Even though it won Most Anticipated game at the Spike TV VGAs and it's guaranteed to be a major blockbuster title, much of the recent hype has steered away from God of War III .
As is generally the case, the headlines have shifted to embrace more immediate action releases, like Bayonetta and Dante's Inferno . Both titles are getting plenty of praise, so perhaps you're wondering how the GoWIII developers are processing this information. Well, they're hardly deviating from the path and instead of taking a few potshots at the competition, they're taking a classier route and simply giving us an encouraging update. According to a recent entry at his personal blog , SCEA Lead Game Animator Bruno Velazquez says we shouldn't worry; they haven't forgotten about the fans:
"Let me go ahead and make one thing clear: we have not forgotten about the GOW fans. The last few months the entire team has been putting many late hours working very hard in polishing the game to make it the best possible. The reason why we do this is because we are passionate about making a great game for all you guys out there that are patiently waiting for GOW3. I understand that next year we will have lots of competition with games like Bayonetta, Darksiders, Dante’s Inferno, and Castlevania but we all we can do is worry about making our game good and making it a fitting end to the trilogy…
I will leave you guys with the fact that currently that the game is fully playable from beginning to end and we have had various playtests already with people from the outside. We have already gotten tons of feedback. Every boss battle and every enemy is in the game. We are just focusing on polishing and making adjustments and changes to places that are needed in the game. I want to assure you guys that the game is on track and we cannot wait to get it in your hands next March."
However…did anyone notice that "fitting end to the trilogy" bit? Er…don't you dare take GoW away from us! We want more installments!
Related Game(s): God of War III
I'm Sold they had me at G..3
I hope they didn't forget about The Last Guardian either
That's Sony Japan
I finished GOW II the other day and all I can say is March can't come soon enough. I'm so looking forward to getting this game. Releasing GOW collection was a smart move.
I think I'm only half way through GoW2. I just forced the translator to read from that book before meeting the 1st sister. I'm enjoying 2 much more then 1.
Who needs heavy metal to bang your head when you could get the God of War to do it for you.
Last edited by tes37 on 12/17/2009 10:19:53 PM
I just finished GoW2 recently for the first time and I'm pumped for GoW3.
@ Jawknee
You're pretty much at the end game by the way.
Nah, theres still a bit to go. The sisters that show up after dealing with the translators are just apparitions, the actual sisters come in a bit later. I'd say theres a couple more hours left in the game.
I'm kinda glad i waited until now to play God of War. They are pretty fun and I'm glad I got to play them for my very 1st time in the best possible way I could.
Blue Ray is king!
I'm buying 3 for sure. After im finished with FFXIII.
Agreed 100%.
No problem. They said fitting end to the series, not fitting end to Kratos.
Kratos has been such a great introduction to gaming
Bold, strong, powerful!
If there's one thing I love 'bout GOW is the environments. They really give you a movie quality feel/look. GOWIII will make movies look outdated.
Lastly, can't wait to try out the new weapons
I never stop looking forward to it. The demos still fun even after watching it in the previews long before I got it.
Dantes Inferno plays well too (+CS) don't get me wrong but I've been waiting for the continuation of that cliffhanger for too long. They can continue the series after Kratos though. He's nice as far as deranged badasses go but I prefer long hair to baldies.
Still don't know why the gods' royal guard are undead tho? Not all of them can work for hades.
But the thing I love is how Kratos has become such a posterboy for Sony… and then looking at mario. We're ripping heads off in glorius goreshowers… and they're still jumpin on their turtles. It's fun but you gotta get the good mushrooms.
"We're ripping heads off in glorius goreshowers… and they're still jumpin on their turtles."
Hey, no Mario hate allowed. That is like face palming Santa, or baby Jesus. It's not couth. =)
i nailed that 500 hit combo trophy on the GoW collection it wasnt as hard as i thought it would be cant wait to get 3
My highest combo is 620. I forgot which part of GoW2 I got it in.
I was able to get that trophy also, but failed to get the 100 or 200 hit combo in GOW I.
There's a secret website revealed if you can get a one-million hit combo in GOW2.
You serious?! ;o
Edit: Gullible ftl
Last edited by OtisFeelgood on 12/17/2009 11:35:15 PM
my best so far was a 700 hit combo in gow2 and i dunno in gow 1 but i got the 100 & 200 hit trophy, easiest way to do either, in gow 1 spam the poseidon's rage against enemies (after you get the plus spinning o attack upgrade for it), and in gow 2, the electric attack that you can do for like 3 times? just keep spamming that, lol, attack while it's going on obviously, except for gow 1 =o
i got tht 1,000,000 hit combo…well actually 999,999, one of the bosses cant be hurt with ur blades while blocking and u just attack him for about an hour and eventually u get 999,999 and a secret website
edit: this is in GoW:II
Last edited by newchef on 12/18/2009 9:40:54 AM
Ben, GOW will definitely has to end, who would Kratos fight after killing Zeus and become the next Lord of Olympus?
All we can hope for is another game that's similar to GOW.
It is rather sad this will be the final installment in the series but hey, THE END BEGINS!
Im sure the dev team will keep making amazing games, just maybe not GoW. We wouldnt want this to turn into Halo where they milk the franchise after the trilogy is complete.
"GOW will definitely has to end" <- NO! Don't say that! =(
end to the trilogy.
ive got a funny feeling kratos, zues all the gods end up getting destroyed.
well they did say by the end of GOW3 you will know why greek mythology ended.
ive got a hunch, im 100% positive GOW aint going nowhere, the next game will be about kratos brother.
watch the videos in GOW think it is, they speak about kratos as a child and how his brother was sent to the woods and now hates kratos.
im expecting they will make the next game about him getting his revenge or something along those lines.
GOW is far to popular a series to end now, its like M$ ending halo now, or nintendo ending mario now.
and we all know both of those are going to be with us for at least another 5 years.
dont ya recognize me, etzio?
its a me, MARIO!
surprised ubisoft has not been sued yet.
on a completley unrelated topic EB just added the ultimate GOW collection to their site, with a march 18th release date.
Alien V predator has been passed with a MA rating.
left for dead 2 is not suitable for MA but AVP is?
if that does not warrant a WHAT THE FU**!!!!!!!
than nothing does.
actually it's not like either of those. Halo is an entirely too milked franchise that honestly doesn't deserve it beyond halo 2, and mario is milked being all belief to the point that it's almost sad, you don't see kratos driving around in a kart shooting thunder bombs or leaving arms around for people to slip on do you?
"The End begins…"
Last edited by Perry Katy on 12/18/2009 12:16:23 AM
Time to Finish the Fight? lol what…
I'm sort of displeased they're ending it but also kind of relieved. When one tries to elongate something it will eventually tear. It's best to end something at it's peak than to continue something until it falls. That's just my opinion though.
Australia didn't get God of War Collection. That made me so sad and kinda angry.
Then Gametraders started importing it. I picked it up first day they got a fresh box of them in.
Thank God of War that the PS3 isn't region coded. I am so envious of you American gamers. You get everything first, in higher amounts and a little cheaper. It must rock being a gamer over there.
also we don't have a fgt saying we can't play mature games
"also we don't have a fgt saying we can't play mature games " <- Yeah we do, his name is Jack Thompson. lol
LOL! NA envious of Japanese gamers. They get everything first.
no if you buy the ultimate collection, exclusive to EB the god of war collection comes with it.
or just import it like i did.
but since AVP got passed, maybe this has a chance of getting through after all.
Ive been a fan ever since the first one came out on ps2 i think they r epic games and one of my favs of all time cant wait to see what happens in the end story wise
I cant wait, playing the collection now and loving it. So Ben, what happened to the gow 3 demo on the Jap store back in Nov? That never materialized did it.
March 2010. Enough said.
I'm so pumped for this game I can't even be bothered to check out the "competition" that is Bayonetta and Dante's Inferno. Castlevania? I'm paying attention to it's development but I'd frankly be more excited for the true SOTN sequel we never got.
Playing the collection right now. Need 2 more trophies to be complete for I and just killed Euryale in II so I'm on my way happily again.
Any how one of the reasons that I play games is to experience those 'wow' moments in games, be it in design, story, etc. Lots of games have given me that but by far GoW is up there in that department. Looking forward to March 10.
well, with the quality of Dante's Inferno, Bayonetta, Darksiders, Lords of Shadow, it is hard to say GOW3 is better at another level; on the other hand, if we say GOW3 is the winner of all the above mention titles, it does not mean the other titles are less awesome or not significant, i would rather say they are all awesome jaw dropping biggest action titles this gen– all of them are great, and not one can single out from the remaining. such is my feeling this time around.
Last edited by BigBoss4ever on 12/19/2009 3:26:01 AM