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Is The PS3 The Single-Player Console Of Choice?

I only just recently realized that there may be a bigger gap between the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 than previously recognized, and it has to do with the software. Or rather, the intention of that software.

Personally, I have never been into online multiplayer and I rarely get involved in online matches in any game. For one, I simply don't have the time and I've also noticed that those who really get involved tend to get hooked, thereby missing out on some of this generation's most memorable experiences. For instance, I know several people who just can't stop playing either Modern Warfare online – they played the original from the time it was released until now, and have switched to MW2 – and in the process, they completely ignored the likes of Killzone 2 , Uncharted 2: Among Thieves , Batman: Arkham Asylum , inFamous , Assassin's Creed II …you know, basically the best games of the generation thus far. But even if I do have more willpower than these unfortunate souls, the concept of online multiplayer has just never appealed to me and I seriously doubt I'm the only one. And that being the case, I tend to get really annoyed with games that are expressly made for multiplayer with halfhearted attempts at a single-player campaign tossed in.

I played Left 4 Dead 2 last night and not only did it reaffirm my belief that Valve is a worthless developer that hasn't bothered to innovate in a decade, but it also stunned me with the realization that most Xbox 360 exclusives seem to be exactly like this: a lame, almost non-existent single-player campaign and a robust online multiplayer mode. I'm going to play Halo 3: ODST next and I get the feeling I'll find the same thing, although at least that might be semi-entertaining. Really, the only major 360 titles I can think of that boast awesome single-player campaigns are the Gears titles, which absolutely rule. But is that all ? Is the last bastion of single-player goodness falling into PS3 exclusives? Uncharted 2 ? The excellent campaign in Killzone 2 ? Heavy Rain ? God of War III ? The Last Guaridan ? I can't wait for Alan Wake , either; perhaps that will be a 360 game that might actually satisfy a lone gamer.

I suppose my question is this: would it be accurate to say the Xbox 360 seems entirely dominated by multiplayer-fueled titles while the PS3 is the only console left that hasn't forgotten that some of the most memorable experiences in this hobby are enjoyed alone ? The Wii is all about multiplayer, too, of course. I have no problem with this social gaming boom and I think it's getting a hell of a lot more people involved with the hobby. But this fixation is starting to really hurt the single-player aspects of certain games…or should I say, certain titles that might be exclusive to the Xbox 360. In the future, I'd love to see a separation: i.e., split popular franchises into different games, like Final Fantasy XIII is for the single-player and Final Fantasy XIV is for the online multiplayer. Like we've got MGS4 and MGO. Something like that. Because obviously, multiplayer has become a very big deal and it's tough for devs to focus on both elements.

But even so, I'm still ticked off. I really wanted to love L4D2; I had heard such great things about it. But without the multiplayer, it's a total waste of time. And you know, a lot of the 360 games I've played are like that. Not that it's a problem, per se, but it is for me . And it's in stark contrast to the groundbreaking exclusives on the PS3 side. Don't you think?

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15 years ago

I must admit the 3 of us(me, myself, & I)are all in complete unison about preferring single player mode.

15 years ago

Ben, my intentions aren’t to upset you. Rather, engage in a intelligent conversation for the benefit of having a realistic perspective on this matter. The data I’ve provided isn’t proof. Rather, empirical research I’ve done to find a correlation between your theory and reality. Your article intrigued me, and so I’ve done some digging around to see if I could find a consistency.

You’ve made two major claims:

“but it also stunned me with the realization that most Xbox 360 exclusives seem to be exactly like this: a lame, almost non-existent single-player campaign and a robust online multiplayer mode. “

Now look at the two lists I posted under Wednesday, Dec. 30th @ 4:07. One being compiled based on the aggregate percentage from Metacritic, and the second being compiled from VGChartz based on sales. Based on this data, “most” 360 exclusives aren’t lacking in single player modes.

Your second claim:

“would it be accurate to say the Xbox 360 seems entirely dominated by multiplayer-fueled titles while the PS3 is the only console left that hasn't forgotten that some of the most memorable experiences in this hobby are enjoyed alone?”

Now your claim has broadened. You haven't specified between exclusives and multi-platform titles. And my first post on Tuesday, Dec 29th @ 10:52 also covered this with a list of the top twenty 360 games. Based on critical acclaim provided by Metacritic, most 360 games do have strong single-player elements.

Hopefully this dissemination of your article isn’t met with anymore rudeness. If it is truth that you seek you’ll recognize that there is merit to my efforts.

15 years ago

It was clear from context and knowledge of the numbers of multiplat games that he was referring to exclusives.

He also said in a response to you, that he was referring to exclusives.

15 years ago

"lame, almost non-existent single-player campaign and a robust online multiplayer mode."

When you said that, I thought That sounds exactly like Halo 3: ODST", wow was that lame.

So I laughed pretty hard when you said

"I'm going to play Halo 3: ODST next"

The 360 definitely depends heavily on multiplayer. I like multiplayer, but there needs to be a solid single player mode to back that up.

15 years ago

bridgera, Halo 3 ODST from top to bottom is underwhelming. Having played ODST's single player campaign myself I will say it's short and uninspired. Though, this is true of the entire package. Recycled assets and goofy animations look near archaic at times. Concerning it;s multi-player content. The inclusion of the –new– firefight mode with, what? 3 maps, and at the time I played it it thge mode was lacking even matchmaking (I've sold my 360 since then so I don't know if that's been patched).The multi-player disc that shipped with the game, to my understanding, is the compilation of Halo 3's existing multi-player elements, and also, the previously downloadable multi-player packs. I'll be pleased to have someone fill me in if I have forgotten anything. And concerning my responses to Ben. I stand very firm in my statements, and I have yet to see anyone logically respond to it. Please, list the number of 360 exclusives that have released, or have yet to release, that are lacking a good single player component. I can think of two, the Left 4 Dead franchise (not owned by MS), and arguably the completely lacking ODST. I can just as well as look at Sony, and see proprietary shooter franchises for PS3 that are designed to be heavily multi-player such as Warhawk and Mag. The argument was not whether 360 has a very online-active shooter demographic as it is the number of games released that boast huge multiplayer content and lacking single player campaigns. This was exactly what Ben was claiming, I quote — but it also stunned me with the realization that most Xbox 360 exclusives seem to be exactly like this: a lame, almost non-existent single-player campaign and a robust online multiplayer mode– Close quote. Even looking into the horizon, 360 has exclusives with single-player emphasis such as Splinter Cell (for now), Mass Effect (possibly for now), and Alan Wake. And as I had sympathized with Ben from the beginning that the large appeal concerning the xbox community is from online shooters. This can easily be seen when looking at the sales of Modern Warfare 2 between the two platforms. Now, check out the sales of the acclaimed Assassin's Creed 2, the ratio is far more even. BTW, I do understand that text based debates are often difficult to convey exact meaning.

15 years ago

Well said, Tem.

15 years ago

You write for a gaming site but you don't have time to play multi-player games???

Hint: MAKE TIME!!! You write for a damn gaming site!!!

just when I though I've seen it all, I see something else.

15 years ago

Yes! Something I've been noticing too! The 360 plays off Addiction more than gaming, while the PS3 makes it's sales from every type of media imaginable, lol.

15 years ago

You'll find that Halo: ODST has the most robust story of any of the Halo games… since the MP is really just Halo 3 MP they had a more focused effort on SP and coop… alas I can't agree with you on the idea that the 360 has less compelling single player games… Mass Effect destroys most every single player game on the PS3 though I will give you this… ever game I want on the PS3 (except LBP) is a single player focused game… me personally.. I'm a coop kind of guy… so I love L4D to death