It was one of last year's most popular titles on the PSP but it probably didn't hit your radar screen if you don't own Sony's portable.
Well, the latest rumor may allow you to play Dissidia: Final Fantasy on either the PlayStation 3 or Xbox 360. Thanks to a fan tip sent to TheBitBag , it seems a Japanese publication has listed Square-Enix's fast-paced action title for both the PS3 and 360, although we're not even sure of the publication's name right now. It could be Famitsu, but that's just a guess. Now, there is the distinct possibility that we're talking about the game going downloadable on the PlayStation Network and Xbox Live Marketplace, which would make far more sense than a physical Blu-Ray release. Then again, the magazine could've made a mistake and simply meant it would be available on the PSN for download and play on the PSP. With a rumor like this, there are any number of possible outcomes, especially when the source in question is of mysterious origin. Personally, I think it's a damn good idea to make Dissidia available on the next-gen consoles, simply because it's popular enough to make a significant splash. Then again, maybe the game wouldn't make a smooth transition…
Anyway, we'll keep an eye out and see if this theory gets confirmed or denied. We're hoping this isn't the "secret" game Square-Enix is planning to announce; that would make little to no sense.
have ANY of you looked at the scan!?!?!? you all talk of your like for FF but cant realize the big giveaway. look at Kain. now tell me who does the art for Dissidia? and who did that Kain? that alone proves its fake.
It's good to be joining the community of PS3 owners. This game seriously rocked on PSP, if done right it'd be way awesome on PS3.
Last edited by AbsoluteZer0 on 1/6/2010 9:18:49 PM
With ingame dissidia cg graphics.
It's already on the PSN store. Over a gig, i believe 1.4 if i remember right.
It would have to be a rehash, or be ported to both systems for play. Eh, wasn't all that great anyway.
BTW, for those who don't know, that scan is a fake, done by the same guy who faked the pics of Lightning in Dissidia.