I can just picture the Zipper Interactive team now, scrambling about trying to fix things and going, "damnit, you people should take turns , or something."
Although this article probably won't help matters, it should be reported that due to the massive influx of would-be testers, the servers for the freshly public MAG beta have come crashing down due to definite overload. At least, that's what we assume the issue to be, based on a variety of feedback from disappointed gamers around the Internet. We couldn't get in, either, and it seems abundantly clear that the first day of MAG 's public beta (it has been going through several private beta phases for the past four months) has resulted in what we're gonna start calling a "beta blitz." This happened directly after the launch of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 , but they repaired that issue relatively quickly. With MAG slated to arrive later this month, we're hoping Zipper is on top of things and we'll be able to jump into the action within the next few days. Perhaps the concept of 256 players all on the same map at once was just too daunting a task for the servers; maybe they just need some time to adjust. …or maybe they need to add more servers.
Give them some time but make sure to give it a try when things are up and running again. We know a lot of you have been anxiously awaiting the public beta phase so now that it's here, you can't pass up the opportunity.
Related Game(s): MAG
i have to say it was quite organized, it was never overwhelming, i only saw a few enemies at any given time. it doesnt feel like its 256 players because you only see a tiny portion of the map
I tried the beta, everything ran smootly, until I started a match. Every single gun I used fell the same. It makes for a really boring experience when your using the m4 and everytime you shoot it, you just don't "feel" it. I won't be buying this game. Those who love online shooters will no doubt love this game(MAG is a pretty good game if they can make those guns feel stronger), but to those of you who love MW2/KZ2 online, save your money for something else.
You play a round online with 12 people and there's clowns quitting out and joining late. How bad is this going to be with up to 256 players? The servers probably pulled their own plugs seeing the mess they had to put up with.
Since it's MP, I didn't bother with it, and from hearing how long it took just to DL the beta, I'm kind of glad I didn't.
But…..I DO wish the developers would include some revolutionary option to their MP-only games for us SP-only players so we're able to watch the game action in progress.
I for one would love to just sit here & watch some firefights & what ever else is going on, in real-time, but in a spectator mode(totally out of view of the game, totally sight-unseen, and no chance of being able to jump into the game's & mess up everyone's interactions, of course).
Then for me at least, buying a MP-only game(that I'll never play) just to add to my collection wouldn't feel 1/2 as wasteful so much as it does now.
Snap, I forgot the public Beta starts soon… now!
sony can you release 1 game, just one thats all im asking.
just 1 game without any server issues?
i remember getting warhawk on release day, tried to play a few games but they were slightly lagging than i would get dropped out.
resistance 2 was a joke.
for the first 4 months there was lag, net drops, games freezing, giant enemies WALKING THROUGH WALLS WTF?
i remember every single time i tried to do the co-op match called krell canyon when i got to the end where you have to kill that big ugly bastard, the one that shoots fireballs at ya.
every single time i got to that part he would either get stuck in the wall, and i could not damage him, or he would get stuck in the roof.
killzone 2?
where do i start?
for the first 6 months or so i could not get into a game because every single game i tried to join i got the 5023 server error.
rang sony, they had no idea what it is, hop onto the GG board they had no idea what it is.
you make the frigging game but you dont know what the error codes are?
hows this for perfect organization?
a few months back SCENZ and SCEAU set up 2 days, 3 hours each for the fans to play with 2 of GGs developers.
they sent out several passwords to the rooms so you could enter the games because they were password protected.
but gave you NO room names.
and to add icing to the cake, for some reason they did not appear on the matchmaking board, the only way to find the game was to find the SCEAU or SCENZ rep who added you as a friend, than join his game.
than to add icing to the cake, the developers kept switching rooms so when i finally got into the correct room they left and i had to go looking for them again.
brilliant organization!
i can see why sony has lost 32 billion dollars last FY.
there organization skills are a absolute JOKE! and there advertisement is even worse.
no wonder samsung LED TVs are outselling sony bravias at a ratio of 4:1
now thats embarrassing!
Did you happen to read the word after MAG, it read BETA.
If you hate sony so much why do you continue to buy the games? why dont you go/stay on pc or xbox360 and leave all ur negative comments to their forums and fan sites!!
Or are you some 1 who was previously banned from this site and somehow managed to get back in and try to contain your hate for all things playstation!
its a beta?
wow, who would of thought that, the games just not out yet………
and thats the excuse for MAG, what about warhawk, resistance 2 and killzone 2?
Oh my. You must have a really dreadful connection, seriously. I can't vouch for warhawk because I've never played it, or Killzone 2 because I've only recently got it, but I got Resistance 2 on launch day and the only lag I ever encountered was because of MY bad connection, as it happened on every online game I tried. However, once I switched my connection to a good one, I've never had a problem with it…or anything else. A bad workman always blames his tools methinks
got KZ2 on launch day man I didnt remember experiencing any online problems .
R2's 60 player-online has been perfect since day 1 for me.
Just felt compelled to point that out, there's already enough anti-Sony sentiment without so-called PS3 fans turning rogue.
resistance 2 multi was like a dream,and i got on it day 1. I don't know what your talking about. But i did have a few kz2 problems (nothing compared to what your describing) and it only lasted a couple days. I could still play it it just took a long time to load games and such.
hop on google and look for some 5023 errors, you will find many posts of people on online forums with that problem.
hell there was 3 different boards on killzone.com on the first of release, one created by me.
resistance 2 was not so lagy, but there was allot of bugs.
orwik i think its called where you need to hit those 2 switches to open the door where you have to fight the spider.
every time i hit those the game would either freeze, or would continue like i have not hit them.
i think you are exaggerating a bit
I'm playin MAG right now, works great, its pretty cool, if a bit tame for the moment. Graphics are about what I expected.
Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 1/5/2010 1:23:44 AM
hello …
i give it some time to download mostly at night, for the 4 last days i'm styill at 40% of the update… wish me luck ha! 😉
It's just taken me no longer than 20 mins to download the beta. I feel sorry for you
have you installed it yet, cause that original mag beta download is just the icing on the cake
Tried it last night and I have to say, it felt a bit like Resistance2 online. The guns didn't have the feel or sound I was hoping for, the environment was a bit sparse and I was hoping for better graphics. Maybe I took Modern Warfare2 for granted cuz it's currently the definitive FPS for me at this time. I won't write off MAG after 1 night of online sessions but, what I've seen so far isn't a great first impression; solid is more like it.
I got to play it today and i didn't have any problems
Played MAG yesterday, and actually thougt it was rather good. The game is really polished and smooth.
But it is extremely hard to kill in this game(either that, or I`m not good at all), think I died like 8 times before I finally got myself a kill. But I just think I got owned 😛
My only complaint is the weapons. Do anyone know how many weapons there are gonna be in the final game? I really don`t hope they just give 3 weapons for each faction…I really don`t.
it took me about an hour to download everything and i could actually play for about an hour and a half before the servers crashed. I. Love. This. Game. I really want to see it kick MW2's ass, and i think it will.
and @turbey, if you go to barracks and then go right one page, youll see an upgrade page that you can spend your skill points at. youll find other weapons (along with sights and assorted attachments) available for purchase there.
I thought the game was fine. If the Frame-rate was anywhere in MW2, I'd say this would be the next biggest FPS game. Still hope I get to be in the 256 player battle though.
Doesn't sound too good. If the game is being released in less than a month, one would hope they'd have enough server capacity at this point to handle a test. I don't think I'd want to try playing it in the days after the game launches lol.
I got a chance to play it. it was kinda of weird cause it felt like its a little slow like turning shooting everything felt slow .dont get me wrong I know its the beta so its not gonna be top notch.damn I didnt know the game crash because I was gonna try it out again today.
Snipers absolutely SUCK in the beginning. YOu have to get upgrades then you do fine. But as much as I love the sniper class I love the front line class much better. I also love the custimization of MAG. Guys dont forget to go to the armory screen or whatever its called where you can make your custom classes and exhange your armor for better armors. Alot of peeps skip that for somoe reason.
So far I think this game is fun. Believe it or not it is ALOT FASTER getting into a game than the first beta. Still, sometimes getting a 30 second respawn sucks ass.
Also the graphics, imo, isnt as good as MW2 and Battlefield Bad Company 2.
You should have destruction in environments now in ANY FPS, one thing that is ok in MW2, but it absolutely RULES in BF BC2. This is what will ultimately stop me from buying MAG. You can hit at tree all day long with a rocket launcher and not bring it down.
Of course there is this little thing called a SINGLE PLAYER STORY MODE that hasnt surfaced yet. I cant wait to see what PSextreme gives MAG in terms of a rating, especially if it doesnt have a single player story mode of any kind.
End of Line.
Last edited by n/a on 1/5/2010 8:42:48 AM
I just woke up and my Ps3 was still on it took 5 hours to download
Last edited by isaya85 on 1/5/2010 8:49:13 AM
ooops. 🙂
Last edited by n/a on 1/5/2010 9:11:26 AM
Took a little over 20 minutes for me to download it but then I kept getting server errors when I tried joining a game. PSN had server errors also which shut the game down for me. Eventually I got in but from what little I've played, I'm not overly impressed so far. May get better once you start unlocking stuff though. And does everybody else not have access to the training mission? Had to spend a few minutes in the actual match to learn the controls.
I too was hoping this would end up like old school Socom. Ah how I miss the first ones. Also, I'm disappointed in the graphics of MAG. It looks like a 2005 game to me. I understand the scale of it but come on. Like World said the other day, I'm sad there aren't more games running in true HD by now. Uncharted was gorgeous but that's one of the few.
This game looks incredibly "meh" to me. I like the idea behind it, and i'll be impressed if they can pul it off without melting the internet, but online-only games just never interested me.
I'll download the beta and hope it changes my mind.
MAG is ok, it is like Battlefield and Socom had a baby. Its kind of wack that you have to play sabotage 1st to level up. You have to run miles to A and B WTF! Were are my vehicles? Graphically wise, it's better than what i thought it was going to be. Until then im sticking with MW2!
I didn't have problems downloading as I had done it weeks ago, did have some problems logging in, but once logged in, it was great to see no lag or other network issues (can't say the same about MW2).
Graphics are very impressive so are many other aspects (ie. networking, 3D sound), but overall gameplay of the demo seems to be missing something. I haven't given up on it yet, but the Battlefield Bad Company 2 beta really had me hooked, can't wait for it!
It took several hours to download, after several disconnections, and then getting into the game took almost an hour. But, you can't really complain this is a Beta after all and it was always going to be massively popular.
But then, after this painful experience, I was treated to the joy of having my ass handed to me repeatedly so my kill-death ratio was about 1-5 over the course of an hour! It seems players have already found great sniping spots and got the twitch reflex working perfectly, while I often ended up inspecting the grass textures on the floor! I was forced to ask myself, why was I playing this game again? ^^ 😀
is that Gabe Newell?
No, I'm not sorry! My name is Bert, and I'm from Hong Kong.
Out of interest, what exactly about my last statement was there to disagree with, looking at the thumbs down I received? I realise though that pointing this out will no doubt result in more thumbs down 🙂
Welcome to PSXE. Pay no attention to the thumbs. There are quite a few users on here that enjoy down voting for the hec of it, regardless of what you're actualling writing.
reminds me of the MGO beta, they delayed that thing for a week after launch because of player overload. I guess this is why they are called beta's and not finished products
I tried to login earlier today and couldn't. Being a beta is no excuse to not have adequate capacity to handle the influx of players.
I guess this is the downside of this generation of gaming consoles. Infinity Ward's website still hasn't fully incorporated MW2 stats and such and this is almost two months after launch.
It goes back to a point I've shared here several times. The reason the gaming companies do these things to us is because we let them. Gamers tend to make decisions based on emotions.
I'm done gaming for today, but if I cannot get into a game tomorrow on my first try, it's going to be delete and no sale for me.
As of this morning they got everything fixed, took long enough though. I thought it was pretty funny for them to fail on the launch day of the public beta. I believe MAG has undergone a tremendous upscale. The gameplay feels smoother and the tiny glitches I remembered in the closed Beta were fixed, finally. Now it's no KZ2 with the graphics but considering how many people are going @ it @ once with no lag I'll accept them. MAG is a solid shooter, it is actually fun. My all time favorite FPS Franchise is Battlefield, in my opinion you cannot top it. With superior sound design, solid graphics, massive maps, solid gameplay, awesome weapons, and vehicles, it is a well deserved favorite for me. Plus Bad Company doesn't take itself too seriously, I enjoy the humorous approach to the story and combat, its more enjoyable then hearing the same soldiers scream "We're Oscar Mike!" one million times. Excluding Nazi Zombies, COD can burn in Hades.
I expected the servers to crash. The game was available to download starting on December 21 so i downloaded it that day and it took 20 min.
The game itself is great in my opinion. I love the customization. 256 players might sound like a lot but it's really not much with the huge maps. Even in the 64 player maps (32vs32)there is two objectives. So 16 players on each side go to point A, and 16 to point B. So really, you will never see more than 16 players on the opposing team at once.
The graphics are not that great but its OK. If the graphics were amazing, it would probably cause lots of lag in 256 player games. In the little playing time that i got, I experienced no lag. This game is going to be awesome!
As i read the comments, all i see is dislike.
Its your opinions, though, so i respect that.
Or maybe its not that you guys don't like it, maybe since im emotional right now for some reason, i'm exaggerating on the comments i've read.
Whatever, bottom line is: I LOVE MAG
Notice my avatar? lolz
I really like this game so far and after playing for the last day and half, I'm hooked. I've ONLY played in 32×32 matches but there is still a sense of scale both in the number of players and size of the maps that gives this game a real epic vibe. The music is bad ass (if a little cheesy) and I get pumped when I'm heading into a battle and I look at the radar and see a huge swarm of blue dot, my teammates, rolling in with me.
Another thing that I really like about this game is that it feels more realistic in terms of the actual battlefield strategy that it encourages. The scale of the maps and the nature of the objectives allows you to really hold down a position without constantly being flanked, like in COD, where you always feel a little cramped, which makes the gameplay more frenetic and arcadey. In MAG, there is a more deliberate pacing at work which makes the action more strategic.
I played MAG last night and I have a few things to say about it.
Overall I really liked the game. It is definitely polished, unlike Socom: Confrontation when it came out. The only thing about it is the guns are kinda underwhelming. When I first started playing, it felt like the guns were just very week. For instance, I was shooting a guy and ended up unloading my ammo into him for about 3 seconds and he didn't go down. I think that this might have to do with armor, cuz he just shot a few bullets at me and got a headshot in.
As far as the whole large map gameplay, it is good. The maps/world aren't constricting like they are in other shooters. For instance you can go prone just about everywhere. Also, the whole leadership thing works very well. I just wish there were more people with mics for better communication. One thing I noticed is, as long as you play as intended with your squad, I died way less than I would in other games. One session, we were playing defense on a Sabotage mission and I was able to help defend the objective for 15 minutes, only dying once because I had to leave my post to take on a blitz of intruders.
One other thing I really liked, is that ammo crates are almost always nearby. Playing MW2 a few weeks ago, this is a welcome relief. It means I can continue killing without having to run around with no ammo to shoot with.
One last note on the guns: they are definitely gonna need some tweaking. Not only do they not feel realistic, but I was able to snipe at roughly 150 yards with a reflex scope attached to a machine gun. And somehow it is easy to fire off single shots. I don't think it is that easy to fire a single bullet with most fully automatic belt feed machine gun.
less than 5 minutes to download … i love FIOS
idk if this is typical, but when i played in a domination match (the 256 player one), it was total chaos. everyone was just running around, doing whatever, at least in my platoon.
i think one platoon actually respected the command structure and won about a quarter of the map, but everyone else was like "screw it, im gonna rush the line alone and win the game for us." In hindsight the decent platoon was probably just a huge clan.
in the first couple of months that this game is out its going to be really easy to dominate if everyone just stays organized and the leaders are competent. theres gonna be about 3 squads worth of people on each team that will actually do that, the rest will just do whatever and get hammered.
Last edited by LightShow on 1/6/2010 9:33:02 AM