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Lighting Technology In GoWIII Only Possible On PS3

During last year's Killzone 2 craze, we continually heard from Guerrilla and Sony that the groundbreaking FPS could only be done on the PlayStation 3. We heard something similar when Uncharted 2: Among Thieves came out and we're hearing it again concerning God of War III .

Basically, any major exclusive presents us with statements that say the developers could only have created the game in question by utilizing the advanced benefits of Sony's machine. Of course, these statements do often come from Sony and not the designers so perhaps there's a bit of marketing mixed in with fact, but that's bound to happen every now and then. The UK product manager for SCEA's God of War III , Claire Backhouse, has told CVG that the hotly anticipated action extravaganza uses features that couldn't be implemented on other consoles. Said Backhouse:

"The developers have worked hard to use the power of the PS3 to make GOW3 look amazing and have added features that are only possible with PS3. The dynamic lighting solution employed in GOW III is only feasible through the computing power provided by the Cell SPUs.

For example, using the High Dynamic Range Lighting (HDRL) technology, the camera – when using Kratos' sightline – will emulate the human retina, causing players to feel a sharp brightness when Kratos exits a dark area and enters a sunlit area, similar to how the human eye would need to adjust."

We've actually heard about this feature before, but we never really knew that it required the extra power of the PS3. Xbox 360 fans will quickly ask if this couldn't be done on Microsoft's machine, but we may never know the answer. The bottom line is that exclusives – for either console – seem to be superior to many multiplatform efforts, meaning developers can really dive into a particular machine if that's the only one they have to worry about. Of course, the PS3 is the more capable system, so it's not surprising that exclusives reigned supreme in 2009. Will they do it again in 2010…?

Related Game(s): God of War III

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15 years ago

Here's a question — No one really debates that the exclusive games of 360 and PS3 have been the best games of the generation. But what HAVE been the best multiplat games? Off the top of my head, I sure did love Grand Theft Auto IV. There's an example of an absolutely top-tier game that was on both consoles…

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

Assassin's Creed II springs readily to mind, as does Batman: Arkham Asylum.

But yes, exclusives are typically the cream of the crop, and for good reason.

15 years ago

I'm a graphics whore, I supported Batman because it looks identical on PS3 and 360. I didn't look into Assassin's Creed 2, so I don't know. I hesitate to buy the original Assassin's Creed because of the washed out version for PS3. I don't want some developer to rip me off because they are lazy.

15 years ago

when I got assassins creed for ps3 it was the second best looking game out, second only to MGS4. Didn't really think it looked washed out, considering it still looked better than just about everything else I owned.

15 years ago

I agree with BTN, the first Assassins Creed looked great

15 years ago

it looked extremley washed out, but thats every PS3 game compare to a 360 version.
thats the one thing that really bugs me with the PS3, the games always look so washed out no matter what i do, change all the settings on my tv and its still washed out.
especially with LCDs they will always look washed out compared to a plasma or LED TV due to the method they use for lighting the screen.
thats why LED TVs look so dam good in colors compare to LCDs, because they use color LEDs instead of a blinding bright white light.

15 years ago

What are you talking about? I've never played a PS3 game that looked 'Washed Out', lol. Every PS3 game I've ever played the lighting was gorgeous on, can't say the same for the 360 though. The 360 is just lighting, while the PS3 is like the sun being out and everything being much more naturally lighted looking.

15 years ago

than your not looking hard enough.
every PS3 game is washed out, its got to do with the OS settings there is no gamma control.
causing colors to look brighter and more pale than they should.

15 years ago

It's only fair since paying to play online can only be done on the Xbox360.

15 years ago

Huh? Did I miss something?

15 years ago


15 years ago

Has there been a game developer of a game that was exclusive to the XBOX that said, yes, this game could have only been done on the 360?

When Halo games, or the Gears games came out, did anybody say it could have only been done on the 360?

I can see XBOXer's saying, well, they develop for Sony, so of course they are going to say it can only be done on the PS3, but if the same isn't being said on the other side, then I would say it is much more than just sabre rattling.

A year ago, I had to choose to purchase a PS3 or a 360. I did my homework, and am so glad now that I chose the PS3.

Last edited by MyWorstNightmar on 1/6/2010 10:57:52 AM

15 years ago

Good point, and no, I can't think of anyone saying that. The best looking 360 games are Gears 1 and 2, in my opinion, and while truly spectacular, they obviously could have been made to look just as good — and probably better — on PS3 (an amazing thought my brain can't even process!)

15 years ago

Yes, Fable II. The Peter Molyneux stated the way the online co-op worked can only be done on the 360 with Xbox Live.

Personally, I don't care because the online co-op was crap and had very limited options anyway.

Demon's Souls pulled it off better than Fable II did. Except for lack of friend invites and voice chat. Though, that was a design decision, not a hardware, software, or network limitation.

Last edited by Nynja on 1/6/2010 11:16:25 AM

15 years ago

I'd say Gears would look just as good as Uncharted 2 if it were a PS3 exclusive.


15 years ago

I don't know about that Fable II mp stuff, but Gears being an UTIII engine game pretty much guarantees that it would be the same on either system. Oh, except with BD it would have more content.

15 years ago

The developer of forza 3 said they are confident that their game engine couldn't be done on any console and its be better than gran turismo 5's. Laughable.

15 years ago

I would be rather easy to do a game that couldn't be done on the PS3 in it's identical nature… as for the RSX being able to do something the Xenos couldn't… unlikely…

15 years ago

Another one for the Sony team!

Personally, I say all games made on PS3 are possible on Xbox 360 just like Media Molecule said "It's possible but it'll be a really different game."

15 years ago

godsman, not sure what point you are making. The game is the game the way it is. You are insinuating that the game would have to be different to be put on the Xbox360. That is the point the developers are saying.

(paraphrase to follow) "The game we have MADE could not have been made on the XBOX360 as we have constructed it." – XYZ development team.

15 years ago

I said that as a follow up to Ben's comment in the article about the Xbox. I mean that anything is possible, you just need to compromise the graphics. Instead of the retina effect, shine a beam of flashlight in your face instead. If it won't run smoothly, cut back 60% of the polygons, and down to 24 fps, and 80% of the AI's. I say anything is possible, just that it'll be a different game.

Last edited by godsman on 1/6/2010 1:28:54 PM

15 years ago

Godsman, I appologize, I misread your original post.

15 years ago

Kind of a stupid comment from them since HDRL has been done in many games before… ICO had it on the PS2!
HDRL is the list of the things that make God of War the beast that it is and surely only possible on the PS3.

15 years ago

I don't think the "cannot be done" is referring to HDRL but HDRL in the environment. Take into account: resolution, frame-rate, texture sizes, physics and the vast amount of polygons.

15 years ago

Hearing things like this bothers me. I know it's more likely a marketing tactic, just as PSXE is assuming.

What are they going to say when the PS4 is released if it abandons the CELL?

"It is only possible on the PS4 because we use the same multi-core PowerPC CPU as the other guys…"

Come up with something new, Sony. This is getting old.

Last edited by Nynja on 1/6/2010 11:13:08 AM

15 years ago

Oh, I wouldn't say that, One PowerPC is not always equal to another PowerPC. You could have a system using 4 stripped down Power6 cores and a Power7 chip. Both are PowerPCs, but I'm sure you'd prefer the Power7.

Seems like you're taking a very negative view.

15 years ago

As I say to every one, it's way too early to start guessing what the PS4 is going to be like.

15 years ago

I'm just tired of the campaign "only possible on…"

15 years ago

All the bots are whining over at the CGV thread.

Capcom talked about this kind of dynamic lighting for RE5 but that was before they decided to make it muliplat. There's also a short behind the scenes with Santa Monica Studios you get to watch after completing the E3 demo that came in the District 9 Blue Ray release. they talk about the lighting. Pretty interesting. The fact that Capcom abandoned the idea after RE5 went multiplat I think lends some credibility to this claim about it only being possible on PS3. Why would Capcom abandon it then after talking it up so much?

15 years ago

I really liked District 9.

Great extras on that Bluray.

15 years ago

good point

15 years ago

I still have yet to see a game on 360 that can really come close to any Ps3 exclusive besides Gears, I think we've seen pretty much all 360 can do as far as visuals go, HHG and The bitbag would say otherwise

15 years ago

I still don't get what's so great about Gears. It looks like every other game made with Unreal 3. Lame.

15 years ago

ooo! I thought gears was gears was pretty cool, especially after playing Uncharted. The only thing I missed from it was climbing and jumping. I think Uncharted's extra dimension in game-play beats that. As far as graphics I personally think that the unreal engine does not look that good on both consoles. Close up objects are OK but far objects (such as buildings) are always too blurry. Even in Arkham Asylum (great game) that was not improved.

15 years ago

@Jawknee, I guess it's not for everyone. But I found both Gears 1 and 2 to be nothing less than awesome, and I especially loved both the quality of the graphics and the art designs. I really found it superb…

15 years ago

Massive texture loading, pop in and screen tearing are not my thing.

karneli lll
karneli lll
15 years ago

I like how the star always talks like he's constipating, i laughed till the controller was taken away from me.

15 years ago

well neither of these are out yet.
but alan wake
splinter cell conviction
halo reach are looking really good.
not to mention RAGE and crysis 2.
and max payne 3, well i have not seen any screenshots from that or vids BUT its R* they always release quality stuff.

15 years ago

i think a new game called kingdom under fire i out 4 pc n 360, n the graphic looks very good, based on wat i've seen on the pc, so i'm pretty sure 360 still have some pretty games coming out 4 it.

15 years ago

Have you seen Halo reach, from what they showed and claim to be ingame, that looks like it will be what Halo CE was for xbox, but I haven't bought anything for my 360 since Gears 1. Plus I never caught on to the Halo craze it just didn't do it for me. I enjoyed Kill Zone far better, even then it had a much better story for me.

15 years ago

I feel you on that JawKnee I still haven't finnished the first Gears i forced myself to play as much as I did.

15 years ago

I wish that folks at SCEA would be more careful with this kind of statement. Although the RSX doesn't have HDR capabilities built into is, the Xbox360's GPU Xenos does have HDR capability. So it's very nice that they're using the Cell's SPEs to perform HDR lighting post effects on GOWIII on the PS3. But it's hardly something that couldn't be done on another console.

I'm sure that there are unique parts to the approach they're using, but the 360 has HDR in it's box of tricks and claiming otherwise makes Sony look a little clueless.

15 years ago

im sure they know, its just PR talk thats all.
sony have got a really big mouth latley, something i really cant understand.
they use to be very modist like naughty dog, now there like the old M$ waving their nads around yelling LOOK AT ME OVER HERE IM A BIG MAN!!!!!!
as the saying goes talk is cheap, if your game is that good PROVE IT!
dont say it, PROVE IT!

15 years ago

Not sure I care for this news. They did something like this in Far Cry 2 and I thought it was a bit painful on the real eyes.

15 years ago

Yes, HDR can be well done, but it usually looks overdone to me. Bloom effects usually overpower the rest of the image, my eyes are already hurting at the thought of it.

15 years ago

I'm aware of this feature, and I swear I saw it on Halo 3. Actually I think I even saw it on the PS2 YEARS ago.

As far as examples of showing off a systems power goes, I think this is an incredibly poor example. Certainly the 360 can handle a lighting effect.

They should have used an example of how the game is dynamically more detailed than it would be on the 360, or how much easier it makes their lives that they aren't limited to DVD9.

I think taughting more power than the 360 using this particular example is just stupid.

(Personally, I also absolutely hate this effect, I don't like it in real life, and I don't like it in video games either).

15 years ago

HDRL Bloom is an old technology and is possible on more than the ps3, it was included in half life 2 (c. 2004)

but I guess there is probably more to HDRL that can't be done on 360

Sir Shak
Sir Shak
15 years ago

Can't wait for the new footage to come out , I heard it's supposed to release on the eighteenth of this month .

15 years ago

HDR was first seen in video games six years ago — Half-Life 2: Lost Coast and Day of Defeat: Source.

If you're going to re-write Sony press releases and pass it off as news, at least pretend to have a grain of objectivity.

15 years ago

Valve rewrote all the shaders in their Source engine to support HDR lighting in 2003, before releasing Half Life 2:Lost Coast in 2004. At roughly the same time, Epic did the same thing with the Unreal 3 engine.

This is old tech, and old news. Of course I am still looking forward to God of War III.