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Lighting Technology In GoWIII Only Possible On PS3

During last year's Killzone 2 craze, we continually heard from Guerrilla and Sony that the groundbreaking FPS could only be done on the PlayStation 3. We heard something similar when Uncharted 2: Among Thieves came out and we're hearing it again concerning God of War III .

Basically, any major exclusive presents us with statements that say the developers could only have created the game in question by utilizing the advanced benefits of Sony's machine. Of course, these statements do often come from Sony and not the designers so perhaps there's a bit of marketing mixed in with fact, but that's bound to happen every now and then. The UK product manager for SCEA's God of War III , Claire Backhouse, has told CVG that the hotly anticipated action extravaganza uses features that couldn't be implemented on other consoles. Said Backhouse:

"The developers have worked hard to use the power of the PS3 to make GOW3 look amazing and have added features that are only possible with PS3. The dynamic lighting solution employed in GOW III is only feasible through the computing power provided by the Cell SPUs.

For example, using the High Dynamic Range Lighting (HDRL) technology, the camera – when using Kratos' sightline – will emulate the human retina, causing players to feel a sharp brightness when Kratos exits a dark area and enters a sunlit area, similar to how the human eye would need to adjust."

We've actually heard about this feature before, but we never really knew that it required the extra power of the PS3. Xbox 360 fans will quickly ask if this couldn't be done on Microsoft's machine, but we may never know the answer. The bottom line is that exclusives – for either console – seem to be superior to many multiplatform efforts, meaning developers can really dive into a particular machine if that's the only one they have to worry about. Of course, the PS3 is the more capable system, so it's not surprising that exclusives reigned supreme in 2009. Will they do it again in 2010…?

Related Game(s): God of War III

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Banky A
Banky A
15 years ago


15 years ago

Lol, the question is, will it be done again in 2011 ;)?

15 years ago

It seems like I've seen this effect before and I don't care for it.

Tell you what effect on the eyes I think is cool though, it's when you step out of a warm place into some place cold and your corneas on your eyes fog over.

15 years ago

a game may look great but it also needs great gameplay. If the game has great graphics thats a plus, but if its gameplay elements aren't up to par with the eye candy then count me out!

15 years ago


No wonder ps3's games (exclusives and those done utilizing the ps3 as the primary console) always had better lighting than most other games :O

Anyone seen ps3's Ninja Gaiden 2 and then the one on the 360? The difference in lighting is intense :O

15 years ago

all i know is i played the demo for GOW 3 like ten times, and i have no worries for the final product…gutting the centaur, the chimera fight, ripping of helios' head with my BARE HANDS…epically epic

15 years ago

If you've read my post on Heay Rain then you know Im an a@s h#%e. If you havnt, then dont for it will rob you of brain cells. I now want to talk about Assassin's Creed 2.
My little brother brought over his warranty replaced 360 (that has also rrod-ed at least once) and one of his games is AC2. Having just "finnished" the game on my ps3, I was willing to let him plug his micro-box into my 1080p tv and watch him play. An at home comparrison, if you will.
To my eyes, both versions (ps3/xbox) looked exactly the same on graphics and performance. What DID stand out to me, however, and please tell me if I'm wrong, was that for the duration of my ps3 playthrough

I did not see ANY fat chicks.

But as soon as he fired up the xbox version…
fat chicks everywhere! Maybe I just never noticed. Or maybe my ps3 doesnt have the raw power to render those bovine delights, strolling the streets of venice. Looking for milkshakes. Maybe Ubisoft thought it would be too difficult to 'port' them over.
I think microsoft should get a piece of the "cant be done on that other console" action! They should state: "Larger women could never be done on the ps3, the SPUs are just too small."
Not meaning to offend anyone…
psn: fooosie

15 years ago

If you've read my post on Heay Rain then you know Im an a@s h#%e. If you havnt, then dont for it will rob you of brain cells. I now want to talk about Assassin's Creed 2.
My little brother brought over his warranty replaced 360 (that has also rrod-ed at least once) and one of his games is AC2. Having just "finnished" the game on my ps3, I was willing to let him plug his micro-box into my 1080p tv and watch him play. An at home comparrison, if you will.
To my eyes, both versions (ps3/xbox) looked exactly the same on graphics and performance. What DID stand out to me, however, and please tell me if I'm wrong, was that for the duration of my ps3 playthrough

I did not see ANY fat chicks.

But as soon as he fired up the xbox version…
fat chicks everywhere! Maybe I just never noticed. Or maybe my ps3 doesnt have the raw power to render those bovine delights, strolling the streets of venice. Looking for milkshakes. Maybe Ubisoft thought it would be too difficult to 'port' them over.
I think microsoft should get a piece of the "cant be done on that other console" action! They should state: "Larger women could never be done on the ps3, the SPUs are just too small."
Not meaning to offend anyone…
psn: fooosie

karneli lll
karneli lll
15 years ago


15 years ago

…you're complaining about the PS3 version not having…fat chicks. What the hell, lol. 360 fan boys try to thnk of everything to somehow justify their dead console. Nice try, but using fat chicks as an argument? What the hell does that have to do with anything? lol. From what I remember when Assassins Creed first started airing commercials and everything, it was called a PS3 exclusive, lol.

15 years ago

You have to pay homage to the appeal that a curvaceous woman can have, and it does seem to be the case for xbox. When I played fable 2 i couldn't help but have myself a fat chick no matter how much celery i tried to eat or how many of the same enemy I killed. Even your best friend is a fat chick. I'm surprised your dog doesn't get fat as well.

Last edited by kaufdaddy21 on 1/7/2010 10:33:58 PM

15 years ago


15 years ago

how did… twice?

15 years ago

Lmao your avatar perfectly fits the situation ^.^

15 years ago

And my finger perfectly fits my nose. I plan these things…

15 years ago

Lmao =D

15 years ago

Before I was hoping that they would someday have God of War series all on one blu-ray disc. Now I know its not possible. God of War I & II each take up 1 DVD, now that it's in HD, it'll be bigger files.

Seeing how much details will be in the third game, it'll probably be more than 1 blu-ray disc. I wouldn't want them to reduce the size of the third game just to fit all three on one 50 gig blu-ray disc (maybe 66 gig disc, we'll see).

15 years ago

My guess, godsman, would be that you wont see all three GOWs in one package till the next generation when/and/or/if they dare to make a GOW4. By that time, I dont think disc size will be an issue anymore as more and more games are downloadable. Even so, Id be suprised if gow1 &2, in all their HD glory, took up more than 5gb

15 years ago

Yet we never hear of anything that can only be done on the 360…
The second half of this generation is going to blow our minds, and i'm certain 90% of it will be Sony's doing.

15 years ago

thats because M$ like to show not talk about their games.
well except dan greenwalt and the forza team, there a whole other league.
as the saying goes, talk is cheap!

15 years ago

Being able to buy and play an xbox exculsive on your pc when you're between ps3 games is somthing you can only do on a 360…

Cholo Gamer
Cholo Gamer
15 years ago

That's good to hear. I hope they didn't really change anything in this game, because the GOW series are my 2nd favorite of all-time their great.

15 years ago

Shouldnt be too different, looks like the same engine

15 years ago

ok, can we please stop with this PR nonsense?
seriously this its getting beyond a joke!
i remember when killzone 2 came out all the fanboys were running rapid saying the 360 could not get even close to killzone 2 graphics.
than along comes BRINK and puts them all into the shame corner.
it maybe true, it probably is, but i seriously could not care less.
1 sony santa monica have NEVER! worked with a 360 so how would they know what its capable off?
2 both systems have yet to be maxed out, as ND have said a million times uncharted 2 used 100% of the Ps3s power but there is still code to be optimized.
that is always the case, developers wont get the maximum out of a console till late in development once the engine being used has gone so many improvements and tweaks it almost looks like a new system.
i absolutely HATE! halo, i think its the worst thing to happen to the games industry.
but im really psyched for reach only because its a high budget title and FINALLY! we have a engine made specifically for the 360 with 3 years minimum of development time to polish it to hell.
reach will show us what the 360 is capable off but thats not the end, im confident it can and will go further.

15 years ago

I watched the Brink vids and looked at the website and I have to say.

1. this game is coming to the PS3 and PC not just 360 so any shouts of joy for xbots having a better game cam be put to rest.

2. this game is beeing made by Bethesda and it shows (to the trained eye) Water animation is skechy at best and explosions don't have the same volumetric effects they did in Killzone2. many if not all textures seem low-res when you take a good look but the Models look nice(if your into cartoony soilders). I quikly noticed the skelital animation seemed presciripted they all die in pretty much the same way.

The one thing they did a nice job on is the motion blur effect, and gun models which seem to give off the nastalgic feel of Killzone to Playstation players when this game comes out.

if any of my info seems wrong then let me know. (only through collective knowleg will we know all the true facts.)

[edit] PS: this is thw website where i saw the vids.

Last edited by sdf1jjak on 1/7/2010 12:44:16 PM

15 years ago

What in the hell are you talking about, sd? lol.

15 years ago

give them time, its not due out till Q3 2010 so theres plenty of time to polish the game up and get it up to speed.

15 years ago

[1 sony santa monica have NEVER! worked with a 360 so how would they know what its capable off?]

Toyota never worked with Ford but Ill bet one knows where the others spark plugs go.
[2 both systems have yet to be maxed out, as ND have said a million times uncharted 2 used 100% of the Ps3s power but there is still code to be optimized.]

Naughtydog only said that they have optimized the cell processor and were using 100% of it. This just means it is now firing on all cylinders instead of 3.

[but im really psyched for reach only because its a high budget title and FINALLY! we have a engine made specifically for the 360 with 3 years minimum of development time to polish it to hell.]

Super! Let us see how ps3 will 1up it.

Finally an engine just for the 360? Good thing that the software developer that made the 360 "FINALLY" wrote some software for it.

LMAO over here, back to you chuck

15 years ago

The 360 was already maxed out, as said by multiple gaming developers, lol. Fail.

15 years ago

Can't wait for this game, played the demo so many times come on march hurry up LOL.

15 years ago

Some people are claiming that they have seen this effect? On halo 3? On ps-flippin-2?!
They are "aware" of this tech since '04?

Do you see dead people?

Wouldnt you think sony did their homework? I havnt seen any retractions saying "Oops, we forgot about the NOT bragging about a decade old lighting solution that everyone has".
This is God Of War people! God-Of-War!
Im sure this new lighting program will be awesome and an xbox 360 would cough up blood at the sight of it. But I wont even notice because Ill be playing GOD OF WAR. And so will you.

15 years ago

Dude, just Google High Dynamic Range Lighting, and you'll notice in about five seconds that it's been around for years.

If you Google HDR lighting and Valve you'll see articles about how Valve completely redid the Source engine's shaders to include HDR lighting in 2003.

If you Google Halo 3 and HDR lighting you'll notice stories about Bungie cutting the resolution from 720 to 640 (same resolution Uncharted 2 uses IIRC), so that they could include HDR lighting.

High Dynamic Range Lighting as a graphics concept has actually been around since 1985 for f*ck's sake. It's been used in videogames real time since 2003. You can verify this all by yourself in about two minutes using Google.

Sony, and the people covering them, should know better than to spout this kind of BS, but apparently that's not the case, and that's kind of sad.

Last edited by Bio on 1/7/2010 10:32:11 AM

15 years ago

Sony invented technology that his been in Direct X since 2002.

15 years ago

But has it been done in God of War 3 yet…

15 years ago

haha, take that Microsoft! PS 4ever!

15 years ago

I just hope EA(as much as I hate them) or Crytek(nothing but love for these guys) can optimize the Cryengine2/3 for PS3 so we can get a game visualy close to the origonal Crysis for Crysis2.

15 years ago

HDR is not new technology. Valve has added it to the Source engine and you could play it starting with Half-Life 2: Lost Coast. I thought Valve never did anything innovative!

15 years ago

p-p-p-parade o the 360-philes

rum away

15 years ago

Just because it was referred to as a "dynamic lighting solution" doesnt mean that it is HDR. When I refer to my car as a Dynamic Driving Solution Im not saying "Check out my model-t".

This will be somthing different. If not… then you're right, its sad… and kinda stupid

Gamer Girl Gemo
Gamer Girl Gemo
15 years ago

I can definately see what they mean by the adjusting to the light effect. Every time on Uncharted 1 & 2, when I walk out from a dark temple or dark cave, the light is over powering for just a moment making me have the realistic feeling just as you would by walking outside on a sunny day. SAlthough it can be a little bit over powering, but so realistic!
The PS3's lighting abilities are truly amazing at best! I'm not too sure of the Xbox 360… Not sure if it lives up to what the PS3 can manage, but I know it may rival the PS3 in some ways. Not that I'm fond of the 360 but eh… I'll give it some credit 🙂
Anywho! I needn't prattle. GOW3 will be amazing overall, 'nuff said! :]

Last edited by Gamer Girl Gemo on 1/7/2010 8:55:06 PM

Gamer Girl Gemo
Gamer Girl Gemo
15 years ago

I can definately see what they mean by the adjusting to the light effect. Every time on Uncharted 1 & 2, when I walk out from a dark temple or dark cave, the light is over powering for just a moment making me have the realistic feeling just as you would by walking outside on a sunny day. SAlthough it can be a little bit over powering, but so realistic!
The PS3's lighting abilities are truly amazing at best! I'm not too sure of the Xbox 360… Not sure if it lives up to what the PS3 can manage, but I know it may rival the PS3 in some ways. Not that I'm fond of the 360 but eh… I'll give it some credit 🙂
Anywho! I needn't prattle. GOW3 will be amazing overall, 'nuff said! :]

Gamer Girl Gemo
Gamer Girl Gemo
15 years ago

I can definately see what they mean by the adjusting to the light effect. Every time on Uncharted 1 & 2, when I walk out from a dark temple or dark cave, the light is over powering for just a moment making me have the realistic feeling just as you would by walking outside on a sunny day. SAlthough it can be a little bit over powering, but so realistic!
The PS3's lighting abilities are truly amazing at best! I'm not too sure of the Xbox 360… Not sure if it lives up to what the PS3 can manage, but I know it may rival the PS3 in some ways. Not that I'm fond of the 360 but eh… I'll give it some credit 🙂
Anywho! I needn't prattle. GOW3 will be amazing overall, 'nuff said! :]

15 years ago

It may be hard to beleve (and some ppl might thrash me for saying this) but there were times when a multiplatform game turnd out better on PS2, (splinter Cell Chaos Theory) is one of those games. the review said that allthough many aspects such as texture and bump mapping were better on Xbox, The PS2 had better reflection/refraction effects when rendering water and glass. Much of the PS2 graphics had to be hand crafted in code instead of using an expensive premade engine like M$. This generation where everything depends on the dev-team, we're seeing more interesting things happen with developers who take time not only to learn the "hard" language for codeing the cell but take to hart that they can do far more this way then with some stupid lisensed engine like UR3.

15 years ago

Lets not forget the most imparntant thing wich is, God of war 3 is a native 1080p.

15 years ago

What would Alan Wake be with PS3's "Lightning Technology?"

15 years ago

it's bs… the RSX is a whole generation behind the GPU in the 360… anything you see like this is software rendered