It's a frightening possibility for those of us who have come to love the franchise over the past 20-some years. But could Final Fantasy XIII represent "the end of an era?"
During an Edge Online interview with Square-Enix boss Yoichi Wada, we learn that Final Fantasy XV (remember, number XIV is an all-online title slated to release this year as well) may not be in the cards. Or if it is, it won't be anything the fans would typically expect. You may or may not agree with Wada's surprisingly bold words but either way, S-E has it in their heads that they must expand and progress beyond the traditional:
"I believe Final Fantasy XIII is going be something special, and that it’s going to be well received by the audience. But whether we are going to continue to internally create this type of game remains to be seen, because I actually feel that the team that was involved with Final Fantasy XIII should next move on to create and generate some ‘next generation’ forms of play. Internally and externally I feel there’s an expectation of Square Enix to offer something new, and I really think that the Final Fantasy team could create something completely different, but at the moment they’re strictly catering to the particular audience they have now."
He added that he doesn't want his company to only be known for FF and Dragon Quest , although he certainly does want Square-Enix to be synonymous with "high-quality games." So what are you thinking, Wada? FPSs? More online multiplayer stuff? Western hack 'n slashes? I could be wrong, but I get the feeling that of the several million in Japan that have already bought FFXIII, and the million more in the US and Europe that will buy it, most are buying it because it's distinctly "Final Fantasy." Whoever said they wanted that name slapped on an unrecognizable adventure or genre? At the same time, it would be hypocritical of me to slam the idea, as I've always said that failure to progress is the same as stagnation…and that doesn't fly in this industry.
Even so, it'll be very tough to accept a new direction for the franchise. Personally, it would mean my days of FF loyalty are numbered. 🙁
Related Game(s): Final Fantasy XIII
It's strange how coming into this generation of gaming some developers have been delivering one big let down after another, either with their mouth or their games.
On the flip side, other developers are stepping up with great stuff. If Final Fantasy disappears it will be missed, but I will most certainly have forgotten about this Wada guy. He can go ahead with his silliness while I check out the competition.
Here is… a little thought for everyone here to snack on. 10, 20 even 30 years from now do you see Final Fantasy, Call of Duty, or even Resident Evil the big players? If you do, you may be right… you may be wrong.
Everything has an end, moving away from one IP probably does not seem so great right now for anyone here, but Square Enix might have something in mind, something that will turn all gamers' expectations.
First, we expected Mario games to be extremely fun and entertaining! What happened to Mario? Later down the years Final Fantasy and Resident Evil came along, and then Modern Warfare… but like everyone is already saying, FF is different after FFX.
The generation of… the next 20 years or what-have-you wont even recognize Final Fantasy nor Resident Evil or even World of Warcraft for that matter. They will be thinking of… World of Mariocraft or some other crazy IP the industry comes up with… Just as the newer generations of today do not recognize Mario. The newer generations of tomorrow wont recognize Final Fantasy, or any great franchise we can think of today.
Damn it… I talk to much…
Last edited by Tatsujin on 1/7/2010 7:40:58 PM
I have a 6 year old boy here that would love to disagree with you over Mario being recognized. He has all the new Mario games. Heck, even Pacman, Frogger and Space Invaders are still making games. And what is Super Stardust HD other than a glorified version of Asteroids?
Right. Your boy, out of the 5 kids standing around, is alongside with only one other kid. 2/5 kids know about those great arcade games we had to where as back then it was the vise-versa. Not every parent shows their kid the true start of video game history, and although true not all kids need to be shown, they can figure it out on their own, the odds are slim of that happening. So, should Tyranch go ahead and make another WWII game? Or does your kid wanna disagree with me somemore? idk…
Dude, seriously, you're arguing with this other poster's 5 year old son? Really? And we're supposed to take you seriously?
Whatever. If you haven't seen how well Mario did this holiday season you obviously have no reason to be posting on a gaming site. I had to go to 6 stores to find the new Mario Brothers because every one was sold out. I'm pretty sure it wasn't all 30 year old men buying them up for themselves. And my point was that all these other games ARE still out there being remade all the time. Really. Go look, I think you have some checking to do. Should Tyranch go ahead and make another WWII game? Sure!
For the record, Final Fantasy (the first one) came out in 1983. That's nearly a THIRTY year legacy it's created. THIRTY YEARS!
I see no reason the name won't go on for another 30. Whether or not it's recognizable by that time… who's to say? But as long as the games are still beautiful, immersive, and entertaining, I'll keep playing them.
ahh, this is like the biggest reason to get rid of Wada, i mean, shut the hell up. so you're just going to abandon the gamers who made you guys who you are and doing something else. You dont want to be know just for final fantasy and dragon quest, seriously? i believe that a lot of developers would want to have that series that they would be known for concerning the quality of their work. Lucky for gamers that there are always other studios waiting to take control, heres hoping to level 5 and white knight chronicles.
my GOD! this guy loves to run his mouth.
wada, your in the wrong industry you should go work as a PR guy.
you would be perfect for the job, in fact you and MR greenburg would get along perfectly.
both love to run there mouths off about absolute crap!
do me a favour.
announce a game, release it, announce a game, release it.
not announce a game, announce another game, announce another game, hype another game, hype another game, than release a game.
jesus christ!
if this guy put half as much work in making the games we would be up to FF 55 by now!
So.. now it will really be the proper Final Fantasy?
For RPG diehards.
I'm still holding my breath on whether FF will end.
But FFXIII certainly looks promising to me, so what if it's linear, FFX was also linear for a while at first but I do wonder what the people who previewed the game said there's no town?
Why is it that everytime there is an article about Square-Enix these days I end up just being really pissed off at the end?
They're direction really does not seem to coincide with that of the consumer.
Will be interesting to see what happens over the next few years. I just hope that Final Fantasy stays Final Fantasy.
I find myself rolling over the failure to progress statement at the end of the article…
Sure it may be the same as stagnation but when I think about it sometimes certain things should not be changed, and if it needs it than the change should only be slight.
Like the design for PS controllers, if it isn't broke don't fix it or make it something entirely (and sometimes drastically) new.
They should make some free online games, SE could definately make some incredible mmorpgs. They have the potential. It sucks that FFXIV is pay to play. You would think that if it were free, many more people would buy and play it.
Unlucky XIII has struck the FF franchise 🙁
Oh well
Fucking dumbass…
nooooo dont end!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!