The first Final Fantasy installment on the PS3 will drop like an atomic bomb on the game world, if history is any indication. We all remember the release of Final Fantasy VII for the PS1 and Final Fantasy X for the PS2, so just imagine the impact No. 13 will have on the PS3…
To kick off the new year, it appears we may have some early in-game shots and preliminary info regarding Square-Enix's guaranteed-blockbuster title. First off, as you may or may not know, Lightning should be the main character. That could be a nickname for the game's heroine, but those of you who saw the trailer last year will recognize her immediately.
Then there's the summon creature, Shiva, certainly familiar to fans of the franchise. In this shot, she appears sitting astride what seems to be another animal. We're not sure what it means, but it certainly looks pretty.
While you're visiting those two screenshots, check out the others we just added: a mysterious man with a bandana and a sweet-looking airship of some kind are included. Lookin' good so far, Squeenix!
Related Game(s): Final Fantasy XIII