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Are Gamers Watching Fewer Movies?

Hollywood has long since blamed the video game industry for stealing their viewers away, to which I reply, "make a decent film for once, and maybe I'll go."

The point is, the PlayStation 3 is a Blu-Ray player, right? Shouldn't this feature alone prompt you to watch more movies? Or let's just say you don't own a PS3 at all, but you're still a hardcore gamer…does this mean you're watching fewer
movies these days, or more ? And perhaps a follow-up question is, are you planning to see all the movies currently in production that are based on games you've played? Or will mega-blockbuster movies like "Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time" only appeal to those who actually didn't play the game, who don't really play games at all, and only see it as a "cool action movie with that dude from 'Brokeback Mountain"? The reason I ask these questions is because I've found that I rarely watch movies at all, anymore. I think I might go to the theater once all year and I can't remember the last time I bought a new release on either DVD or Blu-Ray. I just got "Heat" and "Crimson Tide" on BD along with "Big," "The Shining," and "Annie Hall" on DVD but every time I scour the New Releases rack at the store, I just come away disgusted and bored.

To me, Hollywood is in a bigger rut than ever. The same action movies with the same themes and often, the same lecturing political tone. And if they don't fall into this category, there's only one other: retarded comedies that in all honesty, nobody over the age of 10 should be laughing at. Really, I'm usually more insulted than entertained. Now, this isn't to say they don't make any good films; there are plenty that still exist…they're just not as popular. There was a time when the best movies of the year were also some of the most popular but those days are long gone (I shudder to think the same will happen in the game industry). You just have to look for the really great movies, and you can usually find them. But even so, I'm just not as into them as I used to be. Maybe it's because I'm reading more than ever… I have a feeling a lot of big readers aren't so much into movies these days.

But anyway, I'm just wondering if my movie-watching habits are different than they are for other gamers. So are you watching more or less? And why?

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15 years ago

Yes, and it's a damn shame. In 2010 I'm definitely watching at least 2 movies a week and get some use of my netflix acct.

Last edited by Superman915 on 1/9/2010 11:10:55 AM

15 years ago

ALl i know is i haven't been affected, i love to watch movies at all hours. When you have netfilx, you find yourself watching a lot of movies!

15 years ago

I dunno about that, since the PS3 is a multimedia machine I started watching movies more than I use too. And I finally figured out how to download movies from my PS3 to my browser so I've been doing alot of that lately.

15 years ago

i'm watching fewer movies these days but i blame that on the quality of the movies being produced today. although i am watching the newest universal soldier atm for that nostalgia effect of jcvd and dolph lundren going toe to toe. hollywood rarely sparks my interest it seems. i watched paranormal activity to see what the hype was about and my overall view on the movie was meh. last movies i seen that left an impression on me were the hurt locker and the shinjuku incident. i really got into those movies.

15 years ago

I've cut down my movie watching dramatically. I'm lucky if I watch one movie a week and even that is a lot.

I'd rather play a game than watch a movie. I cut my netflix down to one movie and even then I hold on to the damn movie for at least a week before getting around to watching it.

15 years ago

I'm exactly the same as JPBooch, but I hardly watch movies because I'm busy juggling studying and playing. It's not that I'm missing much anyway.

15 years ago

I can honestly say I haven't lessened my movie watching what so ever, though I mean if exclusively going to the theater and watching it there, I've seen Avatar and Invictus just this month alone. But if you mean movies at home and other stuff, I can't say I obtain these movies through retail means, ahem, but I'm constantly watching something new at home but it 100% doesn't cut into my game time =P

15 years ago

i agree with you man, some movies are worth seeing in the theaters but right now, the 10 bucks or 8 bucks if you watch before 6 is not worth it. between stupid ass kids just screwing around while watching a movie, watched sherlock holmes and theres these kids talking out loud and walking up and down the stairs, half assed movies like legend of chunli, it might be even less than half assed, who just uses name for recognition, and expensive food, i dont see the point when i can just find it online where i could have a better experience at home.

Im with ben, make something worth watching then i'll be there. I am looking forward to Iron man 2 but thats still far away. As i said earlier, the amount your paying for the movie isnt worth it to me because you are only seeing the movie once and with less than desired environment, usually. The 60 bucks i pay for with video games is more of a better value because….well, i can keep going back to it if i wanted to.

As for dvds and blurays, i like seeing them on my shelf. Its like my game collection. But i do sometimes think that i wasted so much money on my movies because i dont really watch them alot.

15 years ago

i dont watch lesser movies i always go see the movies i wnat to see as soon as they come out at midnite or if i dont want to see it as much i'll wait till it goes on psn

15 years ago

I hardly go to the movies but at i'll watch them at home,redbox is a good cheap way to watch um and same as legendarywolfeh , through other means haha. actually I just finish watching that movie, 9 really good highly recommend. same here too,it doesnt cut into my game time.

Last edited by Silent_J on 1/9/2010 11:53:45 AM

15 years ago

only see it as a "cool action movie with that dude from 'Brokeback Mountain"?

You are making me wonder about you….


Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

Well, isn't that where most people recognize Gyllenhaal from?

15 years ago

I always think of Donnie Darko actually.

15 years ago

i just call him bubble boy. id call him that to his face if i ever met him.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago


fluffer nutter
fluffer nutter
15 years ago

Like Ultima, I think of Donnie Darko whenever I see Jake. That was the first film that I saw him in.

15 years ago

what about jarhead? he was cool in that one…

15 years ago

Bubbleboy was the first movie I saw him in as well. 🙂

"500 Dollar!!!"

15 years ago

Ben, who in Hollywood is speaking up about this? In your article, I see nothing in quotes, no Hollywood elite or exec with a comment that we can actually sink our teeth into and discuss?

Hollywood is doing just fine. They just had their biggest holiday season ever at the box office.

If Hollywood is really complaining about it, they could just as easily complain about my kids, or the NFL and MLB that I have season tickets for. All of those suck a good portion of my time and money.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

Any time Hollywood cites lower-than-expected earnings, the game industry is almost ALWAYS mentioned.

And I never said they weren't doing well. There are a lot of stupid people who go see a lot of stupid movies. That's not really my point.

15 years ago

Hollywood may not be suffering in terms of money and ticket sales, but definitely in terms of pumping out quality, original movies.

15 years ago

Bigrailer, the same could be said for video games, or music.

There are not a whole lot of original ideas out there anymore.

15 years ago

I disgaree about the video games, music i do agree.

Look at UC2, and look what Halo did. Just this decade weve seen big name titles just keep improving. I mean First KZ2 offered a huge graphical leap, then UC2 offered a lot Hollywood would drool over, now Theres talks about Heavy Rain being another step in graphics. I know were just talking graphics but those are imrpovements.

Then you look at what KZ2 did as an FPS, and you look at Half Life 2 both those are two of the biggest names in FPS, along with Halo.

I could go on and on about how we keep seeing awesome titles improve in one way or the other month after month and 2009 was subject to that.

I cant say that about movies or music. I can say im excited to see some movies but that doesnt mean they are oscar worthy. Some of the best movies out there are older films, same with music (The Beatles, The Doors, Elvis). Some of the best games weve ever seen come from this generation alone, UC2, KZ2, MGS4, Gears of War, GOW 3 im sure, and same with GT5, and Heavy Rain, I mean the list continues and i gotta say New Mario Bros Wii is another example, yeah it uses the old Super Mario Bros type game play but its an awesome game! Games keep improving, and with new hardware will continue to get better and better. Movies dont have alot of places left to go, same with music.

You see where im going with this?

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 1/9/2010 4:52:18 PM

15 years ago

i could somewhat agree with halo contributing on improvements but from what i heard from other people, even xbox fans, the halo series hasnt really improve that much throughout the series. I still dont know why or how halo became as big as it is. i mean its fun playing team deathmatch with only rockets but other games can do that. Hell i think i started playing that way with goldeneye.

15 years ago

Bigrailer, my friend, I don't agree. All the games you mention can be traced back to other games. If you want originality, then we are talking about Flower and Heavy Rain. Perhaps Infamous, but it superhero game flavor with a bit of GTA4 sprinkled in. Goldeneye comes to mind too, that really set the stage for FPS's to come.

The inovation you are referring to is in graphics. Yes, UC2 and Killzone 2 are graphically superior to games that have come before it but that is due to ever expanding graphics, not anything revolutionary in storytelling. We EXPECT them to push the bar, if nothing more than the tools that are now at the developers disposal.

Movies do that too. Since you bring up graphics, lets talk Transformers, Avatar, Harry Potter, etc. I never saw anything like that in the 80's when I was growing up.

There just isn't too much in the form of true originality in any form of entertainment anymore. Every once in a while, we get a movie like The Usual Suspects, or Slumdog Millionaire, or Flower for video games that are just different from what we have seen before. Bone Thugs and Harmony come to mind in the music realm, when they came out, I had never heard anything like them before.

Speaking of New Super Mario, my son is playing that right now as I was reading your post. That game is a blast.

Last edited by MyWorstNightmar on 1/9/2010 8:30:18 PM

15 years ago


Yep gotta love the new Mario.

I didnt really speak clearly enough i guess when i was pointing out that those games i mentioned, yea i was speaking graphically. But my point through that whole post was games keep raising the bar, they keep getting better and bigger for sure. A lot of the best movies ive seen come from the 90's given my age. And although i dont listen to the beatles, i know what there music did for music in general. That brings me to what KZ2, and UC2 will do for gaming. And what Goldeneye as you mentioned and Perfect Dark then on to Half life did for FPS'. Personally UC2 just redefined the Action adventure game, and gave me a game i always dreamed of when it came to action adventures. As did KZ2 with FPS, and GOW also pushed those limits on the PS2.

I guess were almost speaking of 2 different things. Really all im saying is games keep pushing forward. Your right originality is slim pickens. flower was an awesome example to use as an original game, i cant believe that slipped my mind. But I just cant see spending my money at the movies or on movies as much as i used to.

BUT REALLY YOUR RIGHT, i mean the whole entertainment industry has hit some median of sorts. I just think games are pushing through it the best, thats all! 😉

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 1/10/2010 4:59:46 AM

15 years ago

Nope, watching more movies than ever, usually one every night if ive the time but thats nothing to do with gaming either.

15 years ago

Ha 😀

Well i watched The Assassination of Jesse James yesterday and visually it looked amazing. Ah well if im contempt with dvds i consider it a blessing 🙂

15 years ago

Im contempt with vcr's!! Never mind dvds, ok i like to enjoy a film with good quality at the same time but a good film will be good no matter what the format! unless its really bad quality..

15 years ago

I also have contempt for DVDs and VCRs. ; )

15 years ago

Well i study Film & Video Production at uni, so im always watching films at home or the cinema. I felt the final 3/4 of 09 had a sensational line up i found my self at the cinema many times.

To be honest i found it the opposite way round, the only new games i got in 09 were Tekken 6 and Street Fighter IV (I do intend to get U2 and AC2 at sometime). But im planing to get alot in 2010, but to be honest there arent many films in the cinema im excited for.

Blu-ray is overrrated in my opinion, The PS3 upscales DVD's so well theres no need, i'd rather buy a dvd for £1.50 than a blu-ray for £10. The only Bllu-rays i have are Stanley's films, becuase i was curious and a film like 2001: A Space Odyssey should be seen in t he best quality possible. but i have 550+ DVD's cant see myself converting at all, if anytime soon.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

Sorry, but maybe you need a better TV or something.

No upscaled DVD looks anywhere near as good as true Blu-Ray via HDMI on my 1080p Samsung.

15 years ago

I agree, Ben. I have a 47" LG that looks amazing with blu-ray and decent with an upscaled dvd. Upscaled dvds look a whole lot better than 640×480, but lack the same crispness as actual HD video.

15 years ago

Meh my TVs a good 32 inch, perfect for my room. ive seen blu-rays and even on my homes 50 inch,yes they are better, but theres nothing wrong with DVDs at all, but the difference isnt as big as they make out certainly not like the leap from VHS to DVD. and in 3-5 years time there will be a new format or digital release of motion pictures, i cant see the point in buying all my films again when they look great anyway.

15 years ago

Ben is right upscaled DVD look no where near as crisp as a blu-ray. You must need to adjust your t.v.

Upscaling isnt true HD either so why settle for second best. Blu-Ray didnt win the hd war for nothing. It won because its Above any standard right now by far.

Blu-Ray definitely looks better on my t.v. as well.

15 years ago

Well obviously Blu-ray will look better, thats not what im saying though, while it is better, its not that much difference and id rather buy 5 DVDs for the price of a blu-ray.

15 years ago

I know what your saying you get more dvd for the price of a blu-ray but mayeb your not looking hard enough. Amazon has great deals on Blu-Rays all the time, and Target USSUALLY has new releases in the $15.00 to $20.00 range when they hit. I agree with you though blu-ray is expensive, very expensive.

But I wont buy another dvd again, i mean if the price is right maybe but I just cant bring myself to do it. Especially with 3d becoming a huge hit and Blu-Ray jumping on board.

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 1/9/2010 12:58:18 PM

15 years ago

well Ben i'm ready to take up on your contest, get me a nice big 1080p tv and I'll compare some dvd's and blu-rays 🙂

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

Legendary: Eh…maybe I'll sell you mine when I get one of those new 3D-enabled Bravias or something. 😉

As for Blu-Ray vs. DVD, I know what Ultima is saying. Blu-Ray over upscaled DVD isn't as big of a leap as VHS to DVD; after all, the latter is literally a tape-to-digital transition. And there are certainly many movies, especially old ones, that simply don't need high-def. There's a reason I got movies like Big and The Shining on DVD.

That being said, though, Blu-Ray with great TVs and entertainment setups is the best of the best. 🙂

15 years ago

The Shinings an beautifuly crafted film…. but i'll let that comment slide as your being pleasent 🙂

15 years ago

Ok Ben, I'll remember that when you finally get that 3D tv 😉

15 years ago

Couldn't agree with you more Ben. One of the main reasons I play games is that there's nothing watchable on TV, and even if something does sound vaguely good, I'll lose interest after the 20th commercial. Hollywood movies lost me years and years ago. All the political crap, celebrities who can't act – forget about it.

I'm quite a fan of low budget, cheesy movies. At least the people who make them strive to make them as entertaining as possible – they're not vehicles for some star, they're not soapboxes to preach from, etc. I also watch some old TV shows that got canceled a long time ago on DVD. Just ordered UFO yesterday.

15 years ago

my movie watching has slowed down in the last year but, i don't blame it on video games, i blame it on netflix… i used to watch a ton of movies when i first got netflix but, 3 years later i've begun to run out of good movies to watch so, i am watching them less than i used to…

i love watching blu-ray movies though… and through netflix, you can rent blu-rays… there's nothing better than watching an HD action movie…

i tend to browse bestbuy's blu-ray movie section for good deals on movies because, i think the sticker price for new blu-ray is ridiculously overpriced… no one wants to pay $30 for a movie right now… i bought i am legend on blu-ray for $10 the other day…

i think the price of blu-ray movies is the problem the movie industry is facing right now… it's just too expensive… when new releases come down to $20, i think business will pick back up…

but, netflix is also to blame because, people can rent as many movies as they want with no late fees… hell, i don't buy movies much anymore because, i can just rent it again thru netflix… i've rented the dark knight and live free or die hard a few times each…

15 years ago

I'm kinda in the same boat, but for other reasons. I found that I never really re-watched all the DVD's I was buying… So now on BR I only get the ones I know will get re-watched. The great action, comedy, and hero movies… plus I get all the kids movies like Disney and stuff with BR/DVD/DC.

15 years ago

actually this is true but i am bak to watching movies since my ps3 ylod but once i get it fixed ima go bak to gaming

15 years ago

I'm watching more movies because my wife likes movies. I got a few BD movies for xmas and are still sealed

15 years ago

i can see games given out for christmas but not movies. I mean, if you really liked the movie, same as in games, you would've already bought it.

15 years ago

I honestly feel im watching more… At home. I rarely go to the movies. The last movie i saw was Avatar and before that i couldnt tell you. I will be going to see Book of Eli though. After that who knows. But at home I am starting to watch more movies. I used to maybe watch one or two movies cus i really liked them, but i also found watching movies to get dull (which can happen watching the same movies over and over). But recently I've been enjoying my cllection, and the roomates always rent so…

But i agree hollywood is in a rut. All these movies are the same, especially the action films. Comedies are really starting to go down hill as well. Now when we say comedy i know there are a lot of good ones back in the day. They are not for me like planes trains and automobiles, i cant get into that mainly because of my age. But The Hangover was one of the worst comedies i've seen in awhile. I know a ton of people like that film, but there isnt anything funny bout being late to your own wedding, or what happens in between. I guess its the irony that after all goes bad, things can turn out good that make it funny, but whatever. The last good comedy i seen was Forgetting Sarah Marshall. It doesnt have that stupid bland TRYING to improv b.s, that most comedies are trying to bring.

And the movies based on games, I'll be seeing Prince of Persia for sure! That movie looks promising as anything in Hollywood today!

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 1/9/2010 12:35:14 PM

15 years ago

i started to prefer games and social experience on my ps3 as opposed to movies. i find they hold my interest more especially if the lore of the game is good. The last film i saw was Avatar in 3D and thats only cause my sister payed and i only have a couple of blue-rays (star trek,dark knight,casino royale).

15 years ago

I think the last movie i watched in a theater was The Hangover.
Movies are just the same repetitive crap over and over again. If Hollywood wants my money they have to make something worth it. Right now i get more entertainment out of a $60 game than an $8 movie ticket.