It seems almost impossible that yet another year has gone by and yet, here we are again, wishing all our readers a Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas.
I say it every year: we just wouldn't be doing this without you guys and as long as you continue to read, we'll continue to write. We're proud of what we do but perhaps above all else, we're proud of the community we've assembled here at PSXE. We believe we've got one of the most civil, knowledgeable readerships of any gaming site on the 'Net, and you can bet that we continue to value your participation in the Comments and Forums. With your help, the Comments will be an even bigger success than it already is, and we can keep working on forum growth in 2010. But there's one thing you won't have to worry about: the daily updates you've come to expect won't cease, and we'll keep trying to bring you the latest and greatest throughout next year.
2010 is already shaping up to be one hell of a year, too, what with the likes of Final Fantasy XIII , Heavy Rain , Gran Turismo 5 , God of War III , MAG , The Last Guardian and more. It's a lot but when new stuff breaks, always check PSXE for the news and media. We might be trying some new things, too (an idea we've tossed around before is a PSXE Podcast; other sites are doing this a lot, I've noticed), and maybe we'll ask you what you'd like to see. So in the end, thanks to all and we hope your holiday season is a memorable one. And in 2010, we'll try to keep getting better.
Oh, and stay tuned for our Game of the Year Awards; they're less than a week away!
Merry Christmas Ben, Arnold, John, and anyone else at PSX that sits behind the scenes 😀 Hope your guys' Christmases are amazing!
Merry Christmas everyone and I hope you all have a safe New Years!
You can add my "Happy holidays" to all the staff here, & also all of it's reader's too!
Merry Christmas PSXE
A Podcast would be most excellent.
Merry Christmas, and a happy new year for sure!
You guys definitely make the days and weeks throughout the year more eventful, having updated news to read on one of my favorite hobbies! I ussually dont join websites, or forums, (although i dont hit the forums often) PSXE somehow drug me in! Despite all the arguments, and disagreements ive been in this year on the comments, there is no other place, with more knowledgable readers (us) and Writers (Ben, Arnold), and no where else can you find a good conversation about games than here! It has become my one stop news site for gaming! Thanks guys!
BTW podcast would be awesome but keep it kind of short, i hate the one and a half hour shows that drag on. maybe 30-45 min and more straight to the point but still having fun with it!
This is the first site I've ever joined. Since, I've joined a few others (like two) but I don't frequent them half as much as I do here.
Though we can disagree sometimes on the site we all act like brothers (and sisters Robochic) and thats the way I see each of you. I really love this site and Most people here really have something to add to the conversations.
Thank you foremost Arnold for this site and keeping it unique. Ben for the consistent stream of interesting articles and John for being so *ahem* Mysterious…
Merry Christmas from Hawaii…
Hawai?!?! You lucky guy!
Merry Christmas everyone! Jeez i love you guys! *Awkward man hug* ….And i promised myself i woudn't cry! But yes a pod cast would be awsome! But then upgrade it to a video podcast cuz i really want to see your guys faces! And what about the car of the year award?!?
Merry christmas to psx and everybody that comments on this site.
Merry Xmas Ben, Arnold, John, the entire PSX team! and all the Readers.
Thank you all and i love you all.
I think this was the first time I was part of a game community I want to say thanks for this good year!
have a great xmas psxtreme!
p.s can't hug you doods but gonna thumb up all for that !
Last edited by Oxvial on 12/24/2009 11:21:22 PM
Who ever thumbed you down is a worse person then the Grinch.
Merry Christmas duder.
I'll be working up in Washington, while my gf will be celebrating with family down in Texas.
There is no Xmas! Just another day.
As the Care Bears say, "Home is in your heart". Keep that in mind tomorrow.
Don't feel bad. My gf is in England right now 🙁
LV: Ah but when someone else has your heart, then your home is with them.
Geobaldi: I feel for you, mate. I'm imagining your gf will be gone much longer than my own. Let's go have a guys night out with some beers and maybe a strip club!
Don't worry my wife and duaghter are in TX as well, I'm here in f¥kn CT plus I have watch tomorrow. Damn the Navy merry Christmas everyone.
Whatever you do Sk8monkey, avoid going to Denny's on Xmas day. My first Xmas in the military, when I was separated from family, I made the mistake of going to Denny's for Xmas dinner. One of the most depressing moments of my life!
"LV: Ah but when someone else has your heart, then your home is with them."
Damn, that is some heavy romantic stuff. I hope you don't mind I'm gonna steal it. You sound really close…that's so great. My wife is my best friend. It makes life so much more awesome when it works out that way huh? Well best wishes for you and Geobaldi.
Yeah I'm not going out I'm just going to eat at the galley for free : p what can I say, when it comes to me I'm cheap only the good stuff for the family.
PS: Im thinking of getting ac2 for my wife as a welcome home/Christmas present should I?
Happy holidays everyone
Merry Christmas guys! Hope you all have a fun time! Thanks for all the laughs and all the interesting articles in 09, we all know you guys are make 2010 even better!! haha
And to everyone else, have a Merry Christmas also!
Merry Christmas to all at PSXE, and my friends here in the comments and on the forums. For my part I will try to continue to be a unique personality around here, it's the least I could do.
Now go play all the games you got for gifts!
Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 12/24/2009 11:41:57 PM
You unique? pff…
I'm kidding! You…ROCK
wow that came across really gay
No games for me (didn't want any, to save money) but no Puma sneakers, purple skinniez or special gift either :/
I've learnt my lesson from this and last Christmas LOL.
No games for Christmas this year. Already own all the ones I want. Ha!
Merry christmas everyone!! I gotta go to bed so Santa can drop loot under the tree.
Happy Holidays to everyone, new and old visitors.
I havent been commenting much lately, but am still here. =)
Merry Christmas Ben, Arnold, John, and everyone else over at PSXEXTREME. #1 destination for playstation news since mid 2008, Keep it comin guys! Much appreciated
I just want to let you guys who work at PSX know that you guys do a really good job and it comes to no surprise because when you put passion into something you do, it shows. Happy Holidays everyone and let it be known that I'll be playing Demon's Souls tomorrow once again hoping to reach at least level 170 before 2010 arrives.
Last edited by MRSUCCESS on 12/24/2009 11:54:43 PM
Happy Holidays!
psxe is the best example of what a gaming site should be like
No BS, straight to the ponit, and most importantly, civilized
But it gets better when you have a dedicated staff which looks at v-gaming and at life from so many different angles and perspectives that you're actually EDUCATING YOURSELF BY COMING TO THIS SITE!
This has been one awesome year for games. Gamers really need to take take off those blindfolds and get Uncharted 2. They're literally missing one of the best games ever made thus far.
Anyway, thank you Ben, Arnold, and John, ya'll really appreciate gaming firs and foremost.
Gran Turismo 5 next year!!! Can't wait!
PS: Demon's Souls needs more love, that game is without a doubt a revelation……..gaming has never been like this since SNES
Last edited by Scarecrow on 12/24/2009 11:58:20 PM
Happy Holidays guys! I've never been so engrossed and into a community such as this, as everyone here is a civil and educated gamer (I've learned a good amount from the older guys, that's for sure!).
I look forward to 2010, as it has just as much games I desire as I did 2009. If this year was the year of the PS3, may the next year be the golden age of the PS3.
Merry Christmas to PSXE and to all site readers and posters. And may Santa bring you all the games you asked for.
Unless he brings you the Xbox versions by mistake. Then remember to put chocolate laxitives in the chocolate chip cookies next year. 🙂
All right, don't anybody move
Nobody gets out of here without…..
1 thumbs UP!
I hope everybody had/haves a better Christmas day than I did! 🙁
<3 Loves it.
Last edited by Banky A on 12/25/2009 12:31:08 AM
No worries Banky, you're young and when you grow up and get a job you will look back and realize the best gifts you've ever received are the ones you bought for yourself.
Haha true, I realized that last year (:
But what people need is a good family visit and making some new friends.
Family, being the part that failed for me this time. Crap, not good. But I'll do my best.
Hang in there my friend
A strong mind will always help you going forward
If anything enjoy the fact that you're healthy (and have food to spare). The games will come in time, just remember that.
Next Summer nail that Summer job and spend it all on yourself
What about the gift of life? Or love? You can't buy those.
I was alone too, but you can't let it get to ya cause better days will come.
That reminds me, I think I'm just gonna celebrate Christmas by buying my own gifts tomorrow ,blowing my paycheck at GameStop's buy2-get1free sale(At least I know who to buy for & what I really like) LOL
Actually you can buy the gift of life and love. It's called better health insurance and high class escorts.
I knew you were gonna say that, but i wasn't gonna go there. Just make sure you don't try to buy the "gift of life" through one of your hookers. That kid's gonna have problems.
Hey Ben, it's MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!
Let's not lose that.
Enjoy it guys!
I would write a big paragraph, but I need to go to sleep Santa is coming so Merry Christmas every…….zzzzzzzzzzzz
Sorry everybody. Santa will be late to your houses. I caught him here at my house, and I invited him to play a little two player Pixel Junk Shooter. He is actually pretty good at it, better than I am anyways.
That's actually me, and yes I am better than you at PJ Shooter.
You have sexy legs.
Please don't spam the comments again. Random links serve no purpose. – SHADOW
Feliz Navidad! God bless you all!!! GT5 is getting closer….
Amen to that, but in other news, Happy Holidays, Happy New Year, and Merry Christmas everyone. That includes The PSX staff, and everyone that entertains me with insightful comments(usually). Oh yes and LV, I'm from the show me state, so if your better @ PJ Shooter, you gotta cash that check son.
Why, you son of a Bitch!
Name the place, the time, and the sex.