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GameStop $20 Trade-In Promotion: What Qualifies?

We don't always get what we want for Christmas. We don't always get what we want for birthdays or other special occasions that typically prompt the giving the gifts.

So maybe your mother or your significant other got you a game but without consulting you first; maybe she only asked the register biscuit behind the counter, "what's the most popular game out there right now?", and you ended up with a duplicate copy, or something you just don't want. These things happen. And usually, due to GameStop's stricter return policy (this ain't the '90s, anymore), you're often stuck with the trade-in credit, which could very well suck. Well, GameStop is running a special trade-in promotion through January 10 and as you can see, a whole lot of titles will net you $20 in store credit. Normally, this type of trade-in value is only reserved for new titles that have only been out for a few months, but there are plenty of older games on the list…and yeah, a bunch of crappy games, too. If you've got a few duds in your collection you wish to unload but have been reluctant due to the low trade-in value, check it out and see if you can suddenly cash in. All you need is three to get yourself a brand new $60 game for free. Or, you can put it all towards the purchase of another badly needed accessory; everyone needs more than one controller these days, right?

The trade-in values for GameStop seem to have been declining in recent years, but maybe that's just me. I'd definitely try to take advantage of this.

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15 years ago

If I understand this deal correctly its actually an additional $20 above and beyond the trade in value. So if I trade in say Borderlands and they would normally give me $30 then they will give me the $30 + and additional $20 store credit. Can anyone confirm if this is the case.


15 years ago

No. You give them a game on the list, they give you $20 store credit.

15 years ago

That is not a bad deal people… you should all take it up; no is the chance to flush your collection; only keeping the best of the best…


"i am home"

15 years ago

I dunno… these "deals" usually come with hitches that rub me the wrong way… blegh I'll ignore it until I know more ^_^

15 years ago

agreed .

15 years ago

bye AC 1!

15 years ago

bye tekken 6?!

Gregory Freeman
Gregory Freeman
15 years ago

"Valid in United States, Puerto Rico and Guam only. Offer valid 12/26/09 – 01/10/10."

gay… not available in canada…

im gonna crap in a bag and light it in front of my local Gamestop's door, frigging b*stards

15 years ago

Couldn't I just go buy some of these very cheap games used and then sell them back for 20 bucks each?

fluffer nutter
fluffer nutter
15 years ago

That is what I'm doing and I don't shop at GS. There are plenty of games on that list that can be purchased for 9.99 or less, plus, if you were savvy enough, you could have purchased some of them in-store for the Buy 2 Get 1 Free sale and turned around and sold them back for additional credit. LOL

15 years ago

That's how I got my second PS2. 🙂

15 years ago

"register biscuit" a dime a dozen.

15 years ago

FYI, they dont give you $20 back, they give you $20 off an item you want to purchase. Huge difference there.

Notice the banner in the link that says "save $20 on anything in the entire store!" You will get your trade-in dollars, plus $20 off anything you want to buy that day. Still not a bad deal, but it should be clarified.

15 years ago

LMAO @ "register biscuit"

15 years ago

i was really surprised today, i went in to trade in the saboteur and the avatar for some other games but instead of trading them in they let me return them for the price i bought them for.
so instead of getting 60 bucks credit, i got 220.
EB are a complete utter rip off when it comes to game prices, example uncharted DF they want 50 bucks JBHIFI wants 30.
but dam, not bad, not bad at all.
their return policy is normally restricted to games 7 days after purchase.
for once i leave EB a happy customer.
i guess there is a first time for everything.

Last edited by ___________ on 12/27/2009 11:19:43 PM

15 years ago

That does not add up. Even if you got the full 60 back for each game and an additional 20 off, that only comes to 160. And if you are "returning" the games for full price, you aren't selling them used and wouldn't get the extra 20.

15 years ago

So you find EB a rip off. You've only just now left there happy and yet you keep shopping there? No Wal-Mart or Best Buy where you live? Amazon doesn't deliver to you? What is it? Why shop at a place that doesn't make you happy?

15 years ago

god do i have to say in every single post i dont live in the US?
you people do know the united states of america is not the only country in the world right?

and as ive said a million times EB is a complete utter rip off the only reason i buy all my games there is they have a 7 day money back guarantee.
if you buy a game and dont like it, return it in 7 days for a full refund.
no other shop does that, thats the only reason why i shop at EB.
if they did not have that offer i would go to JBHIFI because they normally have games 20 bucks cheaper than EB, and their trade in values are way higher.

15 years ago

No thanks GameStop.

15 years ago

Bad deal. And no deal for my European friends.

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 12/27/2009 11:50:57 PM

15 years ago

i guess its a way to fund bayonetta purchase since i would be only paying 20 bucks if i trade in need for speed carbon and assassins creed. i can finally get rid of these 2 games since the deal lasts till 1/10.

15 years ago

Hold on a sec there. Isn't that just… bad? I mean it's a gift you got from someone, won't they feel bad if they find out that you traded it in for $20 store credit? Think this through, guys, you could hurt someone's feeling's like this.

15 years ago

Tell me about it, my bro did this to me. I was not happy.

15 years ago


F$#% you chelios!!!

Last edited by bOnEs on 12/28/2009 1:42:50 AM

Banky A
Banky A
15 years ago

Yes definitely, that's a great point.

15 years ago

i see two games i can trade in on that list to get uncharted 2…

– LEGO stars wars: complete saga
– midnight club: los angelas

two games and $20, for a GOTY… sounds like a nice trade indeed… it's not like i play those games anymore anyways, you know? and gamestop would probably normally give me $5 for each anyways…

it's a nice trade-in deal for sure and, i'm looking out for a good deal on uncharted for after the holidays… the saboteur is still only $40 at bestbuy, bought that a couple days ago… i am loving it so far :D…

15 years ago

I don't go in Gamestop at all anymore. Just a bunch of ripoffs. I go online and buy my console games. It's cheaper. So what if I have to wait a few days extra.

15 years ago

if i really want the game on day one i will go to gamestop. but lately just like you ive looked towards amazon, or other online sites!

15 years ago

That's why I preorder on Amazon if I just have to have it on day one. Usually they'll ship it just in time to get it on release day or the day after.

15 years ago

its been awhile since ive been in a gamestop also ,they were selling batman AA used for $55 and I got it from amazon for $36 with Free shipping so I had to wait a couple days so what.

15 years ago

And then also pay for S&H in addition to the game price.

15 years ago

Not from Amazon. As long as the game is $25 or more, shipping is free.

15 years ago

That "free" shipping deal that you actually pay an annual fee for?

15 years ago

darn you GS you screw the Canadians once again, oh well I got unchartered new for 49.99 at futureshop so HA to you GS. Sometimes GS is not all that good like I could of paid 49.99 for AC 2 on day one special purchase from Walmart but instead I got it at GS cause I preordered and didn't realize Walmart had a sweet deal like that. So i'll be watching Closly at other stores more often.

15 years ago

i'm going to gamestop today but no trade-ins form me i keep all my games even ones from 3 years ago. so ican afrod the next system.
ps3 and games eguals ps4. all of u peple should do the same thing so u can stop ****** about high price of a new gaming systum.

15 years ago

Hmmmm looks like I need to hurry up and blast through Uncharted 1. That's about the only game on this list that I own that I'd trade in. My mistake for playing U2 before U1 as I just don't find U1 nearly as good (which of course we all know U2 was a great sequel because it improved on U1).

15 years ago


15 years ago

If you say so. So far my experience has been just wanting to get a level over with. Haven't found them really all that interesting at all. Also the weapons have been rather lame IMO.

Currently I'm about to start chapter 12, Heading Upriver, so I'm basically half-way through.

Plus I actually only paid $15 for Drake's Fortune off an Amazon Black Friday Lightning Deal. So, I get to play it once and make $5 profit!

Last edited by Jackyl on 12/28/2009 5:45:52 PM

15 years ago

Is this really an additional $20 above and beyond the trade-in? (no opinions, just pure fact from actually going there and doing it). It doesn't say so anywhere in the ad, I took it to mean you'd get $20 for any item on that list. Which is bad for some games which would actually get you more than 20 trade-in value.

15 years ago

Can I use that extra 20 bones on preorders?

15 years ago

$20 for Tony Hawk Ride and Board ! Haaaaahahahahaaha

15 years ago

lol, not worth it.

15 years ago

True that World! Ha!

15 years ago

This just temporarily goes back to what they used to give for a recently released game title, about $20. at some point they got super greedy and I started getting less and less for new game trade-ins (esp cash) while they started charging more and more for used game resales. Then, getting even greedier, they put in place a policy that if you buy a used game you can return it within seven days for full store credit for anything else you'd like. This helped push people into buying used games for practically new prices ($5 less, whoop-dee-doo, and half the time any promotional item/code is gone from the thing) and since they know alot of people can complete a game in one week they basically got a rental business going on the side with that policy. Used games have to be one of their biggest earners with the way they price that stuff so last time I was in there I asked them what they were gonna do when everything moved to DLC as no more huge profits on reselling and pseudo-renting games and they all may be out of jobs as well. We can only hope…