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Are Gamers Watching Fewer Movies?

Hollywood has long since blamed the video game industry for stealing their viewers away, to which I reply, "make a decent film for once, and maybe I'll go."

The point is, the PlayStation 3 is a Blu-Ray player, right? Shouldn't this feature alone prompt you to watch more movies? Or let's just say you don't own a PS3 at all, but you're still a hardcore gamer…does this mean you're watching fewer
movies these days, or more ? And perhaps a follow-up question is, are you planning to see all the movies currently in production that are based on games you've played? Or will mega-blockbuster movies like "Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time" only appeal to those who actually didn't play the game, who don't really play games at all, and only see it as a "cool action movie with that dude from 'Brokeback Mountain"? The reason I ask these questions is because I've found that I rarely watch movies at all, anymore. I think I might go to the theater once all year and I can't remember the last time I bought a new release on either DVD or Blu-Ray. I just got "Heat" and "Crimson Tide" on BD along with "Big," "The Shining," and "Annie Hall" on DVD but every time I scour the New Releases rack at the store, I just come away disgusted and bored.

To me, Hollywood is in a bigger rut than ever. The same action movies with the same themes and often, the same lecturing political tone. And if they don't fall into this category, there's only one other: retarded comedies that in all honesty, nobody over the age of 10 should be laughing at. Really, I'm usually more insulted than entertained. Now, this isn't to say they don't make any good films; there are plenty that still exist…they're just not as popular. There was a time when the best movies of the year were also some of the most popular but those days are long gone (I shudder to think the same will happen in the game industry). You just have to look for the really great movies, and you can usually find them. But even so, I'm just not as into them as I used to be. Maybe it's because I'm reading more than ever… I have a feeling a lot of big readers aren't so much into movies these days.

But anyway, I'm just wondering if my movie-watching habits are different than they are for other gamers. So are you watching more or less? And why?

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15 years ago


And just out of curiosity what did you think of The Hangover. I dreaded that movie!

15 years ago

The Hangover was ok. Its much funnier if you watch it with a good friend. I watched it again recently and it bored me to death. 90% of the humor is the shock of not knowing what happens next, so when you know all about it the movie gets pretty dull.

15 years ago

I must admit, I watched the LOTR trilogy DVD set on my PS3 with my Sony SXRD 55 inch and was not disappointed. I'm not saying it wouldn't be better on Blu-Ray but, I wasn't pining for it.

With more and more streaming and HD options through DL, I don't think Blu-Ray will have the same impact as DVD did when it took over VHS. It will mainly be for techies and connisouers.

However, I think it will be the vehicle of choice for gaming consoles. Just wait for XBox 720 to include it. That would be interesting.

15 years ago

I agree it isnt a pioneer of anything it just made the experience a whole lot better and thats worth noting!

As far as the XBOX720, I think M$ is to stubborn to include it. I think they are banking on a new format coming out by then, thats just my guess. In M$ eyes everything the XBOX360 has right now is better than what the PS3 has, so why would they try and make it better? well it would be smart, but i dont know that they will. Very interesting indeed.

15 years ago

i watch at least 2 or 3 movies a week mostly to keep the girlfriend happy so then i can game after without her yapping at me that i dont spend enuf quality time with her!

15 years ago

I'm still watching the same amount of movies as usual….which is next to none. Last movie I saw in the theater was The Watchmen. Before that, The Dark Knight.

I'm not the type to watch the same movie over and over again, so I don't buy too many either. I own about 8 Blu-Rays, half of them kiddie movies.

I like to watch sports or play video games for my entertainment fix.

15 years ago

Hey everyone, I'm back in town 🙂

Umm I watch a new movie just about every night of the week due to rentals so no problems there. The truth of it though is that I just lower my standards when watching movies because chances are it won't be wonderful. It's all part of my preference for entertaining myself at home. Movies, games, reading, internet.

15 years ago

Welcome back 'World'.

15 years ago

This gamer still watches alot of movies. especially since netflix streeming. But I do play a lot more games than I used to. And as for tv, few shows have ever been better than LOST.

15 years ago

Americans = couch patatos

anybody that lives their in front of the TV either playing games or watching TV scares me.

Now of course individuals have a right to do whatever they feel with their life, but I'm shocked the TV demonate most people lives

fluffer nutter
fluffer nutter
15 years ago

Generalizations, like that, will not help you in life and will only cause problems. I understand that there are many, many people like that but to say that two whole continents worth of people are like that is very ignorant. Please, think before you type something like that.

15 years ago

Good job there pal, everybody in an entire nation is a certain way… pffft.

15 years ago

its okay fluffer nutter, he just generalized himself in his own respective category…


15 years ago

What's wrong with TV? It taught me how to spell the word "dominate."

15 years ago

yeah, me to alien, learned how to spell potatoes as well as other important things. you know there are a lot of other shows on tv, i just recently started watching mythbusters,lol. and FYI i dont always play/watch tv on a couch, sometimes i prefer the floor, a chair, or in

15 years ago

Actually A2K78 is right on the money. It's just the way it is. Do we have to crucify the messenger? Not sure what point he is making though. Jealous much?

Any country that had our resources, would turn into the same couch potatoes. Even the poorest of the poor in our country have a few tv's and cable tv. Year after year, our kids continue to get lazier and lazier, bigger and bigger. Statistically, that is just a fact. If A2K78 is saying what he is saying to be mean, that is his right, but he didn't say anything untrue.

Last edited by MyWorstNightmar on 1/9/2010 8:38:22 PM

15 years ago

@ johnld – Thanks for the laugh. I caught dominate but not potatoes. I had a really good lol at your comment.

15 years ago

Ever since I got back into gaming, I'm finding I can't sit and watch TV/movies as long as I used to, after a while it seems kinda old fashioned 🙂

I need the interactivityness of games.

15 years ago

I do a lot more than just watch tv. Not that as a grown man I can't do whatever I want with my free time lol

15 years ago

The days of Terminator 2 are gone. I can count how many movies I watched in the whole of 2009, say 2-3. I haven't even seen Avatar, 2012, District 9, you name it, all the latest movies I haven't had time for. Its like the problem with Hollywood right now is everything being done now has already been done, nothing brought me to the edge of my seat like Predator or Terminator 2 did. Candy Man, The Godfather, Robocop, Conan, all the Jackie Chan, Bruce Lee and Jet Li films. Movies were the thing in the 80s and 90s, not anymore, oh well maybe we're getting old, maybe the kids are loving the movies now.

I'm sorry but to me now, games > movies.

15 years ago

I watch alot of rentals but going out I find way to expensive unless it's theatre worthy I would not go see a chick flick at the theatres not worth the 10 bucks to go see but a good action for sure.

15 years ago

I think I tend to watch more movies at home. Only the movies I REALLY wanna see or recommended I see in theatres and out of those ones that I loved…I buy on blu ray. Otherwise I just buy em on dvd. I don't have cable so I have less to watch on tv but I do Netflix quite a bit of episodes. So I think I watch more with a good dose of gaming

15 years ago

I actually bought my PS3 for the blue ray. Its an awesome player. But.. I then discovered gaming had come a long way since Duke Nukem! As a result, way more gaming than movies! Why? Hollywood hasnt made a movie worth buying in years. Certainly, not many that you would want to watch several times… ie Apocalypse Now, Godfather (not II), and so on. The games are just so entertaining! But, pushing the 50 mark, my controller skills are not what they could be!

fluffer nutter
fluffer nutter
15 years ago

I find myself not going out to the movies because of how much more expensive it is. I save a whole lot more money by getting the films on blu-ray. I would say that I watch more movies now, because of blu-ray, then I had been in the previous eight years.

fluffer nutter
fluffer nutter
15 years ago

than* not then. Damn fingers. /cuts off index finger

15 years ago

Hollywood is turning(or already are) into a big yoke.All they're doing is remaking (or making sequels)all the classic movies and turning them into shinny new age sh!t *Cries for Nightmare on Elm street*.This year I'm planning on watching zero movies in the theater versus six games on the PS3.

15 years ago

I've definitely been watching less movies than in previous years, but I never thought it had anything to do with video games. It just seems like less and less good movies are being made.
Lately, I find myself watching a lot more movies at home, as Blu Ray has revitalized my love for home viewing (and that's all thanks to the PS3, ironically enough).
But if I see a promo for a great-looking film, I'll likely be at the cinema on opening day.

15 years ago

I've noticed over the years in how I've watched fewer movies and tv, mainly due to gaming and how horrifuckcus the movies been. I haven't went to a Cinema since well? Santa Claus 3 in 2005? if I can remember the date? the last great movie I seen in the cinema was probably Digimon the movie.
Everything in the Cinemas after that was meh

Since 2007 post PS3 I really only watched Lord of the Rings and a couple of more films like it on tv? maybe I would prefer watching fantasy & Sci Fi but thats almost rarely shown on the BBCs and Channel 4. Dr Who has been great though and a couple of panel shows like Mock the Week and Qi

15 years ago

There are very few movies I need in my collection. Very few.

15 years ago

all i have is a bunch of comedy titles and my jackie chan movie collection. why? because i picked up a few jackie chan movies before and just figured i'll just get them all. That and i prefer watching movies that make me laugh. I'm not interested in movies that either scares the hell out of me or supposed to make me cry. Like i told my friends before, when i watch movies, its usually so that i can get away from reality. The same reason i play video games. Its so satisfying to play even a couple of hours of videogames after a full day of school, homework, and work.

15 years ago

Still watching movies but no where near as much as I used to. Never was a true fanatic of movies. I can enjoy a movie for what it is but I still wait for more experiences that will leave me in wonderment. Some people I know are like movie junkies. Me and my friends used to watch movies and challenge each other to see who can spot the errors and or bull-siht in them. If you pay close attention most dialogue in movies is just plain nonsense. Who talks the way people do in movies. Even the best movies are this way. And forget about television. TV just seems like population control to me. Very rare to find good TV these days.

What I have realized is that as I get older and wiser it takes alot more to impress me. The same goes for games as well. I am now extremely selective when commiting my precious time to a 2 hour movie let alone a 10-20-60 hour game depending on the genre. But when I do happen to find the rare great movie or game I let myself go with it. Games and movies will soon converge. Cant wait for PlayStation 9 time.

Last and most important is to not let actual life pass you by. I sense that too many are headed this way in the future. We are well being prepped for this with all this 3D/Natal/Motion this and that… go outside sometime.

Last edited by FatherSun on 1/9/2010 4:48:15 PM

15 years ago

There's WAY more good drama (wide sense of the word) on TV than at the movies. It's not even close. There's a surfeit of crap as well.

I saw exactly zero movies in the theater last year, because either they weren't worth seeing (certainly not at $10 a pop) or I knew I'd buy them anyway. I'll see some for free on HBO/TMN in a few months, though. I used to go to a movie every week, even when I had to go alone.

I still watch tons of movies at home, but I am not happy with the state of the industry.

Last edited by Fane1024 on 1/10/2010 6:54:54 AM

15 years ago

I rarely watch movies because id rather spend my time playing video games since theres rarely a movie worth watching. I did see Avatar in 3D and I must say that movie was fuckin amazing!! everyone should see it

15 years ago

I actually do both, gaming and movies go together well , the way I see things going I could see movies and video games working together in the future.

15 years ago

If they would get on with creating the holodeck, I wouldn't do either lol 🙂

15 years ago

I lose my mind sitting through a movie. There hasn't been a real movie event since The Lord of the Rings. I find myself watching a movie just getting more and more irritated at the terrible writing, long padding segments and awful acting.

On the other hand, I can sit and play games and be completely entertained from the word "go" to the words "it's 3am?!" This generation of gaming has absolutely murdered movie watching for me.

And don't come around me trying to tell me that Avatar was some second coming for Hollywood because I absolutely HATED that movie. It was a catastrophe in my eyes. So what if the 3D was fantastic? You're better off giving that technology to someone who can really make use of it… like National Geographic.

15 years ago

Hit it on the head! Avatar was the most advanced cartoon ever. 3D made it a novelty! Mildly entertaining! I was hoping for more with the premise and all but did not get my hopes up! IMAX made it the billions it pulled in.

But just imagine as you said National Geographics taking advantage of the tech. And when a Lord of The Rings level epic is produced. We will be "ENTERTAINED!"

15 years ago

The tech is amazing. The movie is pants.

15 years ago

"The same action movies with the same themes and often, the same lecturing political tone" – if you really mean this Ben, then you really can not possibly be interested in movies? It's like saying that every game on the PS3 is a FPS. A majority of the top sellers might be (for all I know), but there are still plenty of good games to be found that's not just a mindless fps. And even some of the mindless fps'es might still be alotta fun… Unless you're not interested in games, of course.

There has been a *lot* of very cool movies during the last years, everything from the new Star Trek movie to gems like A Scanner Darkly (my personal fav of the last five years), the Harry Potter movies, The awsome James Bond reboot with the best JB-actor in years, just to pick a few random examples.

15 years ago

I like the new Star Trek as well. I'd never say that there's no good movies, but gaming gets a lot more of my time. In fact I just got in from buying Valkyria Chronicles at Wal-Mart for $20! I haven't tried it yet, but I'm more anxious to play it than I am to watch any movie.

15 years ago

Oh yes there we agree, Alien. I too use a *lot* more time on gaming than movies, or TV in general. It's just the general view that there are no longer any good movies to be found that I disagree with.
Although it must be said that blu-ray has raised my interest in movies again – they simply look so darn good in full HD!

Last edited by Beamboom on 1/10/2010 8:49:37 PM

15 years ago

Before I got my PS3 I watched a lot of movies, like Public Enemies, Watchmen, Terminator etc.

But after I got my PS3, I didn't even care for movies like Avatar, Sherlock Holmes all these.

No hate for movies but I feel that video gaming is worth my time instead of movies.

15 years ago

my bank has a good loyalty program which lets me see a lot of movies free but if it was not for that I would almost never go. I watch plenty at home as well through rentals and such but I almost never buy them and I can definitely say that is because of games.
I just can't justify the price for such a short amount of time spent watching compared to time spent playing games there is no contest in value in my opinion.

15 years ago

I just have to pick and choose. Same for games, really. Play or watch what's well-received, and save your money otherwise.

There ARE a lot of movies that just don't impress me, but isn't that the case with any art form? Mediocrity runs rampant, and only a select few pieces really do leave an impression. I don't think Hollywood is getting any better or worse.

15 years ago

Seems to me that hollywood is getting scared of how videogames are improving while movies, quality wise, are stalling.

15 years ago

I never go out to the movies anymore, just can't see spending 1/2 a Benjy or more for another mostly bad or way overrated movie, plus stale popcorn with fake buttery chemicals, & way way, overpriced sodas & candy.

But I still try to watch at least 1 to 2 movies a day to go along with my daily gaming.

I always rummage through my 3 hospital sponsored thrift shops, along with a CD Exchange for used VHS DVD, & BD movies.
And because they're so cheap, I've picked a lot of movies that I wouldn't normally get.
And at only $.50 for VHS, $1.50 for DVD, & $7- for BD, & at least twice a month all the movies at 1/2 price too it's worth it because I've been pleasantly surprised with a lot of them. And the ones that I wind up not liking, I just give back to the thrift shop for re-sale again.

So far, I've got about 825 VHS and 440 DVD in my collections.
My biggest TV's only a 32" SD tv right now, but I'm starting to buy a BD movie here & there just so I'll at least have a collection started once I've upgraded to a large screen HDTV.
I've only got these 5 BD movies so far…..
The Eye(Jessica Alba, OH YEAH!!!!)
The Patriot
The Punisher
Superman Returns
Tropic Thunder

15 years ago

I'm watching less now-a-days. But thats mainly due to the shoddy quality of movies being released now.

15 years ago

so true.
will never get another action movie like the godfather or scarface.
older movies are normally better than newer ones.
especially comedies.
eddie murphy delerious is the funniest thing i have ever seen.
watched it like 100 times and i still piss myself laughing every time i watch it.
i know its not a movies but still, funniest movie ive ever seen has to go to revenge of the pink panther.
that bit where they walk in and the light bulb keeps popping up than he gets shocked.
or the part where the commander mistakes his lighter for a pistol.
comedy gold!

15 years ago

Holloywood has generally been a let down. Avatar 3D will be my first movie seen in the movie house since Dark Knight. I reserve my moving going out evenings to only the very very best films that are worth seeing…


"i am home"

15 years ago

i dont watch half as many movies as i use to.
i use to really enjoy watching movies either at the cinemas or even at home but i dont anymore.
same as sports i use to watch every single NRL game, my weekend was dedicated to watching NRL.
now i just am bored with it, they turned into a freaking girls sport so many rules.
might as well change the jerseys to pink dresses. bunch of bloody pansies!