We've known for a while now that Sony is planning to institute a premium subscription for the PlayStation Network, although we remind you again that the basic service – including full online access for playing games – will remain free.
A recent market survey shows us some of the ideas Sony is currently toying with, and a lot of these features might be very well worth the price of admission. I mean, read what we might be getting for a nominal fee: exclusive in-game content is almost always a bonus, one-hour game trials sounds totally bad-ass, unrestricted access to the inventory of PSP Minis and PS1 classics, and oh yes, you may have noticed the mention of cross-game chat in that survey. However, most will agree that the latter option should come standard with any PSN membership; we really shouldn't have to pay extra for that one. But for the benefit of other rewards and extras, including music sharing, early access to Store content, cloud storage space for games, loyalty program rewards, and even Netflix access without the currently required disc…well, it could very well make our PSN experience that much better. The cost? Well, they're looking at three subscription models, starting at $29.99/year and ending with the top option at $69.99/year.
You know, this could really separate the PSN from Xbox Live, which already forces you to pay for a variety of options and features that aren't anywhere near as intriguing, in my opinion. We're hoping to see some official news on these Sony premium subscriptions some time very soon…
Fluffer, good sense as always.
Sadly I think this comments section (and the one recently discussing game piracy) is a case of the culture of entitlement strikes again.
We are all commenting on speculation at this point, but there is a good beef for consumers based on the ideas being floated.
And it is Sony's fault because they CHOSE to undercut the 360 by offering their online services for free. Had Sony offered even a token subscription service at launch, then this would be a moot point. They didn't and now they run the risk of ticking off a lot of people depending on how this subscription service shakes out.
If this premium service is a more robust Qore, I couldn't care less. But if Sony is going to give premium users special system features, again with the exception of cloud storage–I see this more of a luxury that would bring a sustained cost to Sony, then it would be a problem.
Since Nov. 17, 2006, Sony has been busy building its PS3 online and features infrastructure to catch up to its main competitor. The firmware updates were applied across the board to EVERY PS3 owner. Now to have a situation where some owners get system features, let's take in-game chat for example, would not be right.
As much as consumers can't expect everything to be free, companies cannot expect to charge customers for everything. Just as consumer have a choice to buy a system, Sony has the choice to make a system. They chose to make a system with free online and system offerings.
Look at it this way, how would you feel if your favorite restaurant started charging you for water? Or gas stations added surcharges to use the nozzle to pump your gas?
Dude, look at what you're saying. You think gaming is somehow doing something that other industries don't do.
Restaurants didn't always charge for water and some still don't. But they also didn't charge for a wedge of lemon, and now they do. They didn't offer bottled water, for which they can charge for and now, some ONLY offer bottled water. I.e., you can't even get water without paying for it.
You think the music industry doesn't do this? You think movies don't do this? The industry that charges three times more for a ticket than it did 25 years ago, and yet, most all theaters still use that same 25-year-old technology with the same freakin' seats and same crappy sound?
You think your cable company isn't going to charge you for adding new channels and new services? They'll just slip it in all stealthily like in your next bill and unless you complain, you might not be able to get rid of it.
You think structural changes in your insurance (health, auto, etc.) policies won't alter how much you have to pay? No, you didn't do anything different but your monthly payment has changed for the worse.
These things HAPPEN, my friend. It's called…the world.
That's my point exactly B Dukat. Companies only see us as dollar signs. Their bottom line is driving up profits to give to shareholders. Granted, that is the goal of a for-profit entity, but is that the right way to do business?
As for your music and movie comparison, that is why more and more people are going online and downloading the content for free.
If corporate America took more time to be upfront and honest with consumers, then maybe folks would be more willing to buy into their product offerings without expecting the world for pennies on the dollar.
Companies cannot have it both ways, something that consumers have always known.
Speaking like someone who doesn't really understand the nature of business. 😉
My family has owned their own business for 27 years. I and many other members of the family are self-employed. Maybe you're not aware what this entails (far more hours spent at work than anyone else, 15% self-employment tax that goes on TOP of income tax, quarterly taxes, a never-ending battle against liberal-minded idiot labor boards, etc.), but I suggest not complaining about "corporate America" when many of the people you're accusing of not being sensitive to the "average joe" are under more stress than you've ever wanted to imagine.
The entire world is looking for handouts, in my opinion. Nothing is anyone's fault and the phrases, "it wasn't my fault" and "that's not my job" need to die. Those who wish to progress don't complain; they do. I'm not saying you're one of these people, I'm saying that not everyone in business is a multi-million-dollar CEO. In fact, 99.9% aren't. 40,000 new businesses are forced to close their doors each year. The ones that don't, you apparently don't like because they make money.
The bottom line is that to complain like this accuses the consumer of being retarded. It says they all pay for things they don't want. As far as I can see, nothing here is mandatory. It's all optional and if people pay for it, how exactly is the business at fault…?
Have you guys met my friend Joe the Plumber? I'm sure he'd like to say a few things.
I understand why people are upset that this isn't free. That's cause PSN is supposed to be all free. People probably bought the PS3, under the impression that all future stuff are free, (even the stuff they never dream of) are meant to be free. All of a sudden, Sony draws the line, and say this is as far as we go when it comes to freebies. So gamers get upset.
I'm not a hardcore gamer, I am happy with all the current free stuff. The PS1 titles will never be free, so paying a fee to get access to them is reasonable.
Stuff like the 1 hour trial is a bit crazy. It's nothing more than a demo, except that in demos, they select the best scenes of the game for you to try. Imagine playing an RPG, but spending the 1st trial hour just to setup the character names and watching the opening scene… then (to be continued)
Give me the options to pay for what I want, and I'll be a happy man.
that's the best idea I've heard so far
Hmmm. I mostly like it but I'm never going to sign up, that's what the Xbox 360 is for 😉
Quite an uproar?
Don't like the idea to pay, never liked to pay for anything except for some DLC, PS1 titles. But that's about it.
I hope Cross-Game chat and other firmware updates like that will remain free.
The bottom line is: you're not being charged to play games online with your friends. That's the only really important issue here.
You guys are wasting your breath trying to explain your argument. There are just some people that aren't happy unless they are complaining.
Perfect example..my last job gave everyone a significant raise a couple of years back. The percentage they gave turned out where almost everyone got a 99 cent raise. Amazing right? There were still people calling the company cheap..their reasoning..they should have given everyone a penny more and made it a 1.00 raise.
I agree with everything you guys are stating. I said before that I would not pay for a premium service. That is my choice. I am not mad that Sony is going this route and it doesn't undermine their stance towards online play being free. I'm out!
Good enough for me. Don't want it, don't get it. No bother.
This idea still bugs me that the fact Sony is going to charge preminum for other stuff but still this stuff won't matter, but maybe in the future they will start getting more funky little ideas could well change PSN in to an XBL
I'm only giving suggestions as to what they should be offering. If they are going to offer premium services then they should offer stuff that will better the PSN, not 1 hour demos.
Just dawned on me. If youâre going to offer a âPremiumâ PSN experienceâ¦..would that include unlimited access to âPremiumâ avatars?
Yeah, some people are just spoiled. As Arvis and rogers71 and the other logical people have said, if you don't want it, don't buy it! They're not forcing this content down our throats as some people are making this seem. They are merely providing us with the OPTION of purchasing this material for those that want it. Those of you who are whining because this isn't free really need to understand what they are already doing for us, for FREE, and put a lid on the whining bottle you possess. The free stuff they have already given us is enough for me and a lot of other people out there. While 360 owners are dishing out cash for their timely online subscriptions, we are saving that and putting it toward other things. So, those of you spoiled people who feel like Sony is trying to pull a fast one on you, just remember, there is an option presenting itself and only by your consent can they charge you for the premium service. Like almost any other premium service out there, you have to agree to it. So what's the uproar about? I fail to see the dynamic issue that boasts it's whereabouts here. This is clearly a misunderstanding by the people who feel they are being cheated.
As many times as the PS3 Dies That would be the least of my concern. Until the PS3 Is HALF as good as the PS2 on stability as far as Dieing or YL'ting That is the last thing I wanna do is pay my Repair fee for 2 years of a premium account that I may never see complete use out of before my 4th system dies yet again. Which it is I can already See the same patterns starting, Graphical Items appearing that Shouldnt be and Constant Freezing, Mark another Dead ps3, soon…..soon.
LOL ! $69.99 is a bit steep ! I think Sony should price the premium services between $19.99 and $49.99 !
With that $69.99 package I hope it includes a free one time repair for the faulty PS3 systems Sony still sells !
I've owned a PS1, PS2 and I have a 60GB PS3 ! I've spent more time sending my consoles to Sony's repair center than I have playing them !
Come on Sony you're going to charge for cross-game chatting ! That's absurd !
Last edited by phade2blaq on 12/25/2009 12:39:49 PM