There was a time when we'd hear this claim and scoff, knowing the technology simply wouldn't allow it. These days, though, after seeing the unbelievable transitions between cut-scene and real-time in games like Uncharted 2 , we're far more inclined to believe it.
Although Final Fantasy XIII has been hogging all the headlines lately, its comrade in arms is still in development and we assume people are still interested. According to PS3Center citing a recent Japanese magazine interview with Square-Enix's Tetsuya Nomura, Final Fantasy Versus XIII is lookin' pretty damn good. First and foremost is the claim that the graphics have been "upgraded," so "there is no real difference" between the CGI and in-game visuals. Also, as some of you have already rightfully guessed, this particular entry can indeed be called a "dark" Final Fantasy , atmosphere and tone-wise. Nomura also says to expect more details and info some time early next year, which we've heard before and why we'll be keeping a close eye on the Internet in January and February. Lastly, it seems Nomura is working on another title and while he won't say what it is exactly, we know it's "not a new IP." Kingdom Hearts 3 ? The Final Fantasy VII remake? Oh, let's not go down that depressing path again. I'm not sure I can handle it.
Although FFXIII is a lot closer (and it's already out in Japan), the more time passes, the closer we come to Versus XIII , which might really turn a lot of heads in 2010…
Related Game(s): Final Fantasy Versus XIII
There probably wont be much news on this one until the fanfare of FF13 is over–so, sometime in fall 2010 Im guessing.
all hail to Kojima MGS4 is a masterpiece.
Although I dont really believe much of anything that comes out of Nomura's mouth, I cant help wonder if FF13 would have been able to achieve these "special graphics" had SE not made the decision to port the game over to the 360.
Last edited by convergecrew on 12/22/2009 1:06:45 PM
Of course. Think MGS4. Seemless transitions from cutscenes to ingame.
Man I really can't wait for this game but its still so far away. We don't even have a Japanese release date yet. I think I'm gonna have to quarantine myself from any more news about FF Versus XIII
Hey man, I know you dislike FF13 for your own opinion, but until you have sat down and played the game lighten up the heavy criticism. I am currently playing this game, and Lightning has her reasons for being the way she is, and she has shown some emotion in the game. You have yet to play it and I can understand that. I will not say spoilers on here, but I am going to say that the game is surely putting me through some emotions as I play it. Very well done.
Good to know.
good for you, you can understand japanese. If they had english subtitles then i would've imported it. I tried to learn japanese in school but then it was a mostly guy class so i left. Anyway, i think everyone knows that theres a reason why the characters act the way they do in final fantasy games because lets face it, square enix knows how to tell a good story, at least when it comes to their characters. All i know is that i keep on buying final fantasy games because i like getting into their stories. screw open ended rpgs with their half assed stories. I have no other gripes about open ended rpg other than them not putting enough story just because you can end up a few different ways.
I'm looking forward to Versus XIII more than FF XIII because I know that version won't be watered down because of the 360.
Don't be confident about it. You don't know when they might decide to put this to the xbox 360 and end up looking exactly the same as the playstation 3 version (if possible that is). This is square enix we're talking about.
You have a point. I'll take everything with a grain of salt for now.
Still waiting till its damn March!
FF13 and V13 alone is the reason to own ps3, will blow anyone away, period
I also used to think that, until 360 came and many of our exclusives (you know which ones I'm talking about) when multiplat, thus becoming an inferior product. Why?
1. Xbox360 = DVD
2 Microsoft = $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
Nevertheless I'm still getting FFXIII, even though it won't be what it was supposed to be
Last edited by hellish_devil on 12/22/2009 3:18:39 PM
You really are quite the hellish devil aren't you?
So i guess its safe to say; "if you bought a 360, thank you for your contribution to the stagnation of gaming"
You know, I never bash the 360 – but I totally agree with this statement.
I don't remember having this problem in the last gen games. I don't remember developers having to come out and say that the games will be equal on both systems. But then again, every developer making multiplatform games creates a dumbed down version for the wii (because its inferior)….So why can't they do the same for the 360??
I just want everything fair. If Sony held out a year to create a more superior product, then devs should create games that maximize that potential. And if that makes a game better on the PS3 than the 360 – THEN SO BE IT! (Hell, we've already seen inferior PS3 ports, so now lets make up for it)
Stay exclusive.
Maybe the graphics got the upgrade because they finally decided not to go multi with this one. (And don't tell me it was always exclusive, that could have been reversed at any time)
Does anyone remember the hype surrounding Legend of Dragoon back in the day? We kept hearing about how the FMV/CGI would be "just like a movie" and all that…and when it came out, we weren't entirely let down.
…look at it now, and see how far we've come in just over a decade. It's nuts.
Legend of Dragoon was beautiful!
The pre-rendered backgrounds are some of the bests out of the ps1 era. Still looks great
Still one of my favorite rpgs
But yes, game's nowadays look almost like FMVs…at least the high quality ones like Killzone 2, Uncharted2, etc.
Imagine another 10 years…
Im excited to see what games my kids will be playing. My dad talks about the "good old days" playing River Raid on his Atari 2600 with my grandfather. Things have come a long way since then. Though i do have a 2600 hooked up downstairs 😉
Yeah u right I would love to see wat LOD 2 look like HD and using cell processor
I love that game so much…. But I was maybe 8 when I got it, so I can't say I remember any hype but I definitely remember thinking how amazing the graphics were.
I'm looking forward to this one more than XIII. A new Kingdom Hearts would also be badass.
Just imagine Kingdom Hearts in HD…….
(just do it)
Last edited by hellish_devil on 12/23/2009 4:56:26 PM
This will probably be my favorite game this gen cause its a action rpg.
I can't wait for this . Ever since I saw the first couple of trailers , I have been eagerly waiting for more info about the gameplay and story . The dark tone and the near future setting make it more interesting than FF XIII , in my opinion . Plus the music in the trailers was so epic . Opera > Leona Lewis .
I so hope this is true. Also, I hope it's KH3!
I more excited about this game than FF XIII, it just hasn't got me very excited like versus has.
Well that just made my life a whole lot easier!
Thanks Tetsuya Nomura (Tetzy Nom-nom)! He's the man.
I'm also part of the group that find this somewhat more exiting than FFXIII for some reason. I just really don't know why.. am I that much of a fanboy?
No you're not. FF XIII feels like a commercial product but FF vs XIII feels like a proper game
Oh yeah I also like the sound of another 'Dark' Final Fantasy, bring on the Black Magic I say.
yea, thats till M$ come in with that briefcase SE love so much!
ill wait and see.
o what the heck, i call BS!
SE are the last people i trust thats for sure.
a promise with the devil is worth much much more than 10 words from SE.
I'm excited for both! It's funny how so many people prejudge the characters because they look a certain way. This is a video game for Christ's sakes, just because he/she looks a certain way doesn't mean that he/she will act the way that he/she looks. I'm just saying. Did you even ask yourself the reason for them acting so? Not all people are quiet types with no emotion simply because they like acting so. Maybe they had a tragic past that led them to being that way or some life-changing moment that forced them to alter their true selves to adapt to a ruthless and unforgiving world. There are many possibilities.
I just don't like it when people indulge in prejudice. Sorry for the rant.
Usually, when a character looks creppy, he is creepy. I mean, I would imagine the guy from FFversusXIII acting like Tidus, or Crash Bandicoot
Last edited by hellish_devil on 12/23/2009 4:59:15 PM
hellish_devil: …what? lol. I doubt he's going to go running around with his tongue sticking half way out of his mouth and he definitely knows how to use a sword, too. He doesn't seem anything like Tidus or Crash Bandicoot, the creators even said that they were keeping him from being an emotional character, one of their favorite things about Noctis.
sorry man, I meant to write "I wouldn't imagine" but I typed "I would imagine" lol
… Kingdom… Hearts… 3… !!!…
Bring home the bacon Tetzy Nom-nom.
Kingdom…Hearts…3. Don't ever utter those words again! This game and its' disappearance brings forth a situation where you ask a girl out on a date only to find out she's a no-show! Truly heartbreaking! This has never happened to me but I can only imagine the pain.
Since a few revelations about FFXIII now have me completely ignoring the game. I can now avert my "FF Alertness" part of my brain to FFvsXIII early. Huzzah!
Square Enix always seem to know how to push what can be done graphically which is great. But after seeing some of the summons from FFXIII I'm hoping Versus does not go down the same road. All this nonsense about them being able to turn into vehicles and crap has just made me cautious over what used to be a day one purchase for me. I see myself renting rather than owning it and if Versus ends up using the same silly summons as much as I'd like to support an exclusive I'd end up renting that too…but here's hoping it's not!
The only game I want more than Versus XIII is God of War III.
I'm just going to say it…
I didn't like FFVII. I do not understand why everyone thinks its this awesome great thing, and that it needs to be remade. I get the characters, i understand the story (as much as that is possible), and I know the importance it had in video game history, but remaking that one of all of them? I feel there are other games much more worthy (although less likely) of a remake. Such as Xenogears.
Still, I hope they don't make a FFVII remake, because I feel that it is done, and they should leave it as it is. They can try to improve it, but that might upset people. But for me, FFVI was the best FF title, although X and XII are both awesome, and XIII looks badass!
Last edited by CptGreedle on 12/25/2009 1:45:29 AM