Update: I didn't make it clear although I thought I did; this is not an official announcement and can only be considered a rumor right now.
Original Story:
PlayStation 3 owners have seriously missed out when it comes to downloadable content for Grand Theft Auto IV but it seems Rockstar is about to remedy that lacking. Better late than never, right? You know, if it's even true.
As most of you know, the likes of The Lost and Damned and The Ballad of Gay Tony have only been made available for the Xbox 360 while the PS3 has been left out in the cold. In the past, we had heard rumors that Rockstar intended to deliver this DLC to owners of Sony's machine; after all, we're only talking about a timed exclusivity deal with Microsoft. Well, Rockstar has supposedly announced that both aforementioned downloadable episodes will finally arrive on the PS3 in 2010. Best of all, as a sort of "thank you for waiting" prize, PS3 players will also receive an exclusive piece of DLC, although we have no details on that just yet. Rockstar boss Dan Houser revealed as much during his simple statement to the press: "We are proud to announce that both episodic experiences – and a new one – will be available for the PS3. We cannot wait for people to play it." Yeah, well, you had better hope that people are still looking for DLC nearly two years after the game released (the game launched in April 2008). Again, though, the statement from Houser and the "announcement" aren't official; we've heard nothing from any actual PR source and the site in question doesn't provide a source, either.
Perhaps there's just too much of a time gap but at the same time, maybe that's a good thing. If you haven't revisited GTAIV in a while, you might be itching to do so and this new DLC will act as the perfect excuse.
Related Game(s): Grand Theft Auto IV
So now, we get to gloat, no? j/k
bout time.
I guess my x-box-loving cousin owes me $20. Wow…2 years after release….And it didnt even sell that well on 360.
I'd LOL if it ended up selling better on PS3. If I were R* I'd gear up for a big marketing campaign. Oh and update the music too. Some new shit would be nice. Hope the new DLC stars Brucie or Little Jacob!
Last edited by Superman915 on 12/30/2009 11:05:20 AM
Guess i'll buy gta4 for the ps3 this time around.
thank you R*!!! finally… and yes, i still play GTAIV so, this bit of news is like the best thing i've heard in some time… and we even get our own exclusive DLC that xbox guys won't even get…
i'm wondering if they are going to release both at the same time, in a "episodes of liberty city" way or, separate… either way, i'm stoked…
BAD ASS! I know its been awhile but i dont care! i am excited as sh** for this!
Last edited by inkme101 on 12/30/2009 11:25:38 AM
sweet i still love me some gta4 so ill take this any day. hopefully its soon in 2010!
I can get a cheap copy of GTA4 and then buy the DLC on disc. I have no qualms paying for these expansion packs
It's fake!
Why post a rumour as fact ben?
looks pretty real to me. also at brighat if you buy the dlc on a disc then you dont need the original gta4.
its been confirmed as a fake!
lazy journalism or what….
This just in, you've been confirmed as an pompous assh*le. How's it feel…
You're truly a dumb@ss…
post your source then.
Good things happen to people who wait =D
I bet my friend will be happy. He was pissed when they didn't release it for PS3 along side the Xbox. Seems stupid to me. Rockstar could have made more money selling it for both platforms at the same time then what ever M$ paid them for exclusivity.
I don't know. The rumored pay-off was $50 million. That's enough to pay for the development of the whole game.
Episodes sold 0.9 million units at $40 (not counting purchase of each as DLC); roughly 1/8 of total copies of GTAIV. If as many people bought the DLC versions, then that would be 1/4.
1/4 of the PS3 version of GTA is about 1.5 million units at $40 = $60 million dollars (gross).
I would say that it's more or less a wash for Rockstar, even if the extra chapters never come to PS3. If they sell even a few hundred thousand copies in the future, they definitely benefitted from the exclusivity deal.
Microsoft, not so much (their licensing fee for 360 copies of GTAIV probably earned them about $35 million). They got to brag a bit, though.
Last edited by Fane1024 on 12/30/2009 5:39:45 PM
I sold my copy a while back so if the dlc is any good and releases around the time of the dry season (summer) then i think i'll pick up gtaIV again but right now I still think gtaIV was a let down
GTA IV isn't as great as it was hyped to be, considering that most games has the similar open-world mechanics. Assassin's Creed has a lot of resemblance to GTA. Except GTA has clumsy controls for shooting.
Microsoft 50 mil down.
NO… even if this was true (and it's not) Microsoft LOANED that money
…says our local Microsoft apologist.
I was on the verge of trading this game in aswell.
Wow.. So MS 50 million dollar deal went down the drain? Is this for real? lol
I absolutely love this franchise. The graphics engine could be a bit better, but the game oozes with personality like no other game. Niko made me laugh out loud with his lines and facial expressions.
This is good news. Gonna crack open a bottle of champagne and celebrate.
Same thing here. I loved GTAIV too, cant wait for this DLC, I was planning on getting it for 360 soon but I'll wait for the PS3 version simply cause of……..FREEEEEEE Online! 😉
Sweet. This can't be any worse than the new Socom DLC that was just released a million years after a poorly executed launch.
I beat this game, but found it pretty boring. You move and travel WAY too slow. They may have gotten my money if it came out near my first play through, but when I came back to it a second time I realized how many better games there are out there. Niko was the only thing that I really liked about it.
It was only a matter of time folks, especially given the rather lackluster performance of both DLC's at retail.
Combine that with the recent Games for Windows update showing achievements for GTAIV Lost & Damned + BoGT. And yeah, it's all but certain.
bah its fake.
lol its fake, how many more times….
Stop being an ass, many times over. Just post a link to your sources that prove this to be fake. Lazy commenting at it's worst.
Thank you, Rockstar. I now get to collect on about half a dozen bets. And it seems I'm not the only one 😉
Anyway, I'm hoping I'll be able to pick these up relatively soon (or relatively late), since I already have about $200 tied up in video game spendings from the end of January to the middle of February.
SOURCES or shut up!
why post a fake thing ben? really why? lol
its fake! boooooo
Eh, rumor. I thought I put that in there because it's obviously not Rockstar.
Don't think Microsoft came anywhere near recouping the $50 million for the timed exclusivity that they paid.
Personally, I'm glad that didn't work out for them. Rather than Microsoft paying off publishers to NOT release content for the other consoles, they SHOULD be paying publishers to release new and exciting games for their console.
I actually just got this game new a few weeks ago for $20 of off amazon. I'm very excited to play these expansions after I beat the game.
The part about a exclusive episode sounds too good to be true.
so ben do you believe it to be BS?
I think the source is bogus but I do believe all of this will happen.
We know it was a timed exclusivity deal, and we've heard Rockstar hint at delivering "other" or "different" DLC for PS3 owners in the future.
Indeed, while this source may be bogus, it's really just a matter of time. There are a great many rumors floating around…too closely packed together to think this is simply a 'blip' on the radar. Especially given that it's what, 2 years since GTAIV launched?
kinda of off subject but y the adds today popping up lol i think rockstar did us wrong anyway but i know xbox paid alot for that oh and who wants to play a game about a gay guy names tony lol
i dont even care about the ps3 exclusive episode i do hope the rest does turn out to be true though!
P.S. plz do something about the damn van halen ad its been driving me nuckin futz all week
Last edited by inkme101 on 12/30/2009 12:40:07 PM
Don't worry Ben, it was perfectly clear that it was a rumor 😉
I bought "The lost and Damned" and, honestly, I never finished it.
The game itself isn't the big thing the press said, and the DLC is just a boring extension of a not-so-good story.
I kinda feel like the black sheep here but I'm not excited at all for this. The new episodes on the 360 looked boring. I beat this game and never really picked it up again.
I liked it, but I didn't really like Niko. He was a small time thug who never really made it big in the states. When I play GTA, I wanna take over the city and be the top dog at the end. He just ran around doing errands for other people.
Vice City was AWESOME cause you took over businesses and you killed one of the main mob bosses a la Scarface….now that was fun stuff!!
Im with you, Sven.
I beat GTA4 and its been sitting on my shelf since. They took all the fun out of the games just so they could add more pointless side-missions and junk. Theres no huge moments in GTA4, its just a series of small jobs.
Vice City was AMAZING. Everything felt so epic and awesome. Taking over the mansion on the middle island was one of the coolest parts of any GTA game.