Before you all freak out over the title and start shrieking that developers and publishers are ripping you off, please read the actual article below.
The concept of downloadable content isn't a 100% positive in everyone's eyes. While extra stuff is typically embraced with open arms, the idea that game designers may be withholding certain content in order to cash in later when they release it as DLC is starting to chafe. But there are other reasons why some content, initially slated to be included in the project, eventually got lifted in favor of becoming additional add-ons. Take Ubisoft and Assassin's Creed II , for instance: according to a Kotaku interview with lead Patrice Desilets, the upcoming downloadable packs featuring the Battle of Forli and the Bonfire of the Vanities had originally been included in the game. But then, like movie editors deciding what's best to remove, they decided to make the necessary adjustments. Said Desilets:
" I felt that, 'Okay, there were too many things to do and to finish.' So we said, 'Okay, let's take a portion of the game that was planned and we'll give it in DLC.' We'll remove some stress to the team while giving more to fans and people who like Assassin's Creed. I think we gave them so much content that they cannot say that we owe them, that we didn't give them a lot for their 60 bucks. "
If you haven't been following along, the two extra episodes will be available in January and February for $4 and $5 respectively, and they will essentially fillin the "Sequence gaps" in the storyline. Furthermore, Desilets and Co. are apparently toying with the idea of another feature that got lifted from the original product: the option to replay any mission. "Eventually, maybe we'll come out with some way to do it somehow," added Desilets. I'm fine with most all of this and Assassin's Creed II in no way felt stripped-down or lacking, but if the content was going to contribute to the story…shouldn't that have been included? I'm just wondering…bear in mind that I have nothing bad to say about ACII in general; it's certainly one of the year's best.
excuses…if someone would tell us game industry would do this 7 years ago we would be like ''hahahhaa …hu wha? you are being serious?'' .
Yup, you're right. No one would have believed this kind of crap. It's one of those "You can't make this stuff up!" situations.
The Nickel and Diming of America. They are a business and they need to make profits right? Jussayin'.
Not to start a war, but this type of profiteering is what I do not like with the gaming industry. They took it out because they know we will buy it to fill in the story.
I generally do not have issues with DLC. It can breathe new life into a game and offer a new way to play. But to take out content to sell later just smells. Although I will give them credit for the great pricing for the DLC. Most DLC shouldn't be more than $5.
Examples of good DLC.
Burnout Paradise, new (yes NEW) content being added more than a year after the game launched.
Pain, new content constantly being added to the game.
Little Big Planet, new content continually being added.
Examples of bad DLC.
EA with Madden's various extras. All the things that you used to unlock by collecting madden cards in-game, you know have to buy, for extra $$.
EA with the various offensive Need for Speed games that came with all the cars on the disc, and you purchased an unlock code as DLC.
And now we can add…
Assassins Creed II, two new 'chapters' of the story, that were removed from the game prior to release despite being finished because the artistic direction went elsewhere. So now we get to pay for the chapters that were removed.
Ubisoft, why did you do this, this is a direct thumbing of your nose at gamers. You really should have known better.
Hmmm, they originally had it in the game but wanted to relieve the stress on his team…
Yeah right, you sure didn't think about relieving any gamers stress when they found out they bought a gimped-up AC2 by you taking out 2 or 3 full scenes?????
I could see it just maybe, and I'll repeat…just maybe, if you actually took it out through the kindness of your heart to alleviate your team stressing.
But if that was the case, and now that they've had their little Valium-full of meditation, relaxation, and/or therapy treatments, you now NEED to give those now-missing chapters right back to every one of those gamers you've just cheated out of a full complete game. Especially now that we know that you've sold them a gimped-up watered-down, & broken bill of goods.
And it's only fair, honest, & the right thing to do that you also give back ALL that missing DLC to them free of charge!!!!!
I would have never even thought to be so crooked enough as to try selling Patrice Desilets a brand new $100,000 car, and then go steal the wheels & rims right back off of it.
But I sure would do it now……..
along with the mirrors hood, trunk, all the glass, radio, lugnuts, seats, doors, axles, steering wheel, front grille, gas tank, hubcaps, sun visors, exhaust, along with the trans and the motor too(did I leave anything out???).
Then I'd go scrape all the f*cking paint off too, and tell her that everything she doesn't see now……is all optional.
And all for just a small nominal fee of $47K.
Nice to see the demon eyed dog back…..
Hard one, but I feel a little ripped off, there I had the courage to say it! but I have felt this way for a little time now, being a little suspicious when a game is released that has been in development for years and then, hey presto, like magic within a week of release new additional content is available, for a price of course.
Now then, before you thumb down my ass 😮 I have not yet played AC2 so I cannot comment on this case as I do not know how well the game feels on a whole, value wise. Sometimes some games can drag and 'editing' it can make the whole game experience better.
In the case of AC2 if they had originally intended this content to be in the game then it should either be an 'extra' that is made available once the game has been completed, of as free DLC.
Dude what sucks about DLC is that I'm on dial up…and although I'm a minority, I'm not alone..:( No playing as the joker for me, and I really wanted that.
"I felt that, 'Okay, there were too many things to do and to finish."
"We're charging $5 for DLC now because we were too eager for your $60 earlier"
Yeah, I feel for ya, that must really suck.
Those that have AC2, but don't have any enternet are really going to get hosed the most either way, because you can't buy it, and even more so if Ubi sees the error of it's ways & gives back the missing chapters "for free".
"There's no problem with DLC, it helps to give a game a fresh feeling but some dev just don't understand how to use it to enhance the SP experence."
So wait, you don't see nothing wrong with the fact DLC is nothing but a hidden cost of the actual game?
If anything its people like you who make the phrase "a sucker is born every minute" really true because you fail to see the scam and what even sad is the fact you're even supporting developers ripping consumers off.
So let me get this straight – the game was improved by removing certain parts of it, even though this created "Sequence gaps" in the storyline, which now need to be filled at an additional charge?
I'm sorry but I'm at a complete loss as to how this could possibly be construed as something positive.
I'm not a fan of this either.
Glad to see I'm not the only one whose noticed that the LBP dl content is more expensive than a full price game yet all you are ending up with is a dozen or so custume parts.
As it is new content and not held back from the launch then I'm not saying they shouldn't charge anything but it just be a handful of pence. I haven't bought a single one of them yet.
I will try to resist buying this but as it is part of the story I may just cave. I'm hoping it is priced no more than £2 and £3 respectively.
DLC released a while after launch should carry a price, relative to the increased gameplay but allowing for the extra sales it will generate from the original game. Burnout is an example of this.
I couldn't agree with you more Gabriel013.
LBP is a game supported by the community of gamers creating new levels and giving the game new life over and over again. Yet Mm is charging inappropriate amounts of money for their DLC – I mean c'mon 1.79GBP for a costume – that is a lot.
If they could have given us a "create your own level" tool, maybe they could also give us a "create your own costume" tool.
After all they profit from new sales of the original game due to the lively community. Must they also profit from all kinds of DLC.
I don't mind paying for something like the water feature in LBP – it's new, it's taken a lot of work to implement and all.
But costumes???
Take care.
Last edited by mbg77 on 12/23/2009 8:29:26 AM
I haven't played ACII yet so I can't say how good and how complete the story is.
My concern with the aforementioned DLC is that if the additional episodes introduce something to the story that was missing than charging for them is a ripp-off.
On the other hand if they are sort of additional chapters, that don't interfere with the main storyline, and are intended to extend the game than charging for them is acceptable.
That's just my opinion.
Nowadays budgets are far larger, but we dont get the finished article. We get a 'lite' version that we have to pay additionally for to receive the full game.
No matter how this is wrapped up, it smacks of, they should 've tried harder. To relaease a partially filled game and then try to justify $DLC for the rest…
..they're taking the mickey oout of the people that are buying this game legit.
I think thats rather lousy that becuase the ywere behind schedule we have to pay more. It should really be free, there no excuse for a charge (Besides they already did the con of the special editions getting extra missions.) Not impressed at all. I shall be waiting for a price drop before i pick this up. but by that time Heavy Rain and FFXIII will be out so i might be to occupied.
4 and 5 bucks respectively… sh** both for 5 bucks sounds better. depends on howq big they are too..
Patrice Desilets is lying.
Straight… up… ripping… off…
Too many things to do and finish in a game just does not compute. The more the better.. unless you have to pay extra for more.
This game just went from "Maybe I'll pick it up soon" to "will definitely wait for the bargain bin" on my list
Yup piratedrunk, agreed!
I was going to wait for a price drop but now thanks to ubiSCAM, now it won't be until it hits the bargain bin for me too.
As much as I enjoyed AC II and as much as it's not that expensive, depending greatly on size, it still smells horribly of scam.
Any kind of positive spin someone puts on this is just that, a positive spin.
Nice try Ubisoft but we all know the purpose of DLC is to squeeze money out of customers.
Some times I wonder, does developers think gamers are stupid?
Remember the GTAIV exclusive DLC?
If I remember correctly, they were asked why did they make it exclusive on the 360 and they answered to show their appreciation to their fans.
These DLC packs should be free. I mean, how much work does it take to release two missions you've already finished?
You better watch your a$$ pocket, somebody's about to feel you up while trying to rape your wallet…..
Next ubiSCAM will try to sell you a AC2 comic book for $10, with only 3 pages missing.
But they promise that those will also be released a bit later after they've all finished their massage therapy's.
And they'll run as following: missing page 1 will be Part 2, missing page 17 will be part 3, & missing page 31 will become part 3.
You can have them all for a nice tidy optional sum of only $5 more each.
LBP is a different story in my opinion because they are adding content that had nothing to do with the game in the first place. All the content added to LBP is new content that in NO way ties to the single player experience. However, when a piece of the game is taken out for our sakes to later be placed as DLC…well that soundsa likada scam.
I'd much rather boycott, LOL
Last edited by BikerSaint on 12/24/2009 5:42:12 PM
ha, smart, but if u were smarter u might of considered a misprint!
Reread my post!
That was a joke son….that was exactly why I added the "LOL" at the end.
BTW, it wasn't a misprint, just a typo
(See, at 57, I'm getting a whole lot smarter than I ever was.)
Last edited by BikerSaint on 12/26/2009 1:39:30 AM