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The Holiday Season: Egg Nog And Gaming Gifts

First of all, let me just say that egg nog is the greatest drink ever invented. And if you don't agree, that's simply because you've never had good nog. Thick, creamy, delicious…non of this watery, milky crap.

That being said, you should have a cup of egg nog in your hand while you read this and I'm all sorts of serious. Go get one. I'll wait. …if you have to drive somewhere first to get some, I'll wait longer.

Done? Cool.

So anyway, you're probably hoping to receive some gaming-related gifts this year and if you are, you should probably be aware that it's once again the time for possible conversion . Oh yes, the time when togetherness and good cheer open the door for a non-gamer to, wonder of wonders, become a full-fledged gamer right before your very eyes. For most, it's the girlfriend or significant other who has always tolerated your hobby, and perhaps even feigned a bit of interest here and there. But in reality, she's never done more than glance at the screen as she walks through the room, despite the fact that you know there are certain games she would enjoy. There's just such a massive variety available these days; it'd be impossible for her to dislike them all .

And besides, isn't that whole Blu-Ray angle the perfect way to get a PS3 into your home if you don't already have one? I see all these gift giving holiday guides everywhere, and not surprisingly, the PS3 is a hot item even amongst the non-gamers. Remember that Uncharted 2 commercial where the hot girlfriend keeps watching the game 'cuz she thinks it's a movie? Wouldn't it be bad-ass if she started playing soon after? Isn't that what you've always wanted? Well, take a chance and pick up something like LittleBigPlanet for the lil' lady; it may not be diamond earrings but attach a note that says, "you'll love it, I promise." I have yet to find a girl who wasn't at least intrigued by the ridiculously cute Sackboy; that character is like chick catnip. But this is only one example; there are many ways you could shift someone's gaze to the gaming world, and all you need is a bit of ingenuity.

But if she is expecting diamond earrings and she gets LBP instead, you can't blame me. You dug your own grave, Mr. Cheapo. Maybe a copy of LBP in addition to…

What, the picture? Oh, that's just my gift to you. Sorry, I couldn't wrap it.

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15 years ago

Real Egg Nog has Rum in it Ben. So dont tell me about good stuff until you had the real stuff. LOL.

I dont like sharing my gaming time. I just got Frogger on the PSN and the old PS1 version and thats all my wife wants to play. Meanwhile I'm in the middle of 4 different games I'm trying to finish before I get Indigo Prophecy next week. Cant wait until she goes back to school in three weeks.

Last edited by Deadman on 12/17/2009 10:00:51 PM

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

No, you just destroyed REAL egg nog with something that was never supposed to be there. Look it up. 🙂

15 years ago

Sharing game time was the determining factor for my STEALTH (that's slim to you) PS3 w/500GB HDD purchase! Im in the living room with my 55" HDTV and she's in the bedroom happy with the 42" HDTV and 250 GB launch model PS3. Peace at last!!!

15 years ago

I have to agree that Egg Nog is the best thing to happen to humans since sex, and I must protest the rum idea. If any type of alcohol is to go in egg nog it is brandy but actual homemade egg nog just pure and delicious is it. Absolutely it. Damn gonna have to pick up the stuff to do that now.

15 years ago

This is true…..there is no greater joy than getting laid at the Eggnog factory.

Last edited by Hezzron on 12/18/2009 12:36:14 AM

15 years ago

Coverton, the best thing to happen to humankind since sex was in fact…more sex. Eggnog is a distant third on that list…


15 years ago


I can't believe no one caught the fact that you plan to get "IP" next week! You are seriously backlogged huh? LOL I played that like 4 years ago!

15 years ago

Bad part about it is I had to get it for the XBOX they wanted $12 and up used for PS2 and $2 and up new for the Box so being a bagain hunter I went with new and cheaper.I just wanted to see what QD was about before I laid down for Heavy Rain. One of the games I missed.

Not too backlogged only got SotC, Shooter, Watchmen, and, Cod: Classic finish.

I looked it up Ben and youre right Rum was not meant to go in the Nog but it did become an American tradition so Viva America!

@Coverton Brandy is good, but try your homemade with a good spcied rum like Captain Morgan Tatoo, then add the nutmeg or cinnamon to your liking made right you cant taste the alcohol.

Last edited by Deadman on 12/19/2009 7:31:44 PM

Lex Luthor
Lex Luthor
15 years ago


Better late than never…

15 years ago

What, the picture? Oh, that's just my gift to you. Sorry, I couldn't wrap it.

Nice gift Ben, but somebody wrapped them in red and white when you weren't looking. It must have been the Grinch trying to ruin the holidays for everyone.

15 years ago

Oh, I don't know I like that red wrapping, it's very well done, and some of the wrapping is quite tight. More bows would be nice though…


15 years ago

Using sex to bring in the hits … that's mah boy!

Last edited by Alienange on 12/17/2009 10:16:52 PM

15 years ago

I wish they would sell egg nog all year.

15 years ago

Is Little Big Planet not a Diamond? In the rough maybe? Maybe not. I guess for most it would need to be presented properly. Make it so the intrigue makes her look past the fact that it a game. It is a pastime. A fun hobby. Obviously there is something more to it if it has become a billion dollar industry. Lucky for me my significant other is also a gamer so I don't need to justify my addiction. So a well thought choice in a game is always appreciated. Can't substitute Diamonds with a game though! The shape of the gift wrapped box under the tree alone will give it away. You'll be in trouble before it even gets unwrapped! And speaking of unwrapping… The red quartet in the pic I would unwrap in oh so many ways! Shhhhh!…

15 years ago

Is it just me or do those clothes look photoshopped on? Either way, thanks Ben.Have a good one.

15 years ago

Are those Tiger Woods's girls? He like-a de blondes.

Here is my gift to you Ben.

Last edited by psxmax on 12/17/2009 10:39:54 PM

15 years ago

Diamonds are for suckers. I bought my Fiancee LBP last year for christmas and she loved it. I'm a lucky dude.

15 years ago

That picture really made me look forward to christmas even more because of chick in Santa costume!!

15 years ago

"I wish they would sell egg nog all year."
^ +1
I work in a freezer so I've had a bit of snow the entire year anyway. So I loled at the intro, but theres only cheap stuff sold close to me so it takes a bit of that famous old spiced.

I would unwrap in oh so many ways!
^ +infinity

Last edited by Nerull on 12/17/2009 11:19:32 PM

15 years ago

Egg Nog… The drink of champions they call it!

15 years ago

Never has HO, HO, HO, HO been more appropriate.

15 years ago

Hoping to get New Super Mario Brothers and ACII under the tree.

15 years ago

If I were to buy LBP for my wife, I'd be drinking my nog in the dog house. She'd be suspicious it's a decoy gift for myself.

The Blu-Ray angle is great, until they actually do want to use it for movies, which cuts into my gaming time!

Festivus for the rest of us!

15 years ago

In reference to the picture, I like my presents unwrapped. (kidding)

15 years ago

Kidding? Why would you be kidding?

Give in to your baser instincts!

15 years ago

I live in Florida and it's been pretty warm so not many people have been in the Christmas mood including me……….and I have to be in the mood to want egg nog. =

15 years ago

I think it's the opposite, the egg nog is suppose to put you in the mood dude.

15 years ago

Not for me. I have to be in the christmas mood to want it and I haven't been in that mood this year……..damn warm weather. ;

15 years ago

Naughty pic. They aren't getting any gifts for X-mas. But since I've been quite the nice-guy this year, I could squeeze in a little naughty-time with-em! Hehe…naw I'm not that shallow. Anyways, I prefer implantless chicks.

15 years ago

Lol, lucky for me my gf loves gaming 🙂 but hates playing games with me because she loses 🙁 i know i know i should try to let her win but it's like "nnnooooo! i can't give in, must, win, them, all!"

15 years ago

You have to find the middle ground of not beating her, and playing games that she does not so you don;t have to worry about beating her. I've ruined a couple of games for my wife by beating her in them. The thing is, I've been gaming for 30 years, and she'd only picked it up in the last 5 years or so, so it's not really surprising if I know a few game mechanics better than she does. However there is no way to make her feel better about being beaten in a game she played before I did.

15 years ago


For a minute there I didn't recognize you with your Barbie avatar. Is everything okay? j/k

You probably know this already, but I just found all the Highlander episodes on Hulu.

15 years ago

LOL! She's not a Barbie…

15 years ago


I believe that all The Highlander series episodes are coming to BluRay starting with season 1 in February – though obviously not in high definition.

15 years ago

can i just say, about hot gaming girls, its pretty cool. i was at the playstation house tour, and they had some FIT girls inside, and they were pretty into god of war. they were better than we were. one mate was like "its wierd" i thought it was pretty cool. they're fit and into games and nice people. best of all worlds.

15 years ago

I've already done this, my girlfriend has played a few games in the past, but never could get into video games over all.

yet, She played through Uncharted 2 in two days, as well as playing some multiplayer matches. It may be very easy now to convince her to play more games in the future.

Thank you Uncharted 2!

15 years ago

It rules, doesn't it?

BTW Uncharted2 Multi-player matches over the Christmas weekend are double $$ matches, all $$s awarded are doubled.

15 years ago

May I ask what is Egg nog? I must know 😀

15 years ago

EggNog is a drink made from a boiled egg custard with nutmeg, a bit of cinnamon and a few other seasonal spices.

15 years ago

Ask your Grandma after she finishes watching her Bluray on your PS3.

15 years ago




Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

LOVE that commercial.

15 years ago

Ben, have you tried vanilla egg nog? Now that is really, really goood.

15 years ago

Plain boiled custard is very nice too, especially warmed and poured over apple pie or cake…MMmmmmmm……Cake….

15 years ago

You obviously aren't spanish because Coquito trumps EggNog in spades all day. It's everything you love about eggnog to the power of 10. It's made with regular bordens eggnog and a few special ingredients. condensed milk, creme of cocunut, cinammon, and oh yes…..Captain Morgans Spiced Rum.

Now that is eggnog friends, try it you will not be disappointed.

15 years ago

I love Coquito!!! My friend's parents make the best Coquito.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

No, I'm not Spanish but it certainly sounds good. I'll see if I can locate some. 🙂

fuk u
fuk u
15 years ago

nice pic of the hohoho girls.

fuk u
fuk u
15 years ago

is it all the same girl, or is the three to the left the same and the one on the right different? check that out… maybe im trip'n

Banky A
Banky A
15 years ago

Thanks for the picture Ben.
Loves it <3