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Final Fantasy XIII Boosts PS3 Sales By 216% In Japan

Estimates are always good but it's better to have the official numbers. And not surprisingly, Final Fantasy XIII has caused PlayStation 3 sales in Japan to surge.

Square-Enix shipped nearly 2 million copies of the hotly anticipated RPG in the Land of the Rising Sun and according to early figures, more than half of those shipped units sold in the first 24 hours. Furthermore, because the game is only available for the PS3 in Japan, everyone expected FFXIII to put PS3 sales through the roof. Now, according to Joystiq citing the most recent Media Create statistics, we learn that FFXIII has topped the 1.5 million mark (1,501,964), which is more than double the life-to-date totals of the next-closest PS3 title in terms of sales ( Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots ). It only took four days to top the total of MGS4 sales so far! And as far as PS3 sales go- the week before FFXIII's release, Sony sold 75,086 units in Japan and after the release, sales leaped to 237,086, which translates to a 216% spike. Remember, you likely won't be seeing a similar ratio in North America, primarily because FFXIII will be available for both the PS3 and Xbox 360, meaning those who only own the latter console won't have to purchase the PS3 to play Square-Enix's latest and greatest. Some don't like that idea but at least it's an exclusive in Japan, and Sony should appreciate that.

The idea that at some point around half of all PS3 owners in Japan will own FFXIII is just downright mind-boggling. That kind of widespread popularity is totally insane.

Related Game(s): Final Fantasy XIII

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15 years ago

That is mind boggling haha

15 years ago

And Sony should be very pleased like you mentioned. Exclusivity for such a title, especially in Japan, is huge. I mean it's widely popular in that region so to have Final Fantasy XIII is a really big deal. Not to mention with all the good reports about the PS3 version of the game being better (correct me if I'm wrong), this looks good for Sony.

15 years ago

To be quite honest, i'm still a bit bitter about it not being PS3 exclusive… even though I own all consoles. I know, I shouldn't be, more people will play it, still, I don't know why.

15 years ago

Nice. Glad too see it. Now we just need sales like that here in the states.

I found this, seems like FF has gone through some changes, good or bad, I don't know. Take what you will from this. Interesting none the less.

15 years ago

Good Read, I have to work today but guess who gets to surf the net and post on some of his favorite sites while getting paid….

ya this guy!

15 years ago

Jawknee, read that review you linked. If what he says is true, it does not bode well. I'm sure it will still sell well, but won't be the superior entry into the series that everyone is hoping for.

They went for a top notch graphics game over non-linear approach it sounds like. I haven't played Final Fantasy since VII, so I don't know if this has now become the norm in this series, or if this is going to outrage the fans of the series.

Or maybe the 360 version's influence is to blame.

Last edited by MyWorstNightmar on 12/24/2009 10:49:49 AM

15 years ago

@Limited, I was that guy then Wells decided to be security Nazi's and took our access away. Jokes on them becuase I have an iPhone. Ha!

@myworstnightmar, yea I'm a little discouraged by this review. VII, VIII and IX were much more open then X. X was linear as heck now that I think about it. Speaking with Highlander a few days ago got me to pop it back in and he's right it was pretty linear. It didn't bother me much then, but then I remember loving how much more open XII was and was expecting some what of the same with XIII but bigger. Blue Ray you know? But well see. I didn't hate X. If this is anything like X I think I'll still enjoy it.

As for the 360 being responsible, I wouldn't be surprised.

Last edited by Jawknee on 12/24/2009 10:59:22 AM

15 years ago

I've read this as well. I still want to play this game on Day One regardless but I do know going in that it's a different game from the ones that graced the PSX.

15 years ago

Nice link – does kinda bum you out.

But…we've had our fair share of inear games. FFX was a pretty linear game – walk down this path, reach temple, wave wand, repeat….yet it was still a great game.

We've also had our share of games that should just be movies. I mean MGS4 took cutscenes to a new freakin' dimension. "oh, you walked up some stairs there and opened a door – here's a cutscene for your troubles." But again, I loved the game and played it multiple times.

So I don't take everything in this article as BAD. Obviously we can change the way games are made and still create some awesome games.

This, as every FF game has been, will be a day one purchase no matter what any review says about it. I'm all jacked up on Mtn Dew waiting for this one.

15 years ago

That sounds like the worst RPG ever!

Dumbed down to sell out nonsense!

This affirms for me that WKC is the way to go, its true to the old school and brand new at the same time.

15 years ago

I'll get them both then decide which is better for my self. I am excited that some of the people that worked on DragonQuest VIII worked on WKC. Its sparked more interest for me. Loved DragonQuest VIII.

15 years ago

@Jawknee all I can say is wow at the link u post now Im not sure whether I will get it. I will be getting wkc so thats no brainer.

15 years ago

its gonna be funny if in the end FFXIII is more linear than Heavy Rain.

15 years ago

my only question is …since when has being an linear game been a bad thing …open world gets past boring to me now …ever since gta came out …every game wants to be a sandbox and to me its a bit dry ..i say ..gimme a hot story ..nice graphics..and good gameplay…and it can be as linear as it wants to be …why is linear making games losepoints lmaoo like wtf

15 years ago


15 years ago

The % of Japanese PS3 owners buying FFXIII is downright insane – when viewed in the context of our games market. But if you flip the lens, how about the unbelievable number of Xobx360 owners who rushed out to buy Hal3, or a 360 Halo 3 special edition?

Final Fantasy is the 'Halo' of Japan. It's at least as popular among Japanese gamers are Halo is here in the US.

On the Playstation in Western markets, games like God of War, Metal Gear Solid and of course Gran Turismo seem to hold special places in a large number of gamer's hearts. However we still see nothing like the kinds of sales numbers that Halo sees on the 360, or Final Fantasy sees in Japan.

I wonder why that is? Are we too fickle? Or is the PlayStation audience a broader mix of gamers, so we are less focused in our tastes?

15 years ago

its because we have more than one reliable game series to play so every1 can have theyre own favorite title instead of every1 playing the same game

15 years ago

My wife was living in Japan when thy launched FFX. She said they went crazy over there. She also mention Cloud was some what of a national icon to the Japanese much like Micky Mouse is here. I guess Final Fantasy has the same foot hold in the publics mind in Japan kind of like Disney in the states.

photo K
photo K
15 years ago

mickey is not as popular as he once was. I think he's either been replaced by Dora or Miley Cyrus, lol.

15 years ago

Unless there's a big difference in the xbox and ps3 versions here in the US, we won't see that much of a surge in ps3 sales.

15 years ago

Four words.


Gotta love Blue Ray.

Last edited by Jawknee on 12/24/2009 11:08:03 AM

photo K
photo K
15 years ago

i dont play FF, but this article makes me feel like I should give it a go. I get killed in MWF2 online, its so fast nowadays, these kiddies have cat-like reflexes. I guess I'm gettin old, I enjoy slower paced games like UC2 or sega genesis games, I'd like to give rpgs another try.

15 years ago

FFXIII being PS3 exclusive in Japan might actually help the PS3 reach 30 million before 2010 comes.

In my opinion, the reason it sold so well was also because there's less JRPG in the 7th gen for the PS3(WTF?!).

15 years ago

Dude, what is up with you a few others berating this game? Have you even played it yet? I mean seriously. You haven't even tried it for yourself. Stop bring that garbage on this website. Seems like every time there is a new post about FF13 you're here to spread garbage. I'm about 12 hours into the game at PolumPolum(incase people don't believe me) and everything fits nicely how they have done this game. Seems like people these days just dont know a good story and are looking for reasons to knock down on the PS3. Seriously, these are all reasons to knock down this game so people wont buy it, thus not buying PS3's. Take off your narrow-minded goggles and play the game for yourself.

15 years ago

Hey I don't find the good ol' Jawk's like trolling hes just being open minded because it looks like he gonna buy the game…just lets not fight this day;).

but if you played the game that's better can I ask you if the things of that article are all lies or some are true?.

15 years ago

Who's trolling now?

I didn't say anything negitive about the game. I simply offered a source for an early English review and presented it objectivly no less. How about you actually read my posts before you get your panties in a bunch. You seem to have a problem with people who don't agree with you. Great you love the game! Whoopidy f**kin doo! People can disagree and ask questions you know.

YOU stop bringing YOUR garbage to this site. No one had a problem with my lost and link except you.

Last edited by Jawknee on 12/24/2009 3:48:35 PM

15 years ago


I'm pretty sure bashing someone without actually reading their comments makes you a troll.

Come over to the digital article, trust me.

15 years ago

Ok, just to add, I read his article. Secondly, yeah I guess I was being a little to harsh with my comment. Sorry Jawknee. I must stress though, I have been going around the internet and finding the mass amount of negativity on this game very appalling. It seems to me like no one can make a justified opinion on their own these days. Play the game first and then make your final opinion. I just don't support putting up others nay saying views helpful in promoting such a finely done game. It's a little counter productive to find negativity on it. That is all. Once again, sorry Jawknee, and for the record I am no troll. So I wish for you to not start with the name calling. No one has any idea how long I have been on this site, and I don't wish to start the seniority complex thing with anyone. Just my two cents. I guess in all my excitement about this game, while I have been playing it, I have become a little protective of it. It's just too good a game for people to make nasty comments toward. Do yourself a favor and play it. It's a good Final Fantasy, and the first of its kind on the Next Gen platform.

15 years ago

I am going to play it, I've always planned to play it, it was the reason I got a ps3. Final fantasy has been one of my favorite games since VII. I am sure I'll like this one, neither of the two times we engaged one another did I criticize the game itself. I'm sure I'll enjoy it even if it's different. It's final fantasy.

No worries. No reason to apologize.

Merry Christmas. 🙂

Last edited by Jawknee on 12/24/2009 10:56:54 PM

15 years ago


You're forgiven, shows a lot by posting an apology. I do agree that there has been a lot of negative press concerning the game.

15 years ago

that criticism has some credibility, although some of them might not be as bad as they're believed to be. from what i've seen and heard, most of the criticism came from the fans.

one of the them included the game being too linear in several parts. usually, people wouldn't care about an rpg being too linear if they focus on the story, but in ffxiii's case, it's outright inane. i saw a couple of the maps and one was virtually a LONG line going down and another was a line with zigzags and curves. fans compared going through a dungeon to running a marathon. because the field was designed that way, it's difficult to sneak past enemies (im not sure if the WHOLE game is like that). in fact, regarding the enemies, you can't flee nor avoid most battles.

some fans also complained that there were more cgi movies than what's tolerable. someone compared the game to a movie when stripped down. they also felt that the transformation sequences for the summons were pretty unnecessary.

a bunch of other complaints stemmed from the lack of towns, no leveling up, that the story itself wasn't very good, only 8 items are usable in combat, the party is healed after each battle, and that the entire party dies if the party leader kicks the bucket first. (NSFW)

Last edited by sonic1899 on 12/24/2009 11:15:10 PM

Banky A
Banky A
15 years ago


15 years ago


15 years ago

i created a japanese account to check out their store. they have a ton of FFXIII stuff on there. i must say though the have some really weird stuff on there.

King James
King James
15 years ago


15 years ago

I'm still shocked that a game that costs $90 could sell 1.5 million copies.

Last edited by Ricochet on 12/24/2009 8:56:22 PM

15 years ago

looks like this is well on track to being the PS3s best selling game to date.
further proof that sales do not automatically evaluate to quality.

15 years ago

Your post doesn't make sense, grammatically or logically.

Banky A
Banky A
15 years ago


You got beef?

15 years ago

Depends, you come to get my back?

15 years ago

im not gona waste my breath.

15 years ago

I think you mean wrists/fingers. Unless you're disabled and you talk into a mic which than displays the words you want to type.

Oh and it's gonna not gona.

15 years ago

Sounds massive. Definitely have to get this game! Awesome story and graphics, what else could one want in a game! Wait…don't say it…I know!