/11/2010 2:36:44 PM

15 years ago

It means anything secured by your PSN ID. In other words anything authenticated by PSN security.

It means that their new HDTVs, BluRay players and PCs will be able to access Sony's network and content, but that instead of creating a completely new network for that, they are extending the reach of the PlayStation Network from PS3/PSP to include those other devices.

So a customer with a new network enabled Sony HDTV would be able to create a PSN account and access paid content from their TV whether they have ever used, or even own, a PS3 or not.

This isn't about making PS3 owners pay for something they already have, it's about expanding and extending the PSN to cover other devices than the PS3/PSP. It's about extending and expanding the PSN based content and services beyond console based gaming.

15 years ago

Thanks for the replies guys. So basically it's Sony's answer to Netflix? I don't see any other content on PSN being useful to Bravias or Vaios than the Movies and TV shows.

I guess it doesn't really matter for us Canadians anyway. It's not like the PSN has TV and Movies here…

I do feel for the Americans though. This news most likely means another $99 at Target.

15 years ago

Well that sounds very interesting for what it has to offer, can't wait to hear more about Sonys premium service and fees.

15 years ago

As long as what's free now continues to be free. I only see good coming from this. I'm not convinced to buy yet, but I'm all ears.

15 years ago

It should be cheap and convenient, otherwise it can't fight the piracy market. I prefer a monthly subscription to unlimited movie watching.

15 years ago

this is exactly what i look forwrd to!!! a monthly fee to stream as many movies as i want it beats having to download movies on my pc just to put on a usb to transfer to my ps3 even though thats free

15 years ago

iTunes fought the piracy market and won. Anything is possible.

15 years ago

Alien, iTunes has been successful despite the pirate market. And the large market share it has is a fraction of what the music market was 10 years ago.

15 years ago

I think Sony is still working on a PS3 oriented premium services offering. This offer is more to bring the PSN to Sony's other family of products.

15 years ago

Now this definitely makes me Quirious! PSN spread out across multiple devices. What's to say that SONY cannot implement its CLOUD computing service along with this and provide access to it PSN games! No PS3 required? At least for the smaller games. Magic "ORBZ" on a Bravia? Zen Pinball? Has the GIANT awakened as I have mentioned before? Or as the song goes.. "Is it Just My Imagination.. Running Away With Me…."

15 years ago

Great insight.

15 years ago

This is kinda cool. Just hope it doesn't get out of hand, or we're gonna have Teminators trying to kill us.

15 years ago

well the day that happens u best believe i will die fighting clones of arnold swartchinegar lmao ( all in Vain)

15 years ago

You know, considering the amount of computing power packed into even entry level BluRay players and HDTVs, it should be no problem giving such devices the ability to play PS1 games. I'd bet that PSP Minis are also doable on most hardware as well.

If Sony BluRay players, TVs and PCs have BlueTooth connectivity, want to take a bet how long it takes for them to announce that Sixaxis compatible controllers will work with Qricity enabled devices allowing access to PS1 and PS Mini games?

I'd also bet that the themes and wall papers will work nicely also. And, since even the TVs can play back MP4 and MP3 based content and generally have a flash memory port or two, I would not be surprised to see Qriocity services including themes, wall papers, music, video downloads and streaming and PS1 and PS mini games. Because BluRay players and TVs have limited local storage it also makes complete sense to offer cloud based storage of various things including user files like game saves.

Think about it for a minute. Forget the PS3 and PSP, ignore all PS3 and PSP specific games and think about all the other content on the PSN. None of that (including PS1 games) is beyond the capabilities of any of the PCs, BluRay players and HDTVs being made today.

I think you're right about the Giant awakening. However, they don't need cloud computing for any of this, the CPU power in the HDTVs and BluRay players is more than enough for the majority of the content on the PSN, except for the PS3 and PSP games. I think the only things on the PSN currently that none of these other consumer electronics devices could cope with are PS3 games (both full games and PSN games) and PSP Games. I actually think that the PS Minis will work as well. The fact that PS Minis can be played on the PS3 as well suggests that they are either not running natively on the PSP or PS3. If that's the case, then whatever virtual run time environment they run in could easily be embedded in the new devices from Sony.

Last edited by TheHighlander on 1/11/2010 3:36:38 PM

15 years ago

Are you saying they would have us playing PS1 games by streaming them? HDTVs tend not to have hard drives.

15 years ago

well it wouldnt be a surprise if they began making hdtvs with a huge built in hdd but that would cost more money but hey its a new world we always ready to try new things and sony hasnt dissapointed….well atleast not to me

15 years ago

HDTVs don't have HDDs….neither do PSPs.

Most (if not all) new HDTVs come with flash memory interfaces – to allow them to display phographs and video from Digital Cameras – which of course Sony also makes. Sony TVs come with MemoryStick slots. As do their BluRay players, at least the ones that meet the current 2.0 BluRay profile requirement.

Just like the PSP plays PS1 games from a MemoryStick, what's to stop the HDTV, BluRay device or PC from doing the same thing?

BTW did you know that Sony makes almost all the cameras used in making 3D TV & movies?

Last edited by TheHighlander on 1/11/2010 4:02:49 PM

15 years ago

Definitly see awesome potential. I just hope that SONY implements something like this. Possibilities are endless. Qriocity doesnt just need to be limited to what has been confirmed so far with "Video". Hope they are listening cause the competition sure is.

What I have noticed thoughout the years is that SONY innovates technology but sometimes manufacture elite products. Thus leaving the mainstream consumer out. And thats where the money is. Then here comes the Ipod and Natal. As if these companies created what they are developing and feeding it to the mainstream as the NEW thing. I see what the PSP couldve been or shouldve been, and the PlayStation Eye taken to another level. Happens all the time. Sometimes you gotta just jump in. With Qriocity they can bring it all together. SONY dont let em steal your thunder.

AS far full PS3 games I wouldnt expect or even want that thru Qriocity. It will cannibalized the PS3. Lets keep that just for us true gamers!

Last edited by FatherSun on 1/11/2010 4:26:26 PM

15 years ago

what i would like to see are the digital comics on an hdtv that would look pretty awesome

fluffer nutter
fluffer nutter
15 years ago

Connect a PSP or PSP Go to the TV and there you go. Digital comics on the big screen.

15 years ago

I cant remember seeing any TV cameras that werent SONY. I know they are just about the only cameras that are used in sports.

15 years ago

I remember when this was the big rumored happening for Firmware 3.0, they denied any such thing would exist of course.

15 years ago

There is a lot that goes into the firmware we are not aware of. It's not all just security improvements.

Banky A
Banky A
15 years ago

Interesting.. cool.
I hope this becomes somewhat a regular house-hold thing, it'll be cool to walk into somebody's house and see the XMB in full style in an electronic.


15 years ago

Will it scan my retina when I walk in the house?

15 years ago

Sony is going for it 2010 there not playing no more!… did'nt they say there going to do a music store aswell??…so basicly I Tunes but..Sonys version i hope this PSN id thing will work on my Walkman X sounds pretty interesting to see what there actully gonna do.

15 years ago

"When we learned Sony had filed a trademark under the name "Qriocity," we were interested to know what it might be."

Yes, I bet you were.