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MAG Factions, Character Classes Info

Sometimes, when you're on the fence about purchasing a game, you only need to examine the characters/classes that will be available.

Perhaps you've been thinking about downloading that big ol' MAG beta test but you're not entirely sold on the idea. Well, before you make any rash decisions, check out the Factions and Classes ; the descriptions alone are pretty damn cool. You probably already know about the three Factions: S.V.E.R. ("The fire within fuels the true warrior"), Raven ("Precision in training and battle, above all else"), and Valor ("Improvise, adapt, overcome"). But once you've decided upon a Faction, you must then decide on a Class and you're free to experiment, of course: you've got the Snipers, which is pretty self-explanatory, Demolitions experts (BOOM!), Medics, Machine Gunners, and the ever-courageous Paratroopers. Although we haven't had sufficient time with the beta over the past few months, we've heard some solid feedback along with the minor complaint that it's "not as big as expected." Well, bear in mind that we're still only playing a beta and we're willing to bet that more upgrades and enhancements will continue to come down the pike even after the full game is launched.

That's the nature of MMOs, really. The online environment needs constant attention and updating if it's to remain both playable and ceaselessly intriguing, so don't think MAG is anywhere close to being "finished."

Related Game(s): MAG

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15 years ago

productive*** sorry mistype