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What We Want In The Final Fantasy VII Remake For PS3

Oh, you hadn't heard? Square-Enix says they're going to announce a game "everyone has requested" this year and of course – of course – it's going to be the long-awaited next-gen remake of Final Fantasy VII . This is true because I desire it to be so. The power of the will is an amazing thing; my brain has twisted, inverted, and spat out the fact that FFVII is coming back with graphics that might rival "Final Fantasy: Advent Children."

But just in case Square-Enix isn't checked out on the game plan; just in case they require a bit of direction so as not to screw things up, I'm providing them with all the essential tips. Firstly, don't you dare turn this into some sort of remake/pseudo-sequel. Fans of the game absolutely require you to keep the story fully intact, which requires the developer to respect the original's classic plot and leave it the hell alone . Now, I will give them a bit of visual creative license and permit the use of a few additional FMV/CGI sequences in order to bring out storyline highlights. Perhaps they could expand on the scene where Cloud lays Aeris to rest (anybody who yells "spoiler alert!" right now is gonna get it), or maybe they could deal a bit more with Zack's back story. That's just fine, but don't go overboard. Secondly, this overhaul should be entirely cosmetic. The end result should be glorious; a veritable feast for the eyes, but if you tweak the gameplay or the pacing or whatever in any way, this FFVII fan is going to have some sort of breakdown.

I think the bottom line is that we've never really asked for FFVII-2. We've asked for a remake and now that we're certainly, definitely, without-a-doubt getting it, I want to insure that the final product meets with our expectations. There's one last bit of wriggle room I will award the team in charge: if you wish, you can add a few new pieces of Materia, or perhaps a few new Limit Breaks; additions that would add a bit of depth and flash without negatively affecting the classic, near-perfect gameplay. This upgrade will be one of the most sought-after titles in history if Square-Enix would merely take our advice and handle this project with a certain delicacy laced with an aggressive, cutting-edge approach to the visuals and atmosphere. Trust us, guys, this is the way it should be done. You'll rake in the accolades and sales. Now, which one of you execs has my check? Haven't I adopted the role of a consultant, here…?

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15 years ago


you had me cracking up on the floor with that preparation H joke. That was golden hahaha Yeah, but thank you for pointing that out so i could clear up the comment, so thank again!

As for the copy of the ICO, I'll definitely keep you posted, he probably would sell it to me for $15, he's had and it played it, he's not one of those who prefers to keep a game, but why wouldn't you since you bought it right? So if I'm able to get it from him, I probably could even get it for free, i've known him for quite sometimes, and if that happens, I'll gladly give you the game without a problem.

But I'll keep you posted, he should be back from his vacation within the next few days, so i'll let you know by next week!

Last edited by to_far_apart on 1/2/2010 1:09:42 PM

15 years ago

They need to put the PSP version of FF TACTICS on the PSN so I can get that damned onion armor! As for the remake of FF7 on the PS3 I say let the battle system, world map openness, and the materia system stay as is! Just put SUPER GRAPHICS, UNREAL ATMOSPHERE in sound and music, and a SUPER SECRET ending to SAVE U-KNOW-WHO and that would be the greatest game EVER …………. WELL ……. not as great as a FF TACTICS PS3 remake!

End of Line.

15 years ago

Well it wouldn't be the greatest game EVER. That still goes to MW2 because of the sales numbers. Right?

15 years ago

I'd still much rather see FFVI get remade.

15 years ago

FF 6 was so big it would take them 5 years to do a full blown ps3 remake.

End of Line.

15 years ago

It's taken them 13 years so far to make the FFVII remake. So that 5 year arguement doesn't work.

15 years ago

I guess I found my new guy to hate.

15 years ago

FFVII was the game that made me run out and get a 3Dfx card. That was the only part about this game that made ME cry.

15 years ago

HalfLife made me get 2 3DFX cards in SLI mode. Each one had 16mb of ram, wowzers.

15 years ago

Didn't crisis core cover Zack's origins, completely?

15 years ago

It's still apart of the game and if you've played Crisis Core than you'll understand more of the story.

15 years ago

Lol what I want in a remake is…no remake at all =) legacy and nostalgia go together too well.

15 years ago

whats the point of the remake then if nothing is changed? just play the original. You'd just be spending money to feel nostalgic.

15 years ago

I played an finished FFVII over 12 years ago, I don't have any interest in a remake and I've never understood why so many got hung up on the teaser but I have a feeling that for a lot of them FFVII was their first RPG or FF. I'm sure there are things that could be done with it when it comes to a better translation and all that but still I'd rather have a new story. Square really needs to let Final Fantasy VII go. Hell, IF we had to have a remake I'd prefer VI since it would be a much different experience, not to mention be flat out massive.

I'd much, much rather have a new Chrono Trigger game or hell, even a new Kingdom Hearts.

Gregory Freeman
Gregory Freeman
15 years ago

Dare I Say It?

I Want A Legend Of Dragoon Remake!!!!!!

15 years ago

the more i think about it the more i feel like i wouldnt buy it if they made a remake it just feels old even if it had improved graphics what you guys want is just the same as the original with better graphics i mean if you have to much of one thing you eventualy get sick of it dont you?

15 years ago

My feelings exactly (though I would have used punctuation).

The problem with a remake is that no one is going to be happy with it.

Either they will change something that the fanboys want to stay the same or they will fail to change enough to make it worth buying again.

Example: FFT War Of The Lions. A better translation and a few (so far, two) redone cutscenes are not worth the price of a re-buy. They didn't even fix something as simple as Defend being a Support ability instead of an Action ability (since you have to choose it as your action for the round!).

Even with regards to the graphics, the original game is built (I believe) on pre-rendered 2D backgrounds, with specific, limited pathways for movement. How do you rebuild those in a full 3D environment without completely changing the way the game plays? Is it just like a high-res FFX?

Advent Children looked so gorgeous because it wasn't handcuffed by 10-year-old game mechanics.

Much as people may love FFVII, it is ALL hopelessly outdated tech. Anything that makes use of the PS3's power will by necessity be vastly different from the original version.

Maybe they can pull off a miracle, but I have to say I'm dubious.

Last edited by Fane1024 on 1/2/2010 5:21:54 PM

15 years ago

sorry im not big on punctuations

15 years ago

I accidentally broke my ps2 a long time ago(spilled water all over it D:), so I would definitely buy a remake of ff7 if it came out.

15 years ago

I hope this frequently requested game is Kingdom Hearts 3.

I can live without FFVII remake and as much as I love FFVII, I wouldn't bother with a remake.

15 years ago

yea i think im begining to hope its KH3 to even though ffvii will always great we should never tinker with the past or we might change the future.

Banky A
Banky A
15 years ago

Yes I want my Kingdom Hearts III.

15 years ago

Spam me if you want, but I gurantee you it is not FINAL FANTASY VII that will be announced. A source says : PARASITE EVE

Banky A
Banky A
15 years ago


Banky A
Banky A
15 years ago


15 years ago

Either way I'm happy.

15 years ago

never heard of parasite eve

Banky A
Banky A
15 years ago

I just want to see Omnislash on the PlayStation 3.

And Emerald weapon.. I will fight you!
Ruby.. you too.

15 years ago

It won't happen. Mind you, why wouldn't it be a Dragon Quest/Warrior game? Valkyria Profiles? Parasite Eve? Chrono Trigger? etc. etc.

FFVII seems very unlikely.

(I personally think FFVIII is the best. Maybe a FFVIII-2??)

15 years ago

Squall couldn't pleasure me if he tried on his best day.

15 years ago

eh, maybe. But I really enjoyed Rinoa

Banky A
Banky A
15 years ago

You got to 'enjoy' Rinoa?

15 years ago

What I want square enix to do with a final fantasy VII remake (if there will be one) is the assurance that it will "ONLY" be for the playstation 3. I don't want another potential title going down the drain like most other former exclusives, like tekken 6, devil may cry 4, and final fantasy XIII.

Last edited by Andysw on 1/2/2010 3:12:42 PM

15 years ago

I personally don't think it is Final Fantasy VII. I'm thinking more along the lines of Kingdom Hearts 3. After all, if Tetsuya Nomura is doing the announcement, why would he do it for a game that he was only the character designer for (Final Fantasy VII)? Shouldn't it be the director, or a new director (unless of course, he is the new director). However, Kingdom Hearts is his series and right now, the Kingdom Hearts flare is up due to 358/2 Days and coded already being done, and Birth by Sleep on its way.

BUT, I did read posts from multiple people on the website and they said that there will be TWO projects. Hopefully then, it will be Final Fantasy VII and Kingdom Hearts 3.

After reading a post from Logamus_Prime, I'm also hoping for a Valkyrie Profile game.

15 years ago

This is from one yea ago-

The latest issue of V-Jump in Japan has revealed some new information on the Final Fantasy VIIuniverse. Square Enix is preparing an original animation video (OAV) to release with Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children Complete. January 31, 2009 is the twelfth anniversary of Final Fantasy VIIin Japan. In celebration, Square Enix will be releasing a trailer related to the twelfth anniversary of Final Fantasy VII. Exactly what that trailer is we’re not sure of.

However, take a look at the words on the page “We all hope to meet FFVII again!!” I’m only praying that this trailer is for a remake.

15 years ago

It wont be Parasite Eve III, thats already been announced for the PSP AS 'The Third Birthday'

15 years ago

As log as the golden saucer has sweet snowboarding and motorcycle battles I'll be happy… well I'd still be happy without them but slightly upset.

15 years ago

Chocobo Racing 2???

Eh? Eh? Who's with me?

You made the most sense. With 358/2 Days out.. I'm sure it has to be Kingdom Hearts III and a Birth By Sleep release date. Here's praying for that Parasite Eve

15 years ago

Thanks. I just tried to come at the situation with a logical approach and thinking outside the box. I still hope it's Final Fantasy VII, but I can bet almost anything it will be Kingdom Hearts 3.

15 years ago

I just shat my pants when I saw the headline. SHAME ON YOU!!

I just want them to get everything into the remake, and I mean EVERYTHING. Every little side mission, NPC, just everything.

It would also be cool if they gave us more info on ZACH and the events of Crisis CORE.

Last edited by Jed on 1/2/2010 7:05:30 PM

15 years ago

Same happened to me to me lol.

15 years ago


You know some people just can't help themselves…

For once Ben I think I agree 100% with you and your ideas on this remake. That and add in some trophies of course for all them trophy whores to indulge in.

15 years ago

I think it would be awesome if they remade both ff7's(The original and Dirge of Cerberus), but I know that will never happen.

15 years ago

I love Dirge. Hell right now I have FF7 on both disc and PSN DL, Crisis Core, Dirge, and both the original DVD of Advent children plus the Blu ver. of Advent Children Complete…

Am I a fan?… Yes, yes I am.

15 years ago

All I'm hoping is that at no point in it should they play Japanese pop music.

15 years ago

"Now that this remake is confirmed…"

Oh f**k you. -_-

15 years ago

Meh. I dont really want a remake because i know the story already. Like I know how the story will turn out and there won't be any surprises anymore. Well unless they change it a little probably not alot of surprises. I'd rather have them make ffXIII versus first.

15 years ago

OK heres my worry. (i made an account just to share my views.) AND if its already been said then who cares. im not reading all those comments as there is a sh** load.

my worries are the battle play… i mean we all mastered it. ya put phoenix with final attack, you put knights of the round with HP absorb. More MATERIA!!!! the thing is we all know how it works and how to get round everything. innevitably people will have the game beat in hours not days. cant have that. oh and the old battle style? sure but add some extra umphh to it. in battle cutscenes. infact add more of them. dont forget the battle with palmer. that was a bit cutscene…..ey. so yeah i agree that visuals should definatly be boosted. and i know the game isnt broke. but it would be nice to enjoy the game with some suprises. dont you all think? oh and Square? dont even think about adding the aerith get back side quest shit (i know it was cut from the original as you guys didnt plan your time good enough and hit deadline.). she can stay dead. helps with consistency.

thank you all for hearing my views on things.