Well, perhaps it's just as well. Nobody really wants a black mark on the highly esteemed Metal Gear Solid franchise, now do they?
Even so, it's a wee bit disappointing. According to Collider.com , producer Mike De Luca says the "Metal Gear Solid" movie probably won't happen, despite his claim that everything was moving right along a few years ago. Due to a lack of a "coordinated will" and the fact that the video game companies and film companies seem to have conflicting "agendas," this ambitious project appears to be on indefinite hold. Said De Luca:
"I don’t think it’s going to move forward because I got the sense that there may not be enough of a coordinated will at this point on the side of certain parties to see a movie get made. And I get it because the problem with a lot of these adaptations is it’s such a huge franchise for the video game company. A movie can only hurt. If the movie’s great, you’re probably not going to sell more games. It’s such a separate thing. The franchise being as big as it kind of helps the movie…I’m not sure the movie does the same thing for the game."
Now, the article does make the point that if films based on games start to perform better in the box office and don't entirely piss off fans of the video game in question, perhaps this project will get back on its feet. But for some reason, we're getting the feeling that Hideo Kojima may not have liked the direction in which the movie was headed, and that may have created the first significant bump in the road. Added De Luca:
"The video game companies are very protective of their property and there are certain things a studio requires freedom-wise to market and distribute a movie effectively in a global marketplace and sometimes getting those two things to match up is really hard. And in the case of Metal Gear Solid, the agendas just…not because the parties weren’t amicable, it was just kind of impossible to get the agendas to match up."
There's some definite beating-around-the-bush and vagueness going on in these comments, as if De Luca doesn't want to come right out and explain the problem. But that's okay; it tells us not to expect an MGS movie. At least, not for the time being.
If they did make a movie would that mean that we would watch the cutscenes all over again and more but massivelly dumbed downed because otherwise we would end up with a several hour long movie?
this is a very very good news for MGS, actually MGS lives longer without a movie, this is a legendary saga that cannot be duplicated or re-write using live people, it there is a movie, then the saga of the snake is tarnished instantly. just like FF movie, so bad move.
I'll agree with BigBoss4ever (we agree on most things). MGS doesn't need a movie and I don't want no half ass actor failing and trying to be as great as Solid Snake or any other Snake for that matter lol.
@MRSUCCESS A random dude, like me and you, spend five years raising movie to make, Kojima would be proud.. THE ONLY REAL "LIVE-ACTION" METAL GEAR SOLID!
Google "Metal Gear Solid: Philantropy"
You won't be disappointed
dam, i was really looking forward to a decent stealth movie.
i guess ill have to rely on sam fisher for that then 🙁
though i hope the darksiders movie does come through, that could turn out to be a really good movie.
its about bloody time someone made a game based on heaven and hell.
i remember reading frrene and the angles.
BEST! book i have ever read.
could not put it down once i started reading, just grabs you in and really lets your imagination run wild.
another book to movie adaption id love to see is the alex rider series, now that would be a fantastic movie.
i remember they were planing to do it but agent cody banks destroyed that idea.
you bastard, im coming for ya!
The game industry should do what Marvel did and form their own studio. That way Hollywood can't say jack s**t, execpt good job. Then, the artist would have complete creative control. But then again thats just my take on things not knowing exactly how the movie making industry works.
Last edited by main_event05 on 1/12/2010 11:56:47 PM