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Guinness World Records 2010 Gamer’s Edition Arrives

Think you're the authority on video game statistics? You'll need to brush up on the latest and greatest by picking up this year's edition of the Guinness World Records 2010: Gamer's Edition .

Sold and distributed by Brady Games, it officially released yesterday and sells for $14.99 in the U.S.; for UK gamers, they can snag it on January 21 for the price of 15.00 pounds Sterling. This is the third book in the gamer series and it includes records like the Most Popular Video Game Series of All Time (this is Halo , by the way) and plenty of records ranging from old-school classic gaming to the best-selling titles of 2009. The Best Selling Video Game Series of All Time remains Super Mario Bros. (over 201 million copies sold across all genres and platforms), NBA Jam is The Highest Grossing Video Arcade of All Time (earning over $1 billion in its first year of release), and a truly nutty one: Longest Time Spent Playing an MMORPG. Sara Lhadi spent 16,799 hours playing Runescape between November 2004 and October 2009 and if you're wondering, that averages out to about 9 hours and 20 minutes of play time every day for the 5-year span. …what?!

This new Guinness Gamer's Edition also features a new format, as it no longer presents the information in a game-by-game structure. This time, everything is separated out into genre and sub-genre, which allowed the editors "to pick only the strongest and most relevant records in each topic area." Said Guinness World Records Gaming Editor, Gaz Deaves:

"With huge game releases, big announcements and long-standing records broken, this year has been great for gaming. The Gamer's Edition 2010 is all about what's great in videogames right now, and gamers of all ages and abilities will find something amazing in the new book, from the casual to the ultra-hardcore."

So, when are you picking up your copy? You just need it for your collection, even if you're not planning on reading it cover-to-cover. There are some records in there that are just plain…silly.

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15 years ago

My brother spent about 4 years playing ffxi online when he didnt have a job. All day every day. I couldnt do it. I would go insane. lol

Last edited by dragonx_HD on 1/4/2010 9:48:35 PM

15 years ago

now that guy…is a trooper.

15 years ago

A true Hero.

15 years ago

He didn't have a job for 4 years?

15 years ago

Not the hero we need, but the hero we deserve

15 years ago

Kamina? No? I heard something about a hero and thought… No… Stop now? Okey dokey

15 years ago


Perfect way to put it. Unfortunately this society loves to praise nonsense. So if you think about it, we deserve it like you said. Hell, you could get famous for anything now. It really is absurd. Goes to show how much society is spiraling down, or how long we've been at this low point.

15 years ago

He's my new idol!

15 years ago

I read the other day that they named Wii Sports as the best selling game ever. I don't think it should have counted because it was sold with the system. I guess it is technically the best selling, but that has nothing to do with the game, they could have packaged Penn & Teller's bus driving game with the system and it would be the best selling.

I don't know if I'm going to buy the book, but I might head over to Barnes & Noble and look through it over a coffee.

Last edited by Jed on 1/4/2010 9:49:33 PM

15 years ago

Funny how 2 of the best selling media (Titanic and Wii Sports) suck big balls.

15 years ago

Wii Sports was revolutionary. It brought millions back to gaming, and put Nintendo back on the map. Such a simple concept. Brilliant. Or you could say it sucks balls, Limited, but that would make your point of view, well, just limited…

Agree with Titanic though, however, many a man got laid after taking their woman to go see that movie, so it did have its usefullness.

Last edited by MyWorstNightmar on 1/4/2010 11:37:44 PM

15 years ago

It didn't bring people back to gaming. Those people that bought Wii sports aren't buying Demon's Souls or Heavy Rain. They're not getting Uncharted2 or even MW2. The people that are buying Wii Sports are simply part of a fad that will die. Games like Wii sports don't help gaming.

15 years ago

Limited, it brought me back to gaming. I had lost my way so to speak =) I started a family, and had no time for games. The Wii came out, and my friend brougth it over, and I was hooked. Got the Wii for Xmas three years ago, then I got the PS3 a year ago. BTW, I have Demon's Souls, Uncharted 2 and MW2. I fear I am not as good at Demon's Souls as you are. Need to get back to it though.

As far as Wii sports not helping gaming, Sony and Microsoft disagree. They are coming out with their own motion control gadgets. I personally don't like that fact, wish Nintendo could keep that concept to themselves.

Last edited by MyWorstNightmar on 1/4/2010 11:49:54 PM

15 years ago

There are some rapists that get out of prison and end up having a family and a good paying job. That doesn't mean it's the norm. Your situation is great and I'm glad it happened for you but that doesn't make it the reality of the big picture.

MS and Sony jumping on the motion controller bandwagon are trying to cash in on the casual gamer crowd that Nintendo found. If susie homemaker sells rotten apples to the blind guy across the street for 10 dollars you can bet your ass I'm walking over with an orange for a quarter. (okay that didn't make any sense but just go with it, it's cute).

15 years ago

No Limited, that was a good spur of the moment analogy.

You mentioned I am not the norm, and I certainly except that, however, my dad hasn't owned a console since the Atari. But now he has a Wii, and it gets a lot of use. Sister in law hasn't had a console since the N64, but now she has a Wii, and it gets a lot of use, she is currently playing New Super Mario. I think that many people thought gaming passed them by. They were used to 1 or two buttons on a controller. Then they see these new controllers with D-pads, multiple thumbsticks, 8 or so buttons, and they think, yep, I will never play a video game again. Then the Wii arrives, and boom, folks are gaming again.

We obviously have diff views on this. You didn't expand on your original premise.

Could you expand on why you claim Wii Sports doesn't help gaming?

We have had a great year for game releases. I don't see the industry taking a step backwards because of the Wii.

Last edited by MyWorstNightmar on 1/5/2010 12:11:04 AM

15 years ago

Wii Sports selling like hot cakes shows a developer that a casual game like that which takes minimal financial backing can make a ton of cash quickly. This is bad for gaming becuase instead of seeing an increase in games with depth and interesting stories (you know games for true gamers, not trendy consumers) more cookie cutter low budget games will be released.

An example would be that instead of getting the movie Terminator2 we got The Mask2. This is the problem I see with the Wii and games like Wii sports. It attracts a large consumer base but they aren't avid gamers and a majority of them don't ever make the switch to games on the 360 or PS3.

Last edited by LimitedVertigo on 1/5/2010 12:13:18 AM

15 years ago


im glad the wii got you back into gaming. Personally i find the machine will soon fade out as LV said. You make a good point for yourself, but i suggest you quit arguing with LV now, you wont win he's always right! 😉 (take a joke LV please)!

15 years ago

Limited, I understand what you are saying, but I don't believe it is as cut and dry as that. Yes, there are Mask2, Dude Where's My Car, Dumb and Dumberer, but there are also Avatar type movies out there also.

There is a lot of shovelware out there on the Wii, PS3 and XBOX, but there are a lot of great games also. The Wii didn't creat that phenomenon.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

Everyone's making valid points and I hope it doesn't downshift to name-calling. Seems fine on both sides to me.

I'll just say that while I respect what Nintendo did with the Wii and something like Wii Sports, Limited is correct in saying that the vast majority of those who loved that game will never buy Uncharted 2, Heavy Rain, FFXIII, GoWIII, GT5, etc. It reached out to new demographics and managed to make a gimmick a hit.

But I still say the Wii is more of a gadget than a game console. Not that that's a BAD thing, per se.

15 years ago

Bigrailer, yes, sparing with LV is a bit like pissing in the wind. But I enjoy picking his brain. He gets salty with many, but has always been respectful to me

15 years ago


You always make for an interesting conversation, I'll always respect that.

You're right there are bad games across all consoles. We can just agree that the Wii brought you back to gaming and I'm happy for that. I hope more Wii users follow in your footsteps, only then do I see the Wii improving gaming as a whole.

BTW Dumb & Dumber is a classic!

15 years ago


Yeah i hear you! hes (LV) very respected with good reason.


Although i agree with you about the wii being a fad mor or less, i still believe its a console. I havnt played my wii since i bought it 2-3 years ago and its because i lost interest. But it still provides some good games. Like New super mario bros wii. I bought it for Christmas for my g/f and its actually really good. If you have respect for Super mario bros, then you should not have anything bad to say about this game. Its the same mechanics and gameplay, with new twists. And look what its done for a lot of people, including myworstnightmar. He basically said he got back into gaming because of that machine.

I hope the vast majority or people who own a wii now can actually agree gaming is a hobby, and respect it more.

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 1/5/2010 12:42:22 AM

15 years ago

Ben, do you own a Wii? Not that you have a lack of games to play, and you will be rather busy with War and Peace, but the Wii does have some great games. Nothing as epic as Uncharted 2, but Mario Galaxy, and Zelda are strong examples (ok, the PRIMARY examples) of what the Wii can offer.

I mostly have the Wii for party type games, and my kids play the heck out of the Wii.

I can certainly understand why most PS3 owners would turn their nose at the Wii, however, from my perspective, I believe the Wii has been a boom for the video game industry both financially and conceptually. Only time will tell if Sony and Microsoft expand on what the Wii did with their motion offerings, or if Nintendo will remain the leader in that department.

Last edited by MyWorstNightmar on 1/5/2010 12:45:05 AM

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

No, I can't see owning a Wii. It's just me 'round here and I'd never play it. I barely have time to play all the PS3/360 games I want to play.

I have played it multiple times in the past, though. My brother had one for a while and a friend still has one. He plays it a lot with his wife. But that's my point: unless more than one person is using it, I fail to see how it can be entertaining for more than a few minutes. The single-player experience is SO far beneath what it can be on the other platforms.

However, you having kids puts things in a completely different light. I understand that perfectly.

15 years ago

"Most popular" and "best selling" are two different things? Mario spanks Master Chief in any popularity contest, what are they talking about?

15 years ago

Haha i compleatly agree, if i asked my sister who master cheif was she would have no idea but mario on the other hand….

15 years ago

Mario is timeless, Master Chief will be forgotten about by the next generation.

15 years ago

The plumber has aged rather well over the years.

15 years ago

I think i saw this already a couple months ago in stores. I sure as hell won't be getting it because i'm saving up for a weekend project (i'm making a 200mW blue laser) so i won't have the cash and plus i need to save the cash for the sweet 2010 games! And everything in it you can just google. I kind of feel sorry for the gamers who's grandparents bought them this for christmas not knowing what else to get. tsk tsk.

Last edited by St_Jimmy on 1/4/2010 9:58:50 PM

15 years ago

Don't hurt anyone with that thing.

15 years ago

You'll put an eye out!

15 years ago

Are you making a Deathstar?

I felt a great disturbance in the force. As if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced.

I fear something terrible has happened.

15 years ago

oh no! but i will be taking apart a ps3 to get to the blue ray diode (i have a spare broken ps3 lying around) and i will use that. what i'm going to do is put it into one of those cheap lighters so i can light up a lot easier!

15 years ago

9 hrs a day for 5 years? that's just absurd. Whatever happened to actually partaking in life?

15 years ago

To each their own I guess.

15 years ago

yeah that's true, i just find it absurd lol

15 years ago

Yea very surprising, I cant even play games for over 2 hours a day nowadays.

Cholo Gamer
Cholo Gamer
15 years ago

9 hrs! Well I'll try to pick this book up, looks interesting and its only 14.99$. But I still can't believe it 9 hrs the most I have ever played in one day is about 7 to 8 hrs.

15 years ago

Vida Guerra ftw

15 years ago

C'mon…We've all had that one day off where we didn't have anything to do and it's cold as crap outside and we put in a 12-15 hour day.

I know when Killzone 2 came out I honestly played every single day for 9-12 hours for an entire week. It was fantastic.

Last edited by SvenMD on 1/5/2010 7:56:37 AM

Cholo Gamer
Cholo Gamer
15 years ago

Yeah, but she played for like 4 yrs. everyday I would like to play that much for atleast a week, but seriously 4 yrs. everyday.

Doesn't it get kinda boring and it was Runescape?

15 years ago

Don't need it but I bet there is some wacky stuff in there. Though I would prefer this in my Dentist's office over the regular 2002 Guinness book. I love my games, but I'm happy I didn't break any absurd records.

15 years ago

I agree, Mario has been around how many generations? Master Chief should be gone by the end of this generation, depending on how long Microsoft continue to milk the franchise.

15 years ago

I find it ironic that the next one is Halo: Reach, because man are they reaching with that franchise lately.

15 years ago


15 years ago

Haven't they already ditched Master Chief for a nameless ODST?

15 years ago

They should both be gone by the end of this generation(at least I'm hoping they are).

15 years ago

Master Chief has appeared in the primary series of Halo not the spinoffs like ODST. Since Halo:Reach is a prequel to the original Halo, he may or may not show up in it as well.

John Shoemaker
John Shoemaker
15 years ago

I should be in that book.
Under Sonic 2 on Genesis.

15 years ago

gonna have to pick me up a copy and see if i can be a record breaker. lol