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Content In New RE5 Edition Was Cut From Original

Earlier this week, we learned that the upcoming DLC packages for Assassin's Creed II were initially scheduled to be included in the game but Ubisoft removed the content for their own reasons.

Despite the apparent legitimacy of those reasons, it still caused a bit of a stir and this new bit of information isn't going to help much. You're probably already aware of Resident Evil 5: Alternative Edition (gamers in North America will know it as the "Gold Edition") that is slated to drop in spring; it'll boast "extensive use of the PS3 motion controls" plus two entirely new scenarios that weren't featured in the original RE5 released earlier this year. However, according to PS3Center citing a recent Dengeki PlayStation interview with RE5 assistant producer Mie Suzuki, those two new scenarios were also originally in the game. Both "Desperate Escape" and "Lost in Nightmares" were there but were then removed by the developers "to improve the pacing of the narrative." Each of these pieces were worth about 1-2 hours of play time apiece, which could've significantly lengthened the gameplay, but Suzuki insists it was a matter of pacing. Now, this is bound to promote the ire of many a gamer, especially those who are already inclined to believe the worst of devs and publishers, in that they wish to rip us off at every turn.

Personally, I'm not quite ready to believe that. Games these days are just like movies; they must go through a zillion editing processes before they're finally complete and the sheer amount of content that must've been eliminated before DLC is probably mind-boggling. We just never heard about it because publishers didn't have the option of releasing the dropped material for the fans at a later date. I really think this is the case; designers are gamers, too, and if you talk to any of them, you'll know they're as hardcore as you and I are, and they wish to deliver the best experience possible. Hence, I'm willing to believe them if they say the content was removed for such-and-such a reason. This is just my two cents on the issue.

Related Game(s): Resident Evil 5

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15 years ago

I would have given Capcom the benefit of the doubt if this was 3 years ago. No longer can I just assume they have my best intentions in mind. Seems kinda fishy that content that could have been included in the original product is now showing up for an extended price.

15 years ago

from the titles of these dlc content, it doesnt seem like its ruining the pace of the game. My problem is that i just dont buy that excuse. Its like having an action game cutting out character development because they wanted to have a fast paced game. although in resident evil's case, i dont thing character development isnt that important, correct me if im wrong but i just havent played any resident evil game that kept me playing. I love how naughty dog did with uncharted 2, sure they reduced the amount of puzzles compared to the first game but they're story telling and gameplay is amazing. i was just so impressed with uncharted 2 that i couldnt care less if im on an action or puzzle part of the game. If it was meant to be in the game from the beginning, just keep it there. If you got a great game, people will get drawn into it and wouldnt even notice that the pacing is a little different.

15 years ago

The great thing about RE in the early days was they kept you intrigued and wondering what was behind the next door. With RE5 I could have cared less. I didn't care about the characters either. Chris and Jill were not the same characters from before, Chris' appearance belonged in a WWE game.

15 years ago

I think Capcom let their love for Gears of War influence then too much on this game. The way RE5 resembled the RE series was that you still couldn't move and shoot.

Is there a catagory for biggest dissapoint of the year? This should had won that award.

I still think the reason it seemed unResident Evilish is because Shinji Mikami wasn't involved.

15 years ago

Why doesn't this surprise me

also, kind of off topic but does anyone know if MAG is going to have that subscrition fee or did they scrap it and it will be free, googles no help so I'm resorting to you guys, I want to pre-order it sometime this week, the game looks crazy.

15 years ago

I have no idea, I downloaded the open beta and I'm waiting for the date it opens up so I can play. I'm sure someone will eventually answer.

15 years ago

I havent heard about a subscription fee……then again I havent checked the beta forums in over a month. I'll go check now.

Edit: I dont see anything about a subscription fee.

Last edited by OtisFeelgood on 12/26/2009 12:06:29 AM

15 years ago

I looked for the open beta, didn't see one.

15 years ago

World, you can download MAG right now on the PSN. Unfortunately you won't be able to play it till early January, I believe the 4th.

15 years ago

How? It isn't listed anywhere. Do I need a special code?

15 years ago

What do you mean it isn't listed? On Tuesday I got on and it was there under new releases. It was roughly 280mb in size (just the installer file) than it was another 1.9gigs that you had to download. After I downloaded it on the screen it mentioned I would be unable to play until I believe the 4th of January.

Just go on the PSN and under new releases it should be there.

*Edit* I just booted up my PS3 and checked the PSN. Under new releases, 2nd row in the middle you will find the MAG Beta Public available for download. You don't need a code, just download it and wait until early January; then you can play.

Last edited by LimitedVertigo on 12/26/2009 1:33:19 AM

15 years ago

AHA! Found it! Thank you my friend. They should really farking advertise that better.

15 years ago

Ya I agree, I was just doing the usual PSN Store browsing and noticed the MAG logo. It isn't playable till the 4th but I'm glad I downloaded it already since it's nearly 2 gigs.

Enjoy 🙂

15 years ago

Well, I was in the private beta and I got a code off the link from the MAG blog and you can still go back some posts and click the link. Not sure if it still works since I don't have another PSN account to log in and try with but I was very unimpressed with the beta. I admit, I only played it a few times but I didn't enjoy it. It was no fun. There's too much going on and too many people to try and worry about. And to me, the movement of your person feels funny for some reason, although it is a beta. But at least everyone will get to try it out for themselves before buying it.

15 years ago

I've been playing BF2 hardcore since 2005 so I know the mass player FPS can work but nothing to this level has ever been attempted. I'm going in with an open mind and at least giving Zipper praise for attempting such a large amount of players at once and opening the door for future games similar to this concept.

15 years ago

There's NO subscription fee for MAG.

Banky A
Banky A
15 years ago

You do the math with the talking Calculator…
NO fee 😉

15 years ago

Yeah Zipper deserves a chance, we can hardly blame them because the majority of players have yet to figure out how to play with more than 12 people on a map, HA!

The Doom
The Doom
15 years ago

i know the real reason: MORE PROFIT. this is the most money-based gen yet from digital media to dlc already on the disk to the psp go.

15 years ago

I'm not sure the PspGo should be lumped into this crowd. Sure it only offers downloadable content but I haven't seen any abuse going on.

The Doom
The Doom
15 years ago

sony must be kidding if they think im going to buy a $250 psp that cant support my umb games. it's basically the same psp that does less, has a bigger space, and has a price thats dead close to the ps3's. i WAS thinking about giving it a chance at one point, but when i found a 16GB memory stick at best buy that night and with my psp-2000 still working since 2007, which did you think was (literally) the best buy?

15 years ago

I too will not be getting a PspGo, I already own an original 1000 model and received a 3000 model for Christmas. However I don't believe the Go is aimed at current PSP users but rather new ones looking for the latest model and something small. I've been against the GO since it's release, not because it offers Digital downloads only but because it offers nothing new, I was hoping for a PSP2.

15 years ago

What brand and how much did the memory stick cost? I need a new one.

15 years ago

@ Sol

You can get a 32 gig card made by Sony for $157. Or a 32gig card made by Lexar for $127. The 16 gig card made by sony is going for $55. Both of these can be found on Amazon.

Last edited by LimitedVertigo on 12/26/2009 12:51:51 AM

15 years ago

"to improve the pacing of the narrative."

??? seriously that sound absurd in the levels of ''My dog ate my homework''

15 years ago

It is funny since the entire plot/story of RE5 is the worst in the series IMO and could have been written in a few hours with a 12pack of MountainDew.

15 years ago

but your dog can eat your homework, as i have actually seen it happen, lol. but ruining the pace and narrative is just a complete copout excuse. Its not like they came up with the entire story then created a sidestory afterwards then decided that it wont work. How can it ruin the narrative if the story was written with that scene and still had an ending?

15 years ago

Ripoffs confirmed!

It WAS a matter of pacing…for DVDs.

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 12/25/2009 11:07:11 PM

15 years ago

Feels like we're getting double dipped, just like with DVDs.

15 years ago

It sounds as though you are siding with the game companies, but any consumer will surely see it as scalping us for additional money with intentionally withheld content.

15 years ago


15 years ago

Interesting note, I know someone that's currently playing the imported version of FFXIII and he's told me as you play you open up free things that would be the equivalent of DLC.

15 years ago

on a somewhat related note, i work at best buy and this guy was pissed of that the rockband 2 disc didnt have the amount of songs the cover said. I told him you had to unlock all the songs and he just felt stupid. i remember the times where new content is unlocked depending on how much time you spend on your game instead of how much money you're willing to throw on top of it. I just hope this holding off game content doesnt catch on or well end up buying game chapters instead of a full game. they'll probably use the excuse "we wanted to get the games to you faster so were releasing it one chapter at a time".

15 years ago

johnld, see: Siren

15 years ago

I enjoyed Siren immensely but I admit the chapters grew costly.

15 years ago

NOTICE to the shady lazy developers who are doing this:



15 years ago

probably Microsoft if they didn't allow the Unreal T3 titan pack to free or something.
Maybe like the iplayer, BBC would'nt allow it to be part of the Gold membership?

Just my guess

15 years ago

DVD 9gb. Blue Ray 25 to 50gb. I think it's pretty obvious who's to blame for this.

15 years ago

A rip off….still….

15 years ago

sorry crapcom but after the crap they call resident evil 5 you will be lucky to see another cent from me.

though i seriously wish this generation of consoles did not have online capabilities.
its seriously screwed up the games.
every single game i buy besides exclusives is riddled with bugs and you need to download 1 some times 2 up to 15 patches ala MW2 just to get the game working properly.
developers have gone lazy and now have the "fu*k it, we can patch that later" attitude.
same goes for DLC.
what the 120 bucks im paying is not enough?
DLC i dont mind because its what 20 bucks, and it normally lasts a while.
but what really irks me is these new editions.
like star wars TFU sith edition.
if you want to find out what happens to the apprentice after TFU you have to buy the game again for 2 extra levels.
same with this the RE5 "gold" edition.
huh, i allways said gold was a waste of money.
the irony.

15 years ago

that is why you rent the new star wars game

15 years ago

Whats with the alternative edition why is it premium? isn't it for motion controls

15 years ago

Ahh…….I wanna kill the developer who started the first DLC, so can anyone tell me who did it??!!!?

15 years ago

Don't worry about it. Just do what I do. Stop buying multiplatorm games until they're cheap. Sony exclusives don't do this. Third party devs can only make their multiplats as good as the weakest link. This doesn't suprise me one bit.

15 years ago

If a developer removes something from a game because they feel it shouldn't be there, then I believe it should remain that way. Releasing it at a later date kind of nullifies them saying it was left out for the games pace or some artistic interpretation.

I think this kind of content should be free or it should be left alone to die quietly.

15 years ago

There is no way they werent thinking about getting some extra cash for those levels when they cut them.

15 years ago

I freaking new it. Just the other day I was telling my friend that I think these new packs coming out were cut from the original game.

To improve the pacing? Gimme a break. The story sucked regardless. I said it about AC2 i'll say it now.

I bet they ran out of room on the DVD. How much you want to bet this new addition comes with two discs on the xbox like Fallout 3's GOTY edition did.

15 years ago

*new Edition.

Ha just woke up. ;P

15 years ago


15 years ago

110% agreed!!!!!!