Yes, I'm well aware that Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 sold around 6 million copies in the month and a half after its release, but my question involves the psychology of online multiplayer fans.
You may not have noticed, but many who play MMORPGs like World of Warcraft simply don't play anything else. I really don't even consider them to be gamers, as they play one type of game for years on end. Now, I'm starting to see the same behavior from the rabid Modern Warfare fans: there are many who have played the original Modern Warfare online right up until the time the sequel released, and you can bet they'll repeat that procedure again. I'm not saying these online experiences are inherently addictive, but I am saying they seem to drain a lot of time from people and many have admitted to missing out on top-notch titles because they're stuck playing one particular title online. So in other words, of those 6 million who bought MW2, how many of them will buy Heavy Rain in February? I know they're two entirely different games but what about those who currently plan to buy Quantic Dream's ambitious project, then get hooked on MW2 and simply pass everything up, from Heavy Rain through even God of War III and Final Fantasy XIII in March?
These days, it seems as if the battle lines are being drawn: war is being waged between those who almost exclusively play online multiplayer and those who almost exclusively play single-player campaigns. I have noticed that those who get stuck on multiplayer have a lot of time on their hands, and they absolutely don't play as many games as the hardcore gamers who want to keep up with the industry. Missing out on the likes of Uncharted 2: Among Thieves , Assassin's Creed II , Batman: Arkham Asylum , inFamous and the amazing 2010 lineup due to constant online action seems downright reprehensible to me. Bear in mind I have nothing against the multiplayer boom, per se, but I wish some Western developers took the route the Japanese have taken with their big franchises: they gave us MGS4 to satisfy those who appreciate a wonderful story and an absorbing independent experience, but they also satisfied the other crowd with MGO. They give us FFXIII in March (it has no online multiplayer), which will soon be followed by FFXIV, which is only online.
In the future, I really want to see everyone do this. Multiplayer is big enough so entire games can be created with that object in mind; developers that attempt to produce both in the same package usually don't fully succeed in both respects. I think we all know the single-player campaign in MW2 isn't anything special while at the same time, despite the solidity and quality of the Uncharted 2 online experience, there's very little chance that anyone buys that game for multiplayer Deathmatch. So why bother? You could even make the strictly multiplayer games cheaper by making those entirely downloadable in the future (we're going in that direction, anyway). The bottom line is that many who play a lot online really don't care about any single-player experience, and the vice versa can be said about those who couldn't possibly care less about the multiplayer. And with the "time-sucking" aspect of these multiplayer games, and so many millions jumping in, how can sales of games like Heavy Rain not suffer?
Just a thought.
I've noticed this heavily where I work. Almost everyone there ONLY play MW2 and won't even give another game a try, such as Uncharted 2 and Killzone 2. They have MW on the brain and refuse to do anything other than play that one game online, it's frustrating when I'm trying to recommend other games for them to try and knowing they never will.
I hear ya. At work guys go on about kill combos and the look of certain guns. They're missing out on some great stories and interesting characters due to mindless shooting against mostly random people they will never meet.
I've said it so many times, and i'll keep on repeating it: the jump into the online era/multiplayer boom has changed the industry significantly.
In terms of overall game quality and experience, the multiplayer component in games have left the campaign itself to be completely overshadowed. Now, not all games suffer the same problems, there are those developers who have created a significantly great campaign in addition to fun multiplayer side as well. The issue with this boom towards online gaming, is the fact that a lot of developers now feel that their main focal point has to be to the mass majority and include a functional and equally as fun online experience, it's not their fault for this movement towards online gameplay, but do to the overwhelming demand for this function, they feel that they could create a lackluster campaign and still sell well according to how addictive their online gameplay can be. This is not the case for all developers, however, because there are developers who have created games with both components of the game exceeding expectations and other developers should take some notes regarding this.
As for online gaming affecting game sales, i agree with that statement. I think that this boom into an era of online gaming has affected the industry to a degree. We see some games being overshadowed by games with a seemingly fun and addictive multiplayer. We also see people solely fixated on striving for a top rank or to be a top player online, therefore playing for countless hours, morning, day, and night. With this kind of obsession (luckily there are people who do know how to balance their time) most people generally forget about other titles, which have made their debut release and unfortunately are cast aside like stones because of this constant obsession for online. That's just my take.
If anything, one could even argue how devastating the addition on online capabilities in games have disrupted society in a way. Younger kids today spends countless hours and days, wasting away their youthfulness, spending hours in front of a television. Now, i don't know about some of you, but when i was young i played my handful video games, but i still went out, played some sports, rode my bike, and then when i had my fun, came home and spent a few hours on my games. The problem with society today is the lack or parenting and lack of discipline these parents have over their children. I'm pretty sure most of you received some pretty good spanking from your parents, or a nice juicy belt, and i'm pretty sure most of you learned your lessons quick. I know i did lol. But when a young punk can flick off and adult, disrespect anyone whom they chose, walk over their parents, then i don't know, i guess this world is rotting from within. For all we know, society has already been destined to doom.
Im sorry for barging on, i tend to do that. I hope i also didn't offend anyone, because that wasn't my intention. And for anyone who doesn't understand that this is just MY opinion ill be sure to capitalize it: THIS IS JUST MY OPINION.
Thanks for the time guys, i appreciate it hahah
Interesting question. I've prided myself on getting the best of both worlds. I've always used my PC for online gaming (SC,CSS,BF2,etc.) and consoles for single player. Nothing beats an engaging single player game IMO. I'd much rather sit down and play some FF or Uncharted then play an online shooter for a couple mindless hours.
I personally think the whole MP boom has been hurting games in general. No longer can someone just churn out a great game, they have to add some form of online function or their game is considered lacking.
"No longer can someone just churn out a great game, they have to add some form of online function or their game is considered lacking."
That's what I hate MOST.
You wanna know how often I play UC2's MP?
ZERO. I've beaten the game 3 times so far, I wonder how many people did more than one play through before jumping into the MP.
Got U2 for xmas, still haven't tried the MP.
A while ago, when I didn't know if AC2 was for me, I was reading some reviews at amazon. what I noticed is that many of the user reviews complained about the lack of an online multiplayer. I think that it has become some kind of a rule for some people. Is like 'if it doesn't have multiplayer, it is no good' and that is ridiculous. A guy even said that "it is a rule to have online MP in games nowdays".
Really, times have changed. and I hope companies will still do games with single-player campaigns 3 years from now
I hear ya. Now a game can have a piss poor 5hr campaign and a decent multiplayer and get 9s and above.
HMMMMMM who could that be!?
yes, i wonder who.
god that is stupid!
how can assassins creed 2 have multilayer?
who would you play as?
you cant have 30 ezios running arround trying to kill each other, and having one ezio and the others as guards would be unfair because of all the gadgets he has at his disposal.
thats what i said to my cuz the other day, the thing i hate most about games these days.
the fans are making the games, not the developers.
prime example would be uncharted did not have MP, fans bitched so uncharted 2 got MP.
another example, assassins creed and the assassination videos once you kill a target, fans complained there too long.
so they removed it in assassins creed 2 🙁
your enemies explaining why they did what they did, and adding, explaining the storyline.
now in AC2 its so short and basically tells you nothing.
WOW – the poster formerly known as "your name here" actually said something useful.
I find online games boring because you basically do the same thing on and on. LBP changes that.
Too be honest I never really got into LBP on PS3 but I've been really enjoing it on my PSP thx to a friend that got it for me. I'm not creative enough to help out the community but I enjoy playing their levels.
Way off topic maybe but I've been wanting a new Sim City for a long ass time.
lol my brother is play mw2 right next to me.
Slap his hand!
I hope he isn't older/bigger you might have awakened a beast!
Im the oldest xD
LBP is a completely different game now than it was when released. The sheer quantity and variety of use generated levels makes the original game look almost plain by comparison. You should give the Phat PS3 version a chance.
I'll check it out again. The PSP version has been a blast thus far. I feel guilty not contributing to the community but I think it's for the best. With my mind…well you know.
Btw enjoy your down vote.
I got LBP last year on release day and I am still playing it. My kids too. I have the PSP version and it is great, but it has a distinctively different vibe to it. Even though they share the same name, and many of the same mechanics, the levels make it feel very different. I kind of wish some of the ideas and expressions from the PSP game are added to the PS3 version, eventually. It'd be a nice little slice of cheese.
I'm in the single player crowd, but I do enjoy some online every once in a while: Halo 3, Resistance 2, Killzone, and Uncharted 2.
The thing that really tics me off is how everybody is trying to replicate the online experience from those games. With all their focus on making a good multiplayer they botch the single player campaign, and often the multiplayer also suffers.
I honestly thought the multiplayer for Uncharted would be crap, and that the rest of the game would suffer. (Thank God it didn't). But that is one of the rare instances when both the single and multiplayer were really good. I have not played Modern Warfare 2, but I've heard that the campaign was lacking.
You are right about the people that only play online spend much more time on one or two games. A good friend of mine only plays Halo 3 and WoW
Imagine what would have happened to Uncharted 2 if it had to have a MP AND was a multiplat that had fit on a DVD. It woulda brought the suck.
I with co-op would get the hell away from console games. I'm tired of levels/storylines being molded around the idea that someone else is playing with me (RE5).
I like co-op games that make the 2nd player some kind of shadow or something that has nothing to do with the story. Like a little helper that can do exactly what you can do. (ex. devil may cry 3 when you use the doppelganger class, click start on the other controller and yeah.)
Good point snake. It can done be done correctly but too many times it just pisses me off and makes me wonder why I'm even playing the game for a single player experience when it's pretty obvious the developer is trying to force me to playing online.
One thing I have noticed for sure is that people who are obsessed with online multiplayer lag behind -way behind. They haven't even heard of huge titles with great stories coming out, they are stuck in a graphics timewarp and think things like MW2 and L4D2 have cutting edge graphics.
I rarely play online because I'm too wrapped up in awesome single player campaigns. Always looking for another story, I find MP rather vacuous.
To be fair the source engine (from 2004) still looks pretty damn good compared to what's out there now. Watching 100 zombies explode into peices from a pipebomb is a blast (get it).
I'm with you on the story, I'm looking forward to FFXIII sooooooooooooooooo much.
I know.
One thing I don't like about multiplayer games is that they tend to lose value over time, cause less people from Uncharted 2 will be online 2 years from now. If i buy Uncharted 1, 5 years after it's release, it still has it's 100% value because it only has single players experience.
This is sad because its true. Multiplayer games are the ones that sell the most. It's much easier to develop, cause it's a short game that can be played repeatedly.
When your friend buys it, you will buy it too just to versus him. As opposed to single player games, people buy it, then lend it to their friends. Right off the bat, a multiplayer game has the advantage in doubling, tripling, even quadrupling the sales of single player games. This gives developers incentives to make even more multiplayer games and which in return builds even greater publicity and interest in these genres.
Multiplayer should be considered a feature, not the real game
Unless the game is a multiplayer game. As long as the developer sells a game as a multiplayer experience with a single player included as a form of training than I'm okay with the lack of a solid single player experience. Just don't trick people into paying for a single player game and ending up with a game that clearly is riding on the multiplayer.
Damn stright
Hmmmmmm….wonder how MAG will turn out. If I understand correctly, there is ZERO single player campaign.
Nightmar, read my post than give me a thumb up.
or endline or whatever that assclown puts after his rants.
I do remember hearing that they planned on putting a SP in MAG, but then that snippet of info disappeared. I don't know which it'll be, but at least that game is CLEARLY for the MP and no one with a brain will be duped into buying it that doesn't have proper internet capabilities.
Ben bought L4D2…
Blame a lot of this on the MP leaderboards, and cats wanting to show the world how good they are. Most of these guys don't want to lose their "place" on the boards so they have to play relentlessly.
I guess you can call me a tweener. I love playing the single player campaigns, but I also love playing against a group of people. With that, I have to spend more time on MP just to keep up and keep it enjoyable for me.
Last edited by jaybiv on 1/3/2010 11:12:28 PM
I guess I'm in the minority. I love MW2 online, yet I still enjoy single player and a good story. I plan on buying Heavy Rain and God of War too. I also really enjoyed MW2's single player as much as U2AT's. I love the characters in both and I found the stories to be intriguing, both in different ways.
Same here, I'm getting all the Heavy Rains and others also. Honestly I loved SP better than MP but now I like'em both. No way am I going to play MW2 for the rest of the year. I already stopped playing it after these stupid updates.
You are not alone, dude. I too find mw2 to be a blast online (and find the mw2-bashing on this site to be *weird*, no less), and still love my single player games. At the same time I do think Ben has a point, it seems like a split is about to appear amongst the console crowd (the split has been there for ages on the PC). And on this site it seems like the widespread opinion is that the ones that play their games alone are the only "real" gamers. *sigh*
Multiplayer doesnt hurt gaming. It has ENCHANCED gaming 1000 fold. Multiplayer DOES hurt SOLO games but then again some people despise MULTIPLAYER. But the bottem line is that times change. Multiplayer IS the NOW and FUTURE of gaming. Period. But there will always be room for SOLO GAMES.
Numbers dont lie, and the millions who bought MW2 prove it.
Want to know why some people bought Uncharted 2? Because Naughty Dog put Multiplayer in Uncharted 2. IF it wasnt for Multiplayer the game wouldnt have sold as much as it did …….. which pales in comparison to MW2.
Look, alot of people are VERY FRUGLE with their money. They have CHILDREN AND MATES to care for. This might mean travel ball on weekends for little Timmy and basketball for Mary. It means buying groceries and paying the house bills and saving for the future or going out on dates. There are a whole host of REAL LIFE AREAS that requires time and money and doesnt permit them to pay 65 bucks a month for a SOLO GAME they dont have time to play. But they WILL pay 55 for a SUPER MULTIPLAYER EVERYONE LOVES TO PLAY and can play it with friends anytime they chose and not have to travel over thier houses to play with. In other words, THEY GET THIER MONEYS WORTH.
IMO the solo game will never die. They will always have a place here.
Is this another whine on why MW2 destroyed UC 2? MUAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!
I think Naughty Dog needs to learn quickly, 3rd person shooters suck. FPS all the way!
End of Line.
Just so you know I didn't read a damn thing you wrote. Keep up the good work dickhole!
hahaha, people only bought uncharted 2 because of multiplayer. What a moron. people bought modern warfare 2 because of multiplayer. I know a lot of people who bought MW2 and havent finished the single player yet. The real reason uncharted 2 sold a lot of copies is that sony marketed the hell out of it compared to their other games, the game is amazing, and word of mouth advertizing from people who actually play games, apparently you are excluded from this group.
just a suggestion for you, try to get your head out of your ass and you'll realize that there are other games that are much better than MW2, killzone 2 is head and shoulder over MW2. I beat MW2 100% for spec ops, single player, and multiplayer. I got bored playing multiplayer on MW2 because of all the idiots playing that dont know what they're doing. If you're after kills, just stay in team deathmatch and dont even bother objective type game modes.
@Drithe — First off, let me say I enjoy your comments. You have the "bull in a china shop" effect down pat here.
I agree with most of what you said except for "3rd person shooters suck" and U2 selling more due to MP. There's only about 5000 people playing it online at any given time that I've seen, so that's obviously not the draw.
It was funny for a while Drithe, but now I think you can't post anything else.
Time to go away for a while.
Why not take your copy of MW2 and marry it?
I mean really.
When it gets really cold outside and windy and I'm warm in my bed with the covers over me I like to think of Drithe under a bridge eating a trashbag of old coleslaw freezing his ass off.
You nailed it lol