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How Did Heavy Rain Become A PlayStation 3 Exclusive?

We all know that Heavy Rain is one of the most anticipated PlayStation 3 exclusives of the generation thus far, but how did it become exclusive? Well, it was a matter of timing.

As reported by PS3Center citing the latest GamePro edition, Quantic Dream boss David Cage said Sony needed something special to show off the impending power of the PS3 way back at E3 2006. At the time, we were seeing hard-to-believe footage of Killzone 2 and MotorStorm but we really needed something a bit more tangible; some actual footage to entice consumers to buy the PS3 when it released later in the year. This is when Quantic approached Sony with Heavy Rain ; they had already started work on "The Casting," a very cool in-engine tech demo and this is what Sony wanted for the show. Heck, we still remember first seeing this footage at that show and ever since, we've been anxious to learn more. Now, the game is only about seven weeks away (it's slated to launch on February 16 in North America) and it's one of the best reasons to be a PS3 owner right now. But Cage said that if all of this hadn't happened just so, exclusivity may never have happened. However, we've heard the developers say that with time, it became clear they needed the power of the PS3 so their ambitious vision would be achieved.

But hey, it's really all about timing and a little luck, even in business. Who knows what might have happened if Quantic and Sony hadn't communicated very early?

Related Game(s): Heavy Rain

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15 years ago

cant wait to get my hands on this gem

15 years ago

Sony was smart to get their hands on this, it really is without a doubt going to me one of the most interesting and one of the most ambitious titles of 2010 and possible the current generation.

Can't wait to play this, looks amazing!

15 years ago

same here!!!

15 years ago

From the sounds of things Heavy Rain would require several discs (or tons of icky compression) to work on the 360. One more reason to love Blu-Ray.

Last edited by NoSmokingBandit on 12/30/2009 10:03:38 PM

15 years ago

ya its exclusive to ps3 because it wouldnt even be anything like it is now on the " other " console

Last edited by inkme101 on 12/30/2009 10:07:33 PM

15 years ago

Let it rain.

Side note, Best Buy has MotorStorm: Pacific Rift for $19.99 this week.

15 years ago

heavy rain is a wait and see for me, it might not be all that fun and entertaining, heres hoping it is though

15 years ago

Heavy Rain is really a masterpiece, i especially do like game heavily scripted with lots of cutscenses. Heavy Rain matches everything i want only lacking a few action. Kudos to Sony and QD for reaching an agreement that would no doubt close the gap between games and movies..

I was just thinking that one day i would see a game appearing at the top spot in the US box office.. smilling…

Last edited by jerocarson on 12/30/2009 10:13:54 PM

15 years ago

well stevie we know itll have one of the most in depth stories a game has ever had. now to me, that has quality entertainment written all over it. so few games have a decent story anymore, all forfeited it for multiplayer. (AHEM MW2)

15 years ago

Must purchase. I hate to think what would have happened to it on 360. Perish the thought.

Banky A
Banky A
15 years ago

The point of no return World… you got me spiraling in the thought.


Last edited by Banky A on 12/30/2009 11:45:55 PM

15 years ago

Indigo Prophecy is what we have to base how well Heavy Rain might turn out

If that game was really good. Then this one could end up being one of this year's biggest games.

15 years ago

Was wondering what the hell you were on about until I did a quick browse and realised you were talking about what I know as Fahrenheit. It was pretty good.

15 years ago

Their prior Indigo Prophecy was a great game so this one should be even better.

15 years ago

ohhhhhhhhhhhh, i was so close!
2 days off.
anyway this is #1 on my list next year, huh comes out the same day as AVP, coincidence?.
its going to be a good week thats for sure.
hopefully it releases here in AU close to that date, none of this 6 weeks later BS sony normally pulls.

15 years ago

Ugh, I seriously need to pre-order this and other things but I'm going on vacation jan 19- feb 2 so it's hard to give up money! curse you games, even making my vacation almost stressful without you.

fluffer nutter
fluffer nutter
15 years ago

I have no idea why I haven't pre-ordered this thing. I think I'd be more inclined to watch a better video game player so that I can fully enjoy this experience without fouling it up. Who has a big screen and doesn't mind having an audience? I'll pitch in for the snacks and drinks.

15 years ago

Is the US Heavy Rain going to be censored?

15 years ago

doubt it, but dunno

15 years ago

QD already said that everyone is going to play the exact same version of the game, so no one will need to import from Europe.

Kudos to them… because regardless if you just want to see them naked or not, you always keep wondering what could have been different in X scenarios.

15 years ago

u guys are like, so dum. Heavy Rain would work better on a 360 because the 360 IS better, in every way, than a pee ass three. So what if it has blu ray. the 360 has D-V-D ROM! My computer has that too so it GOTS to be better. How can blue ray be better if xbox games have better grafix? what does ps3 have? Exclusives that $ony paid for? Xbox exclusives are better! i can even get xbox exclusives for my computer! On D-V-D! blue ray dont look so good NOW does it

Perry Katy
Perry Katy
15 years ago

Are you being sarcastic or what???

15 years ago

Thumbs down just because you wasted the time I spent reading your crap ;D

15 years ago


Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

If it's not sarcasm, tell me now.

15 years ago

wow….are you being serious right now?

15 years ago

I think it was just a lame attempt at humor. Don't hold it against him.

15 years ago

He's gotta be joking around. "I can even get xbox exclusives for my computer!" made me laugh so hard it can't possibly be intended to be serious.

15 years ago

lol, you know its scary when you can't tell the sarcasm from the true dolt-speak

15 years ago

I preordered this a while back i'm very anxious to play it, I was hoping to play indigo prophecy before HR but I don't have a ps2 and I don't know if I want to spend the money to buy another one I'm pretty content with ps3

15 years ago

You can get it on PC btw and XBOX1

15 years ago

If you have a PC to play it on you can get it off of Steam for $3.39 right now.

15 years ago

just bought it, i was really looking for it, gamestop had the case but not the game itself -_- such fools at times

15 years ago

Yes. Sorry.

15 years ago

Aww. Here, I'll thumb you up, since you aren't one of those people who state the obvious by typing "</sarcasm>" at the end of every blatant sarcastic comment.

15 years ago

I can't imagine this being on any other console, the visuals are just flip'n amazing.. It would of done poorly on any other console. A must Day one purchase, preordering it today.

15 years ago

I never played "Indigo Prophecy", but I've been interested in "Heavy Rain" from the start. From the videos I've seen, I think this game easily has the best graphics yet on the PS3. I've pre-ordered it and I'm looking forward to playing the upcoming demo (the big 'make or break'). I just wish my Canadian copy of the game would have the same kick-ass packaging that the UK version is receiving.

15 years ago

If the actual game is anywhere near as cool as the nifty dynamic theme (which looks awesome by the way), I'll be so happy.

15 years ago

I'm just glad it's exclusive.

My only question is – How many times am I going to have to play through this game to see all the different pathways??? I mean technically, one character could die, or they could all die. That's just wild.

Is my ending going to be as cool as your ending? I don't know…

15 years ago

I really hope people buy this game, so they won't be discouraged to make an exclusive part 2.

15 years ago

Can't wait to get my grubby paws on this game! I also hope this will be the game that will pull my partner into video games. The preview videos have certainly gotten his interest piqued.

David Cage has apparently poured his heart and soul into this project. I have never written to a developer, but I sent the folks at Quantic Dream an email to tell them there is an audience for such games. I hope I did my small part in giving them encouragement.

Last edited by Club80 on 12/31/2009 10:51:23 AM

Paolo Kutaragi
Paolo Kutaragi
15 years ago

My most anticipated games in 2010 are; Heavy Rain, The Last Guardian, Mafia II and Max Payne 3. Also Bioshock 2 and Gran Turismo 5, but I haven't decided if I'm going to buy the last two or not.

15 years ago

We're waiting.

15 years ago

Like it says, this game would need the PS3 to do what they wanted to do with it. Just ges to show you (again) ho much more advanced the PS3 is, especially in the right hands.

Last edited by DeathOfChaos on 1/1/2010 5:00:29 PM