Well, at least we won't ever have to worry about controlling Nathan Drake with a silly wand.
Which isn't to imply that we find the upcoming motion control mechanic for the PlayStation 3 "silly," but we would find it silly in that particular situation. And as far as Naughty Dog boss Evan Wells is concerned, it would be ridiculous in just about any game of that style. In speaking to G4TV , Wells said he'd rather steer clear of the motion sensing idea for third-person action games. If the team did decide to dive into the idea, they'd have to start from scratch and build a game specifically made for that device, rather than trying to force the wand into a pre-existing mold.
"We really don't have any interest in using the motion control to do a third-person action game. If we were going to make a motion controller game, we'd want to tackle it from the bottom up and make sure that we were designing the game around the motion control, the way the best Wii games are designed."
He goes on to say that he enjoys the Wii, and because he has a 3-year-old, that system gets a lot of play time in his house. …I'd make some sort of comment here, but I won't. Wells is being positive; so can I. Beyond this, Wells also thinks PS3 owners are "totally for it," in regards to the motion control and he adds that there are probably "a lot of closet Wii owners in the PlayStation community." Therefore, if someone could create "some really good software for that motion controller," it could be a definite success.
We still don't have a name for this motion-sensing wand just yet, but we know it's coming in the spring. And you can bet that if a team like Naughty Dog gets it into their heads to create a game utilizing this new technology, the final result will be pretty damn impressive…likely leaps and bounds ahead of anything you will find on the Wii, simply due to the vastly superior technology the developers would have at their disposal.
ND's pure awesome
They're honest to the bone!
Seriously, some companies would just go "this is great! the ps3 can do it!!! YEEEAH!" *cough* Nintendo *cough*
But ND's saying it like it is. If a game's based around the motion controls THEN it will enhance both the game AND the motion gameplay.
Wonder what kinds of games some companies are already thinking of or creating for this motion controller.
If you've read my post on Heay Rain then you know Im an a@s h#%e. If you havnt, then dont for it will rob you of brain cells. I now want to talk about Assassin's Creed 2.
My little brother brought over his warranty replaced 360 (that has also rrod-ed at least once) and one of his games is AC2. Having just "finnished" the game on my ps3, I was willing to let him plug his micro-box into my 1080p tv and watch him play. An at home comparrison, if you will.
To my eyes, both versions (ps3/xbox) looked exactly the same on graphics and performance. What DID stand out to me, however, and please tell me if I'm wrong, was that for the duration of my ps3 playthrough
I did not see ANY fat chicks.
But as soon as he fired up the xbox version…
fat chicks everywhere! Maybe I just never noticed. Or maybe my ps3 doesnt have the raw power to render those bovine delights, strolling the streets of venice. Looking for milkshakes. Maybe Ubisoft thought it would be too difficult to 'port' them over.
I think microsoft should get a piece of the "cant be done on that other console" action! They should state: "Larger women could never be done on the ps3, the SPUs are just too small."
Not meaning to offend anyone…
psn: fooosie
I say fat chicks should be on ALL consoles!!
Not sure how it relates to this thread though.
Dude, that is hilarious. Really. I'd hope anyone reading the post could tell there was no offense intended, only a cow pat sized dollop of sarcasm and humor.
Fu!k motion controller when we have that secret game from SE now and it is Kingdom Hearts 3 a teaser trailer was just shown at CES, and SE confirmed its going Sony exclusive. The crowd went crazy.
I'll just keep calling what I've been calling it, a Sonymote.
I'm all for it. And I'm sure that it should be great for those games that's are going to be built from the ground up just for motion tracking.
It's just going to give the Playstation another added feature, so that's a good thing.
Besides, if ND decides to make a Sonymote game, don't you think they'll give it the 1000% effort that they've been giving to all their prior games too????
As for those who don't want it, that's fine too. All they have to do is simply ignore upcoming Sonymote games.
So, either way everybody should come out happy.
"It's all good"
They should release a Bayonetta version of it and call it "SONY Lollipop"
Day one buy for me 😀
no evan, NO!
the only games i want ND working on are either uncharted 3, uncharted PSP, jack and daxter OR a new crash bandicoot game.
please no motion controls games, PLEASE!
you guys are to talented to work on that 2nd grade boring crap!
if i wanted to play my games via motion controls i would of bought a wii not a 1000 dollar PS3.
You speak of Wii needing new IP's, yet you want ND to come out with sequels. I find that ironic.
Now, a new Crash Bandicoot, you are onto something there. Would love that.
Would love Uncharted 3 if we are submitting requests to Naughty Dog.
because 1 the ps3 has many new IPs.
2 i really like uncharted and can not think of anything naughty dog could make that i would prefer over uncharted.
i love platforming games, there my favorite type of games.
if naughty dog were to make a new IP i would choose a survival horror, but i still would rather them work on uncharted 3 or uncharted PSP.
I'm not sure if I'm into the whole idea of "motion controls" for Uncharted, let alone the PS3.
I've got a wii and I think that's about enough of the motion controlling I can take. I only got a wii out of desperation because I couldn't get a PS3 at that time. PS3 changed my life and I just can't see this whole motion thing going out of the wii safety zone. Motion stuff for the wii? Yeah, sure, it's great! But for the PS3…? Ehhhhh…. I disprove of that idea, but it doesn't mean I wouldn't give it a shot.
Either way, Uncharted 3 should remain true to its format as it has been and kick some more ass on a third installment!
Like I said, disprove it, but would try it if it came out!
I can see what you mean, but only in part. I can understand the grenade-throwing movement got a little annoying. But, I had quite a lot of fun shaking off the mutants lol. But, it is without saying that it did get a little well… Old. I was at first sad they removed the feature in the second installment, then realized it wasn't so bad as I thought it could be.
Although they didn't completely break from the motion controls within the context of, tilt your controller backwards and Nate will lean backwards while hanging on a ledge. I found it quite useful when the camera angle gave me little to work with… Well, what I'm trying to say is, I agree with you ffrulez, but in any way, ND knows how to put the motion sensing to great and practical use… Nowadays anyway lol