In all honesty, we thought this poll would be a lot closer.
But instead of the three-horse race we predicted – God of War III , Gran Turismo 5 , and Final Fantasy XIII – one title managed to leave all competitors in the dust, and it was SCEA's mammoth action title scheduled to launch this March. FFXIII didn't even manage half the votes of GoWIII and amazingly enough, GT5 actually ended up way behind, even behind the option for "some other title." …really?! "Some other title" besides the ones we listed has a better shot at Game of the Year 2010 than freakin' Gran Turismo 5 ?! Well, I guess we'll just have to let that travesty of a result slide and focus on the winner, God of War III . There's no doubt it'll be amazing and it was probably the right choice; after all, the first two titles remain two of the highest rated games in history. Plus, we just named the original God of War as one of the Top 10 PlayStation Games Of The Decade . So yeah, it certainly makes sense, especially 'cuz Kratos is such a bad-ass . And that matters.
This week's poll involves the advent of 3D gaming, which is apparently a lot closer than we all think. 3D-enabled TVs already exist and a lot more will be coming courtesy of Sony this summer, and you can expect an influx of new 3D game software, too. So the question is, will you be an early adopter of this new form of technology? Do you plan to wait and see what it's like? Or do you just despise the idea entirely? Let us know.
well, the majority of developers seemingly agree with us. I see more God-Of-War-wanna-be's than FF's or Gran Turismo's.
Well your right on one hand by saying there are lotta GOW wannabes but on the other hand, its NOT an EASY task to make games like GT5 and FF, that's why.
"Some other title" did well because for the most part all great games that aren't released a month before the awards will be forgotten. And, while a Driving Simulator CAN win a GOTY, it isn't a normal ocurrence. So far more people are disappointed in FFXIII than thrilled with it, so that leaves us with GOWIII and those of us lucky enough to have the demo know it fits the bill in every way, it's action for the twitchers, its graphics are great for the graphics whores, the gameplay is fluid and satisfying, and it is all round the most creative brutality ever seen so it should stick in people's minds all year.
Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 1/10/2010 10:44:55 PM
id say either crysis 2, half life 2 epp 3 or RAGE would take that spot, thats if there out this year.
i doubt either of those will be out this year because
1 we barley have any information on each title.
2 when asked about a release the devs have replied "when its ready"
but i really hope all are out this year, if i could only choose one it would be half life 2 epp 3 because everything valve creates is nothing short of pure gold, and half life is still the most famous shooter after how many years?
im a little worried about both RAGE and crysis 2 because RAGE is IDs first console game, and crysis 2 for consoles is being done by free radical and they dont exactly have a flawless record.
Crytek better not dumb down the PC version just so its in line with the console versions otherwise im going to be seriously pissed!
i wish both developers would actually show off their game though i mean both RAGE and half life 2 epp 3 have been announced for ages and we know almost nothing of both.
crysis 2 i can understand since it was only announced last year and were starting to see some info on that now.
PC gamer mag feb has a few pages on crysis 2 i have heard, shame its not out here otherwise id read up on it.
figures, mags very rarely get info on games before web sites, but when they do the mag just happens to not be available to me.
i swear to god im cursed.
wheres that black cat?
i could swear i ran over it last week, maybe its not dead.
guess ill have to go finish the job, as they say if you want something done you have to do it yourself.
Last edited by ___________ on 1/10/2010 11:08:33 PM
The only curse you have is pessimism.
If only you would use capital letters 🙁
That is what I said, gow has the best chance at goty next year although it is way to early to tell because like last year it may be forgoten by the next goty awards come around. And as for 3D game, i just bought a new 52" tv on boxing day so i wont't be buyint another 3D ready tv any time soon.
why all the hate?
Your avatar.
Yea, its freakin me out :p i didnt thumb 🙂
GOWIII will be epic. FF XIII will be cool, but it won't be FFVII. If I wanted a driving simulator I'd hop in my Buick and drive it. In a racing game I want one where you can blow your car to pieces and not lose. Not some realistic crap.
Why are people even excited about this 3D stuff? I don't get it, I don't need it, I won't spend money on it, and I I won't be wearing any glasses for any longer than your basic 3D movie demands, and even that makes me feel ill.
I'll have to pass on it myself. I've spent a lot of money already on hi-def gaming.
You really don't get why anybody would be excited about having this technology at home? Really? Just because there are many that don't want to spend the money on it doesn't mean that there aren't others, like me, that will want this so they can enjoy the experience. That's very naive of you.
If, and this is a HUGE "if," if 3D TVs become the norm, where you can no longer buy TVs without 3D, and somehow the LCD I have now craps out on me, then, and ONLY then, will I end up with a 3D TV.
I'm more of a gamer than a movie watcher and as far as I can see, just making games with graphics that make use of a 1080p TV is a huge undertaking for game developers. Many of whom opt to just do 720p with decent textures.
As you say WorldEnds, not too many are excited about this tech, but there will always be the crowd who will buy into this kind of thing. I just hope that when they do, they remember to pick up glasses for the whole family.
3 Words come to mind when I hear 3D games.. SEGA Master System
I understand some will enjoy this stuff, but I don't think it is naive to say that I can't quite grasp why someone would be too thrilled about a new take on some antiquated notion of entertainment. It would be as if they once again started charging people to stare into a viewfinder at a stereoopticon and called it all new.
And that just might be the problem. I'll raise my glass to those that welcome new things to try.
The only thing standing in the way of GoW being GOTY – gamer's memories. By the time December rolls around, some may have forgotten it.
Not me though. Undoubtedly it's MY GOTY and one of the reasons I bought a PS3.
Well…least i know ffxiii will be my game of the year…
And im not into the whole 3d idea too.
Imo, none of the games on the list will get it because they are released too early in the year. It seems most GOTY nominees are from the fall months.
As for 3D, NEVER! That shit makes my head feel like its going to explode. Idk if its something with my eyes (though i have great vision, depending on the test 20/20 or better) or what, but in about 5 minutes i get a blinding headache. Im ok with 2d tvs. They've worked for the past 60 years and i really dont want to see games taken over by cliche 3d crap like shovelware wii games that rely on motion controls more than gameplay. I'll stop now before i rant too much.
Last edited by NoSmokingBandit on 1/10/2010 11:15:24 PM
Maybe Uncharted 3 will take it? ;D
I agree with your first statement about when games are released. This is why I chose the last option in the poll. People don't remember what was released at the beginning of the year. They remember what came out five weeks before the calendar year ended.
@ NoSmokingBandit – You want to know what's wrong with your eyes? I'll tell you. When you watch a 2D movie you can focus on any area of the screen. When you watch a movie in 3D, the filmmaker decides what is in focus and where your eye should be looking. That's why you get these blurry ass bushes up front and some out of focus scenery in the background. If you happen to focus your eye on that nonsense you'll give yourself a headache or worse, it'll send you reaching for the barf bag.
I doubt we'll see UC3 this year. It usually takes 2 years to make a game, so i expect Uncharted 3 to win GOTY '11.
That may very well be the case. Even so, i'd rather sacrifice 3d for the luxury of looking where i want to look. Like in Avatar i enjoyed looking at the scenery more than the characters most of the time and im sure if i saw it in 3d this would have caused a problem.
I picked "Some other title"
My weather prediction for 2010 is for numerous insurmountable major tidal waves of HEAVY RAIN.
(so don't forget to put on your galoshes before venturing out)
Who knows what's going to win, (I'm hoping for Heavy Rain though) we have a whole year to find out.
I want to try a 3D tv before I buy one. Even then, I'm going to wait til they drop in price. Though I really want to try GT5 in 3D.
It's easily between GOWIII and GT5…
And 3D gaming isn't anything big. Those glasses alone are a big problem…
For ps4, maybe? Don't need this at the moment
Has GT ever won GOTY?
The Last Guardian Will be a huge contender.
I said some other title will get it. Though I'd like to see Final Fantasy get it, I don't think it'll be that easy. There's still a full year of titles to be released and there's always a chance of some sleeper title sweeping in at some point. I don't see GoW taking it at all. The previous two couldn't even win it at the Spike Awards. And isn't it the fans who supposedly vote for the winners for those? As far as 3-D gaming goes, all of that will just have to get a lot cheaper before I can even consider it. But I'm not ruling it out at the present time.
I picked Heavy Rain. I want it to win GoTY because that would convince the mainstream that the 'intellectual' genre (as Ben put it) is good enough to warrant a genre of its own, and to even score a GoTY.I have played Farenheit, and it was great.And it wouldn't be a big deal if GoW3 didn't win GotY (although it will anyway), because deep down inside every PS3 gamer knows we don't need verification that GoW is awesome.
Can we get a fifth option on this poll for people like me? I have the option to run 3D right now but didn't see a choice in the poll.
I voted GOW 3. But it would make sense if GT5 won goty. GT5 has alot more potential for extras, like if it won everybody gets a new special edition GT5 GOTY car, or special new GOTY celebration courses and even special GOTY celebration tournaments. The list is endless in terms of celebratory extras. Mabey GOW can add like a new weapon or costume but GT5 has alot more expandibility IMO.
Kratos with a party hat
By the way when is this some other title coming out? I haven't heard much aboot it. Is some other title supposed to be any good?
I heard it went multiplatform .
I heard it went Wii exclusive.
God of war 3 in 3D an even more epic game of the year! !
With 3-D, I'm either watching the equivalent of pop-up-books or I'm staring at some dimensional hole in my living/bedroom/wherever. From what I've seen, 3-D just isn't for me.
You see the thing is, I sometimes have to look away from the TV, and my cat doesn't look quite right in purple. If there's any light creeping in I get a glasses glare. When I take them off to take a leak I forget em in the can. The sandwiches and chips are freaky in purple too. Can't see my remote too well. Gotta put in the contact lenses because I can't be wearing two pairs of glasses, even if I'm tryin to relax and the damn lenses don't like it when I lean way back and look way forward… Not sure I wanna know what would happen to my TV if I drank too much and tried to grab the ladies, lol.
Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 1/11/2010 3:52:50 AM
I can't believe Bioshock 2 got bested by absolutely all the other titles… especially Bayonetta. Only other US title by Platinum Games was a mediocre Wii game. While Bioshock comes from a well tested publisher and has a Metacritic score of 94 on the PS3.
Doesn't suprise me that GOW III would be ranked most likely for GOTY, it's going to be an amazing game.
For the 3D thing I agree with Worldendwithme I can maybe stand it for a movie but even then I either feel really sick or tired from my eyes bugging out.. I'll wait see what happens in the next few years.
Bayonetta certainly has a chance to win GOTY(though with GOWIII it is rather unlikely) but definitely not the PS3 version because critics has been bashing it like 2012 is coming.
All the critics said that the the slow down is very serious but the truth is it's NOT THAT SERIOUS.
Last edited by Snaaaake on 1/11/2010 4:54:35 AM
your actually right. i'm not sure if itll win, but its high reception makes it a likely nominee. if only some of the members on this site weren't such doudes about the game. its still awesome
I'm still standing in the Heavy Rain! The GOWIII demo, to me, offered nothing new.
Your outta control to think that…
Heavy Rain is looking promising though.
Hi all,
GoWIII was my GOTY also.
And now to the 3D gaming. Looking at this year's CES and all the 3D innovations they showed, I'm starting to worry that 3D will be the new online.
If a game doesn't have it it is doomed. So many devs will serve us with a half baked 3D experience just for the sake of it.
And there still is the case of the different technologies – polarized light glasses or active-shutter glasses. We'll end up like poor PC users. What do you pick – PhysX or Havok – NVidia or ATi.
So my answer to the current poll is: I'll wait and see what happens.
Take care.
Lets be of the year is out of a few games this year..
The Epic..God Of War III
Tha Over-rated..Halo: Reach
The Long over due..GT5
Much Loved..Final Fantasy
..Maybe Heavy Rain?..depends how people take to it.
But games that more then likely to become contenders..
Batman 2(I'll be getting this day1) has a task on its hands…it looks great..a massive improvement from the first game..BUT..with so many people on tha COD might take something special for it to make an impact(I'v already pre-ordered im sold on it!)
Killzone 3 Doubt it will happen probably 2011 but may hear sanc this year.
Resistance 3 If it drops this year.
Sorry if i missed anything & Sorry it was long.
Sorry it was long & Sorry if i missed any games out.
And the whole 3D thing..depends how much ima have to pay for a 3D tv.
Last edited by DGo8 on 1/11/2010 6:32:52 AM