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Holiday Loot: What Didja Get?

I'm not entirely sure how this tradition got started, but everyone online always wants to relate their loot lists from the holidays. So, here's your chance to indulge and make everyone jealous.

I got a bunch of stuff, including two awesome t-shirts: one features an interlocking pie-chart with MySpace, Facebook and Twitter on it, linking them all to aspects of ADHD, Narcissism and Stalking. It's exactly how I feel about such ridiculous things and I'm wearing it now . The other one is just a plain white t-shirt with simple black lettering that reads, "Some people have a way with words. Other people not have way." A clever little barb at the shocking and depressing lack of literary capability in today's technology-oriented society (after finishing "Age of Innocence," I once again feel as if I was born about 135 years too late). But of course, I got regular stuff, too; gift cards, some cash, candy, etc. My mother always updates my reading list for the following year by getting me a bunch of new classics to read and I'm starting to value that over anything else. But here's a quick list of the STUFF:





I also have $70 in cash to get another game with, and it's likely to be either The God of War Collection or Bayonetta . I also got a new printer/fax machine to replace my old, mostly broken one, and a cool piece of furniture: a cabinet that will hold 300 DVDs (or 600 CDs); something that I desperately need as I ran out of room for DVDs/games like six months ago. Oh, and the last thing: a new fleece-lined winter coat; mine is very old and the only other thing I have is my 350Z jacket…which is really nice (and warm), but it really is silly to wear it during the winter, and oh yeah, I don't have the car anymore. LOL Okay, I done. How's about you guys?

P.S. If you think I won't read "War and Peace" (which comes in a set of three full books), you obviously don't know me very well. 😉

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15 years ago

It's Christmas loot not holiday loot in my good isle.

15 years ago

My wife was pretty generous this year,

Assassin's Creed 2
Ratchet And Clank-A Crack In Time
Fifa 10
Madden 10
Fight Night Round 4
NBA 10

Patrick Willis home jersey,
New 49ers zippo lighter,
2 Fatheads,49ers helmet, and Notre Dame helmet,

Happy Holidays Everyone!!

15 years ago

I got no games or dvd's. I buy my own so no one really knows what to get me incase I already have it.

I got a die cast collectable Cyberman off Dr Who.
£20 which shall go towards a game, maybe Bayonetta.

2 official Dr who annuals 2010 (one off my sister one off my mum lol)

2 of the same Dr Who books (one off my cousin, one off my mum) I think a lack of communication runs in our family at times lol.

3 shirts, 2 trackie bottoms, 2 hooded tops, 3 t-shirts (2 plain one a nike) and some sweets.

Socks but surprisingly no underwear or slippers.

3 boxes of deoderant and shower gel (2 Lynx Instinct and one Adddas).

The Viz, The Beano, The Dandy plus 2 others I cant remember the names of.

I still have to get the Dr Who Specials on dvd when they are released on January 11th and my Liverpool away top in black and gold.

15 years ago

2 Cool T-shirts
Deep Fryer
Milkyway Candy bar
The Legend of Zelda: The Spirit Tracks

Yeah it was a nicce day, I'd say

15 years ago

Happy for all of you guys who got a S#!t load of stuff!
I got nothing for Christmas, my BDay is on the 22nd so I always get a BDay which also is, wait for it… a Xmas gift 🙁
I got AC2 and a PS3 remote from one of my bosses and U2 from the other one. My sister tried to find Mirror's Edge for me but they only had it used for the price of a new one (F-ing Gamestop), so I told her to give me a gift card on whatever amount and I will get something later.
Got a 100 bucks in gift cards that I will buy something with it… Demon's Souls or a brand new coat… If I buy Demon's Soul I'll spend most of my time indoors so… who needs to feel warn all the time anyways 🙂

15 years ago

My birthday was 22nd too, GO CAPRICORNS!

Banky A
Banky A
15 years ago

16th Jan here!

15 years ago

I got a blue DS3, a gamestop gift card, an AMEX gift card, Pure ps3 game and clothes.

Sears keeps trying to get me to steal a samsung hdtv from them but I won't do it. I bought one for my daughter and had it on layaway for 3 weeks. I picked it up on the 18th and everyday since then, Sears has been calling me to come pick it up.

15 years ago

I say go pick it up.

15 years ago

LOL Alienange ………I know you probably weren't joking though.

15 years ago

Not much really, a nice EagleTec nano 8gb thumb drive, 2.5" external hdd case, $100au, enough sugary treats to keep me awake 'till 2010 and a nice shirt with the evolution of man picture of a man slumped over a computer at the end and the caption "Somewhere, somehow, something has gone horribly horribly wrong". Still this thumb drive is pretty specy, it currently holds the record for smallest thumb drive.

15 years ago

A lot of hoodies (I was constantly complaining about not having enough).
Cocktail mixer set, packed with Chelsea Handler's book.
DJ Hero.
Assassin's Creed II.
Drawn Together: The Complete Series.

Everyone came to my house for xmas this year, so the good time here was the best gift.

15 years ago

Well then…

1. Stanley thermos (Awesome)
2. Carhart long-sleeve shirt and coat
3. Rock Band pajama's (Pants are too tight)
4. Fender long-sleeve shirt
5. Six pairs of socks
6. Package of boxers (3)
7. Package of A-shirts
8. Champs hoodie (Very awesome)
9. PSP Charger (Finally!)
10. Guinness glass
11. Superman wallet, keychain, and mug
12. Toenail clippers
13. Small amount of candy (About half a handful)
14. $150 yet to be received (That will probably not go to games :()

As far as STUFF is concerned, I made out pretty well. As far as gaming goes… well, I did get a PSP charger, right?

15 years ago

I got the God of War collection. I picked myself up a few picks. One of which was the MGS2 novel. I also got some clothes and a few other things.

15 years ago

Dragon Age: Origins
Assassin's Creed II
Batman Arkham Asylum

The Beatles – Abbey Road Remastered
The Who – Live at the Roayal Albert Hall 2002

Venture Bros. Season 1

and a few other odds and ends

15 years ago

Demon Souls
Dirt 2
Im going to pick up AC2 today cause its on sale for 40.00 woo hoo. Mayb Dragon Age too but i was looking more towards Arkham? Which one should i choose?

Books: Tom Clancy Splinter Cell Conviction
(So far its actually really good)

Tons of clothes and
Blu Rays:
Terminator Salvation
Pearl Harbor
Star Trek

15 years ago

Well Arkham is fantastic but it won't be anywhere near as long a game as DAO. If you really love RPGs then DAO. If you don't really like RPGs and have a hard time getting through them, then yeah Arkham is a fantastic game and can probably be had for a good price.

15 years ago

God of War Collection

Stephen King-Under The Dome

Blu Ray:
Full Metal Jacket

Vinyl LPs:
Nirvana-Bleach & Live At Reading

Ipod Touch 32gig
C28 tee's

A great Christmas overall and some great time with family and friends and seeing my 2 year old light up over what Santa left was the highlight of my Christmas.

15 years ago

I got GOW Collection, Uncharted 2 (playing right now) and Killzone 2 (AWESOME =)

Then I got some books, Physics of the Imposible, Parallel Worlds and Hyperspace all by Michio Kaku.
Then The Elegant Universe by Brian Greene and A Briefer History of Time by Stephen Hawking.

Last edited by hellish_devil on 12/27/2009 12:24:06 PM

15 years ago

I did forget to mention the gift microsoft gave me, for the 2nd time the RRoD on a elite that was just 1 month old.

15 years ago

That gift sucks. I think you should return it.

15 years ago

Things are a little tight in my house this year, so I didn't get a whole lot of stuff.

I did get a Blu Ray collection of all the Star Trek: TNG movies. Pretty sweet.

Banky A
Banky A
15 years ago

I won't bring too much of my negativity here but I got too many cheap nic-nacs to mention (worst part is that they were cheap).

What was very generous was:
$200 NZD (now $170 *wink*)

Which I'm hopefully going to use to buy the pinked stripped Puma sneakers I wanted for Christmas haha.

It kinda' feels real good to not get spoiled again right (last year was similar)? Looks like I'm growing up.


15 years ago

God of war collection
turtle beach p21 headset ( awesome)
some pj's
$25 gift card to red lobsters ( my fav rest.)
couple shirts
then bought littlebigplanet goty edition for myself since I sold regular version last week

15 years ago

I got a crock pot, hooray! No games as of late, but I did get some cash from the granny to go towards those

fluffer nutter
fluffer nutter
15 years ago

Crock pots rule. Throw everything in in the morning, head out and come back to a great smelling home and tender, juicy meal.

15 years ago

Oh my god I got so much stuff, please don't think that I'm spoiled although it seems like it XD.

I got:
Bluetooth headset
Viking: Battle for Asgard(I didn't like the game too much, got boring after awhile)
Beowulf(…no comment on that lol)
CD – The Grouch: Show You The World
Body Pillow and A Blanket with skulls on it (pretty rockin 😉
Lots of money
I bought Heavenly Sword, Virtua Fighter 5, 50 Cent: Blood on the Sand, Silent Hill: Homecoming, Dragon Age Origins, and Tekken 6
I got some CD-RW's

I have tons of other Playstation 3 games that I have bought. I wish Darksiders was out or just something new. Whatever I'll wait lol. So yeah lots of stuff :D!

15 years ago

– 2 gift cards at Gamestop, which I'll probably buy Red Faction with, and another PSN card (which I'll get Braid for).
– Watchmen (BD) and Family Guy season one (DVD)
– Children of Bodom "Skeletons in the Closet" CD
– a whole bunch of money which I bought a new iPod Nano (16GB) with.
– underpants and a hooded sweater
– boxes of chocolate
– a new clock radio, my old one is busted (also has a docking station for iPods)

And my brother got Borderlands on PS3, so I'm gonna borrow that from him someday. I also bought the LBP Pirate Level Kit for myself on Christmas Eve.


15 years ago

uncharted 2, assassins creed 2, and a new phone. so yea, pretty sweet, the games should keep me going for a while. ive almost completed uncharted (already :S) and i tried out the online, which is AMAZING, although im gonna complete the story first, then assassins creed, before i start properly playing it. i platinumed the last uncharted so i think i'll give this one a shot too.

Last edited by Random_Steve on 12/27/2009 4:28:27 PM

15 years ago

I got..
skil cordless power tool set
a pair of NB sneakers
some Under Armor
$25 Amazon gift card(GC)
$60 GC to a local hibachi
tickets to Syracuse Orange Mens BBall game vs Marquette
Syracuse Hoodie and three t-shirts
wet/dry shop vac
a wireless silicone keyboard that you can roll up
three books on WWII
and I got $700, 200 from gram and 500 from mom and dad. I'll be paying off my car with it, I owe nothing now! yay!

15 years ago

I'm amazed at the amount of people who got Assassin's Creed II for Christmas.

15 years ago

New PS3 system (120gb) !!! -RIP day one 60gb-

15 years ago

I decided that only buying 3 games for myself just didn't feel like it was enough so I hit up a different Gamestop tonight for their buy 2, get 1 free deal.

I got 3 older PS2 games, & after my 10% off using my Edge card they only cost me $15.39

Demon Stone: Forgotten Realms
Dragon Rage (this one was the free one)

(Anyway, I'm not sure if I'll enjoy their gameplay, but the cover art & stories on the back of the boxes looked interesting enough to chance it. Dragon Fire seems the most interesting out of the three but if not, at least they've still made for some nice add-on's towards expanding my PS2 collection).

15 years ago

Alrighty, here we go…

Terminator: Salvation (Steelbook Blu-ray)
Reign of Fire (Blu-ray)
The Hangover (Blu-ray)
Godzilla (1998 version; Blu-ray)
Heroes: Season 3 (DVD)
Lost: Season 4 (DVD)

Shinedown – Us & Them
Metric – Fantasies
Velvet Revolver – Libertad
Foo Fighters – Echoes, Patience, Silence & Grace
Chickenfoot – Chickenfoot

God of War Collection (PS3)
Tekken 6 (PS3)
Bioshock (PS3)
$20 Playstation Store card (bought Hasbro Family Game Night)

Monster Island by David Wellington
Monster Planet by David Wellington
23 Hours by David Wellington
Frostbite by David Wellington
Shootin' the Shit with Kevin Smith

Ultimate Wolverine Vs. Hulk (Hardcover Trade)
Captain America: The Man With No Face (Hardcover Trade)
Marvel Zombies: Dead Days (Trade Paperback)
Random comic books
Random gift cards
Random clothes

Overall, I'd say a good Christmas (for gifts, anyway; the weather sucked).

15 years ago

Fantasies is an awesome album.

15 years ago

NHL 10
NBA Live 10
MP3 player
Axe set
going to get ACII and Ninja Gaiden Sigma II for my birthday 🙂

15 years ago

wow sounds like a lot of people had a great Christmas! Also glad to hear you get to play RE5 finally Ben!

Lets see i got a couple sweaters as far as clothing goes.

I also recieved The Unit season 1-3 on dvd, and season 4 on blu-ray!

I also got God of War Collection, Fallout 3: GOTY edition, bioshock, and devil may cry 4!

That wraps up my Christmas besides the loofa i got at a white elephant gift party thing.

BTW Ben take that $70 and get GOW collection. Theres nothing better than seeing two of the greaest games on the PS2 in high def. reliving those games in high def is like a new experience. Plus u get to try out the GOW 3 demo which is absolutely brilliant! Hope you guys all had a Merry Christmas, and have a great rest of the holiday season!

15 years ago

@fluffer nutter it's great, I love this movie its my all time favorite jim henson movie, also picked up Muppet movie 🙂 love those crazy muppets.

LOVE UNCHARTERED 2 BTW everyone 🙂 wish I could play it right now, can't wait for Dec 31 🙂 don't have to work guess what I'll be doing.

@ Ben Totally agree with you about the egg nog I find it makes the egg nog curdly.

15 years ago

only gonna list game related gifts

Nintendo DSi

Modernwarfare 2 (PS3)

both with gift receipts — I don't care much for handheld gaming and I still have an unopened Modernwafare 2 for 360 that I bought last month–I blame DragonAge and Uncharted 2 for still not playing Modernwarfare2.

Question is which version of Modernwarfare 2 do I keep…PS3 or 360? As a reference…I had the original CoD Modernwarfare for 360 and CoD World at War for Ps3 — go figure.

15 years ago

I got so much good stuff, I didn't have to buy anything for myself on Boxing Day. 😀

Killzone 2
Dead Space
LEGO Indiana Jones (good for family playtime)
Madden 09
Prince Of Persia

Harry Potter 6

Deadwood (complete series)
Dead Like Me (complete series)

Elvis Costello: The First 10 Years
Foo Fighters GH

Plus, a 1 TB external HDD (it looks cool, like something they'd use on Alias)…and some shirts.

All of this on top of the boatload of things I got for my birthday 2 months ago (incl. Uncharted 2 and Fallout 3 GOTY).

I am blessed.

Happy holidays to everyone!

p.s. I am thinking about buying the new core version of the Ion drum kit, but it's still awfully expensive for a peripheral.

p.p.s. Sony also gave me a present: my now-repaired PS3.

Last edited by Fane1024 on 12/28/2009 6:00:25 PM

15 years ago

I got Dead Space for my PS3 and Gears of War 2 for my 360.

15 years ago

what!? nobody got an iPhone? I got an iPhone 3G S, 16gb in white……