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ModNation Racers: Accessible, Fun, And Awfully Creative

For those of you who have enjoyed the creative charms of LittleBigPlanet , you're likely enthusiastic about ModNation Racers , which also embraces the innovative "Create, Play, Share" concept.

If you're looking for a great update concerning the ambitious little kart racer, check out Electric Playground's video interview , which gives us plenty of behind-the-scenes details and information. After seeing that impressive presentation at E3 last year, we've been looking forward to learning more; United Front Games is quite forthcoming in this revealing Q&A. There's also plenty of footage from the game, which is shaping up to be one of our most anticipated titles of 2010. While we'll certainly get a slew of tracks and characters with the game – as we did in LBP – the primary goal is to get players into creation mode. Now, this has sometimes proven to be a daunting task in the past, as editors of any kind aren't always easy to use. But the developers want to make it clear: we'll still have all the depth but without the hassle. This game, from top to bottom, should be both accessible and fun, which is a win-win situation as far as most are concerned. Personally, I liked the speed of the footage; it appears as if the game will be very fast, perhaps faster than you might've thought…

ModNation Racers continues the tradition of LBP and adds the element of racing…this ain't Super Mario Kart , ladies and gents. It's something a good deal more.

Related Game(s): ModNation Racers

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15 years ago

cant wait for this to come out.
its about time a car racing combat game graced the ps3.
anyone know when its releasing?

15 years ago

"Easy editor"

I love LPB, but the editor can sometimes be painful and extremely time consuming I love the game, and the levels created are really insane. Just which I could make more levels without spending weeks on them 🙁

This game will follow that party game system LPB had. LBP is still one of the coolest party games I've ever played. If you have friends (or make new ones through the game), you really know how awesome it is to gather up and head out for LPB adventures

Should be the same deal in Modnation but racing and burning rubber.

My goal: To make the LONGEST track possible (long tracks are the best, imo). This is something I'm gonna love, being able to create long tracks lol. These days tracks are so freaking short, annoys the crap out of me.

Sir Shak
Sir Shak
15 years ago

Well , the E3 demonstration did showcase how accessible the track creator is . I think even non-creative people like me can produce decent tracks , something that cannot be said about LBP .

15 years ago

Theres a limit to how long your track can be though…

15 years ago

Memory! Or the lack of it… the aging process of the PS3 🙁


"i am back"

15 years ago

I'm not asking for a 10 minute long track lol

a 2-5 minute long track is all I ask for (the kart's speeds might a factor on the lap time). Just want a racing level that feels like it was a journey, and not the easy tracks we get in today's Mario Karts ando most racing games in general.

15 years ago

Do you mean something like Mario Karts Rainbow Road or even longer than that?

15 years ago

Yeah kinda like that (now that track is a real journey). You actually feel like you had a long way to go to finish the track 😀

Though, I'd even make it longer than that. Like Mario's level 3 course in Mario Kart (by the way, when I say Mario Kart, I'm referring to the SNES version, since it is the best version, imo)

15 years ago

Agree the SNES version of Mario Kart is by far my favourite. Would spend countless hours blasting around the 150cc cups with Toad.

15 years ago

The level creation is easy to use. I made a lvl where you go upwards in a spiral then just hurl down at fast speeds. When i used the auto populate, it made my level better then expected, and i also tweaked a lot of stuff to fit my needs.

15 years ago

Yeah, this will be my "cute" title for the year. I've really been liking the beta, but I will like it more if I get some 2 player racing going on with my girl.

I lost interest in LBP after my ps3 died and my back-up saves wouldn't load onto the new machine they sent me. I had EVERYTHING. Dammit. Still breaks my heart. Couldn't get myself that into it again.

15 years ago

awesome avatar man lol

15 years ago

I just love how easy it is to create in the game. My 8 year old brother has even managed to whip up some badass little characters and even a a nice track. The ease of creating is a big plus for me. This way the whole family can play and make their own people without having to bother me. I enjoyed Little Big Planet but i couldn't sit through all the tutorials on how to do what you wanted. Modnation has really nailed it.

Cholo Gamer
Cholo Gamer
15 years ago

I have the beta, but it's not finished downloading yet. I can't wait to try it out!

15 years ago

This game seems awesome wish i had the beta -_-

15 years ago

Same, how the hell didn't I get in? I've been playing LBP for a long time. Was in the beta too >:|

15 years ago

yea wish i had waited for the goty edition of lbp instead of buying it when it first came out

15 years ago

wait ,the beta for this game came in the goty LBP ? I thought the only way you can get it is to sign up or maybe im reading it wrong.

15 years ago

Yeah, I was in the LBP Beta as well (along with the early Home and U2 betas) but didn't get into the MNR beta. 🙁

I think Sony's mad at me for turning down their invitation to the MAG beta.


15 years ago

Yeah, you get the beta download code in the case for buying LBP GotY Edition.

Cholo Gamer
Cholo Gamer
15 years ago

LOL I don't really play LBP and I got the beta, but it was off a website.

fluffer nutter
fluffer nutter
15 years ago

Our family have been enjoying the beta and we will definitely be getting this game. The track, car and player editors are so easy to use and loads of fun. Can't wait to get this thing. I have a feeling we'll be playing this for a long time as we are still playing LBP on a regular basis.

15 years ago

A game like this will take advantage of blu-ray, but probably not the PS3 cell.

15 years ago

My 7 year old son and I love to play LBP together. We tried creating a level and you guys are correct, it is very time consuming and I can't quite get some of my ideas to translate. I am definitely looking forward to this game. Can't wait…

15 years ago

First day buy for my and my nieces and nephew. Can't get here soon enough.

15 years ago

This game is going to be awesome. I love the play create and share theme going for these games like LBP and now Mod Nation Racers.. Should be a fun game for sure!

15 years ago

the beta was amazing. day one purchase for me. tis is gonna show mario kart a thing or too. I love it.

15 years ago

cant wait for this i did get a beta code but gave it away really pissed wanted to 2 play it 🙁 lol looks really good doe

15 years ago

I got a wallpaper damnit 🙁

15 years ago

I cant wait to play this game .it makes feel like the first time I saw Mario Kart for SNES but I kno its gonna be way beyond what M.K was.

Last edited by Silent_J on 1/8/2010 8:30:53 AM

15 years ago

I hope they don't skimp on the graphics to make this game as fast as you say. It looks really fun and I'd love a good HD kart racer. The customization of the racers is the best part. Taking out the competition online with your racer. It's going to be a blast.

15 years ago

Yeh good beta so far.

My Track (Craigo Track 1) is No10 most downloaded so far. So please give it a try.

15 years ago

My beta code wouldnt work damnit, so the e mail got binned bugger 🙁
Still looks good though 🙂

15 years ago

I hope the final game will integrate with the playstation eye like little big planet. That would be cool.

15 years ago

I Hope They Fix TRhe Frame Rate cause it can dip real low at times. other then that its cool hybrid TM/MK clone.

15 years ago

I love LBP, and also feel creating is difficult so far. I am looking forward to MNR because it looks so easy to create.