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Trophy Listing For Final Fantasy XIII

While some of you don't put much stock in Trophies, I know a lot of you out there really strive to snag every last one you can get. And if you're an RPG fan, you know you want that Platinum for Final Fantasy XIII .

Well, what appears to be at least a partial list has arrived on the Internet; I only say "partial" because European site PS3 Sense is labeling these as "Secret Trophies" and on top of which, there are only 16. However, what's throwing me for a loop is that the Platinum Trophy is also labeled "Secret," which either means there are two Platinums for the game, or the "Secret" bit is due to a screwy translation. But anyway, the Bronzes all have you mastering various roles – which I assume to be Classes in the game – so you have to work your way through and become an expert at each "role:" Attacker, Blaster, Defender, Jammer, Enhancer, and Healer. The silvers are definitely a challenge, as these 3 require you to deal over 100,000 HP worth of damage to an enemy, take down a behemoth (those damn behemoths!), and yes, even learn all abilities "to the fullest." The Golds? Oh, not much; just one for collecting every last weapon and accessory in the game and one for gaining "the complete knowledge of 100 different enemies." Yeah, well, as far as I'm concerned, all of this will be time well spent, and that's that.

Although I'm not a Trophy fanatic, when it comes to FF, I will surely become one. I also wonder if this is the complete Trophy list or these truly are "secret." But I guess we'll just sit in a "wait and see" situation for now…

Related Game(s): Final Fantasy XIII

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15 years ago

I've never been into collecting Trophies but I have a strong feeling I will gather every single Trophy this game has to offer when I'm done with it.

15 years ago

These could be the 16 secret trophies for the game and then it will have about 16 to 24 more that are not secret. I have seen some games that have the platinum as a secret one. No game comes to mind but I know I have seen it.

EDIT: Never mind I see now. Those are the known trophies and there are 16 more that are secret and the platinum will be a secret one too, but they put it up because well, we all know the game will have a platinum trophy and we know the stipulation for getting it.

Last edited by coverton341 on 12/15/2009 10:06:27 PM

15 years ago

I only platinum the games that I truly love/respect. I have 8 total, for games like dead space, the uncharteds, resistance 2 and more recently God of War. People who rent Hannah Montana for an easy plat disturb me deeply.

15 years ago

haha, tell that to the world #1 guy who has 101 platinum trophies.

15 years ago

Sounds totally cool for trophy whores, all of mine will of course be by accident as usual. I ain't maxing anything, I just want to kick ass, take names, and experience the story, if I get that then let the trophies fall where they may.

15 years ago

Amen, you spoke my mind 🙂

15 years ago


15 years ago


15 years ago

This will be platinum number 3.

15 years ago

What have you Platinum'd before?

I can't get platinum on anything cause I generally don't have the time to play through a game multiple times to get everything there is. And if they add ridiculous online challenges then I pretty lose all interest in the platinum.

Take Dead Space – because I whipped out the flame thrower once, ONCE, before I knew about the One Gun trophy I didn't get it…. granted I would have to play through it on the Impossible difficulty to get the Epic Tier 3 Engineer, so I could do it then….but I don't know if I want to do all that. And I thought Zero-G Basketball sucked.

15 years ago

Ucharted 2 and ironically RE5. Ha. Those were easy. I'm 2 away on inFAMOUS. But I will get this one.

15 years ago

i have never payed attention to trophies before untill i played Demon's Souls, and i want to get platinum for it. and FF13 might be the second game that I want to go for platinum.

15 years ago

Sounds like a trophy list from hell.

15 years ago

I agree, but then again it's an FF title so I'd expect nothing less for the hardcore fans

15 years ago

Agreed. Although that one for collecting all the weapons in the game is a bitch. The weapons are upgradeable and the "spare parts" for upgrades are random drops from battles. I like a good challenge to get that rare trophy, but relying on luck for a gold is nearly as bad as some of those online trophies.

15 years ago

I should SO already have trophies for parts 1-9. Dammit.

15 years ago

I don't care about trophies at all. But if this game is as good as I'm thinking it will be, then it will be the first game I actually care about collecting them all on.

15 years ago

Gotta collect'em all huh! Well, I'm with World on this one. I'm no trophywhore. Just bring me an awesome experience and I'll be content.

15 years ago

the plats a secret trophy?
heaps of games have done this before, like resistance 2.
this is one game ill probably never plat.
i wished developers would make more trophies on skill based tasks instead of length based tasks.
like the 10000 competetive kills in resistance 2.
thats the only trophy keeping me from my plat.
i dont know about you but i dont have enough time to sit on the net 4 hours a day for several weeks just to get one friggin trophy.
trophies should reward skill, not having no life.

15 years ago

I think the Resistance 2 trophies were some of the most UNATTAINABLE of all time. You had to play DAYS online, both competitive and co-op to have a chance. It was fun to play online, but even I got bored LONG before I got those crazy trophies.

15 years ago

yea, i played resistance 2 online for like 4 hours a day for over a month.
seccond best MP game, first being killzone 2.
and i really dont like MP.

15 years ago

Besides FFXII I've spent hundreds of hours on each title since FFIV going through and collecting all the weapons and figuring out all the games have to offer. These trophies look fantastic imo. The 16 hidden trophies are most likely story related (hence why they are hidden) also, I've read on countless sites that some of the bronze trophies will unlock xmb themes of some sort. Pretty cool.

15 years ago

Yes it is. Fullest is the adjective form of the word full.

15 years ago

I'll give Geo the benefit of the doubt and assume he just mis-typed.

Fullest is (actually) the superlative form of the adjective "full".

The reason it can be used, depsite the fact that you'd think "full" already represents a completed state, is that "full" is also used in other senses (e.g., "abundant or voluminous"), so you can say "He had the fullest head of hair."

Sticklers might also prefer "most full", but "fullest" is acceptable.

Last edited by Fane1024 on 12/17/2009 4:41:27 PM

Banky A
Banky A
15 years ago

Final Fantasy never needed Trophy support to make me want to max out everything and have no life.

Trophy are awesome but they do for a fact (personally, at least) make a game less fun in the long run.

Oxymoron? You decide 😉
BTW I can't wait to Platinum FFXIII! Haha

15 years ago

LMAO @ Kowhoho. Maxing out ain't my thing, too much time, and i don't remember needing to. . .

15 years ago

I hope theres the "dodge 200 consecutive lighting bolts mini game!" ill surely break a few controllers out of frustration from getting hit at the 198th bolt. zzZZzzZ