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Are Gamers Watching Fewer Movies?

Hollywood has long since blamed the video game industry for stealing their viewers away, to which I reply, "make a decent film for once, and maybe I'll go."

The point is, the PlayStation 3 is a Blu-Ray player, right? Shouldn't this feature alone prompt you to watch more movies? Or let's just say you don't own a PS3 at all, but you're still a hardcore gamer…does this mean you're watching fewer
movies these days, or more ? And perhaps a follow-up question is, are you planning to see all the movies currently in production that are based on games you've played? Or will mega-blockbuster movies like "Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time" only appeal to those who actually didn't play the game, who don't really play games at all, and only see it as a "cool action movie with that dude from 'Brokeback Mountain"? The reason I ask these questions is because I've found that I rarely watch movies at all, anymore. I think I might go to the theater once all year and I can't remember the last time I bought a new release on either DVD or Blu-Ray. I just got "Heat" and "Crimson Tide" on BD along with "Big," "The Shining," and "Annie Hall" on DVD but every time I scour the New Releases rack at the store, I just come away disgusted and bored.

To me, Hollywood is in a bigger rut than ever. The same action movies with the same themes and often, the same lecturing political tone. And if they don't fall into this category, there's only one other: retarded comedies that in all honesty, nobody over the age of 10 should be laughing at. Really, I'm usually more insulted than entertained. Now, this isn't to say they don't make any good films; there are plenty that still exist…they're just not as popular. There was a time when the best movies of the year were also some of the most popular but those days are long gone (I shudder to think the same will happen in the game industry). You just have to look for the really great movies, and you can usually find them. But even so, I'm just not as into them as I used to be. Maybe it's because I'm reading more than ever… I have a feeling a lot of big readers aren't so much into movies these days.

But anyway, I'm just wondering if my movie-watching habits are different than they are for other gamers. So are you watching more or less? And why?

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Gamer Girl Gemo
Gamer Girl Gemo
15 years ago

Hollywood in a rut? Video Games responsible? Oh, the humanity! The whole "Games into movies" thing, sounds like bad territory, in my opinion. Although, it does not mean I won't go and see them. Either to point and laugh at a sad attempt or just simply applaud Hollywood's climb in the "popularity" ladder. Prince of Persia is way better as a game, no doubt, and the movie can only hope to come close to compare to the games. Although, I think going to see it wouldn't hurt… Much. Even though my movie watching has EXTREMELY declined ever since I discovered the PS3… (Sigh) Somewhat of a shame. Last I went to the theatre was when New Moon made its midnight debut…
Anyway, games such as Uncharted and Assassin's Creed as a movie? Sorry if I get off topic, but I don't wish it to be so and can we stop Hollywood from stealing such amazing ideas for the big screen? Nope! So, to hell with the interactiveness! Bring on the cinematics Hollywood! We're prepared.

15 years ago

wow ben. besides commenting for PSX extreme, you're also qualified to diagnose if people are "retarded"? What a multi-talented loser you are.

15 years ago

I guess you're one of those people who don't understand what an opinion really means huh?

I mean you can disagree, but do you really have to resort to such immaturity by calling someone a loser?

I mean really, I'm getting sick of people who just whine, complain, and name call, it's so childish like and bratty. If you disagree just say you disagree or write something saying why you don't agree and give a valid argument, don't just blurt garbage, it really makes people look pathetic honestly, and honestly Ben doesn't really care what you think, he's going to write what he wants, it is HIS article. I'm pretty sure Ben would rather like to see a your take on why you disagree instead of blurting crap like that.

Do me a favor and buy yourself a pair of Pull-ups.

Last edited by to_far_apart on 1/10/2010 1:45:22 PM

fluffer nutter
fluffer nutter
15 years ago

You really should read the article again. No where did Ben state that people are retarded. The comment referred to the "retarded comedy". Now, we can look at the various meanings for this word when used as an adjective and in case you're still confused, let me help you with that. To cause to move or proceed slowly; delay or impede. Here's another one. A slowing down or hindering of progress; a delay. You can also use it to describe a slackening of tempo in music.

Calling someone a loser on the internet, when you can't comprehend the text in question, is not a great move for a possible "victory". I hope you have learned your lesson, but I fear that may not be possible.

15 years ago

Missionmom; i feel that that was an unnecessary comment and an insult!

Psychology 101 would teach you that one should try to avoid the "you" message, a direct attack on someone's character. It is hurtful, unnecessary, and over time, is like an acid that destroys any relationship… short term or long.

It is far far better to use the worlds, "I think", or "i feel" etc, rather than the "you" message which is a direct attack on an individuals sense of being, for what ever reason.

I feel that if you want to continue commenting like that, it may best to take that opinion somewhere else. I also feel that if you want to criticize someone, please consider doing it diplomatically.


"i am home"

Last edited by Qubex on 1/10/2010 7:02:42 PM

15 years ago

@ fluffer nutter – I thought Ben meant "retarded" as in "stupid" or "idiotic" or "brain dead" or "only funny if you're 10." Your explanation sounds good too though.

15 years ago

Don't worry everybody,
I just fixed it so her paragraph is now correct…..

"Wow" mission mom,
besides commenting on PSX extreme with such dribble with your very first post, you're also qualified to mis-diagnose that any people even said "retarded"?
What a single-minded-talented loser you must be.

BTW, how can we really be sure that you're not "Frumpy Mom" who in a few threads below, thinks about Satan all the time????

Last edited by BikerSaint on 1/10/2010 9:31:00 PM

15 years ago

i just don't watch movies these days im addicted to Animes and Games more Animes than games cause its sad but day buy day games are becoming less pure there still strong games like The Last Guardian but i do prefer animes than movies and games…

15 years ago

For what it's worth, I liked your comment a lot. Anime is a ton of fun to watch.

15 years ago

I thought I recently heard that Hollywood had a pretty good 2009? (AOTS perhaps?)

Anyway, my Blockbuster Online acct. gets a vigorous workout. I rent tons of movies! Mostly on Blu-Ray. I have a Netflix too, but I put it on hold for a while.

I don't go to the theater often unless it's to take the kiddies to a 3D movie (Fly Me To The Moon, Coraline, Monsters Vs. Aliens etc.)… just not in the budget, with high prices and a 6 member family.

15 years ago

I buy movies on disc and watch them repeatedly. Now, with so many movies in my library (literally hundreds), we don't need to go out to watch movies, unless we want to see a new one, but buying movies is so cheap now that it doesn't make sense to make a habit out of going to the cinema. The PS3 being a media centre is great, too, especially once the movies are on the NAS box. Oh, you forgot the PS3 does more than games? Shame on you.

15 years ago

I still watch movies a lot. Sometimes I prefer to watch a movie instead of playing a game. And I have recently bought a few new blu-rays. So, maybe it's just my age. =p

15 years ago

i play video games 75% of the time/watch movie 25% of the time

15 years ago

I find that I go to the cinemas more than I used to. I have found that I prefer gaming to movies as it is a interactive experience, infact I just realised that I always seem to look at the approximate running time because if a movie is say 2 hours or so I might reconsider watching it. It reminds me of a report I did at school and I mentioned how we are becoming an impatient society and how we want everything instantly. You'll notice how many new release movies are only around 90 mins or so and its due to that reason. Anyway I dont think that gaming has affected my movie watching time but it all depends on the quality of movie like Ben said.

PS – Have any of you seen the the Japanese Yakuza film "Brother" it was written/directed by Takeshi Kitano? It is one of my favourite movies off all time and is in my eyes an underrated classic.

15 years ago

I like movies, not all movies, but i like movies, I like some of those blockbusters too, they go well with baskin robins ice cream and hot fudge mmm. YES I like me some ice cream and my favorite ice cream is at the movie theaters,

15 years ago

I hardly watch movies at all anymore. I don't even watch tv. I just have a hard time sitting through anything that isn't interactive anymore. I can't stand passive "entertainment." 🙁

15 years ago

I don't watch that much movies unless if am in the mood
i watch more Anime/TV shows than movies
i rather play games than movies
newer movies aren't that appealing
The new Star Trek and Transformers Revenge of the Fallen were exceptional

15 years ago

Actually watching more lately since I got the PS3 Netflix Instant watch disk. It has cut into my playing Dragon Age which will remain half finished when I return it to Gamefly to trade for White Knight Chronicles at the end of this month. Most times lately I've been choosing to relax & watch several movies instead of use the same amount of time to get through one more area of DAO. DAO is so much like a movie that requires a lot of small decisions the payoff hardly seems worth the effort. I'm hoping White Knight is fun enough to play that I'll be more compelled to give up some movie watching time to play it more.

15 years ago

New ideas in terms of video games are pretty rare for me to see. Yeah Uncharted 2 had a great story and beautiful visuals but that doesn't mean that it was original. The storyline progressed as a movie would and that was very impressive to see in a game, however, it wasn't exactly anything new and groundbreaking. Heavy Rain seems to be something new where unlike other games, the playable characters can die and the story simply branches off toward another path when they do. This is a very interesting idea but it seems that it could possibly limit your gaming experience depending on how quick you are in responding to the QTE. This and LBP are the two most creative games I've seen in a long time.

In response to the movie question: I will always watch movies on my PS3. When I get bored of a game I'll just sit back and enjoy a flick from my ever expanding movie collection. I believe quality movies are being produced. However, quality doesn't always equate to great. If you have seen a movie revolving around a particular idea, concept, or environment and then watch another movie revolving around the same ideas, etc., you start to lose interest in the movie because you can guess how it will pan out and it loses its mystery element. This mystery element is what drives me to watch certain movies.

Last edited by just2skillf00l on 1/12/2010 9:29:04 PM