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Duke Nukem Forever Still Alive, Expect A “Strong Resurgence”

Oh man…the FFVII remake rumor and the return of Duke Nukem , all on the same day. It's almost too much to handle.

After 3D Realms got hit hard with layoffs and Duke Nukem Forever seemed to bite the dust, we've all been wondering what will become of the franchise. After all, "Duke" is still a name in this industry and it appears that many developers and designers remain committed to bringing the cocky, sunglasses-wearing hero back into the limelight. As reported by ShackNews citing the first printed issue of Gamesauce, 3D Realms CEO Scott Miller is expecting a "strong resurgence."

"The next few years should see a strong resurgence in Duke. There are numerous other Duke games in various stages of development, several due out this year. We are definitely looking to bring Duke into casual gaming spaces, plus there are other major Duke games in production. Almost all of these [projects] are unannounced."

This should probably include a few iPhone games that have already been announced, along with the Duke Nukem trilogy set to arrive on the PSP and DS (these titles are being developed by Frontline Studios). Then, we've also seen hints about a game that might be called, "Duke Nukem: D-Day," which has included the strong statement that Duke simply "doesn't stay down for long." …well, you know, unless you count the last decade or so. Then, Miller reminded us of something: despite the releasing of the "internal team" at 3D Realms, that doesn't mean Forever is toast: "We've never said that Duke Nukem Forever has ceased development," said Miller. "Yes, we released the internal team, but that doesn't correlate to the demise of the project."

'sigh' Here we go again. Okay, should we start counting for this new iteration of "Duke," or can we just add it to the running total for the original rumor? If we do the latter, what's it up to now? Like 12 years?

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15 years ago

"'sigh' Here we go again. Okay, should we start counting for this new iteration of "Duke," or can we just add it to the running total for the original rumor? If we do the latter, what's it up to now? Like 12 years?"
Someones happy today… But I never got to play Duke Nukem and by lookin at the picture and readin this article..Im not really interetsted…Butfor the rest of you hopefuly it comes out next year after 12 years ben?

15 years ago

So Duke is alive? Meh, I have lost interest in this franchise.


"i am home"

Last edited by Qubex on 12/27/2009 9:58:35 PM

15 years ago

SUpoesly it says it is..but then again…Words are only words..then theres delays…Companies closin down….

15 years ago

I don't think you understand the situation Luis.

15 years ago

No i do not WorldEndswith me..Im not sayin I do..Im tryin to also..Can you explain?

15 years ago

I'll gladly accept another Duke game if it's made. I don't care how long it actually takes. I've enjoyed the series too much to cast it aside.

15 years ago

"Yes, Virginia, there IS a Duke Nukem…"

15 years ago

The latest issue of Wired magazine has a story on Duke Nukem: Forever (In Development). The article's author came to the conclusion that DN:F's lead designer–Broussard–wanted to capture lightning in a bottle a second time.

I'm too young to know for sure, but the Wired article claims that Duke Nukem 3D was simply better than anything else in the fledgling FPS genre. Being the best created an enormous revenue pool for 3D Realms apparently, and Broussard never really felt the need to get the product out the door. They were the best, they had the time and the money (the development team peaked at less than forty people, late in the game's life).

However, that obsession with remaining the best led to DN:F's outrageous development time. The original game engine switch from Quake 2 to the original Unreal engine was made out of practicality. 3D Realms was having too much trouble trying to get the Quake 2 engine to render the environments they wanted. After that, however, all the other changes were part of Broussard's obsessive perfectionism. Duke Nukem: Forever had to be the best. Again.

Personally, I think any development team needs to make the best game they can. If your game is successful and people still complain, do what Ubisoft Montreal did–address every damn one of those complaints in the sequel. That's why this industry is "oversaturated" with sequels. Hell, it's why sequels exist–to improve on the original. Fans of a game should not have to wait over a decade for a sequel. If the developer has more ideas they want to explore, a solid fanbase, and enough capital to create the game, they should make the game. And know when it's done.

Last edited by Kangasfwa on 12/27/2009 11:09:22 PM

15 years ago

duke nukem 3D was the best shooting game of its time.
in fact it was the best shooting game for several years of its time.
it was what crysis was to shooters back when it released.
years ahead of its time.
nothing, not quake, wolfenstiene, half life, NOTHING! could touch the duke.

15 years ago

It wasn't that Duke Nukem was a better shooter, the firs shareware Quake was a better shooter, and Doom had slicker game play.

What Duke Nukem had was the whole attitude and character of the game. It did bring some fresh ideas in terms of game play, but the constant flow of bad jokes, silly moments and innuendo are probably what made the game – IMHO.

As for DNF it's become a bad joke and whether it ever arrives or not I don't care any more.

15 years ago

@ Kangasfwa – That Wired article is bang on. They were obsessed about being the best. For a while it even seemed like they WERE going to be the best a second time. Then the competition came along and slapped them upside the head. It's sad, but they felt it more important to keep up with the Joneses in the graphical department than just release another great game dripping with personality.

15 years ago

hold on a sec
"several due out this year"
ahh has he forgotten were still in 2009?
or does he have lightning fast team that can print and deliver games into store shelfs?

all due respect duke, your still the king of kings.
can we just lay this to rest, PLEASE?
i want a new duke nukem game as much, no more than the next guy, but all these rumors are just another knife in the heart.
IF dukes coming back GREAT! but please dont say anything till its almost on my doorstep.
i mean seriously everything with dukes name on it has had massive delays.
speaking of such what ever happened to the duke nukem movie?

15 years ago

It's finally in pre-production.

15 years ago

ill believe it when i see it.
and hopefully its not like the DOOM movie, that completley sucked donkey balls!

15 years ago

As just about every game-to-movie translation.

15 years ago

The problem here is that even if they DO make a game and slap the name Duke Nukem Forever on it, it doesn't matter because whatever remnant of its beginning it ever had is gone. It will just be a name and all that development time won't count. Though there is no telling if all this hoaxing will help their cause.

15 years ago

So for 12 years now, they're still trying to make us believe that DNF is "The little engine that could".

15 years ago

When it's the "big engine that couldn't"

15 years ago

If it does good for them but with all the delays and now dev changes, I don't think it will be the same game it was probaly meant to be. And with other ground breaking games in the FPS genre coming this year I think duke will be just plain outclassed. We have Resistance 3, Halo: Reach, Brink, Enslave(d)?, and Rage just to name the top few. And speaking of old franchises let's not forget hopefully Half Life Episode 3 finally releases. Duke Nukem Forever has taken Forever to come out and should prob just let the Trilogy take it out on a good note.

Last edited by Mista on 12/28/2009 12:49:06 AM

15 years ago

Enslaved is an action game like Darksiders. (Answering your question mark)

15 years ago

"well, you know, unless you count the last decade or so." Hahaha. Too much.

15 years ago

No problem, I'll wait as long as I have to(well not actually wait but keeping an eye out for it). Is a great and unique series and should continue to live on even if it takes forever.

15 years ago

wow, ok… i do kinda like the new duke-onslaught of games and stuff but, they need to drop the "duke nukem forever" title and just say that they're currently working on a new duke title… forever is dead, do something different or, it will never live up to the hype…

Paolo Kutaragi
Paolo Kutaragi
15 years ago

"Duke is still a name in this industry." I don't know, as most of today's young gamers – and there are millions out there – haven't played a single Duke Nukem level. Perhaps they have heard about the franchise once or twice, but that's all. To me, Duke played a big role in my gaming history. The first FPS I ever played was Wolfenstein then Duke Nukem 3D, directly after that I became obsessed with Duke. To the extent that I remember that I spent the first week in my first visit ever to London searching for all Duke Nukem games and expansion packs!

To me, Duke Nukem consists an unforgettable part of my history with games, and will always be remembered. As for DNF, even if it's released one day or not, even if it's nothing but a myth, I'll always love Duke.

15 years ago

i could care less for duke,since the last game i play was on n64, many years ago, ther are other games out ther that has surpass this game

Last edited by goodgamer on 12/28/2009 10:18:52 AM

15 years ago

Capturing lightning in a bottle is one thing, but doing it twice? not sure about that. It's been too long for most who played the original. My gaming tastes have moved on, and DNF or whatever it get's called would have to be one hell of a game to capture my attention. The thing is that today, the cheesy humor and graphics will not work, so there will undoubtedly be more blood, more realistic gore, lots of swearing and at least partial nudity, in fact I wonder whether the much higher fidelity of graphics now will render the game too crass for people today. The original had a tongue in cheek innuendo and defiant humor, I'm not sure how that will fly today.

15 years ago

Duke in casual games? does that mean he's gonna be on the iphone or that he will show up as a character in the next smash bros? Cause I think blowing up mario with a shotty would be pretty epic

15 years ago

Oh God, will it ever end?

15 years ago

Duke back before it was 3d kthx

15 years ago

I'd like to believe the game will come out someday, but we've heard this song and dance for 12 years. I'll believe it when I see it.

15 years ago

The problem is 3D Realms held to the rights of Duke Nukum which prevented anyone from making a sequel. So if they are gone why can't just anyone make a sequel. I mean how hard can it be?