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How To Decide On A Console For Multiplatform Games

Early on in the generation, this was a little more challenging simply because developers hadn't become familiar with the new and complex PlayStation 3. However, now that we're mostly past those dark days, the multiplatform title question has become quite clear.

So you've got both the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 and many times, you have the same question concerning a new release: "which version should I get?" Well, believe it or not, there's a very simple answer to this question, provided you understand how the industry tends to operate. If the game you intend to purchase was initially designed from the ground up with both consoles in mind, the end result will likely be two versions that are almost identical. Any differences at all are usually negligible for the average gamer and it might only come down to controller preference, or something like that. However, if you find that a game began its life as an exclusive project for one particular platform, it's best to simply go with that console. For instance, Bayonetta was only made with the 360 in mind at first and was then ported to the PS3 by Sega, which unsurprisingly has resulted in a lesser-quality PS3 version. Next year, Final Fantasy XIII will launch; this is a title that began development way back when with the White Engine, specifically designed with the PS3 in mind. Furthermore, with the Blu-Ray capacity that is guaranteed to be a bonus, it makes the most sense to nab the PS3 version, regardless of what the 360 fans say.

It's really not that tough. Sure, there are a few graphical differences between some multiplatform games even when they're created with multiple consoles in mind, but in all honesty, it's not typically a big deal. Assassin's Creed II , Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 , Batman: Arkham Asylum , etc.; these are multiplatform titles that aren't significantly better on either the PS3 or 360. In fact, these days, most aren't "significantly better" on one console or the other unless those responsible for making the game switched gears along the way. This may seem like common sense but you'd be surprised how many people aren't aware of the facts…

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15 years ago

That non-slim* PS3 in the pic, now she's a beauty! ;D *looks over to his own non-slim PS3* Hey, how you doin'?

*Never call a lady "fat", use "non-slim"

15 years ago

How about supple or voluptuous?

15 years ago

Wolfcrimson, have you been playing Tekken 6?

15 years ago

She's got all sorts of junk in her trunk.

And she runs hot.

15 years ago

I have all multiplats on PS3 simply cause of FREEEEEEEE online 😉

15 years ago

I tend to buy all my games on the PS3 for that very same reason, free online. I have a 360, but I refuse to pay for online play.

The only time I'll pick up a multi-plat on the 360 is if it's real cheap and doesn't have any MP (or any good MP).

All that technical gab about graphics issues doesn't mean much to me.

15 years ago

My console is ps3 I'm a big fanboy I'll stick with Sony to the very end, I do most my gaming on ps3, I do however like the xbox it has a few games I like can't wait to get ME2, I think xbox is a nice system but I can live without it I'm a playstation guy.

15 years ago

I like it when I see comments like this one. This is a person who does prefer one console over the other, but is not so ignorant to say that "all other consoles suck!" I cannot stand it when I see stupid comments that trash other systems completely. You can hate a console without saying that it is a garbage console. All consoles in the market are selling like hotcakes because they all have something to offer. Forget the stupidity that says you aren't a fan of a console unless you sever all ties to other consoles. I'm a gaming fan. Just like this guy. I don't care how I get it, as long as I get it. A lot like sex…wait…nevermind.

15 years ago

I like it when the fanboys say all Multiplats on the PS3 suck, but are awesome on the 360.

Then they point to a video that ZOOMS IN on multiplats to show slightly more pixelated details on the PS3 (for say RE5).

Oh yes, those screen shots we had to still capture then ZOOM IN ON THE PICTURE TO TELL THE DIFFERENCE, really make the difference between a game sucking and being awesome.

Then anytime a multiplat looks better on the PS3, they merely say the game sucks entirely.

On Topic: Some of the older multiplat games that didn't have trophies, but had achievements make me lean toward the 360 side for those.

15 years ago

lmaoooooo @ AudiaK " a lot like sex…wait…nevermind" You made my day XD

15 years ago

Actually, I'd make the argument that Arkham Asylum IS significantly better on the PS3. Not because of graphics, but because of content. The Joker challenges are awesome!


15 years ago

i've choosen PS since launch, and will continue to choose PS, now as for a 360 or PS3 versions, i cant say, i dont really want to own a 360, i'd rather spend $50 on a something (real), than the ability to play games online,

i know when they port games from 360 to ps3(vice versa) and they dont put the time into it (telling me, 'take what u get ps3 buyers', plus HALO developers have jumped ship, and that really tells me something, if ur #1 title is starting to fall apart (the hardware too since launch), then things arent as good as the numbers show

i'd rather have a game/system that lasts 10yrs or so

15 years ago

you should get your facts straight… Microsoft allowed Bungie to go independent and most of those "identical looking games" have better frame rates on the 360… some engines just run better on it's hardware that's just the way stuff works

15 years ago

Don't own a 360 but from what I can tell, the graphics from multiplats are basically identical. However, when it comes to playing online, PS3 is free sir. And free is very appealing! But to all their own…but who can just stroll by something free!

Last edited by just2skillf00l on 12/30/2009 12:07:01 AM

15 years ago

there are benefits to paying though I would rather have free online gaming

15 years ago

With me doesn't matter I only buy for my Big fat PS3 🙂
Just trying to convince my friends to only buy PS3 for multi so I have some more friends to play online 🙂 but apparently they like Live better 🙁
I honestly cant' see the difference in quality for multi but get back to me when FF13 comes out.

15 years ago

Yay Snoopy!


15 years ago

I still see Final Fantasy and Metal Gear, even Tekken as franchises home to Playstation. I say this because they offer preferential treatment to the Playstation platforms. Honestly, can a Final Fantasy fan anticipate, or rely on, a non-playstation unit to deliver their cutting edge games with new releases? Look at MGS for example. Xbox fans celebrated a small victory by having MGS2 ported over to Xbox several years ago. Yet, MGS, MGS3 and MGS4 are no where to be seen. They're just now getting served up a multi-platform MGS spin-off series. All the while Peace Walker is only for PSP, and the demo is fantastic. Also, seeing that the listed titles are created out of Japan I anticipate a losing effort on MS's end to try and secure these titles on their platform in the coming years. I understand that these third-party publishers ultimately control the release of their games, but I see these incremental 360 releases as a supplemental effort to sap a little extra revenue rather than a serious initiative to broaden their core audience.

15 years ago

It's not like Peace Walker has a comparible platform to port to