I'm aware that some people really aren't electronically inclined and some need help replacing light bulbs but this…this might be a little pricey for plugging stuff in.
Many retailers now offer installation services for various pieces of electronic equipment, ranging from stereos to TVs to computers. Now that video game consoles can accurately be included in such a category, it should come as no surprise that Target now has a setup service for those who are either clueless or simply can't be bothered to hook up their new game system. This according to a piece of info found by Kotaku ; for the "low" price of $99, an employee will come to your house and get your new console up and running. Now granted, this can be a little more complicated in the new generation, what with the setting up of online accounts, or the fact that many may want their console hooked up to a PC monitor. There are any number of complications, I suppose, although I have to assume that many will balk at the price. It's half the price of the Wii and 1/3 the price of the PlayStation 3 or Xbox 360 and I just can't see paying a hundred bucks to get it setup…especially by some register biscuit from Target . But hey, they wouldn't offer the service if people wouldn't use it, right?
Still, I'm guessing not many of our readers will be adding this charge to their next console purchase. Really, how hard is it, anyway?
oops it looks like Arnold already had that idea…
Future Shop offers this service for $99 CAD. I work there PT and I personally hide the sign because it is just ridiculous. Maybe I should offer to come over to interested people's houses and charge them only $50, haha.