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Analyst: Expect A “Teaser” For New GTA At E3

So many major franchises will see new installments in 2010 and while one of them won't be Grand Theft Auto , we should certainly expect to see early details at some point.

EEDAR's Jesse Divnich believes we could see this info and media at E3 in June. In speaking to Game Informer , Divnich says he expects to hear about the latest and greatest from Rockstar and Take-Two in about six months, which means you can certainly expect a lot of build-up to that event if this is true. However, he doesn't think we'll see "any playable stuff" and that essentially, we should just expect a "teaser" of some sort, but for GTA fans, that's plenty good enough. Divnich agrees with other analysts in saying this new GTA will certainly release in 2011 and adds an interesting bit of commentary regarding potential exclusivity deals:

"I don't foresee Microsoft or Sony attempting to obtain any type of exclusivity with the next Grand Theft Auto. Microsoft paid a lot of money for exclusivity on the downloadable content for GTA IV, which unfortunately did little to move consoles for Microsoft. Back in 2004, Grand Theft Auto was a huge brand, but only relative to the other brands that existed at the time. While the GTA brand is certainly bigger now than it was five years ago, others have emerged to reach similar levels of success, such as Call of Duty or Guitar Hero. In other words, if Sony gets an exclusive deal on GTA V, it would do little to disrupt Microsoft's ability to move hardware, and vice versa."

Yeah, it seems exceedingly unlikely that after the multiplatform GTAIV, Take-Two would suddenly decide to go exclusive with GTAV. Even a timed exclusive deal could only hurt sales for them and besides, with the PS3 and Xbox 360 user bases so similar these days, it makes almost no sense for third-parties to go exclusive. Well, it might if the designer believes he can only create his vision on the PS3 because the 360 can't quite handle it…

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15 years ago

helll yeaaa!! MERRY CHRISTMAS

15 years ago

We already have Agent which is being created by those involved with Vice City, I'm looking forward to that game far more than GTAV.

Of course if the teaser hints at VC2 than I may just change my mind.

15 years ago

Yeah, GTAIV was a BIG letdown, not at the level of SAn Andreas or Vice City. Hope The Agent turns out to be as good as old GTAs

15 years ago

So can we call this a confirmation that taking GTAIV multiplat killed the series? I think we can.

Anyway I'm with Vertigo on hoping to see something concrete about and Agent, and WHERE THE HELL is my L.A. Noire?

Jeez, is it REALLY already time to talk about E3?

15 years ago

Honestly, I've played the GTA series, I'm not a huge fan, but if i were to pick one out of the franchise, it would be Vice City, i thought it was the best one. GTA IV wasn't to interesting for me.

Same, Agent looks like one interesting game, I'm looking forward for more information on it. Wow, funny you mention L.A. Noire, I've been wondering if that's set in stone yet, I haven't heard anything about it for months haha

Time flies when you're having fun haha

15 years ago

I've been waiting for Agent and LA Noire for a long time now……and Eight Days. =

15 years ago

well you can stop waiting for 8 days its been "put on hold" thanks to eyepet, same as the getaway 3.
sony i will NEVER, EVER, EVER! forgive you for that.
LA Noire is suppose to have a massive info blow out mid January with a release mid year.
as for Agent im not expecting to see that till 2011 at the earliest.
R* like to take their sweet time with their games, and with this they look like there adding allot to the game.
its looking massive so it will take them a long time to do it.
i hope im wrong, i hope its out next year, the sooner the better.
but i doubt it.

15 years ago

Damn, the sands of time are passing quicker than a shadow sketching out its form across a barren surface…

Scary stuff!


"i am home"

15 years ago

the next GTA should be set in Australia, that would be awesome (im aussie) but they wouldnt do that because there are not many consoles in australia and aussies would enjoy it the most (if that makes sense)

15 years ago

Yeah, send Niko Bellic there to take out the Attorney General that keeps screwing you guys over with censorship. ;x

15 years ago

GTA in australia? LMAO!!!

15 years ago

thats not so outrageous though.
i remember April fools this year IGN set up a portfolio for a GTA game made by R* bondi, set in Australia.
but than it was revealed to be a April fools joke.
but it looked to real to be a photo shop mock up.
i doubt it will ever happen, but if it did that would be so cool!

15 years ago

GTA in Australia?
Well it couldn't be Brisbane because after one minute drive you would be in the country and would be asleep by 8pm.
Perth is dodgy because everything shuts in the city centre by 5pm and you would just be walking around in the dark looking for a window with a light on…
Melbourne might be better because you could jump in a tram and take a tour of the city. You could also stop off for a latte and a biscotti. Not the most rivetting story though.
Canberra no way. Just because!
Darwin, yes you could have swims with the crocodiles and the feral locals. Could be dangerous…
Adelaide, the home of serial killers and dodgy attorney generals that don't like video games. Could be a place for a contract killing?
Hobart in Tasmania, phew, only works if you have a brother sister love triangle as the main story.
That leaves Sydney and that might work because they are the most pretentious and the rest of us would like to run them all over and steal all their belongings just to stop them being so irritating.

So yes, GTA "The Crocodile Dundee Years", I'm looking forward to it!

15 years ago

Please don't start hyping as early as in the next E3, I won't survive the time between the start of the hype and the actual release!

15 years ago

wasn't Australia founded by criminals to begin with? GTA would fit right in. LOL!

15 years ago

Hard to be considered a criminal if law hasn't been established yet.

15 years ago

Austraila was once a prison island used by the royal british empire

15 years ago

Now Australia imprisons gamers with their rules.

15 years ago

" Well, it might if the designer believes he can only create his vision on the PS3 because the 360 can't quite handle it…"

This made my day 🙂

15 years ago

how is that possible if R* north are working on agent?
and from what ive heard there going to be making that game for at least another year.
i dont think a developer has ever announced a game, or even hinted at it before it goes into development.
i cant see a new GTA coming out till 2012, announcement at E3 2011 once they have finished and released agent.

15 years ago

My room is full of GTA posters since the DLC whent to xbox(played it was not enough to get the xbox) yeah! I was pissed ,Agent better be tripple A it better!

15 years ago

gta melbourne would be cool, it could revolve around the underworld gang stuff like tony mokbel and carl williams

Paolo Kutaragi
Paolo Kutaragi
15 years ago

Unfortunately less than a handful of designers these days prefer quality over the lure of the green pastures. After what I've experienced this generation, I'm pretty sure that Rockstar isn't one of those rare designers.

However I'll live the unrealistic project for a couple of minutes. After imagining that the next GTA will be a PS3 exclusive, I'm inclined to believe that GTA will move consoles. Not less than a million PS3's will be sold in the week which will witness the release of GTA 5. And the GTA 5 (I'm still dreaming by the way) will sell more than 10 million copies for sure. Around 5.5 million GTA IV PS3 copies were sold when the PS3 userbase was around 15 million. Now there are more than 30 million PS3's out there and with potential 15 million PS3 buyers just in 2010. Also don't forget the Xbox 360 users who will madly run to Best Buy to get a PS3!

But no, Rockstar wants to sell 20 million copies, and screw the map size, the size of the game, the graphical quality, etc…screw everything…they want our damn cash, bro.

Last edited by Paolo Kutaragi on 12/26/2009 8:39:24 AM

15 years ago

I am fully expecting Sony to have moved more consoles anyway by the time GTA V is released. Eventually Sony will win out this generation; eventhough it will take some time.

As i have said numerous times before, I am hoping Sony will surpass M$ by July-September time in total world wide number of console units sold and shifted… I don't know though if the $199 Xbot Arcade unit will keep M$ from being beaten… there is still a Wii-like price advantage for M$ there… We will wait and see…


"i am home"

15 years ago

Ben, as much as I hate the way you whine about Uncharted 2, you are one of the best in terms of news for gaming, ESPECIALLY the ps3.

Which is why a read this site. 🙂

End of Line.

15 years ago

Microsoft paid a lot of money for exclusivity on the downloadable content for GTA IV, which unfortunately did little to move consoles for Microsoft.

Fantastic!! No less then they deserve!! Keeping content from other gamers with money is a sickening tactic in my book.

15 years ago

More interested in Agent then the next GTA. But still, I wonder if they would recreate Vice-City or San Andreas. WOOOOOTTTT!

Banky A
Banky A
15 years ago

Who talks about E3 before the year it happens? Psssh.
Proper LOL.

15 years ago

What we need at E3 is a lot of juice on FFVersusXIII

15 years ago

GTA has been going downhill since Vice City, imo.
I'm much more interested in LA Noire.

15 years ago

Hopefully Rockstar won't screw over the PS3 community when it comes to DLC for GTA V. I'm also hoping they can get multiplayer right this time. As for Agent, it's hard for me to get excited about a game when I haven't seen so much as a screenshot.