Sony has yet to reveal the official release date for God of War III but that doesn't mean we can't make an educated guess.
First of all, it has apparently been confirmed that SCEA's blockbuster sequel will launch in Japan on March 25, and it seems entirely out of the realm of possibility that it would release in Japan before North America. For a while now, we've known that "March 2010" was the estimated release window for this region and GameStop's placeholder date reinforced that fact. But now, the retailer has attached the street date label to March 16, which changes things a bit. Usually, GameStop won't do this until they're certain of receiving the game a week or so before the intended sale date; the "street date" means they're not allowed to sell the game before that time. GameStop never breaks this rule – the consequences are too severe, if I remember correctly from my time working there – although other retailers don't ever seem to mind too much ('cough' Wal-Mart 'cough'). But the point is, March 16 seems appears to be right day if we take all the current information into account.
Obviously, nothing is written in stone until we see that official press release and the game has gone Gold, but until then, we say bank on the aforementioned date.
Related Game(s): God of War III
Nice, now there's no time for wkc and heavy rain before gow3 and ff13, plus my wife wants bioshock 2 and ac2 what the hell, there will not be enough time to play all of them.
"no time" will be a ailment ps3 users will suffer 2010 with all these great games coming out. but that's one sickness i'm willing to be afflicted with!
Even if the second half of the year is dry I will still be busy playing all these early 2010 games.
March 16… that seems so far away. And the suckiest thing about it is that I don't have holidays around that time.
Everything seems far away when you're still in school.
To me, March 16 may as well be tomorrow. 😉
Aint that the truth!!!
University, Ben, not school 🙂
It's still school.
School/University is poopy, cept for the women.
Ok this is the best news ibe heard this hour ^_^ im going to go sleep til then. Happy hibernating ya'll.
Good to hear that we have a more definite date for my most anticipated game of the year.
Q1 this year is packed schedule for me: Bayonetta, Mass Effect 2, Splinter Cell: Conviction, Heavy Rain, Final Fantasy XIII, and God of War 3…
Plus I still have to play Demons Souls, Ratchet and Clank Future: Crack in Time, Assassins Creed 2, and Dragon Age: Origins. Those games are sitting on my shelf. I put about 3 hours in AC2 and an hour into Ratchet and Clank. That's it.
And to think, I just finished Batman: Arkham Asylum the other day and I'll be done with inFamous later tonight…
Last edited by The X Factor 9 on 1/11/2010 11:43:38 AM
March 9 – FFXIII
March 16 – GOW III
March 23 – GT5!!
Lol, I'm just wishful thinking. Since Kaz did say GT5 will be finished by March, I'm still hoping for a worldwide release. If not the same day, then same month. From the looks of it, it looks like Sony is giving each of the Franchises (FFXIII/GOW III) a 1 week space. I don't know marketing but I think that's enough.
Last edited by daus26 on 1/11/2010 11:57:34 AM
Where you guys don't have time, I don't have money. And living in europe doesn't make it easier and with easier I mean cheaper…
I mean come on, GOW trilogy edition thingy which will cost around 125 euros, Heavy rain-65 euros, FFXIII-60 euros, and I'm not going to get Bayonetta, so that will at least not cost me anything. But that's still 250…
Conclusion: I need a job…or free cash(if only there was such a thing)
Still gonna try and get those games, maybe by selling ma blood.
I don't think they pay for blood anymore, sell your plasma. (Not the stuff in your TV)
Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 1/11/2010 12:34:36 PM
I defently have no time for any of my games, I have bioshock 2 and heavy rain and possibly WKC plus GOW III and now my hubby changed his mind and wants FF13 so I know their will be fighting over the system.
I know I have my UE paid for so I'll be getting it delivered the day of no matter what the date. Woot.
I think with the convoluted schedule I will have to space these games out so that I can get the likes of GOWIII on the cheaper side. Though I suppose I'll be lucky to get it at $40. FFXIII is on preorder, so I dunno if I should bother getting WKC before that and try to beat it in a month or what. But by the time XIII is done I should be able to find the others at a better price.
I still have to beat Grandia III and Shadow Hearts Covenant that I just got for PS2.
Damn, you worked at Gamestop?????
(see, I caught that) lol
He sure did. Imagine going from the BO at work to the BO at the gym? One of them had to go and Ben chose the lesser of two evils.
I need to finish paying off GOW3 I only got $16 on it
All great games but still no Demon Souls for Europe. sucks!
Id say GoW Trilogy. Things be getting tight with no job… 🙁
Dude I managed to pick up Demons Souls from a website…it arrived at my door here in Ireland within a week and as far as I know it was coming from the US…if you're interested I'll PM ya the name of the site?!!! It's actually a really great game…definitely under appreciated!
Yeah do please frostface. Weird…i live in Ireland too!
Now all i need to do is find out where i can read my PMs…ha
I sent ya a mail but it wasn't easy lol…so i'll just post the name of the site here for ya and hope that's gonna be ok to do… it's axelmusic. com
I only used them once but no complaints so far…they communicated well and the game arrived promptly…let me know how ya get on!
Will do dude! Thanks! Should tide me until GoW!
What sucks is I'm off to Thailand for 3months starting 1st of March so it'll be 3 bloody months before I get a chance to play these games. Damn it…why couldn't I of been made redundant last year instead?
PS3 won't function in Thailand, or just don't want to risk bringing it?
I'm from Thailand.
Really Banky? I have been there twice for a month each time. Had a blast!
@WorldsEnd-I'm planning on doing some travelling about here and there so wouldn't be bringing it on the trip although it'd be nice. I'll just have to get my fix watching you guys talking about what I'm missing while I'm away.
@Banky- What part of Thailand you from dude? Great country, from my own experience with Thai's they're a very proud and respectful people, of course don't get on their bad side but that can be said for everywhere can't it.
Kinda going way off topic here!
Was living in Ubon Ratchathani (I believe lol).
But now we just go to Bangkok most times we fly back.
lucky Japanese man, they get GOW3 one week, & GT5 the next! grrr.
I rarely ever buy games on release day at GameStop anymore. Too many times they tell me the street date for the game is the following day that is advertised on the official PlayStation and game website.
I'd like to know what the real reason is for their 'delay' of releasing many games.
Last edited by Nynja on 1/11/2010 4:02:37 PM
I cant wait. Have yall seen the leaked screenshots yet? If not heres the link. Hiphopgamer had exclusive access to that but in real time he said it looks wayyy better in person. He said its going to blow us away. He was speachless when he saw it.
hes speechless about anything.
sorry, just had to be said.
The Hip Hop Gamer's voice is too annoying to stand, lol. But the screen shots do look a upgraded from the E3 Demo, lol.
just to let you know ben, gamestop break street dates all the time.
they broke it for MW2, and nothing happened because mom and pop stores did it.
so if you steal a car it makes it ok for me to do the same?
sweet, off i go!
all hell will break loose if im waiting a minute more for GOW 3 than other regions.
dident GOW 1, 2 and CoO get a worldwide release?
anyway, the lady at EB today (when i picked up my copy of army of two, 2 days before street date i might add).
she told me march 25th for GOW3 so hopefully shes wrong and its out here on the 16th……… i wont hold my breath tho.
n'gai said that the graphics looks like a first party ps4 game. On top of that if you watch the speachless interveiw you will know that n'gai basically said that gow3 set the bar higher above uncharted 2 graphics. You will c jan 18 wat im talking about everyone will c.
I should really stop watching God of War things, it keeps making those months take longer 🙁
It come out April 1st, I found that out a long time ago. lol. I even got a list from Gamestop, says the regular and Ultimate edition of God of War III is set to release April 1st, and it's not even a street date, just plain 04/01/10, lol. My GF reordered God of War III Way before there was even much information out about it even and then switched it up to the Ultimate edition the day they announced it, lol. April 1st is the day ti comes out.