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How To Improve Ourselves As Gamers In The New Year

We're nearing that time when we all need to take stock and set goals for ourselves. And contrary to popular belief, gamers are not omnipotent and we can all use some self-growth. Here's a list of the improvements we'd like to see in the gaming community in 2010.

Read the text. For the love of God, read the TEXT

It's embarrassing to admit that so many gamers who supposedly like to keep up on industry news never actually see anything besides titles and review scores. Really, they're so busy, they just can't be bothered. Or, perhaps they've got virtual ESP and they already know what the article is going to say. In all actuality, it's neither of these explanations; it's simply because they're lazy as all hell . If you can't be bothered to read, don't bother to comment.

And by the way, this one really doesn't pertain to anyone who frequently visits PSXE. Our readership is aptly named .

Look! The sun!

We've come a long way in the past decade and most of the old stereotypes have died along with 2D games. But when visiting GameStop, I've often noticed that a whole lot of customers still don't seem to get out much; it's as if they either just rolled out of bed the hour before, or they're squinting like they haven't seen the sun in days. Gaming is an awesome hobby and it certainly remains my personal favorite but without moderation, the entertainment level tends to fall. Temporary immersion is one thing; life absorption is quite another. There's a book coming out in 2010 called "Unplugged," and it deals with video game addiction…let's make the future so such a book can't even exist.

Yes, that person with a differing opinion is an idiot

It's certainly true that people who are passionate about something will let that passion cloud objectivity and civility. But it seems to happen on a whole new level amongst gamers…well, amongst gamers when they come together online. Obviously, those who cause the most problems and scream at everyone else for having opposing opinions are those who wouldn't be able to look you in the eye in real life. Could we possibly infuse some semblance of maturity into online video game forums and communities? Or is that still too much to ask?  Really, most of us have gotten far too old to be acting like this.

Oh, we're not doing anything you couldn't do

It's a common topic among gamers, mainly because many of them have superiority complexes the size of a small continent. The idea that reviewing any entertainment product (games, movies, music, whatever) is only based on "opinion" is a common dodge that implies that critics were merely lucky in landing their position. It also makes the gamer feel better, because he's constantly jealous and the automatic response to jealousy is petty, vindictive behavior. Roger Ebert didn't win a Pulitzer because his opinion is better than yours. I like music, but that doesn't mean I'm qualified to write for Rolling Stone. Do you get it?

We all come together to form the GGRC: Girl Gamer Recruitment Coalition

I'm taking membership applications now. Our goal for 2010 is two-fold: take the girls who were only recently introduced to gaming via the Wii or music-based titles like Rock Band and force them to graduate to the realm of real gaming. And secondly, simply find the hot chicks who have never touched a controller, and convert 'em. It's an ambitious plan. It will require patience, dedication, and oh yes, a dash of charisma and charm. But when it's over and our ranks continue to swell with the finest females on the planet, we'll just be…well, that much better off. 😉

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15 years ago

Great article, awesome bit of humour in there too ^^ Thanks for that Ben.

15 years ago


15 years ago

btw, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

15 years ago

simply find the hot chicks who have never touched a controller, and convert 'em. It's an ambitious plan. It will require patience, dedication, and oh yes, a dash of charisma and charm. But when it's over and our ranks continue to swell with the finest females on the planet, we'll just be…well, that much better off.

My New Years Resolution right there ^^^ 🙂

Btw just want to wish everyone on this site a very Happy Christmas and thank you all for your reviews, discussions and advice regarding gaming. I've learned alot and enjoy loggin in…so have fun and be safe over the holidays.

Sorry to go off topic!

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

I think we can let that slide. 😉

15 years ago

I got my ex into Sonic and Oblivion. I freaking WIN.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

Sonic I can see but OBLIVION?!

Superhuman feat of strength.

15 years ago

Oblivion seems to be a chick magnet. My girl LOVES that game. She hates Fallout though. I think it has to do with the scenery… Haha…

15 years ago

Look! The Sun!

I want people in 2010 to not spend all spring, summer or fall playing crappy PS3 or 360 games for trophies and achievements. Do more with your spare time than playing video games. Go outside and have some fun. As for the winter, well, some of us don't have a choice or don't like skiing or snow.

15 years ago

Ok im gonna need 1 application form for GGRC. 🙂

15 years ago

Ummm. Let's turn the hottest women into sun squinting, just rolled out of bed gamer geeks? Hey, I like fitting in some game time while my girl puts on her "going out" look. lol.

Last edited by NeoHumpty on 12/23/2009 10:59:06 PM

Gabe Newell
Gabe Newell
15 years ago

Here at Valve we respect and welcome girl gamers!


Sir Shak
Sir Shak
15 years ago

Welcome sir , would you care for a slice of cake or twenty ?

Last edited by Sir Shak on 12/23/2009 11:33:33 PM

15 years ago

lmao! ^^^
mostly at the name and picture, took me for a bit by suprise

15 years ago

Gabe makes Baby Jesus cry.

15 years ago

Jesus grew up and died, the end.

15 years ago

LV thats a stupid comment, wether you meant anything by it, i take offense!

15 years ago

How is it stupid, he died.

Okay, I admit the whole "the end" part was not needed, sorry. It's almost Christmas, I couldn't help it.

15 years ago

Gabe…….Huh, What?

Hmmm, Burger King's not the only one that's trying to selling big whoppers!!!

Last edited by BikerSaint on 12/24/2009 2:48:11 AM

15 years ago

What you came off as saying was more harmful than you thinking it was harmless, to me! You say it like there was no meaning to his existence and thats offensive to me. here and now is not the time nor place, but i atleast want you to know y i didnt like your comment. But your appology is accepted, cus i can tell you wernt trying to offend anyone! maybe a little to much rum n' nog tonight? 😉 Thats a good time!

Merry Christmas!

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 12/24/2009 6:07:54 AM

15 years ago

Have some respect people

Sir Shak
Sir Shak
15 years ago

But teh Sun is burns my eye .

15 years ago

I have been working on my wife for 15 years to no avail. She just doesn't get into games. She loves watching me play games like RE and Dead Space but when I try to get her to actually play….EPIC FAIL…Oh well, as long as she lets me play, I'm good.

I have always used the this line on her when she gets on to me for playing too much:
"At least I am in the house and not out getting wasted and trying to pick up girls"
That seems to calm her.

Merry Christmas to all!!!

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

True. Tactic #1 for the GGRC: gaming is about the least worrisome hobby in the world for any girlfriend/wife.

15 years ago

Yes. That's the same excuse I'd love to say to my gf if she ever has a problem with me playing games, but she doesn't it.

15 years ago

My tactic came with the LEGO games. It has to be co-op and easy – so LEGO was a great fit.

However, it has been very difficult to transition to "real" gaming (as Ben so perfectly put it) She can't play anything that involves actual eye-hand coordination though. It really is funny to watch her try to play a FPS….she can't move and aim at the same time.

15 years ago

The problem with people reading the article titles only is that a lot of the time, at least, that's all there really is to the article. I find that this happens at almost ANY news site (not just gaming). That's not really anybody's fault; if there's really just one fact to report, the title often suffices.

And, the reason we trust critics is (imo) experience. There's not really any way to "train" someone to review games; it just comes with playing a lot of them and seeing what's appealing and what isn't. But even that falls, in the end, to subjective opinion. We trust reviewers because they usually have the opinion that we will have when we play game X.

15 years ago

Not true.

The ability to think critically, to analyze the relative merits and demerits of something objectively, is a developed skill just like logic, debate, or writing.

A proper videogame critic is more than just someone who knows a lot about videogames. It's more than someone who knows a lot about videogames and is a good writer.

Experience playing games is a requirement, just as is the ability to express oneself clearly, but it isn't the only requirement.

Which, I believe, is Ben's point.

Last edited by Fane1024 on 12/28/2009 3:56:22 PM

15 years ago

Let's recruit those babes
Not easy, but doable

15 years ago

recruitment or the babes? 😀

15 years ago

You know, ever since I have a PS3 I read a lot of reviews, because I want to invest my money on the best of the best.

May all of you have a nice Christmas colecting platinums (or trying to get that hot chik into gaming with Lair)

15 years ago

"We all come together to form the GGRC: Girl Gamer Recruitment Coalition"

Classic. I love it.

Marry christmas and all that jazz. It is snowing in Texas, that is about as much christmas as it can get.

Last edited by Jed on 12/24/2009 12:32:31 AM

15 years ago

Freezing rain in Illinois.

15 years ago

I can't stand girl gamers, most people that disagree with me are usually wrong, and MW2 sux sweaty balls.

15 years ago

You forgot to add your take on Valve.

15 years ago

By now it's pretty obvious, don't want to beat a dead horse.

15 years ago

Hahahaha your on a roll tonight.

15 years ago

Thank the Bacardi 🙂

15 years ago

MW2 sux sweaty balls indeed. About girl gamers, too sweet to hate them:D. ok, hardcore ones make me have second thoughts though.

15 years ago

Taking these point by point:

Read the text. For the love of God read the TEXT-

Some of my friends think that I'm wasting time reading the various dev pages/blogs about their games and I always tell them, "How are you going to know what's going on with that game you're waiting for?" And for what's going on with the law relating to games I go to the GamePolitics site. Oh yeah, can't forget about PSX 🙂

Look, the Sun!

I'm sure most of the people that come here have at one time or another, had that one game that made them allergic to sunlight and I'm no exception. But with age comes wisdom and I've learned that getting out isn't a bad thing. Besides that game will still be there (unless some tool steals your system/games).

Yes, that person with a differing opinion is an idiot-

I might not like what someone has to say about a game but that's their opinion and they have every right to voice it. Sometimes I'm baffled about the behavior some gamers have towards each other. Not the case with this site.

Oh, we're not doing anything you couldn't do-

Thanks to Ben and Arnold for doing this, they don't have to but they do and I thank them for it.

We all come together to form the GGRC: Girl Gamer Recruitment Coalition-

Best. Idea. This. Year.

In closing I like to wish everyone here at PSX Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year and hope you all get the games you asked for.

15 years ago

Same to you, stay warm and don't drink too much eggnog.

15 years ago

Thanks, and I've never liked eggnog, makes me gag, I'm a hot cider guy for the holidays

Last edited by sunspider13 on 12/24/2009 1:54:51 AM

15 years ago

Ha! We're opposites, I can't stand hot cider, something about warm apple juice eww. Eggnog is my beverage of choice. Moves through you almost as fast as White Castle.

15 years ago

I'd add remember video games are supposed to be FUN! Let's kill the hostility folks. We all just want to spend a few hours enjoying ourselves. There's too much racism and hatred coming through my headset and/or speakers.

15 years ago

When it comes to videogames I still prefer single player. I'll take any great RPG over a FPS/RTS. I spend all day interacting with people, videogames have always been my escape. I'm sooooooooo looking forward to Q1.

15 years ago

Agreed 100% Vertigo! Great article Ben and Merry Christmas to all of you that work on this fantastic site. And to the whole great community established here!

15 years ago

I totally agree Jaybiv. There actually is no need for the guhs on modern warfare 2 to be offensive. I just see it as jealousy and just ignore it.

Merry Christmas to all in the forum and to John, Ben, Arnold who provide all the valuable news I long for whenever I browse the Internet (mostly from my ps3). And a happy new year to everyone and to those who love to crack a joke in the comments section.
Bottles out and lets get merry. 😀 XD

15 years ago

10 points for the GGRC idea. Im so supporting that next year at college.

15 years ago

Another great one & I agree with it all, Ben!

BTW, I've got to work both of these upcoming holidays(one of our most busiest times) so I don't always feel in such a festive mood after getting back home….

so I'll say it right now.

"Happy holidays to all, and may 2010 be even better than 2009"

15 years ago

My girlfriend totally kicks my ass in Mortal Kombat vs DC Universe!

Good humorous article. For the LOL factor, it reminded me of an old article I read on Cracked: