Well, it's hardly surprising but at the same time…a tad hypocritical of some of you. 😉
When we gave Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 a review score of 8.9, we know a lot of you had some difficulty accepting the sub-9 analysis. And yet, when we ask you to determine the most overrated game of 2009, the vast majority of you have named MW2. Now, we're not disagreeing with you, but we just find this to be an interesting little conflict. 😉 Anyway, as we've said before, we simply weren't as enamored with this sequel as others were, and we certainly can't figure out how sources like Joystiq and GameTrailers managed to award MW2 Game of the Year. But hey, we're well aware of this title's popularity and everyone really seems to adore the online multiplayer, so it's tough to cast aspersions on its appeal. Perhaps the question is, can a superb online aspect rocket a game to perennial, elite status in the world of gaming without the benefit of a fantastic single-player experience? It seems to be that way. On the other hand, some actually believe the newly revamped multiplayer in MW2 actually isn't as good as it was in the original. But that's just another opinion.
The question for this week is gonna be a lot more difficult: what game do you believe will be the front-runner for Game of the Year 2010? Is it a title that has been hyped like crazy so far, like Final Fantasy XIII or God of War III ? Or will it be a lesser-known game like The Last Guardian ? Out of the amazing lineup, which one has the best GotY shot this year?
Btw, I'm taking GT5 for GOTY 10.
Anything with that many delays and a developer who is OCD on perfection has got to win.
Question is wether it gets released this year, lol.
MGO KZ2 >>>> MW2 online= MW1
I'm sorry but I am going to have to disagree on this whole article. Ben, I usually agree with your opinions, but I think you were mistaken in not including mw2 in the game of the year nominations. Do I think it was game of the year? Of course not, nothing compared to uncharted 2, but it was definitely better than street fighter 4
Now don't get me wrong, I'm not one of those die hard call of duty multiplayer fanatics, I am actually in agreement with your other articles where you say single player is more important than multi-player. MW2 is actually the first call of duty I have played all the way through.
I was expecting to be disappointed, but I must say, it was the most pleasant surprise I had this year with a game. I guess I am one of the few that thought it had an awesome single player campaign. I would never buy a game unless I heard at least some feedback on a good single player as I hate multiplayer.
That's why I was going to pass on this game because of what I had heard. But then my brother visited for the holidays and I played through his copy, and I must say, if anything this title is underrated on this site.
Like I said, I do not think it deserved game of the year, but it definitely should have been a contender.
How was it better than SFIV?
SFIV's depth, rapes MW2's auto aim
I agree with Who_killedme. The single player was short but its good.
And MW2 MP depth is far greater than any depth SFIV has. If thats the only argument to why you think SFIV is better, you obviously havn't played MW2.
Come on Scarecrow, I have nothing against SFIV, but your statement doesn't make sense. Earlier you called MW2 garbage and now say SFIV has more depth than MW2's auto aim? You are blinded by your hate.
SF4 was a good game. But the Virtua Fighter series better. 🙂
Good to see peeps calling on all the MW2 hate. lol
End of Line.
While Virtua Fighter is good, love that series.
It can't be compared to SF
2D fighting cannot be compared to 3D fighting
But if you're looking to compare which fighter is king? I suggest you go look at Virtua Fighter 5's reviews compared to Street Fighter IV. The answer's right in your face.
By the way, SFIV scored way higher than MW2 on psxe and p;obably many other sites as well.
I can back up my statements. You can't
MW2 is just a updated version of COD4 nothing more. The reason MW2 is a good game is because COD4 was such a good game. If they would have releases 10 new maps for COD4 than everyone would still be playing it and having a grand time. I almost consider MW2 and update not a "new" game if you know what I mean!
Actually, when it comes down to it…COD4 is probably turning out to be the better game. MP is a rapidly turning into a joke what with people hacking the PS3 and the new/improved JOIN feature which allows people to boost for Nukes and AC130s the MP is quickly becoming un-playable. I'll gladly go back to W@W or COD4…MW2 is IMHO quickly becoming an epic FAIL.
Modern Warfare 2, like 1, but now 2 and a bit better. Amazing, lets shower it with sh…. Awards.
It deserves to be recognised as a great game, but it was blown out of proportion when you consider it is a sequel and had a very good foundation to build on. I feel other games were far more deserving.
Dont forget MW2 got a lot of hype because of the airport level. There was outcry but you didn't have to shoot anyone till the guards were there. Also you didnt have to shoot any civilians either you could just walk to the guards, you could even skip the level if you chose. Even on the level it was held back some I felt as you couldn't really run ahead of the guys you were with and go mad so even if you did shoot the civilians it wasn't like tons.
I think i'll play through it again without the bit there I may even skip the level altogether and see how it feels playing it that way.
I chose not to skip the level. Not all my friends who have played it chose not to skip.
Infamous how did that fare ? I love Infamous and feel it didn't hardly get a mention. I have tried to pass on how good a game it is to friends but they don't appear to be interested.
I'm gonna have to think hard on this one. Since "What has the best chance of winning Game of the Year 2010?"
"What game do you want to win Game of the Year 2010?"
Are completely different questions…I'm gonna have to go with FFXIII.
This thread is pathetic.The MW2 supporters are on cod's meat and the cod haters are on the cod supporters meat.Got myself hungry so I'll probably have some meat too 🙂
You asking me out?
Nah… I don't fight in that side of the fence but you could try your luck with Drithe :-)~
Didn't Joystiq award Uncharted 2 GotY? I'm pretty sure they did.
Sadly, yes.
Yeah I just checked, Joystiq gave Uncharted 2 there GotY. You might want to change that in the article.
hello …
i still don't have MW2 yet, it will be on a redemption not my money. I think it's a a good game, with great MP, i don't have a good connexion for this so i prefer SP games. I think ot's overrated because for me to meet GOTY standard a game must have less bug & more appreciation, UC2 deserved it, yet we have a lot of runner up, mostly on PS3 side.
as for 2010 – I'm sure i'll own God of War III, Heavy Rain, The Last Guardian & maybe also GT5. I'm not into FFX genre & on Multi i'm going for Dante's Inferno, Darksiders, if Castlevania is out & will see if some announcements are made on sequels or new IPs.
it will be difficult to know what will be GOTY, PS3 will own 2010 😉 …
my personnal pref would still go for The Last Guardian with God of War III as runner up, i just wish they release a Team ICO collection soon.
I waisted 80$ on a game I thought would be excellent.
I was hugely disappointed with MW2.
Once I get my platinum trophy, this game will be out of my collection.
BTW, is anyone here good at Spec Ops? I need help with two more missions (Snatch n grab, Wetwork) to get all 69 stars in Spec Ops. My PSN ID is calculator, if anyone is willing to help.
PS. I love PSXE.
IMO, Most Overrated = Most Popular