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God Of War III, Gran Turismo 5 Launch On Same Day In Japan?

It may only be a Japanese launch date (and hardly confirmed at that), but if it's true, we can guesstimate when we might see these titles in North America and Europe.

As noted by Siliconera , Japanese retailer Geostore may have provided everyone with the official release date for God of War III , the God of War Trilogy and Gran Turismo 5 . They say all three will be on store shelves in the Land of the Rising Sun on March 25, which holds with everything we've heard thus far. Geostore no longer lists GT5 with this date but it seems very plausible that it's the real deal; series creator Kazunori Yamauchi confirmed late last year that his driving simulator would be in Japan in March 2010. As for GoWIII, it would be more than a little surprising to have it launch in Japan – where it's less popular – first, so we'd like to think March 25 could be a NA/EU release as well. It would make sense to strive for a worldwide simultaneous release, after all. GameStop says we might not get GT5 in the US until November 2 , but we're all hoping that isn't accurate. However, can you imagine GoWIII and GT5 hitting on the same day ? It's like an automatic requirement to lay out $125!  The wallet says, "ouch."

We'll have to see if that March 25 date is correct for Japan and if it is, we can start figuring on Western release dates for the two games in question.

Related Game(s): God of War III , Gran Turismo 5

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15 years ago

5G networks, snakes blood, and cheap hookers; let me come with.

15 years ago

Releasing both games on the same day would be foolish to the extreme.

If they do go through with it, which I doubt, then it would seem the games industry still has things to learn from its counterpart in the movie world.

15 years ago


BUT don't think Sony doesn't calculate this*

COD: MW2 and Assasin's Creed II??? Anyone?

Cholo Gamer
Cholo Gamer
15 years ago

That is really dumb, why would they do that. Makes no sense at all. Oh well not my choice it's Sonys.

15 years ago

1 if GOW 3 comes out in Japan before it comes out here im going to nuke planet earth!

2 why would sony release 2 of there biggest most popular series on the same day?
we all have seen what these big hitters can do to hardware sales, just look at FF XIII or MGS4.
both increased the ps3s sales by 200%

i know heaps of people waiting off for a ps3 till either GOW 3 or GT5 comes out.
so instead of having the hardware sales increasing 200% for GOW 3s release than having another 200% increase for GT5s release there just sticking to the one hardware spike.
meh, i have never understood sonys logic, and never will!
thats because its NON EXISTENT!

15 years ago

No question about it I would get both on the same day, especially if I knew about it a few months inadvance lots of time to save up.

15 years ago

OK. Enough of this 'retailer says this, so we should be scared'. ben, you know Sony are a multimillion dollar company, and you should know they know how to market. stop scaring everyone like this because it's not going to happen. In my opinion, and what seems smarter and what is probobly the most obvious and profitable way is releasing god of war first, which is a single player game that shouldn't really take that long, in comparison to the other gow games. then they will release gt5 which is a game that takes a long time, and is multiplayer, and has been around since ps1.
so everyone stop being scared. I get dates at work as well, but they never tell the truth, unless they have already been announced.

15 years ago

funny how a week and some practice can change your mind of something so drastically.
when i downloaded the GT academy demo i absolutely HATED it, it was so twitchy and impossible to control.
for some reason if you hold square to break your car spins out, but if you use the right analouge stick to accelerate and break its much smoother and the car does not spin out.
because of that im actually really enjoying it now, and actually set some times.

i still suck at it though, my fastest now is 1.44 when the record is 1.35
give me some time and i should be able to get it to 1.4 LOL
god this is hard, i wish i had the cash to go buy a racing wheel.

15 years ago

I wonder what the deal is about an actual go in a racing car for those with the fastest times?

Do they not realise the winners will probably just be a giant mound of pale flesh with fingers and thumbs emerging from it?

15 years ago

LOL Damn straight, Pacific. It would take one hell of a shoehorn to get your avatar into a Ferrari.

ps. If it's you then I take it back, you're beautiful.

15 years ago

gow is best sony franchise
gow>ninja gaiden>devil may cry
and gran turismo 5 is going to release at any time that we want!!! it was a 2009 joke or will even 2010!ha ha!

Last edited by myu on 1/6/2010 12:14:35 PM

15 years ago

just got my copy of PSM3 today and they have a massive 6 page preview of GOW3.
funny thing is this was not suppose to come out till january 18th because the stuff sony showed off is under embargo till then.
and here i am reading it.
hope PSM3 dont get into trouble because of this, there the only AU MAG that get access to such big titles.

15 years ago

I already have both games pre-ordered so my money is already spent. All I have to do is wait for them to finally show up.