True 3D gaming and movie-viewing is right around the corner and although you PS3 owners still need a TV that can handle this advanced technology, you've already got the correct Blu-Ray player.
According to CVG , the Blu-Ray Disc Association has confirmed that as far as 3D is concerned, the PlayStation 3 is ready to go. It's already capable of playing two full 1080p streams – one per eye – and this should allow the PS3 to be the lead Blu-Ray platform for 3D viewing, be it games or movies. Said BDA boss Victor Matsuda:
"Throughout this year, movie goers have shown an overwhelming preference for 3-D when presented with the option to see a theatrical release. In 2009 we saw Blu-ray firmly establish itself as the most rapidly adopted packaged media format ever introduced. We think the broad and rapid acceptance Blu-ray Disc already enjoys with consumers will be a factor in accelerating the uptake of 3-D in the home."
On the flip side, all the non-gamers who purchased a standalone BD player might be a touch annoyed, as it has also been confirmed that not all players are automatically 3D-ready. So we've already got a head start on this fancy new technology that will bring video worlds to life before our very eyes, and that's just another bonus attributed to Sony's machine. Not that I particularly care about playing Avatar in 3D…but I might want to see the movie in 3D.
I just read a seriously, head shakingly, biased story at Basically the story goes that Final Fantasy is Sony's last chance because…the folks know nothing about games?
Anyway, here is the link.
It still amazes me that some in the mainstream media continue to be so openly biased and just plain wrong.
Last edited by TheHighlander on 12/17/2009 3:49:42 PM
Cant beleav people still saying that about PS3 & Sony….
It Only Does Everything…including…slaping all tha haters in tha face & proving them wrong.
It only does everything eh? I'm not even gonna go into details on whats missing
I love sony because they're not in your face. They're not blatantly trying to make their competition look bad; they let the products they expose to the market and the public do all the talking. Even their new slogan for the PS3; it only does everything. It's completely a contradicting statement yet obviously a sarcastic one as well. Even when looking at their commercials, they don't give away all of the features of the PS3 and shove them in your face. They always implement their features through jokes and such without really forcing anything on the audience. They are better than they play their cards is what I'm trying to say.
i really hope they find out some way to make it possible to use older TVs to get the 3D effect.
our TV downstairs is on its way out, so hopefully sony hurry the %$#@ up and gets 3D TVs out before it goes, and maybe if there not too expensive ill buy one to replace that one.
but theres no way in hell its going to last another year.
this along with motion controls are just a gimmick, they will ware off quickly.
search Philips 3D TV – 3D WOWvx Display
is a 3dtv that doesn't require glasses
i recently saw a video of graturismo 5 played on 3D 1080p. i gotta say i was buying a 47" or 55" led tv but I'm going to wait until next year. the more kaz delays GT5 the more i'll wait to purchase a new tv hopefully i can buy an affordable 3DTV ready by then.
Isn't it already outselling?
You know, I hate the "It only does everything" saying. It doesn't do everything, it would need backwards compatibility for that. I have the 60 GB Launch model that has it, and I love it. But you can't sit there and say it does everything when you take out a feature I'm sure some of us would love to keep. Just my two cents.
I don't really care about 3D movies and games all that much, but if I ever spark an interest for it, it's great to know that I've got a system that will handle that. Just another middle finger towards the XBox, lol. I'm so glad I'm a Playstation fan, otherwise I would have to be one of the XBox fans that say 3D movies and gaming is stupid and useless because an XBox can't do it, lol.
I don't see myself buying a new 3d capable display in the near future, but there's no denying that 3D IS the future, both in gaming and movies so it's great that Sony and the PS3 is ahead of the curve on this.
REAL 3-D gaming could become THE defining difference between the PS3 and 360 in the coming years once 3-d enabled TV's become available!
I too recently purchased a Mitsubishi 3D Ready DLP.
Mine's a 65" and cost 1 cent under $1k.
Haven't had a chance to try my "3D Vision" shutter glasses on it yet but by all accounts it rocks. If you've seen Avatar in 3D, I can say "3D Vision" is equal to it in 3D quality. Maybe even a little more pronounced since Cameron dialed back the 3D effect somewhat in the movie.